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American Mineralogist, Volume 61, pages 448459, 1976

Crystal structureand crystal growth: I. The influenceof internal structureon morphology

Enrc Dowry
Department of Geological and Geophysical Sciences
Princeton Uniuersity, Princeton, New Jersey 08540


A new model of the relationship between crystal structure and morphology has been
developed which uses the symmetry concepts of the Donnay-Harker method, as well as
bonding concepts developed by Buerger and Jackson. For each face, one computes the
templale fraction, which is the fraction of the total bond energy attaching a new layer to the
substrate.The layer is assumedto have thicknessd, the interplanar spacing. New layers will be
nucleated more rapidly on faces with higher template fraction, hence these faces will tend to
grow themselvesout of existence.The bonds defining the template fraction on each face are
those which cross the surface of least bonding, which is considered to be the exposed surface.
Prediction of the exposedsurfaceconfigurationis an important by-product of the new model.
Calcufations are made by computer methods,and in addition to template energy, lhe surface
or cleauage energy and other types of attachment energy may be routinely determined.
Although only approximate bond energieshave been used so far, examplessuggestthat the
new model is more effective than either the Donnay-Harker or Hartman-Perdok (PBC)
methods of rationalizing crystal morphology.

Introduction surface structure of crystals on an atomic level.

Knowledge of the atomic structure of crystal faces,
The use of external morphology as a clue to the and of the processeswhich take place on them, has
internal structure of crystals is no longer an active important applications in geology in the study of
branch of crystallography,exceptfor determiningthe sector zoning, the distribution of minor and trace
presenceor absenceof a center of symmetry (but see elements, and other problems involving crystal
the interesting paper by Schneer, 1970). However, growth. Such knowledge is also useful in electronics
attempting to determine the influence of internal and chemical technology, in such fields as semi-
structure on crystal morphology is still useful,for the conductors, catalysis, etc. There are experimental
following reasons:( I ) Any model for predicting mor- techniqueswhich can give direct information on sur-
phology logically includes or relies on a model for face structure (Estrup, 1975), but so far these have
crystalgrowth. and thus suchpredictionscan provide been applied only to structurally simple substances.
tests for crystal growth theories. (2) The observed This paper describesa new model of the influence
morphology of crystals has been shown by experi- of internal structure on crystal growth and mor-
ment to be influencedby severallactors besidesinter- phology. The model uses the symmetry concepts
nal structure, such as the composition and nature of developedby Bravais and Donnay and Harker, but
the growth medium and the rate of crystallization also takes explicit account of the atomic arrangement
( e . g .B u c k l e y , l 9 5 l ; K e r n , 1 9 5 5 ,1 9 6 8 ;K l e b e r , l g 5 7 ) . and bonding, by means of a quantity called the tem-
The presenceof dislocations is also expectedto in- plate fraction, which is the fraction of the total bond
fluence the growth rate and thus the development energy in a growth layer attaching that layer to the
of various forms. If the influenceof internal strucrure substrate.Furthermore, the method involves predic-
could be accountedfor, it might be possibleto make tion of the atomic configuration on the surface of
inferencesabout the external factors which were op- each face;it is postulatedthat an exposedsurfacewill
erative during growth of particular geologicalspeci- usually be a surface of least bonding. In Part II
mens.(3) An important aspectof morphological and (Dowty, 1976) predictions of surface structure are
crystal-growth models in general is the prediction of applied to the problem of sectorzoning in minerals.

Previous investigations odic bond chains. An interestingempirical approach

to the location of PBC's has been describedby Wolff
Most important ideas on the relation betweenin-
and Gualtieri (1962).The most important facesmor-
ternal structure and morphology have been reviewed
phologically are supposedto be the flat or F faces,
by Buckley (1951) and Hartman (1973).The two
which contain two or more PBC's. Stepped or S
methods which have been used most often to try to
faces,containing only one PBC, occur lessoften, and
predict or rationalize crystal morphology are the
kinked or K faces,containing no PBC's, occur only
reticular density method of Bravais, as extendedby
rarely or not at all. For the F faces,which are pre-
Donnay and Harker (referredto as the DH method)
sumed to grow relatively slowly by means of two-
and the periodic-bond-chain(PBC) method of Hart-
dimensional growth layers or steps,the location of
man and Perdok.
the PBC's definesthe surfaceof the growing face,and
one may identify a slice, whose thicknessis the min-
Donnay-Harker method imum thicknessof the growth step. This thicknessis
d, the crystallographicrepeat distanceperpendicular
This method extendspreviouswork by Bravaisand to the face,which is determinedby the DH rules.The
Friedel. According to the "Law of Bravais," the im- -F faces are ranked relative to each other by calcu-
portance of a face is proportional to the reticular lating the attachment energy across the interface be-
density,or concentrationof lattice points on the face tween the establishedface and the newly-addedslice;
(including those due to centeringin nonprimitive lat- this is the averagebond energyholding atoms to the
tices). Ranking the facesin decreasingorder of their surface. S and K faces are supposedto grow more
reticular density is the same as ranking them in in- rapidly than .F faces becauseindividual atoms are
creasingorder of their reticular area, or decreasing presumablyattachedto them by more than one bond;
order of their interplanar spacingd, as usedin X-ray thus they presentready-madenichesor kinks for the
crystallography. Donnay and Harker (1937) pro- building units to fit into, and supposedly do not
posed modifications taking account of the space- require the construction of growth stepsor slices.
group symmetry, so that all equipoints, instead of The PBC method not only takesexplicit account of
just lattice points, are considered.Thus, in the calcu- atomic arrangementand bonding, but also predicts
lation of d, only those Miller indices are used which surface structure. However, it is also an approxima-
satisfy the requirementsfor nonextinction of X-ray tion, and has severaltheoretical and practical short-
reflections, as given in Volume I of the International comings: ( I ) The chains are supposed to have
Tables for X-ray Crystallography. A physical inter- stoichiometric composition, which in crystals with
pretation of the DH law was given by Buerger(1947; even moderately complex structures leads to com-
see below). The implications of pseudosymmetry plicated chains with various kinks and excrescences.
have been discussedby Donnay and Donnay (1961). As the complexity of the chains increases,and the
The DH method is easy to carry out, and in its directions of the bond vectors within them become
purest form (neglecting pseudosymmetry) is com- more variable, the relations which originally led to
pletely objective.However, it can only be an approxi- the division of the faces into F, S, and K types are
mation becauseit takes no direct account of atomic o b s c u r e d ,a n d i t i s n o l o n g e r a m a t t e r o f i n d i v i d u a l
arrangementor bonding. Also, it doesnot distinguish atoms fitting into locations with greater or lesser
betweengrowth morphology and cleavage,and it is numbers of bonds. (2) For even moderatelycomplex
not applicableto the prediction ofsurface structure. structures,the PBC method can be extremelydifficult
to apply, requiring the consultation of projections
PBC method and structure models. lt is difficult to avoid sub-
jectivity and error in the classificationof a given face
The periodic-bond-chainmethod of Hartman and as an F, S, or K face, as shown by the example of
P e r d o k( 1 9 5 5 a , b , cH; a r t m a n , 1 9 7 3 )e x t e n d st h e i d e a s barite (below). (3) If the PBC method is correct; it is
about strong bonding directionsdevelopedby Niggli difficult to seewhy the DH method should be success-
(1920;1926a)and Parker (1923, 1930),and also uses ful in so many cases(severalexamplesare given be-
the concept of attachment energy developed by Kos- low). The PBC method does not systematicallycon-
s e l ( 1 9 2 7 )a n d S t r a n s k i( 1 9 2 8 ) . sider the symmetry of the crystal, exceptto determine
One first identifies infinite chains of atoms con- slicethickness,and to predict the relativeimportance
nected by relatively strong bonds only, i.e. the peri- of S facesin a single zone (Hartman, 1958).

Crystal growth models-the surface of least bonding rapidly and firmly attached at roughly the same rate
and the template fraction for all faces.However, if the growth is by two-dimen-
When dealing with the growth of crystals with sional nucleation,the stageswhich will largely deter-
complex structures, it is expedient to consider new mine the relative growth rates of faces will be the
material as being added in the form of blocks, rather starting of new layers,as in position 2, Figure I a, and
than individual atoms; some modern kinetic models secondarily the starting of new rows (position 3),
of crystal growth use this approach (see review by becausethesestagesare necessarilyslower (Buerger,
Bennemaand Gilmer, 1973).Except for the simplest 1947).Thus the critical factor would seem to be the
facesof the simplestcrystals,theseblocks must usu- energy with which the block is bonded directly to the
ally be regarded as a mathematical fiction. In this face or substrate.The situation is somewhatdifferent
paper, such blocks will be taken to be the smallest if spiral or other dislocationsare present,but again,
units which can be repeatedby translationparallel to the attachmentenergy directly to the substrateseems
a given face, to give a layer with the stoichiometric to be critical (Bennemaand Gilmer, 1973).An actual
composition of the crystal. The minimum height of two-dimensionalnucleus in most casesprobably has
such a layer on a face is d, as computed by the DH a volume greater than an individual block, but it is a
method, since this is the minimum repeat distance reasonable hypotheses that the number of blocks
perpendicularto the face. The two minimum repeat which go Io make up a nucleus will be qbout the same
distancesin the plane of the face will be the vectors on all faces.
betweenlattice points, which also define the Bravais Becausethe blocks are not, in general,actual dis-
reticular area. Thus a block has thicknessd and area crete units, some additional concepts are required.
of attachment to the substrateequal to the Bravais First, we need to specify the particular level in the
reticular area (neglecting any microscopic con- crystal structure acrosswhich the attachment of new
volutions of the actual surface).The blocks thus de- material takes place.This is equivalentto specifying
fined will have different shapeson different forms. If the atomic structure of the exposed surface of the
the unit cell is primitive and no screw axes or glide face, if we neglect temporary surfacedistortion and
planesare present,the blocks will have the volume of adsorption. It is a fundamental postulate of this pa-
the unit cell. Otherwise,they will have volume l/n of per that such an exposed surface will be a surface of
the unit cell when the DH rules call for using the least bonding,which is that surfaceparallel to a given
multiple indicesn(hkl) to determined. face acrosswhich the total potential bond energyis at
It seemsthat the rapidity of growth on a given face a minimum. Such a surfaceis not necessarilystrictly
dependslargely on the rapidity with which the block planar but must possessthe translational symmetry
for that face attachesitself to the surface,which has of the lattice.
generally been considered to be dependent on the Second,it might be askedwhy we consideronly the
energy of attachment. On slowly-growing faces the energyof attachmentto the preexistingsurface,when
block will usually fit into the "half-crystal" configu- the entire block may have to bq built up from atoms
ration (Kossell, 1927) as in position I in Figure la. or molecules.The answer is that the rapidity with
Becausethree surfacesare available for attachment, which the blocks or nuclei are built up will dependon
the attachment energy will be high and the block the presenceof an appropriate template. The pre-

F t c . I G r o w t h o n d i f f e r e n t t y p e s o ff a c e s ( s c h e m a t i c ) . ( a ) O n t h e f l a t f a c e , t h e t e m p l a t e f r a c t i o n f o r t h e
main face is much smaller than that for the secondary faces a and b. The side face a has larger template
fraction than b, yielding rows approximately perpendicular to c. (b) On the stepped face, the template
fraction ofthe main face c is in between that ofa and b, leading to the starting ofnew rows before layers
are completed. (c) On the kinked face, the template fraction of the main face is larqer than either a or b.

existing face or substrate will act as a template for a if there is much prestructuring, and in the extreme
new block, and the greater the fraction of the total case of crystals composedsolely of large molecules,
bonds in the block which are directedto the template, the template fraction method would be completely
the more rapidly the block will be assembled.The inappropriate;one might use in this casean approach
template.fraction is therefore defined as thefraction of based more closely on Buerger's(1947) analysis.
the total bond energy in a growth layer or slice which Only the faces or forms near the head of the tem-
attaches that layer to the substrate.This is somewhat plate fraction list are expected to grow by the layer
similar in practiceto the anisotropy factor of Jackson mechanism,and thus only thesewill be identified on
(1958)and others,although the anisotropy factor was mature crystals.These are the F facesof Burton and
definedin a more limited context. If we consideronly Cabrera (1949) and Hartman and Perdok (1955), or
layers of thickness d, the template fraction is the the "smooth" faces of Jackson (1958). The more-
fraction of the total bond energy in a single block rapidly-growing rough facesof Jackson or the ^Sand
holding that block to the substrate,acrossthe surface K faces of Hartman and Perdok will either grow
of least bonding. themselvesout of existenceor be so poorly definedas
The larger the template fraction for a particular to escapeidentification as discrete faces. One could
face,the more rapid growth will be on that face,and redefine S and K facesstructurally on the basis of the
the ranking of the forms accordingto their increasing template fractions of possiblesub-faces(side facesof
template fractions is thus expected to approximate growth stepsor units) versusthat of the main face, as
their decreasingimportance as growth forms. It may illustrated in Figure l. However, according to the
easily be seen, as explained by Buerger (1947), how widely-acceptedmodel of Jackson (1958), the actual
such a model reducesto that of Donnay and Harker; mode of growth depends not only on the template
if it is assumedthat the bond energy per unit area is fraction (anisotropy factor in his equations)but also
approximately the same for all faces, the template the absolutevalue of bonding energy and the temper-
fraction is directly proportional to the reticular area. ature. Thus it is not possibleto establisha priori clt-
This model actually follows Buerger'sinterpretation off values of template fraction for classifying faces as
of the DH method in some respects,but by consid- F or smooth versus S, K or rough.
ering the templating properties of the substrate, H a r t m a n a n d P e r d o k ( 1 9 5 5 a , b , cH
; artman, 1973)
rather than the attachment energy of molecules,the also use a type of attachment energy to predict the
model is hopefully made applicableto ionic and other relative importance of F faces,but they compute it in
nonmolecular structures. Although for simplicity a different way. Instead of taking the total of bond
only layers of height d or a multiple of d have been strengthscrossing the surface of least bonding on a
consideredin this paper, it may be that layers some- block basis,they averagethe energy on an atomic or
times have smaller thickness.This seemsparticularly molecular basis, using only the atoms in the slice of
likely when there exists a pseudospacingthat is a thickness d, and neglecting the atoms which do not
submultiple of the true interplanar spacing. By con- bond directly to the substrate.The reasonfor leaving
sidering such factors, it may be possibleto account the nonbonding atoms out of the averaging is not
for the effectsof pseudosymmetryon morphology, as clear, sincetheselatter atoms are part of the structure
discussed by Donnay and Donnay (1961) for ex- as well as the ones which are included in the averag-
ample. ing. At any rate, many examples (some are given
Problems arise if some of the bonds are already below) have shown that the averagedper-atom or
formed in the growth medium. This may not only per-molecule attachment energy does not give as
change the template fraction, which is properly good an account of the morphology as the total per-
speaking only concerned with the bonds that are block template fraction.
formed during crystallization,but may also influence
the surface configuration, and thus the surface of Predicting cleavage
least bonding. In principle, such prestructuringmay As assumedby others (e.g. Wells, 1946),a reason-
be dealt with, if the structureof the growth medium is able hypothesisis that ifcleavagesare developedin a
known, as discussedby Hartman and Perdok (1955b); crystal, they will be those planes across which the
preformed bonds are simply ignored when com- bonding energy per unit area or the cleauageenergy is
puting the template fraction, and they are not allowed at a minimum. This cleavageenergyis identicalto the
to be intersected by the surface of least bonding. surfaceenergy as defined by Born (1923). Naturally,
In practice, great difficulties may be encountered the cleavagewill occur on a surfaceofleast bonding.

The relative ranking of the faces on the basis of It would be a misconception to assume that the
cleavageenergy is in general not the same as the typical growth shape of a crystal is the thermody-
ranking on the basis of template energy.Thus it may namic equilibrium shape,or that under ideal condi-
be seenhow the cleavagesof a crystal may not always tions (very slow growth) the crystal tendstoward this
be the most important growth faces. However, the shape.The growth shape of crystals above a certain
faces with lowest cleavage energy tend to be those size is evidently dominated by kinetic factors. It ap-
with low indices,and are usually near the head of the pears that large faces are developed during growth
morphological list. becausethey can become at times distinctly out of
The prediction of cleavageprovides an important equilibrium with the growth medium, due to their
check on the method of calculation, because the proportionately larger kinetic barriers. That is, with
cleavagesof a crystal are generally well known, and respect to the faces which disappear, the larger faces
they may be presumed to depend on internal struc- grow at a slower rate at a given degree of super-
ture, but not on growth variables such as composi- saturation (although the relative growth rates of the
tion of the medium or rate of growth. It will be different faces may change with different degreesof
assumedthat a cleavageis correctly predicted if the supersaturation).Thus in a thermodynamic senseit
plane in question has lower cleavageenergy than all might be more fitting to call the typical growth shape
other planes which are not cleavages. of most crystalsthe "anti-equilibrium shape."

The equilibrium shapeof a crystal Computation methods

Gibbs ( 1878;in his collectedworks. l96l ) defineda Computerized methods have been developed for
specific surface free energy for the faces of crystals, locating the surface of least bonding, and for eval-
and proposedthat the crystalwould have equilibrium uating template fractions, cleavage energies and
shape when the total free energy is minimized, the Hartman-Perdok attachmentenergies.At presentthe
contribution of each face being its specificfree energy evaluation of these quantities is only approximate,
m u l t i p l i e d b y i t s a r e a .C u r i e ( 1 8 8 5 )m a d e a n e q u i v a - but the computing method is rapid, and provides an
lent formulation, using the capillary constant instead essentially objective approach to predicting mor-
of free energy.Wulff (1901) assumedthat the growth phology. The procedure is convenientlydivided into
velocity of a face would be proportional to the cap- three steps,and three separateFORTRAN computer
illary constant. Born and Stern (1919) equated the programs are currently used for the complete oper-
capillary constant with the surfaceenergy as defined ation.l
by Born (1923), which is the same as the cleavage
energy defined in this paper. Step I (Program MORPH)
Most later work has tended to discount the effect The reticular area for each possible face is com-
of surfacefree energy on growth forms of large crys- puted according to the DH rules, and the faces are
tals for severalreasons(e.g. Buckley, 195l, Ch. 3,4). ranked in increasing order of reticular area. This
Indeed, the surfaceor cleavageenergy as measured gives the predicted DH morphological aspect(Don-
by the methods of this paper is not at all a good nay and Harker, 1937) for the crystal, and servesto
predictor of growth morphology. A few faces with identify objectivelythe most likely faceson which to
relatively low indices usually have low surface carry out more detailed work.
energies, but otherwise the values tend to group
about some mean value of bonding density for the Step 2 (Program BOND)
crystal, and do not increasegreatly with increasing A complete and unique set of interatomic bonds
indices.In some simple crystalswith high symmetry, for the unit cell is identified, and a bond strength is
such as NaCl, it is possibleto identify only one or a assignedto each one. The procedure for identifying
few low-index forms which constitutethe equilibrium bonds and assigningstrengthsis basically that of a
shape, by means of the Wulff construction (Wulff, normal bond-length computing routine. At present,
l90l). However, when the structure is complex and only bonds between first-nearest neighbor atoms,
the symmetry is low, it may be necessaryto consider cafled hereafterfirst-order bonds, are routinely used;
forms with rather high indices. The Gibbs-Curie in the case of ionic structures, only cation-anion
equilibrium shape of such crystals may be rather bonds are used.It is not difficult. include
complex, perhapsin somecasesapproachinga sphere
with only a few small faces. ' Copies of these programs are available from
the author

a limited number of higher-order bonds. A bond

table or matrix is constructed,with entriesfor specific
atoms, usually cations and anions. The number of
atoms used as entries for the table is at least as great
as that in the unit cell, and usually greater.If a bond
existsbetweentwo atoms, the correspondingelement
in the table is the bond energy;if no bond exists,that (b)
element is zero.
The assignmentof bond strengths or energiesrs Flc. 2. Two dimensional illustration of the intersection of
critical in complex crystals,and severalmethodshave several unit cells by a rational plane; (a) the real case; (b)
been tried. For ionic crystals, one can use simple mathematically equivalent case of several planes intersecting a
point-chargecoulomb energies,as did Hartman and singleunit cell.

Perdok (1955c) and others. However, use of formal

valencesas chargeshas been found to be unsatisfac- selectedin Step l. The height of each atom from a
tory for silicates,giving too little strengthto the Si-O plane or planes parallel to the rational face is com-
bonds for example. A different method is presently puted, and the atoms are then ranked in order of this
used for complex oxides and silicatesalthough this height coordinate. Except for faces with the simple
too has been found to be inadequatein some cases indices(100), (010), (001),etc., a given rational plane
(seePart II; Dowty, 1976).The lattice energy of the intersectsseveralunit cellsat differentlevels(Fig. 2a).
simple oxide of each cation is calculatedfrom stand- Instead of considering severalunit cells, however, a
ard thermodynamic data (Kubaschewskiand Evans mathematically equivalent procedure is to consider
1967;Moore, 1970)using the Born-Haber cycle, and severalequidistant planes cutting the same unit cell
bond energiesare computed assumingthat all lattice (Fig. 2b), which is in practice much simpler. The
energyis in the first-orderbonds. It is then considered number of planesis at leastas large as the sum of the
that oxygen has the samechargein all the oxides(the indices. The height coordinate of each atom must
exact value is irrelevant, since oxygen is usually the then be determinedwith respectto each plane, and a
principal anion in the crystals of interest, and only given atom appearsas many times in the final sorted
relative values are needed),and a relative "effective list as there are separateplanes.Fortunately, it is not
valence" or charge for each cation is derived. Hydrox- necessaryto take account ofcell parametersor actual
yls and halogens, where they occur, can be assumed interatomic distancesin this step; the atomic loca-
to have half the charge of oxygen. These chargesare tions may be specifiedby their fractional coordinates
used in coulomb calculationsfor the crystal of inter- only, and the cell may be consideredto be a cube with
est. This method of approximation hopefully takes edge length one.
account of both a "normal" contribution from cov- ln order to find the surfaceofleast bonding, the set
alent resonance,and those bond strength variations of parallel planesis in effectcausedto move through
in the crystal of interest which are reflected in the the structure atom by atom, and the total bond
interatomic distances.Some "effective valences"are strength which crossesthe entire set is computed at
given in Table l. each step. They are moved through a distanceequal
to their separation,which would be the interplanar
Step 3 (Program PLANE) spacingd if computed in the actual unit cell. This is
This step identifiesthe surfaceof leastbonding and done in practice by considering successivelythe
measurestotal bond strensthsfor each rational face atoms in the master sorted list, then going through
the bond table and identifying all the atoms which lie
Test-s I . Effective valencesof some ions above the given atom and are bonded to it or any
( n o r m a l i z e dt o S i ' + : 4 . 0 0 )
other atoms with the same or smaller height coordi-
4+ nates. The location of the set of planes which gives
Si 4.00 UA 1 <t

4+ )+ the minimum total bond energy is specifiedin terms

Ti' 3.r7 IE 1.50 of the atoms above and below the planes.
?+ )+
UT a 1L
Mg-' 7.42
?+ The template fraction, the cleavageenergy and the
IE 2.24 0.84 Hartman-Perdok (HP) attachment energy are rou-
1+ ?
2.22 N 0.83 tinely computed on the same pass through the unit
cell. Minimizing the HP attachment energy some-

times givesa different location for the surfaceof least II (Dowty, 1976). lt has been found necessaryto
bonding than the template fraction and cleavageen- consult crystal structure projections in some casesto
ergy (which necessarilygive the samelocation). There check for non-planarity of the surfaceof least bond-
is an ambiguity in computing the template fraction in ing. A fourth FORTRAN computer program
some cases.If we consider that actual growth layers (PROJ) has been written to plot to scale the projec-
can have thickness greater than d, the number of tion of the atoms and bonds determined in Step 2.
bonds attaching the layer to the substrate may be The projection direction can"be made parallel to the
greater than if we consider the layers to have thick- zone axis defined by any two faces.
ness d only; this is illustrated in Figure 3. A given The secondlimitation is that only first-orderbonds
bond in the unit cell may be consideredonly once in are taken into account, whereasin ionic crystalselec-
computing the template fraction for a slice of thick- trostatic interactionsmay be expectedto operateover
nessd (Fig. 3a), but may be counted severaltimes for fairly great distances;lattice energycalculationsgen-
a layer of indefinitethickness(Fig. 3b). In view of the erally do not converge unless many unit cells are
fact that some growth layers have actually been ob- included in the sums, This probably will not lead to
served by light optics, the template fractions for the mistakesin the location of the plane of leastbonding
examples given in this paper have been computed for a given face very often, but will certainly cause
assuming a layer of indefinite thickness. The diffe- errors in the quantitative evaluation of relative tem-
rence only appearswhen d is smaller than the bond plate flractionsand attachment and surface energies
lengths, and thus high-index faces are usually the for different faces.
only ones affected.It still seemsreasonablethat, bar- The PBC method also uses a first-order bonding
ring pseudosymmetry,the actual thicknessof layers approximation for locatingthe exposedsurfaceof the
parallel to different faces will be at least roughly crystal on F faces.Once this is found, however,there
proportional to d. The cleavageenergy is necessarily is sometimes a convenient way of approximating
computed using a// possiblebonds as in Figure 3b. complete electrostaticpotentials,using the chains as
units, rather than individual atoms (see Hartman,
Limitations of the method
1956).Unfortunately, this method is applicablewith
Two important limitations of this method should easeonly to very simple chains,and quickly becomes
be mentioned at the outset. First, the bounding surface impracticableas the structural complexity increases.
is restrictedto a plane. This limitation is lessserious For the presentmethod, an atom-by-atom direct sum
than might be supposed,sincethe atom locationsare of electrostaticinteractionsor some similar approxi-
specifiedin terms of their centers,and a plane divid- mation would probably be most suitable. Such a
ing atoms by means of their centersmay correspond computation is not in principle difficult, using ma-
to a quite undulatory surface with respect to the chine methods, but would require a rather different
atoms as a whole. However, errors can be expected, procedure from that described above, and consid-
especially in dealing with molecules or compound erably more computing time. In effect,one complete
ions. The PBC method does not in principle have this lattice energy sum would have to be carried out for
limitation; but note that in the example of barite each face, even if the location of the surfaceof least
(below) the resultsare identical.Some other cases,in bonding were initially determined by the first-order
which the approximation fails, are discussedin Part approximation.

(o) (b)
Ftc. 3. Two-dimensional illustration of computation of template, attachment or surface energies.(a) A
layer of thickness d only is considered. (b) A layer of indefinite thickness is considered.A single reticular
unit is shown by the heavy line. In case(a) one bond crossesthis area and in case(b) four bonds cross the

Examples Tnglp 2. Predicted morphology of NaCl

Structural data for the following examples have Forn ,2

been obtained from Wyckoff ( 1968)where not other-
wise noted. It is naturally almost impossibleto sepa- r) 111 3 0 . 5 0( 2 ) I.73 3.0
rate completelythe influenceof externalfactors from 2) 200 4 0.33(r) 1.00 1.0
3) 220 8 0.67(3) 1.41 2.0
that of internal structure on the morphology of indi- 4) 311 11 0.83(4) 1.51 2.0
vidual specimens.In the absenceof data from care- s) 133 19 1 . 1 7( 6 ) 1.61 2.5

fully controlled laboratory growth, it is still possible 6) 420 20 1.00(s) 1.34 2.O
to eliminate much of the influenceof external factors 7) 422 24 1 . 3 3( 8 ) 1.63 2.0
8) 51r 27 r . L 7( 1 ) 1.35 3.0
on the morphology of minerals by using the per- e) 531 35 1.s0(10) L.52 2.5
sistenceuuluesof Niggli (1920).Niggli (1926a,b)and r0) 244 36 L . 6 7( r 2 ) L.67 3.0
Parker (1930) tabulate severalpersistencevalue stud-
i e s ,a n d N i g g l i ( 1 9 2 6 b )g i v e ss u b j e c t i v ee v a l u a t i o n so f Forn Ranked in Donnay-Harker order, with the
, indices as used by this method.
the morphology of all important minerals.The crys- S' - Square of the relative reticular area.
t a l d r a w i n g so f G o l d s c h m i d t( 1 9 2 3 )m a y a l s o b e u s e d T - Template fraction, with ranking in parentheses
CL - Cleavage energy, divided by that of the first'
to evaluate morphology qualitatively, and to derive ranked fom.
persistencevalues if necessary. HP' - Hartman-Perdok attachment energy, as average
number of first-order Na-Cl bonds per atom.

NqCl structure
B u c k l e y ( 1 9 5 1 ) s u m m a r i z e st h e r e s u l t s o f m a n y the template fractions and cleavageenergiesin Table
experiments on NaCl itself. The forms disappear 2 are approximations, since they consider only first-
(1919) found that the
from a growing spherical seed in the order {ll0}, order bonds. Born and Stern
surfaceenergy of {l l0} is 2.706 times that of {100}on
{ 2 1 0 } ,{ l l 1 } , a n d t h e c u b e { 1 0 0 }i s n o r m a l l y t h e o n l y
a calculation.This
form remaining after long growth. These results ap- the basis of completeelectrostatic
differs considerably from the value 1/2 obtained
ply to a number of methods of growth, and do not
first-order approximation; complete elec-
seemto be reflecting the effectsof adsorption, accord- from the
i n g t o B u c k l e y . N i g g l i ' s ( 1 9 2 6 b )r a n k i n g . o f t h e i m - trostatic template and surfaceenergycalculationsfor
portance of the forms in natural crystalsof halite is all faces should be carried out.
first { 100}, usually the only form present,then { I 1I }, Some oxides with the NaCl structure (e.g. MgO,
MnO, CdO) commonly crystallize in octahedra al-
{l l0}, and {210}.
The unmodified DH rules incorrectly predict that though they have cubic cleavage. Pr€sumably this is
t h e o c t a h e d r o n{ l l l i s h o u l d b e t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t attributable to adsorption of foreign atoms, or to
prestructuring in the growth medium (e.9. Hartman
form; the forms are listed in DH order in Table 2.
Donnay and Harker (1937) suggestedthat if the Na a n d P e r d o k , 1 9 5 5 b ) .
and Cl atoms are considered to be the same, the For several other.simple crystals with face-centered
lattice becomesprimitive rather than face-centered, lattices, such as fluorite, sphalerite, and diamond,
and the first form is {100}. However, the secondpre- the methods of this paper are not very successful.For
dicted form for a primitive cubic lattic is {ll0} and example, the first-order bonds in sphalerite are the
n o t { l l 1 } . A c c o r d i n gt o t h e P B C m e t h o d , { 1 0 0 }i s t h e same as those in diamond, but the cleavageis {l l0} in
o n l y F f o r m ; { l l 0 } a n d { 2 1 0 }a r e S f o r m s ; a n d { l I I } i s sphalerite and {1ll} in diamond. As pointed out by
Hartman (1959b), the differenceapparently must be
a K form, since the only PBC's in the structure are
p a r a l l e l t o [ 0 0 ] , [ 0 1 0 ] ,a n d [ 0 0 1 ] .T h e a t o m - b y - a t o m attributed to the partial ionic character of bonds in
treatment of Stranski (1928) apparently demon- sphalerite. These crystals will be discussed in detail
when more complete electrostatic computations of
stratedthat {l I I } is lessstablethan {l l0} and presum-
ably would be less important morphologically. The bond energieshave been carried out.
template energymethod ranks the forms in the order
{ 1 0 0 } ,{ l l l } , { 1 1 0 } ,{ 1 1 3 } ,{ 2 1 0 } .T h i s i s n o t p e r f e c t ,
especiallyas regards the form {l13} which is never This is one of the original examplesgiven by Hart-
observed,but it is in better agreementwith the obser- man and Perdok (1955c) for the PBC method. A
vations than any method previously proposed. The comparison of results for the various methods is
cleavageis correctly predictedto be {100}.Of course, given in Table 3. It was assumed,following Hartman

T,t sI-s 3. Observed and predicted morphology of barite importanterrors.Note that someof the formsclassi-
fied as S forms by Hartman and Perdokhave lower
Form DH HP HP'
HP attachmentenergiesthan some of the F forms,
1) 001* 6 0.388F 0.39 0.4r(2) 1.03(2) which seemsto be contraryto the postulates of the
2) 2r0* 7 .396F .39 .42(4) 1 . 0 0( r ) Hartman-Perdok classifi
3) 101 r .435F .43 .29(r) r.L2(4)
4) 011 3 .945K .53 .43(5) L.29 Although Hartman and Perdok(1955c)originally
5) oro* lL .))/r .)) . s 9( 1 0 ) r . 1 2( 5 ) classifiedthe form {01l} asan .Fform, theycomputed
the high attachmentenergyvalueof 0.945,and sub-
6) zl.r 9 .472F .47 .s0(9) 1.08(3) sequentlyreclassified it as a K form, sinceaccording
7) 100 2 .521F .51 .4r(3) t.27
8) 410 26
to them it is made up of parts of adjacentF faces.
s .50 .81(19) 1.16
9) ro2 8 s .46 .49(7) 1.1s Theyattributedthe anomalously highpositionof this
r0) r11 4 s .52 .46(6) L.26 form in the observedlist to retardationof growth by
adsorptionof foreignions.However,the presentcal-
1r) 2L3 28 S .64 .9r(26) L.2s culationsrevealthat they did not computethe attach-
L2) 230 38 S
13) 2o1 5 .s3 . 4 9( 8 )
ment energyacrossa surfaceof leastbonding.The
S 1.30
L4) 2r4 47 s attachmentenergycomputedby their method across
15) 2L2 13 S .t, . rr-<rrl r-.22 the surfaceof least bonding is 0.53, which is not
particularlyanomalous,and the form is certainlynot
16) 3r0 81 s out of placein the templatefraction list; it is pre-
17) 110 16 s .52 .71(16) 1.15 dicted to be fifth, and its real importanceis fourth.
The location of the two differentplanesis shownin
Form - Lj-sted in order of the persistence values of
Braun (1932). Cleavage denoted by *. the projectionof Figure4.
DH - Ranking accordlng to the unmodified Donnay-
Harker law. Rutile
HP - Attachment energy and face type of llartman
and Perdok (1955c). The DH methodranks {100}first (Table4) with
HP' - Attachment energy computed in this study by
method of Hartman and Perdok,
slightly over half the reticular areaof the next form,
T - Tenplale fraction with ranking in parentheses. {l l0}. However,the cleavage is {l l0}, andthisform is
CL Cleavage energy divided by that of the first- probablymoreimportantas a growthform.A recent
ranked form, wit.h rankj-ng in parentheses.
PBC treatment (Woensdregtand Felius, cited by
Hartman,1973)classifies only {ll0} and {l0l} as F
and Perdok, that the sulfate ion can be representedas forms,although{100}and {1ll} are alsoimportant
a point charge, and the formal valences were used. growth forms (Niggli, 1926b).Note alsothat the HP
Both the PBC method and the template energy attachmentenergyin Table 4 for {l0l} ranks this
method seem to improve on the basic DH results. form in sixthplace.The form l22ll is anomalously in
Donnay and Donnay (1962) have also made im- third placein the HP attachmentenergylist.
proved predictions of the morphology of barite, by The first-ordertemplatefraction givesequal rank
considering only the centers of charges, rather than to {l l0} and {100},but by virtueofits largerreticular
individual ions. Two of the three cleavagesare cor- area,\l l0) hasby a considerable marginthe smallest
rectly predicted by the cleavage energy; the third is cleavageenergy.This would certainly be the ther-
ranked fifth in the list. Of course with respectto both modynamicequilibriumprismform, but the equilib-
cleavage and morphology, too perfect an agreement rium terminatingforms are hard to predict.
should not be expected, since sulfate ions were re-
garded as point chargesand only first-order bonds The following examplesare mineralswhich show
were used. Note the lack of large differences in the sectorzoning,as discussed in Part II (Dowty, 1976).
cleavageor surface energies;no forms as far down as As might be expected,in theserelatively complex
thirtieth in the list have relative cleavage energies structuresthe templatefraction method often gives
higher than 1.4. Except for one form, {0ll}, the first- results which are very similar to those of the DH
order attachment energiescomputed by the method method.
of Hartman and Perdok have been reproduced by the
present method (the small differences are due to Diopside-augite
round-offerror). This shows that the use of planesin Structuraldata (for diopside)wereobtainedfrom
the present method probably has not caused any Clark et al. (1969).The DH methodranksthe forms

B A R T T E[ r O O ]P R O J E C T T O N fied as F' facesby Hartman (1959c),usingthe PBC

Bo- o S04-o method.The next most important forms, although
usuallysmall,ares {2ttt} and x {5161}(indicesare
for a morphologically right-handed crystal). The
form {21Il} takesfifth placein the DH list and in the
templateenergylist ranks equivalentlywith several
HP other forms after the first three;m, r,and z havejust
SLB half the templatefractionof this next group. How-
(oil ) ever{5l6li is an anomalyby any methodof predic-
tion; evidentlyits prominenceis attributableto retar-
dation of growth becauseof adsorptionof foreign
ions or molecules(Hartman, 1959a).Indeed,syn-
thetic crystalsshow high concentrationsof foreign
Frc. 4. Projectiondown [00] of the structureof barite. The ionsin {5161}sectors (e.g.Cohen,1960).
(011) surfacechosenby Hartman and Perdok(1955c)is denoted
HP; the surfaceof leastbondingis denotedSLB. Andalusite
The DH and templateenergymethodsare not
of diopsideor augitein the order{ll0}, {100},{010}, completelysuccessfulin predicting the morphology
{1li}. The templatefractionmethodranksthem in of andalusite. The most importantforms by far are
theorder{l l0}, {010},{l I I}, {100},andcorrectlyranks pre-
ill0), {001},and {011},with {101}occasionally
{l l0} firstin thecleavage list.The four formslisteddo sent(Niggli, 1926b).The DH methodsranks {ll0},
in fact appear to be the most important forms on
{011},and {101}asthe first threeforms,but {001}is in
augite,althoughNiggli (1926b)alsomentions{130}. eleventhplace.The templatefraction method ranks
Exceptfor this face,which is rankedfourteenth,both the formsin the order{l0l}, {l l0}, {111},with {001}
the DH and template energy methods agree
reasonablywell with the order of the forms as listed
Trsr-B 4. Observed and predicted morphology of rutile
by Niggli down to about fifteenthplace.The first five
forms in the ranking accordingto the HP attachment Form DII HP
energyare {010},l227L{Jl0}, {021}and {10i},in very
poor agreementwith the observedmorphology. 1-rro* 2 0.16(1) r-.oo(1) 4.03(1)
( 0.16 2)4.03(2) 1.40(3)
{l 1
9 9 +} o.42(5) r.70 4.09(4)
Staurolite L101 3 0.33(3) 1.55 4.11(6)

Structuraldata wereobtainedfrom Smith (1968).

The formsarerankedin theorder{010},{ll0}, {001}, l2ro s 0.41(4) r.58 s . 0 8( 1 2 )
-l 310 8 0 . 6 7( 9 ) r.80 5.7L(22)
by both the DH and templatefraction methods,and | 320 13 0.58(7) r.37(2) s.08(13)
theseforms are ranked 1,2,4by the HP attachment L410 16 0 . 9 1( r 8 ) 1.90 6 . 8 0( 2 s )
energy.Theseare the first threeforms listedby Niggli
(1926b)as important;staurolitedoesnot commonly 0.67(10) 1.45(4) 4.90(11)
o . s 8( 8 ) I . s 4( 5 ) 4 . 0 8( 3 )
show many forms. The form {l0l}, the only other
form mentionedby Niggli, is anomalouslyfar down 0.67(11) L.62 4.16(8)
the list by all three methods.The indistinct{010}
cleavageis correctlypredictedby the cleavageenergy
calculations. o.Zr<rrt,.Zn ,.;r,to,

Quartz Form - Listed by groups afEer Niggli (L926b).1. main

foms. 2. secondary prism f oms, 3, secondary
The three forms which are almost always.present non-prism foms.
- Ranking according to the unnodified Donnay-
arethe hexagonal prismz {10i0},the positiverhom- DI{
Harker Law.
bohedronr {1011},and thenegativerhombohedron z T - Template fraction, with ranking in parentheses.
{0lil}; the positiverhombohedronis usuallylarger Cl - Cleavage energy, divided by that of the first
ranked fom, with ranking in parentheses.
than the negativeone. Theseare the first forms in HP' - Attachment energy accordinB to the method of
both the DH and templatefraction lists (which rank Hartman and Perdok (in eL/n. Charges: Ti =

the two rhombohedraequally),and they wereclassi- +4, O = -z)


eighth, and incorrectly ranks {l0l} first in the cleav- successfulin general as any other systematic method
age list, insteadof {ll0}. The HP attachmentenergy yet proposed for predicting morphology. Of course,
r a n k s t h e f o r m s i n t h e o r d e r { l 0 l } , { 0 0 1 } ,{ 1 0 0 } ,{ l I l } ,
we can only hope to isolatethe contribution of inter-
{ 0 l l } , { l l 0 l , e t c . w h i c h i s a n i m p r o v e m e n tw i t h r e - nal structure by this approach, and factors such as
spect to {001} but much worse with respectto the composition of the medium, supersaturation,and the
other forms. presence of dislocations have not yet been directly
accounted for. The restriction to first-order bonds,
the necessityof using a mathematical plane in the
The three most important forms are {100}, i2l0}, calculations, and the uncertainty of bond strengths
and {lll} (Niggli, 1926b; Arnold, 1929), which are all tend to make the predictionsin any particular case
the first three forms in both the DH and template less than certain, even if the basic hypothesisis ac-
fraction lists. The agreement after these first forms is cepted and external factors are not important. Meth-
not exact, but generallythe common forms are near ods of overcoming these limitations are being in-
the head of the list. The cleavage energy correctly vestigated.
predictsthe indistinct {210}cleavage.The HP attach- What is perhaps of more immediate practical im-
ment energy ranks {100} and i2l0} first and second, portancethan the ability to predict morphology is the
b u t { l l l } i s a t l e a s te l e v e n t h . ability to predict surface structure in complex crys-
Plagioclase tals, and the procedure developed in this study is
probably applicableto this independentlyof any par-
Most igneous plagioclase probably crystallizes
ticular model of the relationshio between structure
with the high-albite structure, the parameters for
and morphology.
which (Smith, 1974)have been used in this example.
According to Niggli (1926b) the most important Acknowledgments
f o r m s a r e { 0 0 1 } ,{ l l 0 } , { l I 0 } , { 0 1 0 } ,a n d { l 0 I } . T h e I thank G. E. Harlow for assistancewith the mathematics of
first four forms are the first four in the ranking ac- projecting crystal structures, and L. S. Hollister and R. J. Kirk-
cording to the DH method, the template fraction and patrick for critical reading of the manuscript.
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