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Table of Contents
Executive Summary:...............................................................................................................................3
1. Program Profile...................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Program Mission........................................................................................................................5
1.2 Program Goals............................................................................................................................5
1.3 Summary of Program History....................................................................................................5
1.4 Program’s Internal and External Environmental Changes.........................................................5
1.5 A List of the Program Achievements, Awards, and Significant Accomplishment....................5
1.6 Program’s Accreditation Status..................................................................................................5
1.7 Total Credit Hours: (……….)....................................................................................................5
1.8 Preparatory or Foundation Program (if any)..............................................................................5
1.9 Major Tracks/Pathways..............................................................................................................5
1.10 Intermediate Exit Points/Awarded Degree...............................................................................5
1.11 Branches Offering the Program:...............................................................................................6
1.12 Program Statistical Data...........................................................................................................6
1.12.1 Students Enrolment...........................................................................................................6
1.12.2 Classification of Students Based on Mode of Study.........................................................6
1.12.3 Graduation Rate................................................................................................................7
1.12.4 Apparent Completion /Graduation Rate............................................................................7
1.12.5 Number of Teaching Staff.................................................................................................7
1.12.6 Classification of Teaching Staff According to Mode of Study.........................................8
1.12.7 Overall Assessment of Program Statistical Data:............................................................8
2. program Self-study.............................................................................................................................9
2.1 Self-Study Process......................................................................................................................9
2.2 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Benchmarking............................................................9
2.2.1 Methodology of Identifying Program Internal and External Benchmarking......................9
2.2.2 Summary of KPIs and Benchmarks....................................................................................9
3. Evaluation in Relation to Quality Standards.................................................................................10
Standard 1. Mission and Goals.......................................................................................................10
Standard 2. Program Management and Quality Assurance............................................................11
Standard 3. Teaching and Learning................................................................................................12
Standard 4. Students.......................................................................................................................13
Standard 5. Teaching Staff.............................................................................................................14
Standard 6. Learning Resources, Facilities, and Equipment..........................................................15
4. Independent Evaluations..................................................................................................................16
5. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................16
6. Action Recommendations.................................................................................................................16
7. Attachments:......................................................................................................................................17

Executive Summary:


1. Program Profile

1.1 Program Mission

1.2 Program Goals

1.3 Summary of Program History

Program starting date and the reasons for its establishment.

1.4 Program’s Internal and External Environmental Changes

A brief description of the most important internal and external program’s environmental changes (recent or expected
to occur), and the program’s response to them.

1.5 A List of the Program Achievements, Awards, and Significant Accomplishment

1.6 Program’s Accreditation Status

A summary description of the program’s accreditation status including the outcomes of any previous program
Attach a copy of the previous external review or accreditation visit report (if any) and the program’s response to its

1.7 Total Credit Hours: (……….)

1.8 Preparatory or Foundation Program (if any)

A summary description of preparatory or foundation programs (if any) including (its management, relationship with
academic program learning outcomes, how many academic credits are granted into the program and included in the

1.9 Major Tracks/Pathways (if any)

Major Tracks/Pathways Credit Hours
(for each track)
1.10 Intermediate Exit Points/Awarded Degree (if any)
Intermediate Exit Points/Awarded Degree Credit Hours

1.11 Branches Offering the Program:

1.12 Program Statistical Data

1.12.1 Students Enrolment

Two Years Current Excepted
Number of Students Last Year After two
Ago Year Next Year
Proposed Number of
Enrolled Students
Number of Enrolled
Number of Enrolled
International Students
Average Class Size Female
Ratio of
Students to Teaching Staff

 Insert a separate table for the main campus and each branch.

1.12.2 Classification of Students Based on Mode of Study (For Current year)

Number of Students
Classification Saudi Non-Saudi
Male Female Total Male Female Total
On Campus
Mode of
Study Distance

1.12.3 Graduation Rate
Graduates Three Years Ago Two Years Ago Last Year

Number of Graduates
Diploma/ Associate Diploma (Exit Point)
Graduates’ Employment
Number of Employed Graduates
Ratio of Employed to Total Graduates

1.12.4 Apparent Completion /Graduation Rate

Graduation Year
Three Years Ago Two Years Ago Past Year Current Year
Total Cohort Female
Number of Male
Cohort Students Female
Graduated in the
Specified Time
Completion Rate

1.12.5 Number of Teaching Staff

Average Teaching Load
Saudi Non-Saudi
Teaching Staff For All Teaching Staff
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

Faculty Associate Prof.

Members Assistant Prof.


Other Demonstrator
Teaching Assistant


* Insert a separate table for the main campus and each branch
** Attach a detailed list for teaching staff including the following (name, gender, nationality, degree, mode of
study (on-campus, distance education), academic rank, general and specific specialty, institution graduated from,
list of current courses taught in the current academic year)

1.12.6 Classification of Teaching Staff According to Mode of Study
On-Campus Distance Education
Teaching Staff Part-time Part-time
Full-time FTE Full-time FTE
Number (full-time equivalent)
Number (full-time equivalent)


1.12.7 Overall Assessment of Program Statistical Data:


Areas for Improvement:

Priorities for Improvement:

2. program Self-study

2.1 Self-Study Process

A brief description of procedures followed and administrative arrangements for the self-
study, including the structure of self-study committees.
Attach a report on self-study process (including membership and terms of reference for committees, sub-committees,
working teams, and process for the preparation of each standard).

2.2 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Benchmarking

2.2.1 Methodology of Identifying Program Internal and External Benchmarking

Including benchmarking partners and selection criteria/reasons.

2.2.2 Summary of KPIs and Benchmarks

A list of KPIs that are used in the SSRP ( including NCAAA required KPIs )
KPI KPI Results
KPI Actual Target Internal External New Target
No. Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark

Important Note
 Provide description and analysis for each KPI under the related standard
 Attach a complete analysis report of the Program KPIs (including trends and comparisons based on
gender and branches/locations)

3. Evaluation in Relation to Quality Standards
Standard 1. Mission and Goals (Overall Rating: ……)

A. A brief realistic and objective presentation of the present status of the Program
Mission and Goals

B. Report on Standard:

1. Evaluation of Program Goals

Performance Target Actual
Indicators Benchmarks Benchmarks


2. Provide an analytical and critical report about the evaluation results of the standard
based on required data, evidence and KPIs.

C. Overall Evaluation for Quality of the Standard:


Areas for Improvement:

Priorities for Improvement:

Standard 2. Program Management and Quality Assurance (Overall Rating: ……)

A. A brief realistic and objective presentation of the present status of the Program with
respect to Program Management and Quality Assurance

B. Report on Sub-standards:
(Provide an analytical and critical report about the evaluation results of each sub-standard
based on required data, evidence, and KPIs).

2-1 Program Management

2-2 Program Quality Assurance

C. Overall Evaluation for Quality of the Standard:


Areas for Improvement:

Priorities for Improvement:

Standard 3. Teaching and Learning (Overall Rating: ……)

A. A brief realistic and objective presentation of the present status of the program with
respect to Teaching and Learning.

B. Report on Sub-standards:
(Provide an analytical and critical report about the evaluation results of each sub-standard
based on required data, evidence, and KPIs).

3-1 Graduate Attributes and Learning Outcomes

3-2 Curriculum

The Civil Engineering program’s requirements must be consistent with its program
educational objectives and designed in such a way that each of the student outcomes can be
attained. The curriculum must combine technical and professional requirements with general
education requirements and electives to prepare students for a professional career and further
study in the computing discipline associated with the program, and for functioning in modern
society. The Civil Engineering curriculum consists of courses in the basic sciences, math,
engineering topics, Islamic studies, social sciences and Civil Engineering courses . There is a
large Islamic studies core taken by our students that reflects the mission of the University to
install students with an education that has a focus on ethical values and a sense of justice and
social responsibility.

Curriculum Component
To meet the university requirements, all students in the Civil Engineering program are
required to take the following courses:
 ISLS 101: Islamic studies (2 Cr)
 ISLS 201: Islamic studies (3 Cr)
 ISLS 301: Islamic studies (3 Cr)
 ARAB 101: Arabic Language (Cr 3)
 ARAB 201: Arabic Language (Cr 3)
 Competency Courses
 ESP 101: Technical English (Cr 3)
 ESP 102: Introduction to Academic Writing (Cr 3)

 SOC 140: Communication Skills (Cr 3)
 Computer Course
 IT 100: Information Technology (Cr 3)

To meet the requirements in the areas of sciences and mathematics all students in the Civil
Engineering program are required to take the following courses:
 Math 101: Mathematics I (4 Cr.)
 Math 102: Mathematics II (4 Cr.)
 Math 203: Differentiation, Integration, and Vectors (4 cr.)
 Math 204: Differential Equations (3 Cr.)
 Chem 101: Chemistry I (4 Cr.)
 Chem 102: Chemistry II (4 Cr.)
 Phys 101: Physics I (4 Cr.)
 Phys 102: Physics II (4 Cr.)
 IE 331: PR & STAT (3 Cr.)

In addition to sciences and mathematics courses, the civil engineering students also must take
two courses from mechanical engineering program and one course from Industrial program.
 ME 204: Applied Mechanics II (Dynamics) (3 Cr.)
 ME 205: Engineering Graphics (3 Cr.)
 IE 255: Engineering Economy (3 Cr.)

The civil engineering program at UBT covers five different technical areas in Civil
Engineering- Structural, Construction, ,Transportation, and Water Resources & Environmental
engineering. The Required core courses in each of these technical areas are:
 CE 201: Applied Mechanics I- Statics (3 Cr.)
 CE 202: Strength of Materials (3 Cr.)
 CE 204: Computer Aided Design (3 Cr.)
 CE 212: Surveying & Spatial Measurements (3 Cr.)
 CE 222: Mechanics of Materials (3 Cr.)
 CE 311: Civil Engineering Materials (3 Cr.)
 CE 312: Environmental Engineering Basics (3 Cr.)
 CE 313: Basic Structural Analysis (3 Cr.)

 CE 314: Professional Issues Seminar (3 Cr.)
 CE 315: Fluid Mechanics (3 Cr.)
 CE 321: Reinforced Concrete Design (3 Cr.)
 CE 322: Hydraulics (3 Cr.)
 CE 323: Soil Mechanics (3 Cr.)
 CE 324: Transportation Engineering (3 Cr.)
 CE 399: Summer Training (8 weeks field experience) (2 Cr.)
 CE 412: Foundation Design (3 Cr.)
 CE 422: Construction Engineering (3 Cr.)
 CE 423: Hydrology & Water Resources (3 Cr.)
 CE 499: Senior Project (4 Cr.)
A student has to successfully complete a total of 136 credit hours with a cumulative GPA of no
less than 2.0 out of 5.0. Table 2 shows all civil engineering program courses.
Table 2: Credit Requirements Distribution

General Education Courses (Areas 1, Science and Required Civil Professional

2, and 4) and Competency Courses Mathematics Courses Engineering Electives
Area Course # Credits Course # Credits Course # Credits Course # Credits
Area 1 ISLS 101 2 MATH 101 4 ME 205 3 5 Electives 15
ISLS 201 3 MATH 102 4 CE 201 3
ME 204 3
Area 2 ARAB 101 3 MATH 203 4 CE 204 3
ARAB 201 3 CE 212 3
Area 4 ISLS 301 3 MATH 204 3 CE 222 3
Competency ESP 101 3 CHEM 101 4 CE 311 3
Courses ESP 102 3 CHEM 102 4 CE 312 3
SOC 140 3 PHYS 101 4 CE 313 3
Computer IT 100 3 PHYS 102 4 CE 314 1
PR & STAT 3 CE 315 3
IE 331
CE 321 3
CE 322 3
CE 323 3
CE 324 3
CE 399 2
CE 499 4
CE 412 3

CE 422 3
CE 423 3
IE 255 3
Total per Category 26 34 61 15
Total Credit Hours Required for the Civil Engineering Major 136

The program of Civil Engineering offers 5 tracks. These are: General, Construction,
Transportation, Structural, and Environmental. The credit requirements are distributed as listed
below. The track emphasis is given through professional electives.
Five professional elective courses of 15 Credits have to be chosen in each of 5 tracks as shown
in the following tables:

Table 3 Professional Electives in Civil Engineering (General)

Course Code Course Title No of credits

CE 431 Construction Management 3 credits
CE 432 Construction Planning & Contracting 3 credits
CE 433 Construction Estimating 3 credits
CE 434 Advanced Methods & Construction 3 credits
CE 441 Advanced Reinforced Concrete 3 credits
CE 442 Pre-stressed Concrete 3 credits
CE 443 Design of Masonry Structures 3 credits
CE 444 Steel Design 3 credits
CE 445 Advanced Foundation Engineering 3 credits
CE 451 Railway Transportation Engineering 3 credits
CE 452 Railroad Track Engineering 3 credits
CE 453 Pavement Analysis and Design 3 credits
CE 454 Highway Design & Construction 3 credits
CE 461 Water Quality Engineering 3 credits
CE 462 Engineering Geology 3 credits
CE 463 Environmental Engineering 3 credits
CE 464 Environmental Modelling 3 credits
CE 465 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3 credits

Total Required Credits 15

Table 4 Professional Electives in Civil Engineering (Construction)

Course Code Course Title No of credits

CE 431 Construction Management 3 credits
CE 432 Construction Planning & Contracting 3 credits
CE 433 Construction Estimating 3 credits
CE 434 Advanced Methods & Construction 3 credits
CE 454 Highway Design & Construction 3 credits

Total Required Credits 15

Table 5 Professional Electives in Civil Engineering (Transportation)

Course Code Course Title No of credits

CE 431 Construction Management 3 credits
CE 451 Railway Transportation Engineering 3 credits
CE 452 Railroad Track Engineering 3 credits
CE 453 Pavement Analysis and Design 3 credits
CE 454 Highway Design & Construction 3 credits

Total Required Credits 15

Table 5 Professional Electives in Civil Engineering (Structural)

Course Code Course Title No of credits

CE 441 Advanced Reinforced Concrete 3 credits
CE 442 Pre-stressed Concrete 3 credits
CE 443 Design of Masonry Structures 3 credits
CE 444 Steel Design 3 credits
CE 445 Advanced Foundation Engineering 3 credits

Total Required Credits 15

Table 6 Professional Electives in Civil Engineering (Environmental)

Course Code Course Title No of credits

CE 461 Water Quality Engineering 3 credits
CE 462 Engineering Geology 3 credits
CE 463 Environmental Engineering 3 credits
CE 464 Environmental Modeling 3 credits
CE 465 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 3 credits

Total Required Credits 15

These requirements are published in:

 The department website
 The department and college booklets.

 Summer Training in CE curriculum

The coop mode in CE program is not yet active. Nevertheless, as part of the requirements of
all engineering programs in the Faculty of Engineering including CE Program, each student
has to spend at least 8 weeks of supervised industrial summer training.
Summer training represents an important learning experience for senior students. The 8 weeks
spend by each student in industry gives him a chance to react with industrial work
environment. The report the student submits and its oral presentation permits to evaluate some
of the important outcomes of the learning process. These two activities are normally evaluated

by a faculty member. Summer Training (CE 399) is considered as a required course of 2
 General Education Component in CE Curriculum

UBT is dedicated to help students in becoming better citizens and active life-long learners. A
common set of expectations will be achieved through completion of the core curriculum. The
university has designed a core curriculum that serve as an introduction to a broad knowledge
base. Core courses are selected to provide sound foundations for the student’s intellectual
growth while keeping committed to the sustainable development of the country within Islamic
core values and the social and ethical concerns of the Saudi society.
 Laboratory Component in CE Curriculum

CE faculty members understand that Engineering is a practical discipline and hands-on is a key
element of the civil engineering profession. Practicing engineers use research laboratories and
development laboratories to obtain experimental data to guide them in designing and
developing a product and/or to determine if a designed product performs as intended.
Engineering students, on the other hand, need to go to laboratories to build up essential skills
and abilities required for the engineering profession in general, and particularly those required
to deal with industrial research and development laboratories. In Lab courses the students are
introduced also to safety issues as they have to adhere to the safety requirements of each lab.
CE students build up lab skills through the following:
- Physics lab components associated with the two courses General Physics I (PHYS 101)
and General Physics II (PHYS 102) of 4 credits each with a lab component of 3 hours per
- Chemistry lab component associated with the 4 credit hours General Chemistry course
(CHEM 101) and (CHEM 102) with a lab component of 3 hours per week.
The following core courses have laboratory components in which student learn how to conduct
civil engineering experiments and analyse and interpret the resulting data:
- CE 202: Strength of Materials (3 Cr.)
- CE 212: Surveying & Spatial Measurements (3 Cr.)
- CE 222: Mechanics of Materials (3 Cr.)
- CE 311: Civil Engineering Materials (3 Cr.)
- CE 315: Fluid Mechanics (3 Cr.)
- CE 323: Soil Mechanics (3 Cr.)
- CE 322: Hydraulics (3 Cr.)

 Engineering Design through CE Curriculum

CE curriculum provides an engineering design experience, which begins early and continues
throughout the curriculum. The students learn how to design a system, component, or process
by taking the following core courses from different civil engineering contexts:
 CE 321: Reinforced Concrete Design (3 Cr.)
 CE 412: Foundation Design (3 Cr.)
 CE 423: Hydrology & Water Resources (3 Cr.)
 CE 499: Senior Project (4 Cr.)
CE Senior Project is a 2 semester course in which the students pass through that major design
experience. Senior project is used as a strong tool to assess the students’ achievement of the
majority of program outcomes. In order to cope with this importance, CE program the
assessment process for CE senior project include Rubric-based assessment for written report
and general-public oral presentation including the following elements:
 Problem definition, literature review, knowledge integration from previous course
work, realistic constraints, and design work plan.
 Implementation of the solution, optimization, and evaluation for both experimental
design and/or product-based design projects.
 Written communication skills.
 Oral communication skills.

 The students learn about the basic concepts of management, business, and public policy
when they take CE 431: Construction Management. The professional licensing soft
skills, leadership and professional life and ethics are instilled in the students through
CE 314: Professional Issues seminar, and also through courses which include
laboratory works where the students work in teams.
 The students learn that the advancement in technology may make the knowledge they
gathered during their undergraduate studies obsolete after graduation. Therefore, to be
competent and successful in the professional life, one needs to become a life-long
learner so that he stays in touch with the recent developments related to his discipline.
Therefore, in these courses, the students are given assignments which help them to
recognize the need for engaging in life-long learning.

 Prerequisite Flowchart

CE curriculum builds from basic to advanced courses, and has a logical prerequisite tree as
shown in the prerequisite flowchart presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Pre-requisite flow chart

 Curriculum over view
Civil Engineering Four-Year Program Curriculum Offerings is shown in the table 2

Table 2: Civil Engineering Curriculum Overview

FIRST (FRESHMAN) YEAR: First Semester FIRST YEAR: Second Semester

Course Credit Pre- Course Credit
Course Title R/E Course Title R/E Pre-Requisite
Code/No Hours Requisite Code/No Hours
1 General Chem. I 4 R 1 General Chemistry II 4 R CHEM 101
101 EL-600 102
2 Calculus I 4 R MATH 099 2 Calculus II MATH 102 4 R MATH 101
MATH-099, EL-
3 Computer Skills IT 100 3 R MATH 099 3 Physics I PHYS 101 4 R
Introduction to Academic
4 Technical English ESP 101 3 R EL-600 4 ESP 102 3 R ESP 101
5 Islamic Culture I ISLS 101 2 E EL-600 5 Communication Skills SOC 140 3 R ESP 101
Total 16 Total 18
SECOND (SOPHOMORE) YEAR: First Semester SECOND YEAR: Second Semester
Course Credit Pre- Course Credit
Course Title R/E Course Title R/E Pre-Requisite
Code/No Hours Requisite Code/No Hours
1 Physics II PHYS 102 4 R PHYS 101 1 Arabic Language I 3 R EL-600
2 Calculus III 4 R MATH 102 2 Differential Equations 3 R MATH 102
203 204
Applied Mechanics I MATH102; Applied Mechanics II
3 CE 201 3(3,0,1) R 3 ME 204 3(3,0,1) R CE 201
(Statics) PHYS 101 (Dynamics)
Engineering CE 201; MATH
4 IE 255 3 R MATH 101 4 Mechanics of Materials CE 222 3(3,0,0) R
Economy 203
5 Islamic Culture II 3 E EL-600 5 Computer Aided Design CE 204 3(2,2,0) R ME 205
Surveying & Spatial
6 Engineering Graphics ME 205 3 (2, 0, 3) R MATH-099 6 CE 212 3(2,2,0) R ME 205
Total 20 Total 18
THIRD (JUNIOR) YEAR: First Semester THIRD YEAR: Second Semester
Course Credit Pre- Course Credit
Course Title R/E Course Title R/E Pre-Requisite
Code/No Hours Requisite Code/No Hours
Prob & Stat for Reinforced Concrete CE 313
1 IE 331 3 R MATH 102 1 CE 321 3(3,0,0) R
Engineers Design CE 311
Civil Engin.
2 CE 311 3(2,3,0) R CE 222 2 Hydraulics CE 322 3(3,0,0) E CE 315
3 CE 312 3(3,0,0) R CHEM 102 3 Soil Mechanics CE 323 3(3,3,0) R CE 311
Engineering Basics
Basic Structural Transportation
4 CE 313 3(3,0,0) R  CE 222 4 CE 324 3(3,0,0) R CE 212
Analysis Engineering
Professional Issues
5 CE 314 1(1,0,0) R 2nd year 5 Professional Elective CE 4xx 3(XXX) E See catalog
MATH 204
6 Fluid Mechanics CE 315 3(3,0,0) R 6 Arabic Language II ARAB 201 3 R ARAB 101
ME 204
Total 16 Total 18
Summer: CE 399 Summer Training (field experience): 2 credits (required)
FOURTH (SENIOR) YEAR: First Semester FOURTH YEAR: Second Semester
Course Credit Pre- Course Credit
Course Title R/E Course Title R/E Pre-Requisite
Code/No Hours Requisite Code/No Hours
CE 321
1 Senior Project CE 499 4(4,0,0) R 3 year
1 Construction Engineering CE 422 3(3,0,0) R

2 Foundation Design CE 412 3(3,0,0) R CE 323 2 Professional Elective CE 4xx 3(XXX) E See catalog

Hydrology & Water

3 Professional Elective CE 4xx 3(XXX) E See catalog 3 CE 423 3(3,0,0) R CE 322

4 Professional Elective CE 4xx 3(XXX) E See catalog 4 Islamic Culture III ISLS 301 3(XXX) R EL-600

5 Professional Elective CE 4xx 3(XXX) E See catalog 5

Total 16 Total 12

 Course Syllabi

Course syllabi are attached in Appendix A for each course used to satisfy the discipline-
specific requirements and applicable Program Criteria.

 Course and Section Size Summary

Table 3 illustrates the CE courses offered during spring 2019 semester accompanied with
responsible faculty member, number of sections offered for each course, average section
enrolment and the appropriate percent for each type of class (lecture, laboratory, or other).

 Consistency of Civil Engineering Curriculum with program Educational Objectives

and Program Outcomes
The curriculum is consistent and in line with the program educational objectives and program
outcomes. It is already discussed in Criteria 2 and 3. Figure 2-1 (see Criterion 2) shows the
process for the establishment and achievement of program educational objectives and includes
a provision for modifying the curriculum, if needed, to achieve the program educational
objectives. Figure 3-3 (see Criterion 3) shows how the core courses are mapped with program
outcomes. These program outcomes, on the other hand, are related with the program
educational objectives (see Table 3-1 in Criterion 3).

Table 3 Course and Section Size Summary for spring 2019 semester
No. of Average
Course No. Title Responsible Faculty Sections Section
Member Offered Enrollment
CE 201 Applied Mechanics I - Statics Dr. Maged Daoud 1 18
CE 201 Applied Mechanics I - Statics Dr. Noha Fawzi 2 35
CE 204
CE 212
CE 222
CE 311 Civil Engineering Materials Dr. Wael Fawzi 1 -
CE 311 Civil Engineering Materials Dr. Maged Daoud 1 32
CE 312
CE 313
CE 314 Professional Issue Seminar Dr. Noha Fawzi 2 -
CE 314 Professional Issue Seminar Dr. Maged Daoud 1 19
CE 315 Fluid Mechanics Dr. Maged Daoud 1 22
CE 321
CE 322
CE 323
CE 324
CE 399
CE 412
CE 422
CE 423
CE 499 Senior Project
CE 499 Senior Project
CE 499 Senior Project
CE 499 Senior Project Dr. Faisal Osra 2 10
CE 499 Senior Project Dr. Maged Daoud 2 13

Elective Courses

3-3 Quality of Teaching and Student's Assessment

C. Overall Evaluation for Quality of the Standard:


Areas for Improvement:

Priorities for Improvement:

Standard 4. Students (Overall Rating: ……)

A. A brief realistic and objective presentation of the present status of the program with
respect to Student issues.

B. Report on the standard:

(Provide an analytical and critical report about the evaluation results of the standard based on
required data, evidence, and KPIs).

C. Overall Evaluation for Quality of the Standard:


Areas for Improvement:

Priorities for Improvement:

Standard 5. Teaching Staff (Overall Rating: ……)

A. A brief realistic and objective presentation of the present status of the program with
respect to Teaching Staff

B. Report on the standard:

(Provide an analytical and critical report about the evaluation results of the standard based on
required data, evidence, and KPIs).

C. Overall Evaluation for Quality of the Standard:


Areas for Improvement:

Priorities for Improvement:

Standard 6. Learning Resources, Facilities, and Equipment (Overall Rating: ……)

A. A brief realistic and objective presentation of the present status of the program with
respect to Learning Resources, Facilities, and Equipment

The university Library is located in separate building maintained by the Deanship of Library
Affairs. Library material is shelved as open stack policy using the Dewey Decimal
Classification Scheme. The Library collection is accessible to faculty and students alike at their
own leisure. The professional librarians are available in the section to provide assistance. The
reference staff handles Inter-Library Loans with other libraries in the Kingdom.
The library contains approximately titles of Arabic and non-Arabic books, reference
materials, manuscripts, dissertations and reports in different branches of knowledge.
Library also subscribes to different databases, few of which are listed below:
Applied Science & Tech
EI Compendex
Society of Petroleum Engineering Database
Academic Research Prem
Dissertation Abs
ISI Web Knowledge Full Text of all Subjects
Info Trac
Willey Online Journals
Cambridge Journals (Cambridge University Press)
Science Direct for all Subjects
Oxford Journals
Spring E-Books
Netlibrary (Full Text) e-Books for all

The details of various collections are listed below:

Type Arabic English Total
Periodicals (Pre Electronic) Subscription
Periodicals Bound Volumes
Official Documents
Rare Books
Personal Donated Libraries
Micro (Fiche, Cards, Films)

The spaces in the Department are distributed as shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1 Distribution of Spaces in the Civil Engineering Department

Sl. No. Description Area (sq. m)
1 Offices: Administrative
2 Offices: Faculty
3 Classrooms
4 Laboratories
5 Library

There is a cafeteria on the ground floor serving students equipped with brand coffeeshop in
addition to two buffet serving the faculty on the two floors.
There is a common room of ample capacity with comfortable seats for students. There is a
recreational room occupied with games for student.
All the spaces such as offices, classrooms and laboratories are geographically and functionally
well integrated and administered to cater for the needs of the Civil Engineering program
instruction and the accomplishments of its objectives and outcomes. The spaces have been
reorganized from time to time with the intention of better organization and functioning and the
buildings have been regularly maintained well considering the environmental and safety

There are 13 different laboratories in the Civil Engineering Department as listed in Table 7.
The laboratories have adequate equipment for carrying out experimental work of courses,
senior projects and research projects. The labs are very well maintained and regularly up
graded for the facilities. The labs thus adequately support the curriculum delivery. The lab in-
charges have their offices in the labs.
The major laboratory equipment contained in each of these laboratories is presented in
Appendix C of the Self Study Report.

Table 7 List of Laboratories of the Civil Engineering Department.

Sl. No. Name of the laboratory

1 Strength of Materials Laboratory

2 Cement and Aggregate Laboratory

3 Concrete Technology Laboratory

4 Non Destructive Testing Laboratory

5 Soil Mechanics Laboratory

6 Foundation Engineering Laboratory

7 Asphalt Laboratory

8 Traffic Engineering Laboratory

9 Surveying Laboratory

10 Computer Laboratory

11 Environmental Engineering Laboratory

12 Hydraulics Laboratory

13 Hydrology Laboratory


The Civil Engineering Department is located in one Building of the College of Engineering,
University of Business and Technology, Dahban branch - Jeddah. The Department is mainly
housed in two floors with two lifts. The Labs are situated on the ground floor. The office of the
Chairman, Civil Engineering Department is located on the ground floor. Besides the
Chairman's offices, is the reproduction room having photocopying machines.
All active teaching members of the Department have their offices mainly ground floor except
for one office in the first floor. Hence, the building contain offices (Administrative, Faculty,
Clerical, Deanship of Research and consultancy), Classrooms and Laboratories.

Resources and Support

The Civil Engineering Department, over the years, has had excellent resources and support for
its program such that the Department was able to start MSc. Program.

The computer services and facilities are available College level and Department level. It
maintains the internet servers and provides internet services through local area network (LAN).
It also provides various licensed versions of educational software.
The Civil Engineering Department maintains computer services for use by the students, staff
and faculty members. The Department has two Computer Laboratories, consisting of 50 latest
P.C.'s. The First lab has 32 P.C'.s and is dedicated for the computer applications in engineering
design courses. This lab has all the multi-media facilities for lectures and software based
course tutorial. This lab has a plotter, scanner and network printer apart from the software (viz.,
STAAD Pro, AutoCAD, EPANET, TRAFFIX) used for the respective course work. The
second one is the general computer lab which is extensively used by the students for the
courses, senior projects and research work. This lab is also equipped with network printer, and
scanner. All the workstations in both labs are connected to the internet through the college
LAN. All the C.E. faculty members and staff have P.C.'s with LAN connections. These include
P.C.'s in the laboratories. Minor trouble shooting and installations needed is carried out by the
computer lab in-charge. During the student’s registration, add and drop week, the computer
lab is utilized heavily by the students for feeding information about the students' record. Most
of the P.C.'s have USB and CD burner software for the students to make a copy of their
respective work. All laboratories of the department are also equipped with computers .
The center supervises three personal computer labs with more than 65 PCs connected through a
modern network. The central network services are provided by a number of servers, two
dedicated file servers using both Novell and Windows NT operating environments, one
dedicated print server, and one CD-ROM server with a capacity of 14 CDs. It provides on-line
access to archived libraries and reference material. Three more servers use Linux and Windows
NT operating systems to provide automatic configuration of networked workstations via
DHCP, and Intranet services like Web, FTP, DNS and connection to the Internet. The center
also supports a fourth lab of 20 mainframe terminals connected to the university’s computer
center, and a coaxial cable network that provides connections to mainframe terminals in the
offices of staff, and faculty members in the Faculty.

The center is now in the process of opening a fifth lab to replace the mainframe terminal lab
due to the noticed decline in its use. The new lab will have 37 modern workstations served by
two powerful, dual processor IBM Netfinity-servers working under Windows 2000 and a
Citrix-Metaframe operating environment. The new servers will provide central application
services for programs, used by the students in their projects, and programming assignments,
through any kind of workstation in the lab or via the network. This makes a total of 102 PC
workstations and 20+ terminals supported directly by the center.

The Faculty of Engineering recognizes the importance of having a backbone network, with
access to the Internet for advancing educational and research activities of its staff members and
students. A modern network was built in the Faculty recently, under the supervision and
management of the Educational Computer Center. The network's physical backbone consists of
a 12-core multi-mode optical fiber spanning three buildings of the Faculty. The maximum
distance between any two buildings is 500 meters. Only two of the 12 cores are used at this
time. The backbone switch has a speed of 100 Mbps on each port using the Fast Ethernet
technology. The number of available ports allows for a future expansion capacity of 250%.
Other network communication equipment, like branch switches and hubs, has a total capacity
of at least 440 ports giving a speed of 10 Mbps to each end user. This capacity can be expanded
up to 1776 ports of the same speed by employing more hubs as needed.

There are two hundred and nineteen offices, and rooms that have a network connection;
including those that are not in use at this time. Adding to this at least 214 more nodes, which is
the total number of networked PCs in the different labs in the Faculty, gives a grand total of
433 user nodes on the network. The Faculty of Engineering has a permanent connection to the
Internet through a local leased line to the university Computer Center, employing HDSL
technology for speeds up to E1 (2.3 Mbps). This will give every one, on the Faculty network,
access to the web, email, and other Internet services. The center provides its computational
services 24 hours a day, and maintains 32 lines of remote access available after office hours, so
faculty members can use them to connect to local servers, the intranet, and the Internet at any

The planning for the acquisition of new laboratory equipment is done in the beginning of an
academic year. The lab coordinator, in consultation with the lab-in-charge for all laboratories

and group coordinators, conveys the need for any new acquisition of lab equipment to the
Chairman, who in turns forwards it to the University purchase department with the needed
specifications. The university purchase department is responsible to provide the department
with the requirements after calling for quotations.

Each laboratory has its own lab-in-charge (technicians). It is their responsibility to install,
maintain, and manage departmental hardware, software, and networks, and laboratory
equipment. Installation and maintenance are, when needed, done in presence of the local agents
of the equipment providers.

Support of Facilities and Equipment

Each semester, the department coordinates with the Academic Affairs administration of the
faculty for its Class Room Requirements. The designated person of the Department makes sure
the availability of the class rooms with multimedia overhead projectors. The department also
provides computer supplies and copy facilities for the students.

The inventory, new equipment inquiry, maintenance, and training of the laboratory technicians
are done under the supervision of Professor Dr. Faisal Wafa, CE assistant to the chairman for
labs. Coordinators of laboratories and CE specialty groups coordinate with him for this

Adequacy of Support Personnel and Institutional Services

Each laboratory, including the computer lab, has its own laboratory technician. The
Department office has a full time secretary and several part-time helpers. Moreover, the
department also hires student graders to help faculty members with their grading.

B. Report on the standard:
(Provide an analytical and critical report about the evaluation results of the standard based on
required data, evidence, and KPIs).

C. Overall Evaluation for Quality of the Standard:


Areas for Improvement:

Priorities for Improvement:

4. Independent Evaluations
4.1 Describe the process used to obtain an independent opinion on the self-evaluation.

4.2 List the recommendations and other matters raised by the independent evaluator(s)

4.3 Provide a response report on recommendations and other matters raised by the
independent evaluator(s)

Attach the report(s) by independent evaluator(s).

5. Conclusion
5.1 List the most important Program aspects that are particularly successful or that
demonstrate high quality.

5.2 List the most important program aspects that have priorities of improvement

6. Action Recommendations
Action recommendations should be based on the priorities for improvement and other matters
identified earlier in the SSRP
Action Person(s)/units Resources
No. Timelines
Recommendation Responsible Required

7. Attachments:
1. A copy of the previous external review or accreditation visit report (if any) and the
program’s response to its recommendations
2. A detailed list for teaching staff including the following (name, gender, nationality,
degree, mode of study (on-campus, distance education), academic rank, general and
specific specialty, institution graduated from, list of current courses taught in the
current academic year)
3. A report on self-study process (including membership and terms of reference for
committees, sub-committees, working teams, and process for the preparation of each
4. A complete analysis report of the Program KPIs (including trends and comparisons
based on gender and branches/locations)
5. Report(s) by independent evaluator (s) on the program self-evaluation

Important Notes:
 Where evidence is provided for each section of the SSRP, such as attachments, it is
recommended that these documents be contained in the NCAAA portal.
 Ensure that the attachments provided are relevant and related to the SSRP.
 Use a short descriptive file names to identify the contents of each attachment.
 Photos, excessive letters, emails, notes, memos, surveys, and files are not encouraged.
These types of documents can be shown when the review team arrives at the program


ME 205: Engineering Graphics

Course Description

Course Title: Engineering Graphics

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: MATH 099

This course will meet two class periods of lecture and one three hour laboratory /Tutorial period

Catalog Description: Introduction: Skills of freehand sketching. Methods of projection: orthographic,

isometric. Dimensioning of views, third view prediction, primary and successive auxiliary views,
intersections of surfaces and bodies, development of surfaces, sectioning, introduction to assembly drawings,
steel sections, pipe connections, standards and conventions.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 “Technical Drawing with Engineering Graphics (14th Edition)” by Frederick E. Giesecke, Ivan L.
Hill, Henry C. Spencer, Alva E. Mitchell, John Thomas Dygdon, James E. Novak, Shawna E.
Lockhart, Marla Goodman, Peachpit Press, 2011, ISBN 0135090490.

Additional References:
 “ASME Y14.8-2009: Castings, Forgings, and Molded Parts”, American Society of Mechanical
Engineers , ISBN 0791832120

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Prepare basic civil engineering designs using computer-aided drafting and design software
 Build on knowledge, skills and concepts mastered in previous CE design courses.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Projects: Students will complete projects with written reports
Exams: There will be a midterm exam during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will occur
during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 10%
3 Projects 30%
Midterm 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:

Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their
Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Skills of freehand sketching 2
2 Methods of projection: orthographic, isometric 2
3 Dimensioning of views, third view prediction primary and successive 2
auxiliary views
4 Intersections of surfaces and bodies development of surfaces, sectioning 2
5 Introduction to assembly drawings 2
6 Steel sections, pipe connections 2
7 Standards and conventions 2

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

ME 205 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data

c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs


d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams

e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students develop the ability to design basic civil engineering systems, and take into account best practices
and the related codes and regulations, and the social and physical environment in which the design will be
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students develop the ability to communicate through engineering drawings.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning


j. a knowledge of contemporary issues


k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Students use best practices in concert with specifications, codes and standards, and software, all of which
are necessary for engineering practice.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 201: Applied Mechanics I (Statics)

Course Description

Course Title: Applied Mechanics I (Statics)

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: PHYS 101 and MATH 102

This course will meet during three class periods of lecture for one hour each and one hour tutorial period.

Catalog Description: Fundamentals of statics using vector methods. Resolution and composition of forces;
equilibrium of force systems; analysis of forces acting on structures and machines; centroids; moment of

This course provides: A foundation for all subsequent mechanics, structures and machine design courses.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, Michael Plesha, Gary Gray, Francesco Costanzo,
McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 2 edition, 2012, ISBN 13:978-0073380315

Additional References:

 Vector Mechanics for Engineers - Statics by F.P. Beer, E. R. Johnston, and Mazurek, 11th Ed.,
MacGraw-Hill, 2015, ISBN 978-0077687304
 Engineering Mechanics: Statics (13th Edition), Russell C. Hibbeler, Prentice Hall, 2012, ISBN 13:

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Draw appropriate free body diagrams.
 Form and solve equations for one, two and three-dimensional equilibrium of particles and rigid
 Determine internal and external forces (and moments), using Vector manipulation.

Course Requirements

Attendance: Students are expected to attend both the lecture classes and the laboratory periods, and to be
prepared to answer impromptu questions based on class material.

Homework assignments: Homework assignments will be assigned on a weekly basis.

Exams: Exams will occur during the normal lecture class period. There will be two fifty-minute exams
during the semester and the two-hour final exam.

Grading Procedure

Course Assessment Tools Percent %

Homework 20%
Midterm 1 20%
Midterm 2 20%
Final Exam 40%

Laboratory, homework and pre-lab sheet submission policies:

For the homework: Students have up to 4 days after due date to submit with a 15% penalty for each day.
Only medical excuses will be permitted and a hardcopy of the medical report is needed for such excuses.

Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. Note: It is a student’s responsibility to
protect their work from being used by another student. Students who permit their work to be used by another
student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their own.

Course Outline

Number Topic No of
1 Introduction 1 3

2 Statics of particles -2D and 3D 2 6

3 Rigid body-equivalent systems of forces 2 6
4 Rigid body equilibrium-2D and 3D 2 6
5 Distributed forces – centroids and centers of gravity 2 6
6 Analysis of structures – trusses, frames and machines 2 6
7 Forces in beams – Shear and Moment Diagrams 1 3
8 Friction 1 3
9 Moments of inertia of areas and masses 1 3

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 201 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

This is the first engineering course in which students acquire ability to use knowledge of
mathematics and science to solve basic engineering problems.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn to identify, formulate and solve basic engineering problems using hand
computation as well as computer programming.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students are required to present calculation steps in logical order and professional format.

h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and
societal context
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

ME 204: Applied Mechanics II (Dynamics)
Course Description

Course Title: Applied Mechanics II (Dynamics)

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 201: Applied Mechanics I

This course will meet three class periods of lecture and one hour tutorial period

Catalog Description: Fundamentals of dynamics using vector methods. Rectilinear and curvilinear motion,
translation, rotation, plane motion; work, energy and power; impulse and momentum.

This course provides: the foundation for all subsequent mechanics, structures, and machine design courses
that require knowledge of basic dynamics.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, Michael Plesha, Gary Gray, Francesco Costanzo,
McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 2 edition, 2012, ISBN 13:978-0073380315

Additional References:
 Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics (13th Edition) by Russell C. Hibbeler Prentice Hall; 13 edition
(April 21, 2012), ISBN-10: 0132911272, ISBN-13: 978-0132911276)

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Form and solve for one, two and three-dimensional motion (kinematics) or particles and rigid bodies.
 Form and solve determinate dynamic equilibrium problems (kinetics)

Course Requirements

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:

Course Assessment Tools Percent %

Homework 20%
Midterm Exam 1 20%
Midterm Exam 2 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Introduction 1
2 Kinematics of particles 2
3 Kinetics of particles - Newton's 2nd law of motion 1
4 Kinetics of particles - Energy and momentum methods, and central 2
5 Systems of particles 2
6 Kinematics of Rigid bodies 2
7 Plane motion of rigid bodies - forces and accelerations 2
8 Plane motion of rigid bodies - Energy and momentum methods, and non- 2
centroidal impact

Student Outcomes Covered by this Course

ME 204 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

This is the second fundamental engineering mechanics course in which students acquire
ability to use knowledge of mathematics and science to solve basic engineering problems.

b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn to identify, formulate and solve basic engineering problems
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students are required to present calculation steps in logical order and professional
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global and societal context
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the

Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 222: Mechanics of Materials

Course Description

Course Title: Mechanics of Materials

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 201 Applied Mechanics I and MATH 203

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Simple and combined stress, torsion, flexure and deflection of beams, continuous and
restrained beams, combined axial and bending loads, columns.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Mechanics of Materials by James M. Gere and Barry J. Goodno Cengage Learning; 8 edition
(January 1, 2012), ISBN-10: 1111577730, ISBN-13: 978-1111577735)

Additional References:
 Mechanics of Materials by R.C. Hibbeler, 2010, Other, Mixed media, ISBN-13: 9780136022305
 Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, William D. Callister andWilliam D.
Callister(Author) David G. Rethwisch, Wiley, ISBN 978-0470419977
 “Mechanics of Materials”, 4th ed., Beer, Johnston and DeWolf, McGraw-Hill Science Engineering,
2009, ISBN 13: 9780073529387

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Solve problems involving stresses and deformations resulting from axial, torsion, shearing, and
flexural loadings
 Build on the skills and concepts mastered in CE 201 Applied Mechanics I and MATH 203

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Projects: Students will complete group projects with written reports
Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 10%
Projects 30%
Midterm 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.
Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Introduction to stress and strain for axial loading 2
2 Torsion 1.5
3 Flexure 1.5
4 Transverse loading 1.5
5 Combined loading 1.5
6 Transformation of stress 1.5
7 Design of beams 1
8 Beam deflections and slopes 1.5
9 Columns 1
10 Strain energy 1

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 222 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge acquired in CE 201 – Applied Mechanics I, and the
prerequisites to that course, to the analysis of stresses, strains, and deformations in
structural members and machine parts.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn how to solve engineering problems dealing with stresses and deformations.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively

Students are required to present calculation steps in logical order and professional
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global and societal context
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues

k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the

Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 204: Computer Aided Design

Course Description

Course Title: Computer Aided Design

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: ME 205

This course will meet two class periods of lecture and one two hour laboratory period

Catalog Description: Roadway and street network design and site development using computer software,
including grading and earthwork, runoff and drainage structures

Course Materials

Text Book:
 “Site Engineering for Landscape Architects”, 6th, by Strom, Nathan, Woland 2013, Wiley ISBN

Additional References:
 Site Engineering for Landscape Architects Workbook [Paperback] [2009] (Author) Jake Woland
(2009) ASIN: B00E86KOQM

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Prepare basic civil engineering designs using computer-aided drafting and design software
 Build on knowledge, skills and concepts mastered in previous CE design courses.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Projects: Students will complete projects with written reports
Exams: There will be a midterm exam during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will occur
during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 10%
3 Projects 30%
Midterm 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their
Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Land form analysis 2
2 Grading 2
3 Earthwork Quantities 2
4 Stormwater Management 2
5 Stormwater Systems Design 2
6 Urban and Rural Settlement 2
7 CAD and Land Desktop 2

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 204 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students use basic engineering knowledge in solving design project problems
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
Students work with given site data, such as topography and soil test data and must decide how to integrate
the design project with the site conditions.
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students develop the ability to design basic civil engineering systems taking into account current codes
and environmental and land-use regulations.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students develop the ability to design basic civil engineering systems, and take into account best practices
and the related codes and regulations, and the social and physical environment in which the design will be
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Students are to design in accordance with the best practices.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students develop the ability to communicate through engineering drawings.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal
Students are exposed to the environmental and social implications of different design decisions.
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Students use best practices and current specifications, codes and standards, and software. Students learn
that in professional practice engineers need to continuously update their knowledge base.

j. a knowledge of contemporary issues

Students participate in discussions about the impact of the engineer-designed project on communities and
the environment.
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Students use best practices in concert with specifications, codes and standards, and software, all of which
are necessary for engineering practice.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 212: Surveying and Spatial Measurements

Course Description

Course Title: Surveying and Spatial Measurements

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: ME 205

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Elementary plane surveying, geospatial coordinate systems, error and accuracy
analysis, introduction to geographic information systems, theory and uses of global positioning systems,
introduction to photogrammetry & land surface remote sensing in the context of civil & environmental

Course Materials

Text Book:
 "Elementary Surveying, An Introduction to Geomatics", 13th Edition, by Wolf & Ghilani, Prentice
Hall; 2011, ISBN-13: 978-0132554343

Additional References:
 Surveying : Principles and Application, Barry F. Kavanagh, Prentice Hall, 2009 ISBN13:
 Surveying field notebook

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Measure location, distance, angles, and elevations on the surface of the earth.
 Distinguish between spatial data measurement techniques and their appropriate use.
 Work together with others as a survey crew.
 Produce competent graphic communication (including contours).
 Appreciate changing technology and new directions in geomatics.
 Use computerized tools: electronic survey instruments, global position system receivers, geographic
information systems and CAD software.

Course Requirements

Attendance: Students are expected to attend both the lecture classes and the laboratory periods, and to be
prepared to answer impromptu questions based on class material.

Homework: Homework will be assigned on a regular basis.

Project: Students will complete projects with written and oral reports.

Exams: There will be two midterm exams and a practical field exam during the semester and the two-hour
final exam. Exams will occur during the normal lecture class period.

Grading Procedure:

Course Assessment Tools Percent %

Homework 20%
Project 20%
Midterm 1 10%
Midterm 2 10%
Practical Field Final Exam 20%
Final Exam 20%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Spatial data collection techniques, civil eng'g uses for spatial data 1
2 Measuring horizontal and vertical distance in plane surveying 1
3 Geographic Coordinates and Global Positioning Systems 1.5
4 Control Surveys and Reference Datum 1
5 Distance Measurements, EDM and Area calculations 1
6 Errors/Mistakes, Units of measure, Statistical theory and error 1
7 Differential Leveling and Trig leveling 1
8 Angles, azimuths, bearings 1
9 The Traverse and Traverse Calculations 1
10 Use of AutoCAD 1
11 Planar Coordinate Systems, State Plane Coordinates, mapping surveys 1
12 Basic Methods of Stake Out Highway Design and Horizontal Curve 1
13 Remote sensing: Photogrammetry and satellite imagery; Intro to GIS, data 1.5
structures, applications

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 212 Students Outcomes covered
Attainable X X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge acquired in mathematics to spatial data collection and processing.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
Students make field measurements and perform error analyses to create a survey document.
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students must understand the differences between various spatial data measurement techniques and the
appropriate uses for the resulting data.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Students work in teams as a survey crew in the field and as a team in post-processing their measurements
and completing their surveys.
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Students must understand the obligation to provide standards of accuracy.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students develop field notes and computer-aided drawings of completed surveys.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Students use a range of changing technology and explore new directions in the field of geomatics.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
State-of-the-art electronic instruments, and current versions of CAD software are used by the students in
this course.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 311: Civil Engineering Materials

Course Description

Course Title: Civil Engineering Materials

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 222 Mechanics of Materials

This course will meet three two periods of lecture and one three hour laboratory period

Catalog Description: Engineering properties of steel, Portland cement concrete, bituminous cement
concrete, and timber; laboratory measurement of properties; interpretation of results.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers (3rd Edition) by Michael S. Mamlouk and John P.
Zaniewski Prentice Hall; 3 edition (February 27, 2010), ISBN-10: 0136110584, ISBN-13: 978-

Additional References:
 Civil Engineering Materials, by Peter A. Claisse, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2015, ISBN-13:

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Perform and interpret the results from basic laboratory tests used to measure engineering properties
of civil engineering construction materials.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Lab Reports: Assigned weekly, graded 50% on technical accuracy and 50% on written presentation.
Exams: There will be one midterm exam during the semester, one lab exam during the last week of class and
the two-hour final exam. Exams will occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 10%
Lab Reports 30%
Lab Final Test 20%
Midterm 20%
Final Exam 20%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Introduction 1
2 Aggregate gradation – with laboratory work 2
3 Design of concrete mixture and fabrication of test specimens – with 2
laboratory work
4 Stress-strain behavior of concrete – short-term and long-term 1
5 Testing and evaluation of concrete compression and tension strength – 1
with laboratory work
6 Nondestructive methods for evaluating concrete – with laboratory work 1
7 Durability of concrete 1
8 Stress-strain behavior of steel – with laboratory work 1
9 Effect of cold working, hardening, fatigue, fracture on steel behavior – 1
with laboratory work
10 Characteristics and use of strain gages to measure strain – with 1
laboratory work
11 Types, properties, and uses of timber – with laboratory work 1
12 Failure theories 1

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 311 Students Outcomes covered
Attainable X X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge acquired in CE 222 – Mechanics of Materials, and the
prerequisites to that course, to the measurement and evaluation of material properties of
civil engineering construction materials.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
Students conduct multiple laboratory experiments. Students analyze and interpret the data
and present the results in a written report.
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students learn how properties of basic construction materials vary and are affected by
various parameters, and how the properties of the materials can be modified to fit their
desired use.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Students perform all laboratory work in groups of 3 students. Groups are responsible for
division of workload for the experiment and the written report. Each student must initial a
check list identifying what portions of the report they helped with and that they have
checked and agree with the final report. Each member of the group receives the same
grade for their group report.
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
The students are responsible for the division of effort for their group in performing the
laboratory work and written report. They must acknowledge their effort through the check
off list with each report. They must interpret the laboratory data and must justify the
accuracy of the data to support their conclusions.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Every laboratory report receives a grade, which is based 50% on technical accuracy and
50% on written presentation. The final grade and each subgrade is listed on each report.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global and societal context
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Students rely on the latest ASTM standards for performing and analyzing laboratory
experiments. Since these standards are regularly updated, students are reminded of the
importance of life-long learning.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Students use current equipment, techniques, and computer software for performing
experiments and for analyzing and presenting the results.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,

plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 312: Environmental Engineering Basics

Course Description

Course Title: Environmental Engineering Basics

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CHEM 102 General Chemistry II

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Concepts from aqueous chemistry, biology, and physics applied in a quantitative
manner to environmental problems and solutions. Mass and energy balances, chemical reaction engineering.
Quantitative and fundamental description of water and air-pollution problems. Environmental regulations
and policy, pollution prevention, risk assessment. Written and oral reports.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Introduction to Environmental Engineering by Mackenzie Davis and David Cornwell McGraw-Hill
Science/Engineering/Math; 5th edition (2012), ISBN-13:  978-0073401140

Additional References:
 Introduction to Environmental Engineering: SI Edition, P. Aarne Vesilind, Susan M. Morgan,
Lauren G. Heine, Cengage Learning, 2009, ISBN 9780495295853
 Environmental Engineering Solved Problems by R. Wane Schneiter PhD PE Professional
Publications, Inc.; Third Edition, New Edition edition (March 1, 2012), ISBN-10: 1591263743,
ISBN-13: 978-1591263746

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Describe in a quantitative manner environmental science and engineering problems based on an
understanding of the basic underlying sciences
 Recognize the non-technical constraints of environmental management decisions.

Course Requirements

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Projects: Students will complete projects with written and oral reports.
Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 20%
Projects 20%
Midterm 1 10%
Midterm 2 10%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their
Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Introduction 1
2 Mass & Energy Transfer 1
3 Hydrologic Cycle 1
4 Environmental Chemistry 2
5 Risk 2
6 Transport Models 2
7 Water Pollutants 2
8 Air Pollutants 2
9 Sustainability: Life Cycle Analysis 1

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 312 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge acquired in CHEM 102 to the description and interpretation of basic
environmental engineering problems.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
Students develop the ability to analyze and interpret sets of complex and error-containing data by
performing data reduction and statistical analysis.
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Quantitative solutions (at the system and process level) to environmental problems pertinent to water
and air-pollution are reached through the use of mass and energy balances. Environmental regulations
and policy and contaminant thresholds provide the constraints for the design of these
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams

e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

Students learn to reduce complex sets of information and identify the governing processes of the
problems. Governing processes are described mathematically using concepts from chemistry and
physics to solve realistic engineering problems.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Students learn through various examples how engineering decisions have impacted the natural
environment, which serves as a conduit for the challenge of professional and ethical responsibilities.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students produce several written reports and engage in several in-class oral discussions.

h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal
In-class discussions and assignments comprise critical evaluations of the impact of engineering on
society and natural environment.
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Students examine contemporary environmental problems with their current skills in engineering and
scientific principles.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
Environmental engineering problems are placed in a societal and economic context.

k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Spreadsheet calculations serve as a common tool for data reduction and evaluation.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,

plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 313: Basic Structural Analysis

Course Description

Course Title: Basic Structural Analysis

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 222 Mechanics of Materials

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Analysis of statically determinate structures; influence lines; deflection of trusses,
beams, and frames; analysis of statically indeterminate structures by force and displacement methods;
introduction to structural dynamics; computer programming.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 "Structural Analysis" 8th Edition, R.C. Hibbeler (2011) Prentice Hall; ISBN-13: 978-0132570534

Additional References:
 Fundamentals of Structural Analysis, Kenneth Leet, Chia-Ming Uang, Anne Gilbert McGraw-Hill
Science/Engineering/Math; 4 edition, 2010, ISBN-13: 978-0073401096
 Structural Engineering Reference Manual by Alan Williams PhD SE FICE C Eng Professional
Publications, Inc.; Sixth Edition, New Edition (November 1, 2011), ISBN-10: 1591263719, ISBN-
13: 978-1591263715

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 perform a structural analysis on two-dimensional, statically determinate and indeterminate,
structures that include trusses, cables, beams and frames.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Project: Three computer projects based on general formulations and demonstrate the development of
computer software for general purpose structural analysis.
Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 10%
Projects (3) 10%
Midterm Exam 1 20%
Midterm Exam 2 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their
Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Analysis of statically determinate trusses, cables, beams and frames 2
2 Construction and use of influence lines for statically determinate beams 2
and trusses
3 Calculation of deflections for beams, trusses, frames, and mixed 2
4 Analysis of statically indeterminate trusses, beams and frames using 2
force methods
5 Analysis of statically indeterminate beams and frames using 2
displacement methods
6 Introduction to structural dynamics 2
7 Application of spreadsheet programming to structural analysis 2

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 313 Students Outcomes covered


Attainable X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge of mathematics, statics, and mechanics of materials to solve
complex structural analysis problems.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students learn to analyze complex structures to determine internal forces and reactions.
They recognize that these analysis results are needed to perform a structural design.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students analyze a wide variety of structures in this course. They learn to classify
structures, identify a solution method, and perform the required procedures to arrive at a
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students learn how to present technical information required for a specific type of
structural analysis.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global and societal context
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Students are required to perform three computer projects that are based on general
formulations and demonstrate the development of computer software for general purpose
structural analysis.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will

receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 314: Professional Issues Seminar

Course Description

Course Title: Professional Issues Seminar

Credits: 1 credit
Prerequisites: Completion of the Sophomore year

This course will meet one class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Issues in the practice of Civil & Environmental Engineering: professional ethics,
law/contracts, insurance/liability, global/societal issues (e.g., sustainable development, product life cycle),
construction management and professional development.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Civil Engineer's Handbook of Professional Practice by Karen Hansen and Kent Zenobia Wiley; 1
edition (April 26, 2011), ISBN-10: 047043841X, ISBN-13: 978-0470438411

Additional References:
 Engineering, Business & Professional Ethics by Simon Robinson, Ross Dixon, Christopher Preece
and Kris Moodley (Mar 21, 2007).
 Civil engineering and economics and ethics for professional engineering examinations (Hayden
professional engineering examination series), Mortimer Sanders, ISBN 978-08104571

Note: External speakers, field trips, and video series are used to present the topics listed in the description.

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Address non-technical professional issues of engineering problems.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Exams: There will be a two-hour final exam.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 30%
Attendance 30%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.
Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Professional Ethics 2
2 Law 1.5
3 Contracts 1.5
4 Insurance/Liability/Claims 1.5
5 Global/Societal Issues (appropriate technology, sustainable 2
development, product life cycle)
6 Construction management 1.5
7 Professional Development/Societies 1
8 Importance of continuing education, graduate school, life-long learning 1
9 Career paths and options 1
10 Multi-disciplinary nature of actual practice. 1

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 314 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering


b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Our speakers in the seminar series advocate and demonstrate the fact that effective
communications and willingness to work with people in other disciplines is essential.
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Speakers and video presentations on the norms of professional behavior address this
g. an ability to communicate effectively
The implications of effective communications on engineering outcomes are discussed.

h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a

global and societal context
Speakers and video presentations convey the importance of professionalism in the search
for optimal solutions within the regulatory context.
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Our speakers consistently describe the need to stay current or risk becoming obsolete.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
Current news and events in/on Civil and Environmental Engineering obtained from
ASCE, ENR, and other news sources are announced at the beginning of each seminar.
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Our speakers stress the need for practitioners to have current technological capabilities.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 315: Fluid Mechanics

Course Description

Course Title: Fluid Mechanics

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: MATH 204 Differential Equations and ME 204 Dynamics

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Statics of fluids, analysis of fluid flow using principles of mass, momentum, and
energy conservation from a differential and control volume approach. Dimensional analysis. Application to
pipe flow and open channel flow.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Munson, B.R., D.F. Young, and T.H. Okiishi, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 7th Ed. (2012),
John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 978-1118116135

Additional References:
 Fluid Mechanics with Student DVD (McGraw-Hill Series in Mechanical Engineering) Frank White,
2010, ISBN 978-0077422417
 Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by Yunus Cengel and John Cimbala McGraw-Hill
Science/Engineering/Math; 3 edition (January 30, 2013), ISBN-10: 0073380326, ISBN-13: 978-

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Analyze the behavior of fluids at rest, and in motion
 Perform dimensional analysis
 Build on skills and knowledge mastered in CE 201/202 and MATH 204.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Exams: There will be three midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 30%
Midterm Exam 1 10%
Midterm Exam 2 10%
Midterm Exam 3 10%
Final Exam 40%
Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Fluid properties 1
2 Fluid hydrostatics 2
3 Idealized fluid motion (inviscid flow, Bernoulli equation) 2
4 Description of fluid motion 1.5
5 Reynolds Transport Theorem applied to mass 1.5
6 Differential flow analysis, potential flow theory 1
7 Reynolds Transport Theorem applied to energy 1.5
8 Reynolds Transport Theorem applied to momentum 1.5
9 Flows of real (viscous) fluids 1
10 Similitude and dimensional analysis 1

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 315 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Fundamental background from prerequisites (calculus, differential equations, physics,
engineering statics, and engineering dynamics) is enhanced through rigorous homework
and group learning.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
One homework problem per assignment set includes an aspect of data analysis and
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Homework problem sets involve many permutations on each topic, which requires the
student to practice and develop their identification and formulation abilities.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively

h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a

global and societal context
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Modern hydraulic analysis software (Haestad Methods) are introduced and involved in a
project pertinent to water distribution systems or channel flows.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.

Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 321: Reinforced Concrete Design

Course Description

Course Title: Reinforced Concrete Design

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 313-Basic Structural Analysis and CE 311 CE Materials

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Design for flexure, shear, torsion, and axial loads; two-way slabs; serviceability
considerations. Applications to buildings.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Structural Concrete: Theory and Design by M. Nadim Hassoun and Akthem Al-Manaseer Wiley; 5
edition (May 1, 2012), ISBN-10: 1118131347, ISBN-13: 978-1118131343
 "ACI Building Code & Commentary for Reinforced Concrete ACI-318"

Additional References:
 “Reinforced concrete: mechanics and design”, James K. Wight, James Grierson MacGregor, Pearson
Prentice Hall, 2015, 978-0133485967
 Design of Reinforced Concrete, McCormac and Brown, 10th edition, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-118-

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Design structural concrete footings, beams, columns, and slab in accordance with current codes

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Projects: Students will complete projects with written reports
Exams: There will be a midterm exam during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will occur
during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 15%
Midterm 20%
Project 25%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Design of simple beams for flexure and shear (review) 1
2 Design for two-way shear 2
3 Design of wall and column footings 2
4 Design of corbels and brackets 1.5
5 Design for torsion 1.5
6 Analysis and design of continuous beams 1.5
7 Design for serviceability to control deflections and crack widths 1.5
8 Design of columns 1.5
9 Design of two-way slabs 1.5

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 321 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge acquired in CE 313, Basic Structural Analysis, and the
prerequisites to those courses to the design of structural concrete members.

b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students develop the ability to design structural concrete components and frames based
on conditions of strength, serviceability, and practical size and material constraints and
in accordance with current codes.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn to identify design objectives and constraints to develop practical
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Students design in accordance with current ACI-318 Building Code and learn that the
professional engineer is responsible for public safety in their design work.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students are to prepare professionally styled engineering calculations for their
homework assignments
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global and societal context
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Students use current building codes and standards. Since these are updated regularly,
students are reminded that in professional practice engineers need to continuously
update their knowledge base.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Students design in accordance with the most current ACI-318 Building Code.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 322: Hydraulics

Course Description
Course Title: Hydraulic Engineering
Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 315 Fluid Mechanics

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Design and analysis of water and wastewater transport systems, including pipelines,
pumps, pipe networks, and open channel flow. Introduction to hydraulic structures and porous media
hydraulics. Computer applications.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Hydraulics for Civil Engineers, by Peter Wynn, ICE Publishing, 2014, ISBN 0727758454

Additional References:
 Fundamentals of Hydraulic Engineering Systems (4th Edition) by Robert J. Houghtalen, A. Osman
Akan and Ned H. C. Hwang (Aug 17, 2009) Prentice Hall; 4 edition , ISBN-10: 0136016383, ISBN-
13: 978-0136016380

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Solve hydraulic engineering problems
 Reinforce knowledge gained in CE 315 Fluid Mechanics.
 Apply principles from fluid mechanics to solve practical hydraulic engineering problems based on
appropriate assumptions and design fundamental water conveyance systems.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework and Lab: There will be homework assignments.
Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework/Lab 40%
Midterm Exam 1 10%
Midterm Exam 2 10%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 History of Hydraulics 1
2 Closed Conduit Flow: Single, branching and looped pipes, pipe network 3
analysis and design.
3 Hydraulic Machinery: pumps and turbines, performance curves, sizing 3
and operating conditions
4 Open Channel Flow: steady flow, non-uniform water surface profiles, 3
hydraulic jump, structures
5 Unsteady Closed Conduit Flow: water hammer problems and 2
mitigation, pipeline start-up, draining
6 Groundwater Hydraulics: Darcy’s law, one-dimensional and radial flow, 2
drawdown near wells

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 322 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

The analysis and design requires each student to apply calculus, differential equations, fluid
mechanics, physics, engineering statics and dynamics.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students perform component design. Two design projects require iterative solution procedures
and have open ended optimization-related solutions.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Students collaborate in groups of 2-3 students on homework and design projects.
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
In-class examples, and homework problems require engineering assumptions and identification
of relevant processes/equations.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Students learn public safety impacts of hydraulic design, liability, and professional issues
related to hydraulic engineering.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and
societal context
Students learn of historical problems associated with large-scale hydraulic engineering
projects (e.g. international conflicts, water supply disputes, operational near-disasters and
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
Students are engaged in discussions of current controversial water-related issues (e.g. Three
Gorges Dam)
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
Students use computer software to perform pipeline network analysis and design. Some
programming is required.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 323: Soil Mechanics

Course Description

Course Title: Soil Mechanics

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 311 CE Materials

This course will meet three class periods of lecture and one three hour laboratory period

Catalog Description: Fundamentals of soil behavior and its use as a construction material. Soil
classification. Effective stress principle, seepage and flow nets, consolidation, shear strength, limit
equilibrium analysis. Lab experiments and written reports.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Principles of Geotechnical Engineering by Khaled Sobhan and B.M. Das, 8th Ed. Thomson-
Engineering, 2013, ISBN-13: 9781133108665

Additional References:
 Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Muni Budhu, Wiley, 2010, ISBN-13: 9780470556849
 Solution Manual For Principle Of Geotechnical Engineering 6th Ed Braja M Das, Cambridge ,
ISBN-13: 9780534551445
 Geotechnical Engineering: Principles & Practices (2nd Edition) by Donald P. Coduto, Man-chu
Ronald Yeung and William A. Kitch Prentice Hall; 2nd edition (April 8, 2010), ISBN-10:
0132368684, ISBN-13: 978-0132368681

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Classify soils
 Specify lab tests
 Analyze groundwater flow
 Determine stress distributions
 Evaluate elastic and consolidation settlements
 Build on skills and concepts mastered in CE 311.

Course Requirements

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework assignments: Homework assignments will be assigned on a weekly basis.
Laboratory assignments: Laboratory assignments will be assigned weekly. Students will be given a grade
based on lab work done during the laboratory class and proper submission of the assignment.
Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 10%
Laboratories 30%
Midterm 1 10%
Midterm 2 10%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their
Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Origin and Composition of Soils, Soil Classification 1
2 Phase Relations and Soil Compaction 1
3 Flow of Water in Soils 2
4 Stresses and Mohr's Circle 2
5 Compression and Consolidation 2
6 Shear Strength 1
7 Subsurface Exploration and Investigation 1
8 Design of Filters 1
9 Selection of Shear Strength for Design 1
10 Lateral Earth Pressures and Forces on Retaining Walls 1
11 Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations 1

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 323 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X X
Level of


a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge from CE 222 - Mechanics of Materials and CE 315- Fluid
Mechanics, and the prerequisites to these courses, to the analysis, design and
construction of earth structures.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
Students perform 12 laboratory experiments which include standard tests and tests to
determine behavior or verify theory. Lab data are analyzed and reported.
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students design a cost effective site investigation and a filtration/drainage system for an
earth structure.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Students work in teams to complete the laboratory experiments. The team shares the lab
workload, data analysis, presentation of results.
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students measure soil properties, such as permeability or coefficient of compressibility,
which are then used to predict flow or deformation, followed by physical measurements to
validate predictions.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students develop effective oral and written communication skill through team work in
conducting lab experiments and writing lab reports.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global and societal context
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
The importance of health and safety in the engineering workplace is stressed throughout
the course.
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Students use state of the art equipment and current test methods.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 324: Transportation Engineering

Course Description
Course Title: Transportation Engineering
Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 212 – Surveying and Spatial Measurements

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Design of transportation facilities. Traffic flow and capacity analysis. Travel demand

Course Materials

Text Book:
 “Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis,” 5 th Edition, Fred Mannering and Scott
Washburn, published by Wiley, 2012, ISBN 9781118120149

Additional References:
 Text-Book On Highway Engineering Arthur Horace Blanchard, Henry Bernardin Drowne, Nabu
Press, 2010, ISBN-13: 978-1146418461

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Collect and analyze data for traffic engineering and design studies..
 Estimate the level of service of freeways, two-lane rural highways and signalized intersections.
 Estimate travel demand for transportation facilities.
 Design the basic alignment of roadways in accordance with applicable design standards.
 Select appropriate design standards for urban streets and rural roads that consider safety and
neighborhood context.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.

Homework: There will be homework assignments.

Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.

Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 20%
Midterm Exam 1 20%
Midterm Exam 2 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Vehicle performance 1
2 Roadway components and design controls 2
3 Design of horizontal and vertical alignment 2
4 Design and operation of bicycle facilities 1
5 Traffic stream flow fundamentals 2
6 Capacity analysis of uninterrupted flow facilities 2
7 Design of intersections 1
8 Operation and capacity of traffic signals 1

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 324 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students learn how principles of science and mathematics are used to derive fundamental
engineering concepts in design and traffic operation.

b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students conduct a project in which they design the horizontal and vertical alignment of a
road in a real world context.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
In the design project the students develop the goals of the project and consider the
physical and environmental constraints before developing and identifying viable design
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
The students study how transportation systems affect and are affected by social and
environmental factors, and that professional responsibility is not limited only to technical
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students develop communications skills through the written reports for the course
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global and societal context
The students learn about the impact of past and current transportation projects on society
through a variety of approaches, including discussion and analysis of current events,
videos, and guest speakers.
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Some assignments require the students to review newspaper articles or online media to
learn that the field of transportation engineering is constantly changing, thus gaining an
appreciation for the importance of keeping up-to-date with these changes.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
The students study, discuss and analyze contemporary issues which affect the
transportation field using current news stories and visiting speakers.
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
The students use AutoCAD and the Internet in their design project.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.

Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 399: Summer Training-Field Experience

Course Description
Course Title: Field Experience (Internship)
Credits: 2 credits
Prerequisites: Completion of the Junior year.

Eight weeks in the summer after the Junior year (a year before graduation)

Catalog Description:
Practical training is an important aspect of the educational process in the Civil Engineering program.
Students are required to join a company that operates in the government or private sector as a full time
trainee for at least 8 weeks during summer prior to their graduation. The aim of the student training is to
allow students to acquire the experience and knowledge of real-world work environment as well as apply
knowledge and skills they learned in the program in real life and in team working.

Text Book: None

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Be able to apply knowledge and skills they learned in previous classes to solve real-life problems.
 Understand the work assigned in the internship and be able to perform it within the allocated time.
 Be able to integrate themselves in the work environment and develop professional relationships.
 Acquire a good understanding of work organization in a real-life environment.
 Communicate and explain their work effectively (through written reports and oral presentations).
 Work independently and in a team.
 Work with people having different backgrounds.
 Observe ethical behavior through their work.
 Understand various realistic constraints under which the work must be done.
 Get familiar with various application domains of software engineering.
 Use various Civil Engineering tools.
 Work on project/tasks of a reasonable complexity.
 Learn new knowledge and skills required to realize the project in an independent way through the
guidance of the supervisor.

Course Requirements

Project: Students will complete a design project with written and oral reports

Grading Procedure:

Course Assessment Tools Percent %

Project 55%
Performance 15%
Written Report 15%
Oral Presentation 15%

Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. Note: It is a student’s responsibility to
protect their work from being used by another student. Students who permit their work to be used by another
student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their own.

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Orientation, Understand working organization, team introduction, 1
project and task assignment
2 Requirements and specification analysis 1
3 Design process 2
4 Coding and implementation 1
5 Testing 1
6 Integration with other team members 1
7 Complete the final report 1

Student Outcomes Covered by this Course

CE 399 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

All of the outcomes above are covered in ways specific to the practical situation the student in which the
student is placed.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 499: Civil Engineering Senior Project I

Course Description

Course Title: Civil Engineering Senior Project I

Credits: 2 credits
Prerequisites: Senior year standing. Departmental consent required.
Corequisite: Students are recommended to review material of IE 201.

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Design of Civil Engineering Projects. Students working singly or in groups produce
solutions to Civil Engineering design projects from the first concepts through preliminary proposals,
sketches, cost estimations, design, evaluation, oral presentation and written reports.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Handbook of Technical Writing, Tenth Edition by Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw and Walter
E. Oliu St. Martin's Press; Tenth Edition, Revised Edition (November 22, 2011), ISBN-10:
1250004411, ISBN-13: 978-1250004413

Additional References:
 “Kaplan Technical Writing: A Comprehensive Resource for Technical Writers at All Levels” Diane
Martinez, Carrie Wells, Carrie Hannigan, Tanya Peterson, Carolyn Stevenson, Kaplan Publishing,
2010, ISBN 9781607147091

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Integrate science, mathematics and engineering principles in designing solutions to real engineering
problems and post-graduate professional education.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Written Report
Oral Presentation: 15-20 minute presentation and defense
Group self-evaluation: Each member in the group evaluates each other’s contribution to the project
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Oral Presentation 20%
Final Report 80%

Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’ responsibility to protect
their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be used by another student
are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their own.

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Project topic selection by teams of 2 or 3 students - topic approved by 4
2 Project proposal describing the problem and work timeline the team will 2
3 Progress reports describing ongoing work and plans for each team 6
4 15-20 minute oral presentation of proposal by team members 2

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 499 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students must apply mathematics, science and engineering knowledge in selecting, designing and
evaluating alternative solutions for their project.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
Carrying out the project requires collection of data, which often includes experimentation, site
measurements, evaluation of the alternatives and recommendation of the best alternative.
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Carrying out the project requires designing a solution to the problem that considers the unique context
in which it is posed.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Each project topic is multi-disciplinary in nature and carried out by a team of students who must
integrate the various unique aspects of the problem.
an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
For the proposal, students must describe the problem tackled, identifying the pertinent issues
surrounding it, formulate and design several alternatives, and evaluate and select one alternative.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Many projects are sponsored by engineering practitioners, who through this involvement give the
students a clear sense of the responsibilities inherent to the client/engineer relationship.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students are graded on and given feedback on the proposal, weekly progress reports and design
solution presented in oral, written and graphical formats to both technical and lay audiences.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal
In completing the project, students must consider economic, social and environmental impacts of their
design, connecting their work as engineers with topics in general education courses.
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Each student team must research and learn new information and concepts in order to carry out their
project, demonstrating that each new problem to be solved requires new learning.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
Carrying out the project requires each team to learn about and account for applicable design,
construction and environmental codes and regulations.
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Students use up-to-date computer and spatial-measurement facilities and equipment or testing
laboratories in analyzing and designing the solutions to their assigned problems.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 412: Foundation Design

Course Description
Course Title: Foundation Design
Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 323 Soil Mechanics

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Application of soil properties to design of foundations, retaining structures,

excavation drainage, shallow footings, deep foundations, specifications, subsurface exploration.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Principles of Geotechnical Engineering by Khaled Sobhan and B.M. Das, 8th Ed. Thomson-
Engineering, 2013, ISBN-13: 9781133108665

Additional References:
 Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Muni Budhu, Wiley, 2010, ISBN-13: 9780470556849
 Geotechnical Engineering: Principles & Practices (2nd Edition) by Donald P. Coduto, Man-chu
Ronald Yeung and William A. Kitch Prentice Hall; 2nd edition (April 8, 2010), ISBN-10:
0132368684, ISBN-13: 978-0132368681
 Foundation design: principles and practices, Donald P. Coduto, Pearson, 2015 ISBN 9780133424478

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Determine soil properties and behavior
 Understand their importance in the design of foundations and other structural elements that interact
with soil.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 20%
Midterm Exam 1 20%
Midterm Exam 2 20%
Final Exam 40%
Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Bearing Capacity for Predicting Foundation Loads 1.5
2 Settlement Analysis of Footings 1
3 Design of Spread Footings 1
4 Design of Combined Footings 1
5 Design of Mat Foundations 1
6 Lateral Earth Pressure Theories for Analysis of Wall Loads 1.5
7 Analysis and Design of Retaining Walls 1
8 Design of Sheet Pile Walls 1
9 Design of Braced Cofferdams 1
10 Static Analysis and Design of Single Piles 1.5
11 Pile Capacity by Dynamic Formulas and the Wave Equation 1.5
12 Design of Pile Groups 1

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 412 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge acquired in CE 323 - Soil Mechanics and CE 313 Basic Structural Design, and
the prerequisites to those courses, to the design of basic foundation elements.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students develop the ability to design basic foundation elements on the basis of economic, safety and site
geological constraints.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn to identify the design objective and constraints for geotechnical problems and then develop
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Students design in accordance with the most recent design manuals and codes.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students prepare professionally-styled engineering calculations for their design projects as required.

h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Students use current specifications, codes and standards. Since these are updated regularly, students are
reminded that, in professional practice, engineers need to continuously update their knowledge base.

j. a knowledge of contemporary issues

k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Students are to design in accordance with the most recent design manuals and material codes.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 421: Civil Engineering Senior Project II

Course Description

Course Title: Civil Engineering Senior Project II

Credits: 2 credits
Prerequisites: CE 499 Civil Engineering Senior Project I

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Design of Civil Engineering Projects. Students working singly or in groups produce
solutions to civil engineering design projects from the first concepts through preliminary proposals, sketches,
cost estimations, design, evaluation, oral presentation and written reports.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Handbook of Technical Writing, Tenth Edition by Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw and Walter
E. Oliu St. Martin's Press; Tenth Edition, Revised Edition (November 22, 2011), ISBN-10:
1250004411, ISBN-13: 978-1250004413

Additional References:
 “Kaplan Technical Writing: A Comprehensive Resource for Technical Writers at All Levels” Diane
Martinez, Carrie Wells, Carrie Hannigan, Tanya Peterson, Carolyn Stevenson, Kaplan Publishing,
2010, ISBN 9781607147091

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Integrate science, mathematics and engineering principles in designing solutions to real engineering
problems and post-graduate professional education.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Written Report
Oral Presentation: 15-20 minutes presentation and defense
Group self-evaluation: Each member in the group evaluates each other’s contribution to the project
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Oral Presentation 20%
Final Report 80%

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Project topic selection by teams of 2 or 3 students - topic approved by 2
3 Progress reports describing ongoing work and plans for each team 10
4 15-20 minute oral presentation of proposal by team members 2

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 421 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students must apply mathematics, science and engineering knowledge in selecting, designing and
evaluating alternative solutions for their project.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
Carrying out the project requires collection of data, which often includes experimentation, site
measurements, evaluation of the alternatives and recommendation of the best alternative.
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Carrying out the project requires designing a solution to the problem that considers the unique context
in which it is posed.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Each project topic is multi-disciplinary in nature and carried out by a team of students who must
integrate the various unique aspects of the problem.
an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
For the proposal, students must describe the problem tackled, identifying the pertinent issues
surrounding it, formulate and design several alternatives, and evaluate and select one alternative.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Many projects are sponsored by engineering practitioners, who through this involvement give the
students a clear sense of the responsibilities inherent to the client/engineer relationship.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students are graded on and given feedback on the proposal, weekly progress reports and design
solution presented in oral, written and graphical formats to both technical and lay audiences.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal
In completing the project, students must consider economic, social and environmental impacts of their
design, connecting their work as engineers with topics in general education courses.
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Each student team must research and learn new information and concepts in order to carry out their
project, demonstrating that each new problem to be solved requires new learning.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
Carrying out the project requires each team to learn about and account for applicable design,
construction and environmental codes and regulations.
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Students use up-to-date computer and spatial-measurement facilities and equipment or testing
laboratories in analyzing and designing the solutions to their assigned problems.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 422: Construction Engineering

Course Description

Course Title: Construction Engineering

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 321-Reinforced Concrete Design

This course will meet three class periods of lecture.

Catalog Description: Types, selection, utilization, and unit cost of construction equipment regarding
soil compaction and stabilization, excavation and earthmoving operations. Formwork design.
Detailed cost estimation for civil works. Project control.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 “Construction Management”, by Daniel W. Halpin, John Wiley & Sons, 2010, 9780470447239

Additional References:
 Construction Management: New Directions, by Denny McGeorge, Patrick X. W. Zou, Wiley, 2012,
 “Construction Safety Management and Engineering”, American Society of Safety Engineers, 2nd
edition, 2014, ISBN 978-1-885581-77-8

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Use some of the tools for basic design in Construction Engineering.
 Be able to estimate costs for civil engineering works.
 Design and plan for soil compaction and stabilization.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Project: Groups of 2-3 students analyze a case study and develop a solution communicated in written report
and oral presentation
Exams: There will be one midterm exam during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will occur
during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 10%
Presentations (2) 10%
Project Reports 20%

Midterm 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Types, selection, utilization, and unit cost of construction equipment 3
2 Soil compaction and stabilization 2
3 Excavation and earthmoving operations 2
4 Formwork design 2
5 Detailed cost estimation for civil works 3
6 Project control 1
7 Construction safety 1

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 422 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge of engineering to the analysis of the projects and the development of solutions for
a design project.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
The projects require students to design solutions to contemporary problems in construction engineering.

d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams


e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

Projects require students to review a situation and determine how to solve the problem

f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

Homework assignments and class discussions cover issues of class and economic equity in construction
engineering project planning and decision making
g. an ability to communicate effectively


h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal
The projects are designed to encourage the students to think broadly about the economic, political social
and environmental implications of construction. They are also directed to fully address there broader
impacts in developing solutions in their design and planning work.
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
The case study projects are designed to show the students that engineering standards are evolutionary and
require regular updating of the engineer’s technical and analytical knowledge.

j. a knowledge of contemporary issues

The major case study projects are used to highlight and assess contemporary issues in construction
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 423: Hydrology & Water Resources

Course Description

Course Title: Hydrology & Water Resources

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 322 Hydraulics

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Hydrologic cycle: precipitation, interception, depression storage, infiltration,

evapotranspiration, overland flow, snow hydrology, groundwater and stream flow processes. Stream
hydrographs and flood routing. Hydrologic modeling and design. Objectives of water resources
development. Water demand. Reservoirs, dams and spillways. Conjunctive use of surface and groundwater.
Planning for water resources development. Economic analysis of water resources projects. Computer
applications. Design project.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Applied Hydrology, 2nd edition (2013), Ven Te Chow, David R. Maidment, and Larry W. Mays,
McGraw Hill. 978-0071743914

Additional References:
 Physical Hydrology, S.L. Dingman, Waveland Press, 3rd edition, 2014, 978-1478611189
 Engineering Hydrology by Ojha, Bhunya and Berndtsson (Jul 15, 2008) Oxford University Press,
USA ISBN-10: 0195694619, ISBN-13: 978-0195694611

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 have a fundamental understanding of the hydrologic processes and cycle.
 use this knowledge to conduct hydrologic synthesis and simulation, and hydrologic design, building
on knowledge gained in CE 322.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 20%
Midterm Exam 1 20%

Midterm Exam 2 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Hydrologic Processes 2
2 Atmospheric Water 1
3 Subsurface Water 1
4 Surface Water 1
5 Hydrologic Measurements 1
6 Unit Hydrograph 2
7 Lumped Flow Routing 1
8 Water Demand, Reservoirs and Spillways 1
9 Conjunctive Use of Surface and Groundwater 1
10 Planning for Water Resources Development. Economic analysis of 2
Water Resources Projects

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 423 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge of mathematics, earth and atmospheric sciences to quantify hydrological
processes, which is necessary for assessing water resources problems.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
Students develop the ability to analyze and interpret hydrologic data through homework exercises based on
real world hydrological measurements that provide either more or less information than needed.
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students develop the ability to design a hydrological measuring system or network that can produce the
desired data efficiently and with a minimal cost.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students develop the ability to formulate and solve real world hydrological engineering problems. The
lectures are organized around the need of hydrological problem solving; some exams and homework

exercises are given in the form of real world hydrological measurement and planning.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
The multi-dimensionality of water resources problems and solutions is emphasized in the lectures through
international case studies. Ethical issues are discussed.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal
Global climate changes, and the local and non-local impact of land use land cover changes on hydrological
processes are discussed.
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Some of the unsolved, most challenging hydrological problems are introduced through the lectures, and the
need for continuous life-long learning is emphasized.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
The problems of contamination of water and hydrologic impacts due to global climate change and land use
land cover changes are contemporary issues that are discussed in the classroom.
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Students use systems theory coupled with engineering tools such as computing to solve environmental

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 431: Construction Management

Course Description
Course Title: Construction Management
Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: IE 255 Engineering Economy

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Characteristics of construction industry; project delivery systems; the design and
construction process; construction contracting; critical path method for scheduling and managing engineering
project tasks; resource allocation subject to constraints; simplex method for linear programming; and quality
and safety management.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 “Construction Management”, by Daniel W. Halpin, John Wiley & Sons, 2010, 9780470447239

Additional References:
 Construction Management: New Directions, by Denny McGeorge, Patrick X. W. Zou, Wiley, 2012,
 “Operations Research”, 7th ed, H. Taha, 2010, ISBN 013255593X

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 use decision and risk analysis methods to quantify the tradeoffs and choose among competing
 use mathematical optimization tools including linear and integer programming and apply them in
design situations.
 use network analysis algorithms to solve engineering and management problems.
 use the critical path method to manage engineering projects.
 work together in teams to undertake a project with real-world data that requires operations research
 use computer software packages to solve linear programming and other management problems.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Project: The methods of systems engineering from this course will be applied to a civil engineering issue or
Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 20%
Project 20%
Midterm 1 10%

Midterm 2 10%
Final Exam 40%
Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Characteristics of construction industry; project delivery systems; the 2
design and construction process
2 Linear programming problems and sensitivity analysis 2
3 Transportation, assignment and transshipment problems 2
4 Minimum spanning tree, shortest path and maximal flow problems 1
5 Critical path method for project management 1
6 PERT method for project management 1
7 Goal programming, resource allocation and decision making under 2
8 Decision making under risk and uncertainty and game theory 1
9 Construction contracting 1
10 Quality and safety management 1

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 431 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students learn to apply mathematical optimization, elementary graph theory, and probability concepts to
engineering problems.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students learn how to establish design criteria, optimize in design, and apply the systems approach to
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn how to identify appropriate systems techniques for design situations, and construct
mathematical models of the decision problem complete with design objectives and constraints.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively

Students learn how to communicate management decisions using different modes
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal
Students learn how to quantitatively include environmental, social, and economic considerations in their
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
Students learn and apply current contracting methods and regulations
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Students learn to use decision and risk analysis to identify a logical problem solving approach, and how
to use computer software for solving linear programming problems.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 432: Construction Planning and Contracting

Course Description
Course Title: Construction Planning and Contracting
Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: IE 255 Engineering Economy

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Systems approach to project management. Skills and knowledge necessary to
effectively plan and control projects of any size. Ins-and-outs of managing and updating a baseline schedule.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 “Construction Management”, by Daniel W. Halpin, John Wiley & Sons, 2010, 9780470447239

Additional References:
 Construction Management: New Directions, by Denny McGeorge, Patrick X. W. Zou, Wiley, 2012,
 Project Management for Construction: Fundamental Concepts for Owners, Engineers, Architects and
Builders by Chris Hendrickson, First Edition originally printed by Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-731266-
0, 1989 with co-author Tung Au. Second Edition prepared for world wide web publication in 2000.
Version 2.2 prepared Summer, 2008.

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 effectively plan and control projects of any size
 use computer software packages to solve linear programming and other management problems.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Project: The methods of systems engineering from this course will be applied to a civil engineering issue or
Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 20%
Project 20%
Midterm 1 10%
Midterm 2 10%
Final Exam 40%
Important Notes:

Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Systems approach to project management 2
2 Historical development of planning methods 2
3 Scheduling from preliminary design to final walkthrough 2
4 Work breakdown structures 1
5 Project specifications 1
6 Critical path method scheduling techniques 1
7 Network analysis by computer using Primavera (P6) 2
8 Resource and cost allocation 1
9 Claims management 1
10 Managing and updating a baseline schedule from design through 1
construction completion

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 432 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students learn to apply mathematical optimization, elementary graph theory, and probability concepts to
engineering problems.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students learn how to establish design criteria, optimize in design, and apply the systems approach to
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn how to identify appropriate systems techniques for design situations, and construct
mathematical models of the decision problem complete with design objectives and constraints.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students learn how to communicate management decisions using different modes
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal
Students learn how to quantitatively include environmental, social, and economic considerations in their

i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
Students learn and apply current contracting methods and regulations
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Students learn to use decision and risk analysis to identify a logical problem solving approach, and how
to use computer software for solving linear programming problems.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 433: Construction Estimating

Course Description
Course Title: Construction Estimating
Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: IE 255 Engineering Economy

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: The role of the estimator not only in terms of predicting project cost, but also by
recognizing potential risk that impacts the financial bottom line of an estimate. Presentation of commonly
accepted practices and new estimating technologies, which are widely used in the estimating profession.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Fundamentals of Construction Estimating, by David Pratt, Delmar Cengage Learning; 3rd edition,
2010, 978-1439059647
 “Construction Management”, by Daniel W. Halpin, John Wiley & Sons, 2010, 9780470447239

Additional References:
 Construction Management: New Directions, by Denny McGeorge, Patrick X. W. Zou, Wiley, 2012,

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Perform cost estimations pertaining to construction
 use computer software packages to solve linear programming and other management problems.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Project: The methods of systems engineering from this course will be applied to a civil engineering issue or
Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 20%
Project 20%
Midterm 1 10%
Midterm 2 10%
Final Exam 40%
Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 The cost estimator as responsible for recognizing potential risk that 2
impacts the financial bottom line of an estimate
2 Thorough examination of all pertinent project information 2
3 Quantity analysis 2
4 Information assimilated into an organized format that can be easily 1
5 Analysis and monetary determinations that reflect accurate costs related 1
to production, material, equipment
6 Consider plausible risks that effect pricing 1
7 The estimating analysis process is to consider the law of diminishing 2
returns when preparing an estimate
8 Case studies to demonstrate sound estimating practices 2

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 433 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students learn to apply mathematical optimization, elementary graph theory, and probability concepts to
engineering problems.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students learn how to establish design criteria, optimize in design, and apply the systems approach to
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn how to identify appropriate systems techniques for design situations, and construct
mathematical models of the decision problem complete with design objectives and constraints.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students learn how to communicate management decisions using different modes
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal
Students learn how to quantitatively include environmental, social, and economic considerations in their
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues

Students learn and apply current contracting methods and regulations
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Students learn to use decision and risk analysis to identify a logical problem solving approach, and how
to use computer software for solving linear programming problems.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 434: Advanced Methods and Construction

Course Description
Course Title: Advanced Methods and Construction
Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 204 Computer Aided Design

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Building information modeling (BIM) as the state-of-the-art approach to facility
design and construction using object-based 3-D models. Virtual design and construction technology.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 BIM and Construction Management: Proven Tools, Methods, and Workflows, by Brad Hardin, Dave
McCool, 2nd edition, Wiley, 2015, ISBN 978-1118942765

Additional References:
 Introducing Revit Architecture 2010: BIM for Beginners, by Greg Demchak, Tatjana Dzambazova,
Eddy Krygiel, Wiley, ISBN 978-0-470-47355-9

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 use virtual design for construction projects
 use computer BIM software packages.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Project: The methods of systems engineering from this course will be applied to a civil engineering issue or
Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 20%
Project 20%
Midterm 1 10%
Midterm 2 10%
Final Exam 40%
Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to
be used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Virtual design and construction technology 2
2 BIM technologies for analytical purposes such as visualization, quality 2
takeoff, cost estimating, scheduling, coordination and facility
3 Current technologies that enable the BIM process, including tools such 2
as Autodesk Revit Architecture
4 Work with architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing 1
models, and learn to quickly and effectively identify potential conflicts
among them
5 4-D animations using Autodesk AutoCAD NavisWorks 1
6 3-D models created in Revit Architecture 1
7 Technical logistics to set up successful projects using BIM technologies 2
8 Real-world BIM industry applications and practices 1
9 Case studies 1

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 434 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students learn how to establish design criteria, optimize in design, and apply the systems approach to
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn how to identify appropriate systems techniques for design situations, and construct
mathematical models of the decision problem complete with design objectives and constraints.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students learn how to communicate construction processes using different software
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
Students learn and apply current contracting methods and regulations

k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Students learn to use computer software for BIM problems.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 441: Advanced Reinforced Concrete

Course Description

Course Title: Advanced Reinforced Concrete

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 321-Reinforced Concrete Design

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Behavior and design of reinforced concrete for flexure, shear, torsion, bond, and axial
loads; two way slabs; beam-column joints; general flexure theory; seismic considerations; review of design

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Design of Reinforced Concrete, McCormac and Brown, 10th edition, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-118-
 ACI Building Code Requirements and Commentary for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-11)

Additional References:
 “Reinforced concrete: mechanics and design”, James K. Wight, James Grierson MacGregor, Pearson
Prentice Hall, 2015, 978-0133485967
 Structural Concrete: Theory and Design by M. Nadim Hassoun and Akthem Al-Manaseer Wiley; 5
edition (May 1, 2012), ISBN-10: 1118131347, ISBN-13: 978-1118131343

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Design structural concrete footings, beams, columns, and slab in accordance with current codes

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Projects: Students will complete projects with written reports
Exams: There will be a midterm exam during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will occur
during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 15%
Midterm 20%
Project 25%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:

Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Flexural Analysis and Strength Analysis of Beams 1
2 Design of Rectangular Beams and One-way Slabs 2
3 Analysis and Design of T-Beams and Doubly RC Beams 2
4 Review Bending Behavior, Analysis, Design 1.5
5 Serviceability, Bond, Development lengths, and Splices 1.5
6 Shear and Diagonal Tension 1.5
7 Introduction to Columns, Design of Short Columns 1.5
8 Footings, Continuous RC Structures 1.5
9 Torsion 1.5

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 441 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge acquired in CE 321-Reinforced Concrete Design, and the
prerequisites to those courses to the design of structural concrete members.

b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students develop the ability to design structural concrete components and frames based
on conditions of strength, serviceability, and practical size and material constraints and
in accordance with current codes.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn to identify design objectives and constraints to develop practical
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Students design in accordance with current ACI-318 Building Code and learn that the
professional engineer is responsible for public safety in their design work.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students are to prepare professionally styled engineering calculations for their
homework assignments
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global and societal context

i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Students use current building codes and standards. Since these are updated regularly,
students are reminded that in professional practice engineers need to continuously
update their knowledge base.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Students design in accordance with the most current ACI-318 Building Code.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 442: Pre-stressed Concrete

Course Description

Course Title: Pre-stressed Concrete

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 321-Reinforced Concrete Design

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Analysis, design, and behavior of pre-tensioned and post-tensioned concrete; simple
and continuous span structures; time dependent behavior; review of design specifications.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Prestressed Concrete Design, by P. Nagarajan, Pearson, 2013, ISBN 9789332513754
 PCI Design Handbook: Precast and Prestressed Concrete, by Precast/Prestressed Concrete
Institute, 7th edition, 2014, ISBN 9780937040874

Additional References:
 Design of Prestressed Concrete to AS3600-2009, Second Edition, by Raymond Ian Gilbert, Neil
Colin Mickleborough, Gianluca Ranzi, CRC Press, 2015, ISBN 1466572779

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Design pre-stressed structural concrete elements in accordance with current codes

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Projects: Students will complete projects with written reports
Exams: There will be a midterm exam during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will occur
during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 15%
Midterm 20%
Project 25%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:

Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Basic concept of prestressing: reinforced vs. prestressed concrete, 1
prestressing methods, materials, facilities, equipment and hardware
2 Elastic analysis of sections for flexure: Section properties, sign 2
convention; Stresses in concrete due to prestress and external loads,
cracking moment, loads and loading stages, critical loadings, stresses at
critical loadings
3 Preliminary design for flexure: Stress range at a section, permissible 2
stresses and inequality conditions, selection of sections; Graphical
interpretation of inequality conditions; Determination of prestressing
force and eccentricity
4 Losses of prestresss: Sources of prestress loss, immediate and deferred 1.5
losses; Estimation of prestress losses: friction, anchorage slip, elastic
shortening of concrete; Creep and shrinkage of concrete and relaxation
of steel
5 Deflection of prestressed concrete beams, short-term deflection, 1.5
calculation of long-term deflection
6 Composite beams: Composite construction, advantages, design 1.5
differences; Stages of loading, unshored and shored construction; Stress
range and inequality conditions
7 Design for Ultimate Strength in Flexure: Analysis of sections at 1.5
collapse, use of non-prestressed reinforcement, design considerations
8 Design for Ultimate Strength in Shear: Overload behaviour of beams in 1.5
combined bending and shear, benefits of prestressing; Shear resistance
of uncracked & cracked sections
9 Design of Anchorage Zone: Anchorage zone for pre-tensioned and post 1.5
tensioned members, transmission length; End block for post-tensioned

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 442 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge acquired in CE 321-Reinforced Concrete Design, and the
prerequisites to those courses to the design of structural concrete members.

b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students develop the ability to design structural concrete components and frames based
on conditions of strength, serviceability, and practical size and material constraints and
in accordance with current codes.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn to identify design objectives and constraints to develop practical
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Students design in accordance with current ACI-318 Building Code and learn that the
professional engineer is responsible for public safety in their design work.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students are to prepare professionally styled engineering calculations for their
homework assignments
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global and societal context
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Students use current building codes and standards. Since these are updated regularly,
students are reminded that in professional practice engineers need to continuously
update their knowledge base.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Students design in accordance with the most current ACI-318 Building Code.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 443: Design of Masonry Structures

Course Description

Course Title: Design of Masonry Structures

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 311 Civil Engineering Materials and CE 313 Basic Structural Analysis

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Interest in structural masonry has increased significantly in recent years. Design of
masonry structures covers the British code BS 5628 and the Eurocode EC6. Structural masonry design based
on a limit state approach. Design of masonry elements under compression, shear and lateral load and
prestressed members and masonry walls acting compositely with reinforced concrete or steel structures.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Masonry Wall Construction, by A.W. Hendry, F. M. Khalaf, CRC Press, 2010, 9780203467725

Additional References:
 Design of Masonry Structures by A.W. Hendry, B.P. Sinha, S.R. Davies, Taylor & Francis, 2004,
ISBN 0203362403

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Design structural masonry in accordance with current codes

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Projects: Students will complete projects with written reports
Exams: There will be a midterm exam during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will occur
during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 15%
Midterm 20%
Project 25%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:

Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 History of Masonry Materials and Masonry 1
2 Building Elements, Load-Bearing Buildings 2
3 Masonry Units: Clay Brick, Concrete Block, Mortar and grout 2
4 Single-Wythe Walls, Solid and Composite Walls 1.5
5 Cavity Walls, Veneer Walls 1.5
6 Columns and Pilasters, Beams and Lintels 1.5
7 Specified compressive strength for clay and concrete masonry units 1.5
8 Masonry assemblages 1.5
9 Compression and flexure tests 1.5

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 443 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge acquired in CE 313, Basic Structural Analysis, and the
prerequisites to those courses to the design of structural concrete members.

b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students develop the ability to design structural concrete components and frames based
on conditions of strength, serviceability, and practical size and material constraints and
in accordance with current codes.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn to identify design objectives and constraints to develop practical
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Students design in accordance with current ACI-318 Building Code and learn that the
professional engineer is responsible for public safety in their design work.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students are to prepare professionally styled engineering calculations for their
homework assignments
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global and societal context

i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Students use current building codes and standards. Since these are updated regularly,
students are reminded that in professional practice engineers need to continuously
update their knowledge base.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Students design in accordance with the most current ACI-318 Building Code.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 444: Steel Design

Course Description

Course Title: Steel Design

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 313 Basic Structural Analysis and CE 204 CAD

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Beam columns, composite members, plate girders, connections; introduction to plastic
design. Applications to building designs. Written reports.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 "Structural Analysis" 8th Edition, R.C. Hibbeler (2011) Prentice Hall; ISBN-13: 978-0132570534

Additional References:
 Fundamentals of Structural Analysis, Kenneth Leet, Chia-Ming Uang, Anne Gilbert McGraw-Hill
Science/Engineering/Math; 4 edition, 2010, ISBN-13: 978-0073401096
 Structural Analysis: In Theory and Practice, Alan Williams, Butterworth-Heinemann; 1 edition,
Knovel Release Date: 2012, ISBN-13: 978-1856175500
 Structural Steel Design: A Practice Oriented Approach, Abi Aghayere and Jason Vigil Prentice Hall;
2nd edition, 2014, ISBN: 978-0133418828

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Design steel buildings, including the design of beams, columns, beam-columns, composite beams,
plate girders, connections and bracing.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Projects: Students will complete projects with written reports
Exams: There will be a midterm exam during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will occur
during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 10%
3 Projects 30%
Midterm Exam 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Design of tension members (review) 1
2 Design of columns (review) 1
3 Design of rolled beams (review) 1
4 Design of beam-columns 2
5 Design of base plates for columns and beams 2
6 Design of bracing 2
7 Design of composite beams 2
8 Design of plate girders 1.5
9 Design of connections for use in trusses, beams and frames 1.5

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 444 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply what they have learned in mathematics courses, mechanics courses and CE
313, Basic Structural Analysis to the design of steel members.

b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students design steel members and connections for steel building structures.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students evaluate and solve real engineering problems in the design of steel building
members and connections.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Following reading assignments on the design and construction of different buildings and
bridges, students write and discuss professional issues, including ethical implications in the
design process.

g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students learn to present engineering designs in engineering communications through
writing assignments that discuss different design aspects and "back of the envelope
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global
and societal context
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Students review design solutions in their written assignments, taken from different
engineering publications involving the design of buildings and bridges. Students learn that
engineering design requires continued effort to keep abreast of the latest design possibilities.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Students learn to apply the current American Institute of Steel Construction Specification for
the Design of Steel Building in engineering design.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 445: Advanced Foundation Engineering

Course Description
Course Title: Advanced Foundation Engineering
Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 412 Foundation Design

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Ultimate capacities and load-deflection of piles and drilled shafts subjected to
compressive loads, tensile loads, and lateral loads; effects of duration of load, soil-structure interaction; two-
and three-dimensional analysis of pile groups with closely-spaced piles; effects of installation; inspection of
deep foundations and full-scale field tests.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Principles of Geotechnical Engineering by Khaled Sobhan and B.M. Das, 8th Ed. Thomson-
Engineering, 2013, ISBN-13: 9781133108665
 Special Deep Foundation: Compendium Methods and Equipment, Volume I: Piling and Drilling
Rigs, by Klaus F. Hudelmaier, Hartmut Küfner, Liebherr-Werk-Nenzing, Ernst & Sohn, 2009, ISBN

Additional References:
 Foundation design: principles and practices, Donald P. Coduto, Pearson, 2015, ISBN
 Analysis and design of shallow and deep foundations, Lymon C. Reese, William M. Isenhower,
Shin-Tower Wang John Wiley, 2006, ISBN 9780471431596
 Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Muni Budhu, Wiley, 2010, ISBN-13: 9780470556849
 Geotechnical Engineering: Principles & Practices (2nd Edition) by Donald P. Coduto, Man-chu
Ronald Yeung and William A. Kitch Prentice Hall; 2nd edition (April 8, 2010), ISBN-10:
0132368684, ISBN-13: 978-0132368681

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Design pile and other deep foundations
 Understand their importance in the design of foundations and other structural elements that interact
with soil.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 20%
Midterm Exam 1 20%
Midterm Exam 2 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Piles and drilled shafts 1.5
2 Ultimate capacities and load-deflection subjected to compressive, 1
tensile, and lateral loads
3 Effects of duration of load 1
4 Soil-structure interaction 1
5 Two- and three-dimensional analysis of pile groups with closely-spaced 1
6 Effects of installation 1.5
7 Inspection of deep foundations 1
8 Full-scale field tests 1
9 Piles and drilled shafts 1
10 Static Analysis and Design of Single Piles 1.5
11 Pile Capacity by Dynamic Formulas and the Wave Equation 1.5
12 Design of Pile Groups 1

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 445 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge acquired in CE 412 Foundation Design, and the prerequisites to those courses,
to the design of basic foundation elements.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students develop the ability to design basic foundation elements on the basis of economic, safety and site
geological constraints.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn to identify the design objective and constraints for geotechnical problems and then develop
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Students design in accordance with the most recent design manuals and codes.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students prepare professionally-styled engineering calculations for their design projects as required.

h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Students use current specifications, codes and standards. Since these are updated regularly, students are
reminded that, in professional practice, engineers need to continuously update their knowledge base.

j. a knowledge of contemporary issues

k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Students are to design in accordance with the most recent design manuals and material codes.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 451: Railway Transportation Engineering

Course Description

Course Title: Railway Transportation Engineering

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 324 Transportation Engineering

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: An introduction to highway-rail grade crossings and railroad track system design,
components, roadbeds, and maintenance.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Railway Engineering, by Chandra S and M. Agarwal, 2013, Oxford University Press, 978-

Additional References:
 Railway Management and Engineering, by V. A. Profillidis, 4th Edition, Ashgate Pub Co, 4th edition,
2014, 978-1409464631

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Calculate train resistance and consequent power and train energy requirements including effects of
aerodynamics, grade and curvature
 Build on knowledge, skills and concepts mastered in previous CE design courses.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Projects: Students will complete projects with written reports
Exams: There will be a midterm exam during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will occur
during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 10%
3 Projects 30%
Midterm 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:

Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their
Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Highway-rail grade crossings and railroad track system design 2
2 Components, roadbeds, and maintenance 2
3 Railroad rolling stock design 2
4 Running gear and other mechanical components, train braking system 2
design, function and dynamics, and locomotive design, operation and
5 Quantitative analysis of train resistance and consequent power and train 2
energy requirements including effects of aerodynamics, grade and
6 Consideration of train speed, power, acceleration 2
7 Introduction to railway traffic control and signaling 2

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 451 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students perform calculations of power and energy requirements
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data

c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs

Students design track systems, rolling and mechanical components

d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams

e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students develop the ability to design basic civil engineering systems, and take into account best practices
and the related codes and regulations, and the social and physical environment in which the design will be
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students develop the ability to communicate through engineering drawings.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal

i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

j. a knowledge of contemporary issues


k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Students use best practices in concert with specifications, codes and standards, and software, all of which
are necessary for engineering practice.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 452: Railway Track Engineering
Course Description

Course Title: Railway Track Engineering

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 324 Transportation Engineering

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Railroad track engineering concepts, including track component and system design,
construction, evaluation, maintenance, load distribution, and wheel/rail interaction.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Railway Track Engineering, by J. S. Mundrey, McGraw-Hill Education, 2009, ISBN
 Railway Engineering, by Chandra S and M. Agarwal, 2013, Oxford University Press, 978-

Additional References:
 Railway Management and Engineering, by V. A. Profillidis, 4th Edition, Ashgate Pub Co, 4th edition,
2014, 978-1409464631

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Prepare basic railway track calculations and design
 Build on knowledge, skills and concepts mastered in previous CE design courses.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Projects: Students will complete projects with written reports
Exams: There will be a midterm exam during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will occur
during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 10%
3 Projects 30%
Midterm 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:

Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their
Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Track layout and geometry 2
Track component and system design
2 Construction, evaluation, and maintenance 2
Load distribution and wheel/rail interaction
3 Ballast and subgrade 2
Ties; rail and fastenings
4 Track analysis and design 2
Special trackwork
5 Grade crossings 2
Track standards
6 Inspection and condition assessment 2
7 Asset management 2

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 452 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data

c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs

Students perform calculation and design tracks to meet desired specifications

d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams

e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students develop the ability to design basic civil engineering systems, and take into account best practices
and the related codes and regulations, and the social and physical environment in which the design will be
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students develop the ability to communicate through engineering drawings.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal

i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

j. a knowledge of contemporary issues


k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Students use best practices in concert with specifications, codes and standards, and software, all of which
are necessary for engineering practice.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 453: Pavement Analysis and Design

Course Description
Course Title: Pavement Design
Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 311 – Civil Engineering Materials and CE 323 Soil Mechanics

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Text Book:
 Pavement Engineering: Principles and Practice, Second Edition, by Rajib B. Mallick, Tahar El-
Korchi 2013, CRC Press, ISBN 9781439870358

Additional References:
 “The Asphalt Handbook”, Asphalt Institute (2007) 978-1934154274
 Paving Materials and Pavement Analysis, by Baoshan Huang, Erol Tutumluer, Imad L. Al-
Qadi, Jorge Prozzi, Xiang Shu, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2010, 9780784473436

Course Description
Catalog Description: Analysis and design of flexible and rigid pavements; testing and characterization of
paving materials.
Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course s/he will be able to:

1. design flexible and rigid pavements using the current as well as historical design

Course Requirements

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer pop questions
based on class material.

Projects: Students will complete three projects with written and oral reports

Exams: There will be a midterm exam during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will occur
during the normal lecture class period.

Grading Procedure:

Course Assessment Tools Percent %

Homework 10%
Project (3) 30%
Midterm 20%
Final Exam 40%

Homework submission policies:

For the homework: Homework should be submitted in the same due date.

Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. Note: It is a student’s responsibility
to protect their work from being used by another student. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that
is not their own.

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Pavement materials 2

2 Pavement structural responses 2

3 Pavement distresses and performance 2

4 Pavement design – AASHTO 93 3

5 Pavement design – Asphalt Institute 3

6 Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (M-E PDG) 2

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 453 Students Outcomes covered
Attainable Level X X X X X X X X X
of Learning

(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge from CE 311 and the prerequisites to these courses, to the analysis, design
and construction of bituminous pavements.

(b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
Students perform several laboratory experiments which include standard tests. Lab data are analyzed
and reported.

(c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs

Students study how to design cost effective and environmentally friendly pavement systems.

(d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams

Students work in teams to complete the laboratory experiments. The team shares the lab workload, data
analysis, presentation of results.

(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

Students measure asphalt mix properties, such as dynamic modulus, which is then used in the pavement
design process to predict pavement distresses, such as rutting.

(f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

Students are to design in accordance with the best practices.

(g) an ability to communicate effectively

Students develop the ability to communicate through presentations.
(h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal context

(i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

(j) a knowledge of contemporary issues

The importance of health and safety in the engineering workplace is stressed throughout the course.

(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Students use state of the art equipment and current test methods.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 454: Highway Design & Construction

Course Description

Course Title: Highway Design & Construction

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 324 Transportation Engineering and CE 323 Soil Mechanics

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Characteristics of driver, pedestrian vehicle, and traffic flow affecting highway
design; geometric design of highways; layouts of intersections, interchanges and terminals; highway
drainage; review of highway paving materials; design of asphalt paving mixtures; pavement design; highway
construction and supervision; categorize common pavement surface distress and associated correction
activates; introduction to maintenance management system; computer applications on highway geometric

Course Materials

Text Book:
 “Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis,” 5 th Edition, Fred Mannering and Scott
Washburn, published by Wiley, 2012, ISBN 9781118120149
 Pavement Engineering: Principles and Practice, Second Edition, by Rajib B. Mallick, Tahar El-
Korchi 2013, CRC Press, ISBN 9781439870358

Additional References:
 “The Asphalt Handbook”, Asphalt Institute (2007) 978-1934154274

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Design flexible and rigid pavements using the current as well as historical design methods.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Projects: Students will complete three projects with written and oral reports
Exams: There will be a midterm exam during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will occur
during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 10%
Project (3) 30%
Midterm 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Characteristics of driver, pedestrian vehicle, and traffic flow 2
2 Geometric design of highways 2
3 Pavement materials and structural responses 2
4 Pavement distresses and performance 2
5 Pavement design – AASHTO 93 2
6 Pavement design – Asphalt Institute 2
7 Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (M-E PDG) 2

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 454 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge from CE 324 and the prerequisites to these courses, to the analysis, design
and construction of highways with bituminous pavements.

b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data

c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs

Students study how to design a cost effective and environmental friendly pavement systems.

d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams


e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

Students measure asphalt mix properties, such as dynamic modulus, which is then used in the pavement
design process to predict pavement distresses, such as rutting.

f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

Students are to design in accordance with the best practices.

g. an ability to communicate effectively

Students develop the ability to communicate through presentations.

h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal context
Students must design and plan construction in a cost effective and environmental friendly manner

i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

Design codes constantly change and students must stay updated

j. a knowledge of contemporary issues

The importance of health and safety in the engineering workplace is stressed throughout the course.

k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Students use state of the art equipment and current test methods.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.

Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 461: Water Quality Engineering

Course Description

Course Title: Water Quality Engineering

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 312 – Environmental Engineering Basics

This course will meet three class periods of lecture.

Catalog Description: Physical, chemical, and biological principles for the treatment of aqueous phase
contaminants. Systematic approach for analyzing contamination problems. Assessments of lake
eutrophication, conventional pollutants in rivers and estuaries and toxic chemicals in groundwater. Reactor
dynamics and kinetics. Treatment of Water and Wastewater. Design of treatment facilities.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Water Quality & Treatment: A Handbook on Drinking Water (Water Resources and Environmental
Engineering Series), American Water Works Association, James Edzwald, McGraw-Hill
Professional; 6 edition 2010, ISBN-13: 978-0071630115

Additional References:
 Water Quality Engineering: Physical / Chemical Treatment Processes by Mark M. Benjamin and
Desmond F. Lawler Wiley; 1 edition (July 1, 2013), ISBN-10: 1118169654, ISBN-13: 978-

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Describe water or wastewater in terms of its chemical and biological characteristics
 Describe the driving force for contaminant removal by conventional treatment processes
 Interpret treatability data to determine design constraints
 Design unit operation to meet treatment objectives using principles of mass balance and reactor
 Select appropriate treatment processes to attain treatment objectives, including interpretation and
construction of flow diagrams to achieve desired treatment.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Projects: Students will complete projects with written and oral reports.
Design Project: A group of 2-3 students will perform a design project where they will seek and interpret
additional information using database searches, reading primary scientific literature and consulting experts
into a written and oral report.

Exams: There will be a midterm exam during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will occur
during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 10%
Design Project 10%
3 Projects 20%
Midterm 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Water Quality Parameters and Regulations 2
2 Intro. To Chemical Thermodynamics 2
3 Microbiology Principles 2
4 Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Engineering 2
5 Physicochemical Processes: Screening & Sedimentation; Coagulation & 3
Flocculation, Filtration, Sorption, Softening, Disinfection
6 Biochemical Processes: Ecology of Biochemical Reactors, Aerobic 3
Processes; Fixed Film Processes, Anaerobic Treatment & Digestion

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 461 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge acquired in CE 312- Environmental Engineering Basics and
CE 315- Fluid Mechanics and the prerequisites to those courses, to the analysis and
design of basic water quality engineering systems.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
Students develop the ability to analyze and interpret sets of complex and error-containing
data by performing data reduction and statistical analysis.
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students develop the ability to design basic water quality engineering systems on the basis
of a desired effluent quality, taking into account operational costs and reliability.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Students work in teams on to complete term projects. The team divides the workload and
team leadership and roles rotate throughout the semester.
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn to reduce complex sets of information, identify the processes required to
achieve a desired outcome (water quality criteria), the process flow chart to achieve that
outcome, as well as detailed perform design calculations that support the solution.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Students work in teams developing essential professional skills in leadership and
communication. Guided visits to full-scale public water utility operations reinforce
professional and ethical responsibilities.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students produce several written reports, a detailed semester long design report, and in
several in class oral presentations.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global and societal context
In class discussions and assignments comprise critical evaluations of the impact of
engineering on society and natural environment.
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Successful completion of semester-long design project requires students to seek and
interpret additional information using database searches, reading primary scientific
literature and consulting experts.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
Environmental engineering problems are placed in a relevant societal and economic
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Spreadsheet calculations and the use of optimization software will serve as common tool
to perform data reduction, evaluation, and performance prediction.

University Policies

Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 462: Engineering Geology

Course Description

Course Title: Engineering Geology

Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 323: Soil Mechanics

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Text Book:
 Engineering Geology, by Subinoy Gangopadhyay, Oxford University Press, 2013, 978-0198086352
 Engineering Geology: Principles and Practice by David George Price and Michael de Freitas,
Springer, 2009 edition, ISBN-13: 978-3540292494

Additional References:
 Principles of Geotechnical Engineering by Khaled Sobhan and B.M. Das, 8th Ed. Thomson-
Engineering, 2013, ISBN-13: 9781133108665

Course Materials

Catalog Description: Physical properties of earth materials, geological processes, physical and
mineralogical properties of rocks, classification of rocks, structural geology, soil formation and properties,
clay minerals, groundwater.
This course provides:
 preparation for entry-level practice by being able to determine mineralogical properties and
behavior of rocks
 an understanding of the importance of geology in the design and construction of earth structures
and foundation systems
 that graduates "excel in engineering practice"
 a foundation for "becoming licensed professional engineers".

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course s/he will be able to:

1. classify rocks
2. specify lab and field tests appropriate for sites
3. analyze groundwater flow
4. determine geological conditions important to site
5. build on skills and concepts mastered in CE 323.

Course Requirements

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer pop questions
based on class material.

Homework assignments: Homework assignments will be assigned on a weekly basis.

Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.
Grading Procedure:

Course Assessment Tools Percent %

Homework 20%
Midterm 1 20%
Midterm 2 20%
Final Exam 40%

Homework submission policies:

For the homework: Homework should be submitted in the same due date.

Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. Note: It is a student’s responsibility
to protect their work from being used by another student. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that
is not their own.

Course Outline

Number Topics No of
1 Introduction: the role of geology in civil and environmental 1

2 Rocks and tectonic cycle; Rock types, Mineralogy, Petrology. 3

Engineering properties of rocks.

3 Engineering classification; Rock strength 1

4 Tectonics and geological processes 2

5 Subsurface Exploration and Investigation 1

6 Groundwater hydrogeology: water table, head Permeability, 2

Darcy’s law, Groundwater distribution, pumping test.

7 Coastal problems, Coastal erosion and Coastline protection; Coast 1

hazards: tsunami, salt water intrusion

8 Stress, deformation, pore pressure, joints, and faults for granular 1

materials and rocks, Mass movement introduction.

9 Geohazards: Landslides; Slope stability; Subsidence; Earthquakes; 2

Strong ground motion.

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge from CE 323 – Soil Mechanics and CE 315- Fluid Mechanics,
and the prerequisites to these courses, to the analysis, design and construction of earth
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students design a cost effective site investigation and a geophysical investigation for an
earth structure.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students measure soil properties, classify rocks, plan for site investigations.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students develop effective oral and written communication skill through team work in
conducting field campaigns and writing reports.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global and societal context
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
The importance of health and safety in the engineering workplace is stressed throughout
the course.
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Students use state of the art equipment and current test methods.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will

receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 463: Environmental Engineering

Course Description
Course Title: Environmental Engineering
Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 312 Environmental Engineering Basics

This course will meet two two-hour class periods of lecture and one three hour laboratory

Catalog Description: Aqueous analytical chemistry techniques, adsorption, coagulation/flocculation,

fluidization, gas stripping, biokinetics, interpretation of analytical results, bench-scale design projects,
written and oral reports.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Environmental chemistry, Colin Baird, Michael C. Cann. W. H. Freeman, 2012, 9781464113499
 Environmental Chemistry: A global perspective by Gary W. vanLoon and Stephen J. Duffy Oxford
University Press, USA; 3 edition (November 5, 2010), ISBN-10: 0199228868, ISBN-13: 978-
 Experimental Research Notebook for Scientists and Engineers, Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Additional References:
 Water Quality Engineering: Physical / Chemical Treatment Processes by Mark M. Benjamin and
Desmond F. Lawler Wiley; 1 edition (July 1, 2013), ISBN-10: 1118169654, ISBN-13: 978-

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 Apply fundamental and quantitative knowledge about aqueous chemistry to interpret and solve water
quality engineering problems
 Apply basic statistical techniques to analyze and interpret experimental data
 Design, conduct, analyze and interpret lab- and pilot-scale experiments to estimate kinetic and
stoichiometric information for water quality engineering unit processes
 Summarize, interpret, and present experimental information via oral presentations and formal
reports, work effectively as a team member and team leader to solve water quality engineering

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Final Project: A group of 2-3 students will design and execute an experiment, give a group presentation and
a report.
Lab Reports: Assigned weekly, graded 50% on technical accuracy and 50% on written presentation. Nine
informal and two formal lab reports
Exams: A two-hour final exam
Grading Procedure:

Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Informal Lab Reports (9) 20%
Formal Lab Reports (2) 20%
Final Project (Group 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Experimental Data Analysis 2
2 Total and Dissolved Solids Wastewater Analysis 1
3 Coagulation and Flocculation for Turbidity Removal 1
4 Air/Water Exchange of Volatile Organic Chemicals 2
5 Adsorption of Synthetic Organic Chemicals on Activated Carbon 1
6 Parameter Estimation for Biochemical Oxidation of Organic Chemicals 1

7 Measuring NOx in Ambient Air 2

8 Application of Redox Chemistry to Chemical Analysis 1
9 Chromatography & Spectrometry in Chemical Analysis 2

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 463 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge acquired in CE 313- Environmental Engineering Basics and CE
316- Fluid Mechanics and the prerequisites to those courses, to the analysis and design of
basic water quality engineering systems.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
Students develop the ability to analyze and interpret sets of complex and error-containing
data by performing data reduction and statistical analysis. Students will develop an ability to
design, conduct, and analyze experiments to deduce kinetic and thermodynamic parameters
for water quality engineering systems.
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students develop the ability to design basic water quality engineering systems on the basis of
a desired effluent quality, with experimental knowledge of system parameters, and taking into
account operational costs and reliability.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Students work in teams on all laboratory assignments. The team divides the workload and
team leadership rotates.
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn to reduce complex sets of information, identify the processes required to
achieve a desired outcome (water quality criteria), the process flow chart to achieve that
outcome, as well as detailed design calculations that support the solution.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Students work in teams performing laboratory assignments. The team divides the workload
and prepares a team set of reports. Visits to full-scale public water utility operations and
meetings with water quality professionals reinforce the professional and ethical
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students produce weekly written reports, write and revise a 15 page detailed technical report,
and engage in several in class oral presentations.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global
and societal context
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Students execute water quality engineering laboratory exercises with their current skills in
engineering and scientific principles; students will appreciate how the understanding and
demands on water quality engineering processes evolve with time and increased knowledge,
which will serve as a conduit to trigger the need for life-long learning.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
Environmental engineering problems will be placed in a societal and economic context.
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Spread-sheet calculations and the use of optimization software will serve as common tool to
perform data reduction, evaluation, and performance prediction.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 464: Environmental Modeling

Course Description
Course Title: Modeling in Civil & Environmental Engineering
Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 312 – Environmental Engineering Basics & CE 315 – Fluid Mechanics & CE 322

This course will meet three class periods of lecture

Catalog Description: Systematic approach for analyzing contamination problems. Systems theory and
modeling will be used to assess the predominant processes that control the fate and mobility of pollutants in
the environment. Assessments of lake eutrophication, conventional pollutants in rivers and estuaries, and
toxic chemicals in groundwater.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 J.L. Schnoor, Environmental Modeling, 2nd Edition (July 2013), Wiley Interscience. ISBN 978-
Additional References:
 Environmental Modeling: Using MATLAB® Ekkehard Holzbecher, Springer; 2 nd edition, 2012,
ISBN-13: 9783642220425

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course he/she will be able to:
 How chemicals move in the environment
 How fast chemicals react with each other in the water and their interaction with the soil, vegetation ,
microorganisms and aquatic life
 Lake eutrophication (Why do we have algal blooms, fish kills and conditions that make a lake
unappealing to human use and recreation)
 Conventional pollutants in rivers and estuaries (Why only 60% of the 900 miles of “major” rivers in
Connecticut are classified as “fishable” and “swimmable”)
 Toxic organic and inorganic chemicals (How man-made toxic organics such as pesticides, agent
orange, PCB, gasoline byproducts and heavy metals impact the quality of surface and ground

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Homework: There will be homework assignments.
Project: Two projects where students will work in groups and give a presentation and submit reports
Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester and the two-hour final exam. Exams will
occur during the normal lecture class period.

Grading Procedure:
Course Assessment Tools Percent %
Homework 10%
Projects (2) 20%
Midterm 1 15%
Midterm 2 15%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Introduction to Environmental Systems Analysis 1.5
2 Transport Processes 2
Dispersive Systems
Advective Systems
Advective/Dispersive Systems
3 Chemical Reaction Kinetics 2
4 Eutrophication of Lakes 1.5
5 Conventional Pollutants in Rivers and Estuaries 2
6 Toxic Organic Chemicals 2
7 Ground Water Pollution 2
8 Project Presentations and Review 1

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 464 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge of mathematics and environmental science to construct simple
mathematical models that assess environmental pollution problems.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
Students develop the ability to design their own model, analyze environmental data, interpret data
through the use of the model and devise alternative solutions to the problem.
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs

The use of Systems Theory is by definition the ability to analyze the components of a problem and
put together the components into a whole system for the analysis of a problem.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Students are assigned two projects. They work in groups.
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
The second project involves the development of their own model to assess an environmental
problem and recommend remedial solutions. This project involves the conceptualization,
development and testing of a model.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
The multi-dimensionality of environmental problems and solutions is emphasized. Environmental
ethics are discussed.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Both projects are team projects. Students make presentations and submit reports.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and
societal context
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Students learn the fundamental aspects of the fate and transport of pollutants in the environment
and apply this knowledge to various environmental problems. Since the problems are site specific,
the course emphasizes the need to continuously update the knowledge base.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
The problems of eutrophication, ground water contamination, global climate change, and heavy
metal assessment and remediation are contemporary issues that the students are exposed to.
k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
Students use systems theory coupled with engineering tools such as computing to solve
environmental problems.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.

CE 465: Environmental Engineering Laboratory

Course Description
Course Title: Environmental Engineering Laboratory
Credits: 3 credits
Prerequisites: CE 312 – Environmental Engineering Basics

This course will meet two two-hour class periods of lecture and one three hour laboratory

Catalog Description: Aqueous analytical chemical techniques, absorption, coagulation/flocculation,

fluidization, gas stripping, biokinetics, interpretation of analytical results, bench-scale design projects,
written and oral reports.

This course provides:

 Experimentation and analytical design and evaluation of basic water quality engineering systems.
 Utilization and application of concepts covered in earlier courses to a significant experiment.
 An opportunity to design, implement, test and document an experiment
 Communication skills in writing the final report and making a formal presentation.

Course Materials

Text Book:
 Environmental chemistry, Colin Baird, Michael C. Cann. W. H. Freeman, 2012, 9781464113499
 Environmental Chemistry: A global perspective by Gary W. vanLoon and Stephen J. Duffy Oxford
University Press, USA; 3 edition (November 5, 2010), ISBN-10: 0199228868, ISBN-13: 978-
 Experimental Research Notebook for Scientists and Engineers, Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Additional References:
 Water Quality & Treatment: A Handbook on Drinking Water (Water Resources and Environmental
Engineering Series), American Water Works Association, James Edzwald, McGraw-Hill
Professional; 6 edition 2010, ISBN-13: 978-0071630115

Course Learning Outcomes

When the student finishes the course s/he will be able to:

 apply fundamental and quantitative knowledge about aqueous chemistry to interpret and solve
water quality engineering problems
 apply basic statistical techniques to analyze and interpret experimental data
 design, conduct, analyze and interpret lab- and pilot-scale experiments to estimate kinetic and
stoichiometric information for water quality engineering unit processes
 summarize, interpret, and present experimental information via oral presentations
and formal reports, work effectively as a team member and team leader to solve
water quality engineering problems.

Grading and Performance Measures

Attendance: Students are expected to attend the lecture classes, and to be prepared to answer impromptu
questions based on class material.
Lab Reports: Assigned weekly, graded 50% on technical accuracy and 50% on written presentation. Nine
informal and two formal lab reports

Grading Procedure:

Course Assessment Tools Percent %

Informal Lab Reports (9) 20%
Formal Lab Reports (2) 20%
Final Project (Group 20%
Final Exam 40%

Important Notes:
Homework: It is essential that all students keep up with the course. Required work should be submitted on
the due date. Late work may not be accepted and may not receive full credit. Extenuating circumstances
preventing on-time submission should be discussed with the instructor prior to the due date.

Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty of any type will not be tolerated in this class. It is the students’
responsibility to protect their work from being used by other students. Students who permit their work to be
used by another student are as guilty of academic dishonesty as the one who submits work that is not their

Course Outline

Number Topics No of Weeks

1 Experimental Data Analysis 2
2 Total and Dissolved Solids Wastewater Analysis 1
3 Coagulation and Flocculation for Turbidity Removal 1
4 Air/Water Exchange of Volatile Organic Chemicals 2
5 Adsorption of Synthetic Organic Chemicals on Activated Carbon 1
6 Parameter Estimation for Biochemical Oxidation of Organic Chemicals 1
7 Measuring NOx in Ambient Air 2
8 Application of Redox Chemistry to Chemical Analysis 1

Student Outcomes Covered by the Course

CE 465 Students Outcomes covered

Attainable X X X X X X X X X X
Level of

a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

Students apply knowledge acquired in Environmental Engineering Basics and Fluid Mechanics
and the prerequisites to those courses, to the analysis and design of basic water quality
engineering systems.
b. an ability to design & conduct experiments, as well as analyze & interpret data
Students develop the ability to analyze and interpret sets of complex and error-containing data by
performing data reduction and statistical analysis. Students will develop an ability to design,
conduct, and analyze experiments to deduce kinetic and thermodynamic parameters for water
quality engineering systems.
c. an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Students develop the ability to design basic water quality engineering systems on the basis of a
desired effluent quality, with experimental knowledge of system parameters, and taking into
account operational costs and reliability.
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Students work in teams on all laboratory assignments. The team divides the workload and team
leadership rotates.
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Students learn to reduce complex sets of information, identify the processes required to achieve a
desired outcome (water quality criteria), the process flow chart to achieve that outcome, as well as
detailed design calculations that support the solution.
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Students work in teams performing laboratory assignments. The team divides the workload and
prepares a team set of reports. Visits to full-scale public water utility operations and meetings
with water quality professionals reinforce the professional and ethical responsibilities.
g. an ability to communicate effectively
Students produce weekly written reports, write and revise a 15 page detailed technical report, and
engage in several in class oral presentations.
h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and
societal context
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Students execute water quality engineering laboratory exercises with their current skills in
engineering and scientific principles; students will appreciate how the understanding and
demands on water quality engineering processes evolve with time and increased knowledge, which
will serve as a conduit to trigger the need for life-long learning.
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
Environmental engineering problems will be placed in a societal and economic context.

k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
Spread-sheet calculations and the use of optimization software will serve as common tool to
perform data reduction, evaluation, and performance prediction.

University Policies
Academic Integrity: The student code of conduct applies in all College courses. The student code of
conduct emphasizes academic honesty by stipulating that academic misconduct is a violation of the
University Community Standards.  This includes: copying or sharing answers on tests or assignments,
plagiarism, or having someone else do student academic work. Such violations can result in a grade of F for
a test/assignment, the course, and in some cases suspension or expulsion from the University.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss more than 25% of the total number of class sessions without a valid
excuse will not be allowed to sit for the final exam and may receive a failing grade.
Special Needs Considerations: Students who need academic accommodations due to a disability, should
contact the instructor at their earliest convenience so that appropriate accommodations can be made.

Withdrawal from a Course: Students should secure the appropriate forms from the Academic Advising
Office and the Academic Records Office and return the forms to that office after notifying the instructor of
the course from which they are withdrawing. Students who withdraw officially after the add/drop period will
receive a W grade. A student withdrawing without official notification may receive a grade of F for the
Emergencies: In the event of a University-wide emergency, specific course requirements, including for
example, class schedules, project deadlines, and exam schedules, are subject to change. Please refer to the
course web page (list address) for changes in this course.


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