Career Teachers Training - Abe Invite

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July 6th, 2023

To the principal and careers department

REF: Invitation for a free Career Teachers Training Workshop

Dear Sir /Madam,

I hope this invitation letter finds you well,

ABE Global is a skills development education organization registered in England and Wales, UK, with
operations Globally . ABE is an independent subsidiary of The Institute of Leadership and
Management Charity

ABE Diploma qualifications in Kenya have been officially registered with the TVET Authority and are
available in Management University of Africa (MUA)

As part of the program to enhance education service delivery in Kenya, ABE Global, UK and
Management University of Africa, Kenya have jointly organized a career teachers training workshop

This training program aims to provide career teachers in Kenya with valuable insights and strategies
for delivering effective career guidance and counselling to the ever-evolving 21st-century student
population. It serves as an opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge in this crucial area.

The ABE Global Director for Africa and Caribbean, Ms Kereesa Carrington-Nunez shall facilitate the
training session

Event Details

Date: Saturday 15 July 2023

Time: 9 am to 12 noon

Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel, Upper Hill, Nairobi

Topic: Enhancing Student Engagement and Motivation

NB: Certificate of training attendance shall be issued to all participants from ABE, UK

To confirm attendance, please register on the registration link below

or call Bonface on 0720984384 or Daisy on 0725911909

Should you need additional information, do not hesitate to reach out to me on +254720984384 or

Best Regards


ABE Global Business Development Manager for Kenya & Tanzania


Head of Corporate Affairs and Partnerships officer

Management University of Africa

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