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A protein is a naturally occurring, extremely

complex substance made up of amino acid

residues linked together by peptide bonds.

Proteins are found in all living organisms and

contain a variety of important biological

compounds such as enzymes, hormones,

and antibodies.


What is the protein?

Types of proteins.

Classification of proteins.

Structure of the protein.

Eslam Mohamed Sayed

Grade 11
1) What is the protein?

A protein is a naturally occurring, extremely complex substance made up of amino

acid residues linked together by peptide bonds. Proteins are found in all living

organisms and contain a variety of important biological compounds such as

enzymes, hormones, and antibodies.

2) Types of proteins.

All proteins are classified into one of seven different protein types. These are some


 Antibodies: Antibodies are specialized proteins that protect the body from

antigens or foreign invaders.

 Contractile proteins: Contractile proteins are the proteins that control muscle

contraction and movement.

 Enzymes: All enzymes discovered so far are proteins.

 Hormonal Proteins: Hormonal proteins are messenger proteins that aid in the

coordination of certain bodily functions.

 Structural Proteins: A large group of structural proteins maintains and protects

the animal body's structure.

 Storage Proteins: Storage proteins keep amino acids in reserve for the body

until they are needed.

 Transport Proteins: Transport proteins are carrier proteins that transport

molecules throughout the body.

3) Classification of proteins.

Protein molecules are large, complex molecules made up of twisted and folded

amino acid strands. Covalent bonds connect each amino acid to the next amino acid.

 Primary (first level) - Protein structure is a chain of amino acids.

 Secondary (secondary level) - The amino acid chain is folded and twisted to

form protein structure.

 Tertiary (third level) - Protein structure is formed when the secondary

structure's twists and folds fold again to form a larger three-dimensional


 A protein with a quaternary (fourth level) structure is one that contains more

than one folded amino acid chain.

Proteins can form "mixed" molecules when they bond with other organic

4) Structure of the protein.

The amino acid is the fundamental structural unit of protein. Amino acids are

combined into long chains to form proteins. There are 20 different amino acids in

all that join together to form a chain known as a polypeptide chain.

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