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This report presents a study on the strain measurement of two simply supported beams made of
aluminum and stainless steel. The strain measurements were conducted using a BF 350 strain
gauge module and an Arduino Nano integrated with Arduino software. The primary objective of
this study was to compare the strain values obtained from the strain gauges with those obtained
from SolidWorks software and theoretical calculations.
The experimental setup involved attaching the BF 350 strain gauge modules to the beams and
subjecting them to controlled loading conditions. The Arduino Nano was used to collect and
process the strain data obtained from the strain gauges. The strain values were then compared
with the strain values simulated in SolidWorks software and calculated using theoretical
The results of the study indicated a close correlation between the strain values measured by the
BF 350 strain gauge modules and the values obtained from SolidWorks software and theoretical
calculations. Both the aluminum and stainless steel beams exhibited strain patterns consistent
with their respective material properties. The experimental data validated the accuracy and
reliability of the BF 350 strain gauge module and Arduino Nano for strain measurement in simply
supported beams.
The findings of this study have implications for structural analysis and material characterization.
The ability to accurately measure strain in real-time using the BF 350 strain gauge module and
Arduino Nano opens up possibilities for monitoring structural behavior and validating simulation
results. Further research and validation of the experimental setup are recommended to explore
its applicability in other material types and structural configurations.
Keywords: Strain measurement, BF 350 strain gauge module, Arduino Nano, Arduino software,
SolidWorks software, simply supported beam, aluminum, stainless steel.
Strain measurement is a critical aspect of material testing and structural analysis. Strain gauges
are commonly used for measuring strain in a variety of applications, ranging from aerospace to
civil engineering. The BF 350 strain gauge module is a popular choice due to its high sensitivity
and accuracy.
In this study, the strain measurements of two simply supported beams made of aluminum and
stainless steel were conducted using the BF 350 strain gauge module and an Arduino Nano
integrated with Arduino software. The objective of the study was to compare the strain values
obtained from the strain gauges with those obtained from SolidWorks software and theoretical
Theoretical calculations provide an initial estimate of the strain values that can be expected in a
given material under a specific load. SolidWorks software offers an opportunity to simulate the
behavior of a material under a range of loading conditions. However, experimental validation is
crucial to verify the accuracy of these estimates and simulations.
The experimental setup involved subjecting the simply supported beams to controlled loading
conditions while monitoring the strain using the BF 350 strain gauge module and Arduino Nano.
The collected strain data was processed using Arduino software and compared with the strain
values obtained from SolidWorks software and theoretical calculations.
The findings of this study have implications for material characterization and structural analysis.
The ability to accurately measure strain in real-time using the BF 350 strain gauge module and
Arduino Nano opens up possibilities for monitoring structural behavior and validating simulation
results. The study also highlights the importance of experimental validation in material testing and
structural analysis.
Related theory:
Strain measurement:
Strain measurement plays a vital role in various fields, including materials science, structural
engineering, and mechanical testing. Accurate and reliable strain measurement is essential for
understanding the mechanical behavior of materials and assessing the integrity and performance
of structures. Strain gauges are widely used as a popular method for measuring strain due to
their versatility and high sensitivity. This section presents a review of relevant literature on strain
measurement and strain gauges, focusing on their principles, applications, and advancements.

Principles of Strain Measurement:

Strain is defined as the ratio of deformation to the original dimensions of a material. Strain
gauges operate on the principle of the piezo resistive effect, where the electrical resistance of a
material changes with applied strain. Common types of strain gauges include foil strain gauges,
semiconductor strain gauges, and wire strain gauges. These gauges are bonded to the surface
of the specimen or integrated within the material to measure the strain in different directions.
When a strain is applied to the gauge, the resistive elements undergo a change in their
resistance values, causing a change in the output voltage of the bridge circuit. The amount of
change in resistance is proportional to the amount of strain in the material, allowing for accurate
measurement of strain values.
The formula used to calculate the strain value is:
ε = ΔL/L0
Where ε is the strain, ΔL is the change in length, and L0 is the original length of the specimen.
In this study, Cast iron is the material of interest. Cast iron is a low carbon steel that is widely
used in construction, manufacturing, and other industrial applications due to its excellent strength,
durability, and low cost. Cast iron is ductile, which means it can deform and stretch without
fracturing under stress. Understanding the strain behavior of cast iron under different loads is
crucial in designing structures and components that can withstand varying stress conditions.Load
testing is a standard method used to evaluate the strength and behavior of materials under
different loads. The load cell is used to apply a load to the cast iron specimen. The load cell
measures the amount of force applied to the specimen, which is used to calculate the stress
value. The stress value is the force per unit area and is given by the formula:
σ = F/A
Where σ is the stress, F is the applied force, and A is the cross-sectional area of the specimen.
The relationship between stress and strain is given by Hooke's Law, which states that the strain
in a material is directly proportional to the stress applied, provided the material remains in the
elastic region. Mathematically, this can be expressed as:
σ = Eε
Where E is the modulus of elasticity or Young's modulus, which is a measure of the material's
stiffness or resistance to deformation.
Therefore, the strain value can be calculated from the stress value using the formula:
ε = σ/E
Strain Gauges:
Strain gauges are devices used to measure the amount of deformation or strain in a material
under load.

F i g u r e 1 S t r a i n g a u g e .

Strain Gauge Applications:

Strain gauges have found applications in a wide range of industries and research areas. In
materials science, strain gauges are used to characterize the mechanical properties of materials,
including tensile strength, yield strength, and elastic modulus. In structural engineering, strain
gauges are employed for monitoring the behavior of bridges, buildings, and other infrastructure.
They are also utilized in fatigue testing, load cell calibration, and aerospace applications such as
aircraft wing stress analysis.
Advancements in Strain Gauge Technology:
Over the years, several advancements have been made to improve the performance and
accuracy of strain gauges. Miniaturization of strain gauge size has allowed for their integration
into smaller components and structures. The development of thin-film strain gauges has
enhanced their durability and resistance to environmental factors. Additionally, the introduction of
wireless strain gauges and data acquisition systems has simplified the measurement process
and enabled remote monitoring.
Calibration and Data Analysis:
Calibration is a crucial step in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of strain gauge
measurements. Calibration procedures involve subjecting the strain gauge to known strains and
correlating the electrical output with the applied strain. Various techniques, such as four-wire
bridge configurations and temperature compensation, are employed to minimize errors and
improve the accuracy of strain measurements. Data analysis techniques, including strain
amplification, filtering, and digital signal processing, are utilized to extract meaningful information
from the strain gauge output.
Comparison with Numerical Modeling and Simulation:
Strain measurements obtained from strain gauges are often compared with numerical modeling
and simulation results to validate the accuracy of theoretical predictions. Software packages like
SolidWorks provide simulation capabilities to analyze the mechanical behavior of structures
under various loading conditions. Comparing experimental strain values with simulation results
helps in assessing the accuracy of the numerical models and identifying any discrepancies or
areas of improvement.
In engineering, a beam is a structural element that is designed to support loads applied
perpendicular to its longitudinal axis. Beams are typically horizontal, and they are commonly
used in buildings, bridges, and other structures to support floors, roofs, and other elements.
Beams can be classified into several types based on their shape, cross-sectional profile, and
mode of support. Some of the common types of beams are:
 Simply supported beam
 Cantilever beam
 Continuous beam
 Composite beam
 Box Beam
 Fixed Beam

F i g u r e 2 T y p e s o f b e a m s .
In this experiment we use cantilever beam of two materials stainless steel and aluminum. And
use different loads to calculate the strain across each weight.

Experiment Procedure for Measurement of Strain with Strain Gauge Module

and Arduino Nano using Arduino Software:

Equipment and Materials:

Two simply supported beams (one made of aluminum and one made of stainless steel)
BF 350 strain gauge module
 Arduino Nano
 Arduino software (IDE)
 Soldering iron and solder
 Connecting wires
 Power supply

Prepare the simply supported beams by ensuring they are clean and free from any contaminants
that may affect the adhesion of the strain gauges. b. Determine the locations on the beams
where the strain gauges will be attached. These locations should be representative of the strain
distribution under the expected loading conditions. c. Clean the surface at the chosen locations
using a suitable cleaning agent and allow it to dry completely. d. Prepare the strain gauge module
by soldering the necessary connections according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Strain Gauge Attachment:

Apply a thin layer of adhesive (such as epoxy) on the cleaned surface at the selected locations
on the beams. b. Carefully place the strain gauge on the adhesive and ensure it is aligned
properly with the longitudinal axis of the beam. c. Apply gentle pressure to ensure good contact
between the strain gauge and the beam surface. d. Allow the adhesive to cure according to the
manufacturer's instructions.

Wiring Connections:
Connect the output leads of the strain gauge module to the appropriate input pins on the Arduino
Nano using connecting wires. b. Ensure that the wiring connections are secure and properly
insulated to avoid any short circuits or loose connections.

Arduino Software Setup:

Install the Arduino software (IDE) on your computer if not already done. b. Open the Arduino
software and select the appropriate Arduino Nano board from the Tools menu. c. Configure the
software to read analog input from the connected strain gauge module. d. Define the necessary
variables and parameters for data acquisition and storage.
Data Acquisition:
Power up the Arduino Nano using a suitable power supply. b. Start the data acquisition process
by running the programmed code in the Arduino software. c. The strain gauge module will
provide analog output signals corresponding to the strain measurements. d. The Arduino Nano
will convert these analog signals into digital data and store them in its memory or transmit them
to a computer for further analysis.

Loading the Beams:

Apply controlled loads to the simply supported beams using a suitable loading device or weights.
b. Ensure that the loads are applied gradually and uniformly to avoid sudden stress concentration
or beam failure. c. Record the corresponding strain measurements obtained from the strain
gauge module at each load increment.
Data Analysis and Comparison:
Transfer the recorded strain data from the Arduino Nano to a computer for further analysis. b.
Use appropriate software (such as Microsoft Excel) or data analysis tools to process and analyze
the strain data. c. Compare the measured strain values with the strain values obtained from
SolidWorks software or theoretical calculations for the corresponding loading conditions. d.
Evaluate the agreement or discrepancies between the experimental and simulated/estimated
strain values and identify any potential sources of error.
Repeat the Experiment:
Repeat the entire experiment procedure for both the aluminum and stainless steel beams to
ensure consistent results and verify the accuracy of the measurements.
Data Presentation and Conclusion:
Present the measured strain values, along with the corresponding load conditions, in a clear and
organized manner (tables, graphs, etc.). b. Discuss the findings, including any differences or
similarities observed between the experimental, simulated, and theoretical strain values. c. Draw
conclusions regarding the

F i g u r e 3 E x p e r i m e n t a l A r d u i n o s o f t w e r e r e s u l t .

Procedure for compression of software based result an d theoretical base

Comparison with SolidWorks and Theoretical Values:
Model the beams in SolidWorks software and simulate the applied load.
Extract the strain values from the simulation results.
Compare the experimental strain values with the SolidWorks simulation and theoretical values to
assess the accuracy of the measurements.
Analysis and Interpretation:
Analyze the obtained strain data to determine the mechanical behavior of the aluminum and
stainless steel beams under load.
Calculate the Young's modulus and other mechanical properties using the obtained strain data
and compare them with the literature values.
Interpret the results and draw conclusions regarding the performance and suitability of the
aluminum and stainless steel beams for various applications.
Theoretical Calculation result:
To calculate strain in both beams, we need to determine the stress in each beam first. We can
use the formula for bending stress in a simly supported beam with a pont load applied in the
σ =(M*y)/I

σ = bending stress
M=bending moment F*L/4(with a simply supported beam with a center load)
F= load applied at the center
L=span length =half length of the beam
y=distance from the neutral axis to outer most fiber (maximum distance from center of beam)
I=moment of inertia =(b*h^3)/12 for a rectangular cross section
For stainless steel
I=(1/12 )(0.5)(4)^3=2.66cm^3
For each load applied to the stainless steel beam:

For 8N: F=8N.M= (8*50)/4=100N-cm

For 10N: F=10N.M= (10*50)/4=125N-cm
For 12N: F=12N.M= ( 12*50)/4=150N-cm
For 15N: F=15N.M= (15*50)/4=187.5N-cm
For each load the maximum distance from the center of beam to outermost fiber can be
calculated half of the beams thickness which is 0.5cm.

Therefore bending stress in stainless steel for each load can be calculated as follow
For 8N: σ =8N:M=(8*0.5)/2.66=1.50N/cm^2
For 10N: σ =10N:M=(10*0.5)/2.66=1.87N/cm^2
For 12N: σ =12N:M=(12*0.5)/2.66=2.55N/cm^2
For 15N: σ =15N:M=(15*0.5)/2.66=2.81N/cm^2

Now we calculate the strain in the stainless steel using formula

ε= σ/E
E= Young’s modulus of elasticity of stainless steel=190GPA=190000N/mm^2
Flexure modulus =(190*10^9)(2.66)=506.54GPA
Therefore bending strain in stainless steel for each load can be calculated as follow
For 8N: ε = (1.50N/cm^2)/ 190000N/mm^2=7.8*10^-6
For 10N: ε = (1.87/cm^2)/ 190000N/mm^2=9.8*10^-6
For 12N: ε= (12.55N/cm^2)/ 190000N/mm^2=6.60*10^-6
For 15N: ε= (2.81N/cm^2)/ 190000N/mm^2=1.47*10^-6
For Aluminum beam:
I= (1/12 )(0.5)(4)^3=2.66cm^3

Therefore bending stress in Aluminium for each load can be calculated as follow
For 8N: σ =8N:M=(8*0.5)/2.66=1.50N/cm^2
For 10N: σ =10N:M=(10*0.5)/2.66=1.87N/cm^2
For 12N: σ =12N:M=(12*0.5)/2.66=2.55N/cm^2
For 15N: σ =15N:M=(15*0.5)/2.66=2.81N/cm^2

Now we calculate the strain in the Aluminium using formula

E= Young’s modulus of elasticity of Aluminium=70GPA=70000N/mm^2
Flexure modulus =(70*10^9)(2.66)=186.62GPA
Therefore bending strain in Aluminium for each load can be calculated as follow
For 8N:ε =(1.50N/cm^2)/ 70000N/mm^2=2.14*10^-5
For 10N:ε =(1.87/cm^2)/ 70000N/mm^2=2.67*10^-5
For 12N:ε=(12.55N/cm^2)/ 70000N/mm^2=1.79*10^-5
For 15N:ε=(2.81N/cm^2)/ 70000N/mm^2=4.01**10^-5

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