Select AVG AS From Group BY: 'My - Account' 'My - User' 'My - Password' 'My - Warehouse'

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Based on the job description you shared and the work experience you shared, here are some possible coding
questions that an interviewer may ask you related to Snowflake:

Q: Write a SQL query to find the average price of products by category using Snowflake.

A: One possible SQL query to find the average price of products by category using Snowflake is:
-- Assuming there is a table called Product with columns product_id, name, price, and category
SELECT category, AVG(price) AS average_price
FROM Product
GROUP BY category;

Q: Write a Python code snippet that connects to Snowflake using the snowflake.connector module
and executes a simple query.

A: One possible Python code snippet that connects to Snowflake using the snowflake.connector module
and executes a simple query is:

# Import the snowflake.connector module

import snowflake.connector

# Create a connection object using the account name, user name, password, and warehouse name
conn = snowflake.connector.connect(
account = 'my_account',
user = 'my_user',
password = 'my_password',
warehouse = 'my_warehouse'

# Create a cursor object to execute queries

cur = conn.cursor()

# Execute a simple query and fetch the results

cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Product LIMIT 10")
results = cur.fetchall()

# Print the results

for row in results:

# Close the cursor and the connection


Q: What are some of the benefits of using Snowflake as a cloud data warehouse?

A: Some of the benefits of using Snowflake as a cloud data warehouse are:

It separates the storage and compute layers, allowing users to scale up or down the resources
independently and pay only for what they use.
It supports semi-structured and structured data formats, such as JSON, XML, CSV, etc., and
automatically optimizes the data for performance.
It enables data sharing across different Snowflake accounts or external applications without
copying or moving the data.
It offers time travel and zero-copy cloning features that allow users to access historical data and
create instant copies of tables or databases without affecting the original data.

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