11 (A) Link1 Business Continuity Policy RHL - July09 (Draft v5)

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11(a) Link 111(a) Link 1


Business Continuity Policy


Prepared by:
Su Gomer, Chief Executive

Version 5 July 2009

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Business Continuity Policy

Foreword ................................................................................................................3

1. Introduction .................................................................................................4

2. Aim and Objectives .....................................................................................5

3. Business Critical Systems .........................................................................6

4. Service Assessment of Critical Functions................................................6

5. Senior Management Team..........................................................................6

6. Relation between a Business Continuity and an Emergency

Planning Response .....................................................................................7
6.1 Emergency Planning ..........................................................................7
6.2 Health and Safety ...............................................................................8
6.3 RHL Service Functions............................................................................... 9
6.4 Human Resources and Payroll Services ..........................................10
6.5 Customer Services ...........................................................................10

7. Procedure for Notification of Service Disruption ...................................11

8. Personnel Response for Activation of Business Continuity Policy .....11

8.1 Policy Activation Sequence ..............................................................11

9. Incident Management Team for Business Continuity Policy ................12

9.1 Business Continuity Centre ..............................................................12
9.2 Purpose of the Business Continuity Policy............................................ 13
9.3 Rykneld Homes Ltd Contact List ......................................................16

10. Mutual Aid..................................................................................................17

11. Schedule of Priority Functions ................................................................17

11.1 Introduction ...................................................................................17

Appendix 1............................................................................................................18
Business Continuity Planning Schedule of Priorities by Division
Appendix 2............................................................................................................21
Suggested Actions in Each Threshold of Escalation Process
Appendix 3............................................................................................................45
Requirements in Event of Pioneer Housing being Unavailable

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NEDDC provides services that are vital to the welfare of local people.
Therefore, it is essential RHL plans in advance how we will respond to events
which may prevent us from operating normally and discharging service
delivery delegated to RHL by NEDDC. This planning will help us identify
actions that prevent service failure, minimise disruption and ensure the prompt
recovery of critical services as swiftly as possible.

This Policy reflects the requirements of the NEDDC Business Continuity Plan.
Their Plan deals with what residents may perceive as the “larger” threats,
such as terrorism or a fuel shortage, as they feature heavily in the media and
can raise public concerns about our ability to cope in a crisis. However, we
also look ahead to the less high profile but predictable problems, such as
adverse weather conditions or loss of communications, power, water and
office facilities.

Risk assessments have been carried out nationally, regionally and locally to
assess the likelihood and impact of external hazards and threats. RHL
contributes to NEDDC as an emergency planning authority to ensure that we
have done everything necessary to prepare our services to cope.

The importance of our services to the community means that we must be able
to continue providing core services effectively even when things go wrong.

At this stage the Policy concentrates on the RHL’s Headquarters and Area
Office functions and looks at priorities and minimum staffing levels to continue
critical service provision, but it will be gradually developed to cover
partnership working and external suppliers.

It is important that this process, including evaluating and managing risks,

should be integrated into the core activities of RHL. This will be done through
a programme of awareness raising, training and exercises and we encourage
as many staff as possible to participate.

This Policy will be reviewed on a six month and annual basis and informed by
the changes in service provision and delivery, incorporating lessons learnt
from real life incidents, training and exercises in conjunction with NEDDC. In
that way, problems can be handled with minimum disruption and we will retain
the confidence of tenants, residents, NEDDC and partners.

Su Gomer
Chief Executive

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RHL, through this Policy, works with North East Derbyshire District Council in
maintaining services that are critical to the wellbeing of the wider community.

The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 placed a statutory duty on the Council to
ensure that it can:

 Respond to an emergency.
 Continue to support emergency response partners.
 Continue to provide critical services to the public.

This Policy provides the operational structure for working with NEDDC to
respond to serious disruption, as set out in the NEDDC Business Continuity
Plan (BCP).

RHL are named agents in the delivery of NEDDC Emergency Plan and share
in the planning exercise where called upon. This Policy ensures that RHL is
able to deliver services and respond to NEDDC Emergency Plan.

The County Council’s Chief Emergency Planning Officer is responsible for

preparing, maintaining and updating this Plan through the District Emergency
Planning Officer. The Lead Officer for RHL in contributing towards NEDDC
Business Continuity and Emergency Planning is the Director of
Neighbourhood Services. Service Managers are required to immediately
inform the Director of Neighbourhood Services of any changes necessary for
their service in this Plan.

SMT PA team will maintain the master Copy of the RHL Business Continuity
Policy. It is the responsibility of Service Managers to ensure that all copies of
the RHL Business Continuity Policy issued to them are updated when
amendments are issued.

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The aim of the Policy is:

To prepare RHL and also to support the Council in anticipating risks for the
purpose of reducing them and having flexible, validated plans in place to
minimise disruption when unplanned events significantly interrupt normal

The objectives are:

 To identify, plan, resource and implement preventative actions which

reduce the risk that key services are subject to disruption.

 To establish arrangements to respond to serious disruption, allocating

resources and priorities for action to recover critical functions and
prepare for return to normal working as quickly as possible.

 To communicate effectively during a service disruption and to support

the Council in the same.
 To ensure that RHL can continue to exercise its functions in the event
of an emergency and support the Council in the same.
 To identify the potential areas of vulnerability in services, in order to
determine overall priorities for recovery of functions if disruption takes
 To raise awareness of risk management ensuring all existing plans are
integrated into the overall framework for risk management.
 To ensure all service areas are involved in the preparation of the
Policy, so that there is an effective and consistent response to service
 To develop a process to review and update the overall Policy and
develop specific plans where necessary in order to protect the services
and reputation of RHL.
 To undertake awareness training and exercise programmes for staff,
Board Members, tenant representatives, suppliers and partners.

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A Business Critical System is defined as an application, network or process
where the failure of, or disruption to, would have a major and immediate
impact on service provision.

Business Critical Systems specific to each function are shown in Appendix 2

of this document.


Critical Functions

The purpose of this section is to identify and summarise responsibilities for

RHL’s critical functions and the resources required to maintain these.

The activities of Directorates have been identified into four priority bands on
the basis of the need to ensure a minimum level of working within these
periods to sustain critical functions:

Priority 1 – within one day

Priority 2 – within three days
Priority 3 – within seven days
Priority 4 – over seven days

Details appear in Appendix 3 of this document

The focus at this stage is on the Pioneer House headquarters activities, but
these take account of the services provided by the centre for outlying
premises such as area offices, even if the problem is not one that immediately
affects them.


The implementation of the Business Continuity Policy is led by the Senior
Management Team. It is, therefore, vital that office accommodation,
communications, and support are made available immediately to the
Management Team should there be an event which disrupts normal service

The RHL Communication Officer provides expertise in communication and

media support which would need to be available as a matter of urgency. If
unavailable, support would be sought from NEDDC.

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The services and activities of the Strategic Support Team are:

 Performance management (including service and corporate planning
and service review).
 Policy and strategy development.
 External relations (partnerships, regional and national government and
statutory bodies).
 Communications (including media relations, staff newsletter and civic
publications, particularly “the News”).
 Diversity.

The Senior Management Team may also liaise with the Community Safety
Team within NEDDC. This work is driven by the Crime and Disorder
Reduction Partnership, of which RHL is a member, in response to the
Community Safety Strategy and Action Plan. The main focus currently is on
reducing the fear of crime and tackling anti-social behaviour.



6.1 Emergency Planning

Emergency Planning is a key service in local authorities following the

introduction of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.

RHL are named agents in the delivery of NEDDC Emergency Plan. For clarity
of purpose, RHL delivers the NEDDC Emergency Plan; it does not attempt to
create its own Emergency Plan.

The Emergency Control Centre is located at NEDDC and is fully equipped

with plans, equipment and communication capabilities. The Director of
Neighbourhood Services is the RHL Support Officer to NEDDC.

The business disruption may be due to an incident that affects one or more
services or Pioneer House, or main building only, eg loss of ICT /
Communications / Flu outbreak. In this scenario the Business Continuity
Management structure would be implemented.

However, RHL’s business may be interrupted by an emergency that not only

affects its buildings / staff, but also affects the wider community. This
scenario would necessitate the establishment of the NEDDC Business
Continuity Management Team and an Emergency Planning Response Team.
Details of the Council’s Emergency Planning arrangements are contained
within the NEDDC Emergency Plan and RHL is a member of this process.

The Business Continuity Senior Management Team would concentrate on

providing RHL’s critical services whilst the NEDDC Emergency Planning
Response Team would co-ordinate the Council’s response to the wider

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RHL and NEDDC’s teams must work together to ensure an effective, co-
ordinated response and decision making process, and to avoid duplication or
conflict in provision.

6.2 Health and Safety

The RHL Health & Safety Officer is responsible for the safety of staff
throughout RHL and could potentially have a major part to play in any incident
that compromised that safety.

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6.3 RHL Service Functions
Business Continuity Provision Areas Addressed

Our Vision is:

“To make a real difference to the lives of our tenants and the communities they live in”

Asset Management Corporate Services Neighbourhood Service

Strategic Aim: Strategic Aim: Strategic Aim:

“To sustain and regenerate North East

“To successfully manage, maintain “To be an efficient and effective organisation which Derbyshire’s local communities
and improve the Council’s homes provides value for money in the through neighbourhood management
and surrounding environment” way it conducts its business” and involving customers in decisions
affecting their quality of life”

 Asset Management Strategy  Value for Money Strategy  Tenancy Agreement

 Annual Maintenance and Investment  Equality and Diversity Policy  Tenant and Resident Involvement Agreement
Improvement Plan  Customer Service and Access Strategy  Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy
 Procurement Strategy  Community Cohesion Strategy  Racial Harassment and Hate Crime Incidents
 Housing Repairs Policy  Business Plan Policy
 Disabled Adaptations Policy  Communications Strategy  CBL Allocations Policy
 Asbestos Management Plan  Risk Management Strategy  Income Collection Recovery Procedure 2008
 Health and Safety Strategy  Human Resource Strategy  Corporate Debt Recovery Policy
 ICT Strategy
 Financial Regulations and Contract Procedure
R l 2009

Service Standards: Service Standards: Service Standards:

 Adaptations (SS1)  Tenant and Customer Care (SS14)  Allowing Older People to Live Independently (SS2)
 Decent Homes Improvement Works (SS7)  Anti-Social Behaviour (SS3)
 Repairs Safety Checks (SS11)  Right to Buy (SS4)
 Community Involvement (SS5)
 Handling Complaints (SS6)
 Getting a New Home - Choice Move (SS8)
 Looking After Your Estates (SS9)
 Rent Payments and Arrears (SS10)
 Services to Leaseholders (SS12)
RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 9 of 45  Moving Home (SS13)
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6.4 Human Resources and Payroll Services

RHL purchases HR and Payroll from NEDDC under a SLA. The Human
Resources Service’s objective is to deliver a strategic and operational
corporate HR service.

In an emergency, the critical functions for HR will include:

 To maintain a skills audit database to use as a redeployment register

for critical services.

 Provide counselling support via a third party.

 Maintain and administer occupational health service.

 To provide information on staff absenteeism to the Senior Management

Team. A system is being further developed to facilitate direct input by

 Ensure personal details, especially next of kin details, are updated and

 Ensure that employees are enabled to work flexibly when needed.

Depending upon the nature of any incident, the Human Resources Team
might be required at short notice to provide support to staff, eg counselling.

The Human Resources & Payroll Service provides the payroll functions which
will be important to take into account at the outset of a major disruption to
protect RHL’s Contractual responsibilities.

6.5 Customer Services

The approach to Customer Services is described in the RHL Customer

Access Strategy. We are working with NEDDC to review Customer Access
(Project Plan 2009). RHL purchases the services of NEDDC Call Centre –
Connect NE. RHL needs to be assured that this service has Business
Continuity mitigations in place.

The telephone Contact Centre has become the central access point and
service delivery mechanism for the Council. Customer Service Advisors rely
on the detailed information and service delivery scripts built into the Northgate
CRM system to provide a first stop response for callers. The VOIP MITEL
switchboard, MacFarlane call centre software and the Northgate CRM system
is a core system for the Council and system failure would severely disrupt the
ability of the Council to provide essential and statutory services.

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The CRM system has a separate test and live server to provide a disaster
recovery mechanism. During “down time” Customer Service Advisors record
calls onto a paper system. The VOIP system has a support and maintenance
contract which reflects its importance in the Council’s service delivery function
– immediate response for total system failure and response within 24 hours
for key elements of the service. The MacFarlane support and maintenance
function is provided off-site via a “dial-in” facility and is available during office

One of the aims for the customer service team is to build capacity and
flexibility into the team to ensure Business Continuity. This is being achieved
by the development of flexible working practice and part time contracts for
Customer Service Advisors.



Notification of a Business Continuity problem may originate from any source

although it is envisaged that it will come from site staff during normal working
hours or from security staff or one of the emergency services out of hours.

During normal office hours, notification or requests for assistance can be

made via the Chief Executive or the Director of Neighbourhood Services,

Out of office hours the NEDDC operates a 24 hour call out scheme which is
via Call Derbyshire see 0845-6058058

NEDDC will inform the following personnel:

 The Chief Executive – RHL/NEDDC as required.

 Senior Management Team (in the absence of the above)
 Derbyshire County Council’s Chief Emergency Planning Office


It is for the Chief Executive or Director of Neighbourhood Services to
determine if the activation of this Policy is required once they are satisfied that
the disruption cannot be successfully managed within a single area.

8.1 Policy Activation Sequence

The following is the activation sequence when informing RHL personnel of the
activation / deactivation of the Policy:

 Standby phase.
 Activation/implementation phase.
 Stand down phase.

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“Standby” will be used as an early warning of a situation which might escalate
and thus require implementation of the Policy. A “Standby” is designed to
provide an alert to key officers to prepare, brief staff, start an incident log and
prepare for the deployment of resources should an “Implement” message be
received. Resources are not normally deployed at this stage (although this
will largely depend upon circumstances) and a “Stand Down” may follow this
type of alert. If the disruption is limited to one Directorate and does not
escalate, the implementation phase will be limited to the Senior Management

“Implement” will be used to request the immediate utilisation of key officers

and resources in activation of the Policy.

“Stand Down” will be used to signify the withdrawal of resources activated

during “Standby” or implementation phases.

A debrief of any business disruption, including all officers involved in the

response to the incident, should be held as soon as possible after the event
and lessons learnt should be incorporated into the Business Continuity Policy.



When the Policy is activated, a core team will be formed to provide strategic
direction and make executive decisions. The structure for managing the
Business Continuity Policy is set as follows:

9.1 Business Continuity Centre

In the event that Pioneer House is out of use then it may be necessary to
operate from other offices or at any designated area in property managed by
RHL not immediately affected by the incident. Marks Court has been
identified as a temporary alternative BCC / Emergency Control Centre. If this
is not possible it will utilise any appropriate office accommodation identified at
the time of a business disruption depending upon the circumstances.

However, should the Business Continuity Policy be activated to respond to an

incident that also requires the activation of the Council’s Emergency Plan, as
it also affects the wider community, then the Business Continuity Team may
need to operate from other suitable offices as agreed with NEDDC.

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9.2 Purpose of the Business Continuity Policy

Provide an area for the Business Continuity function and Senior Management
Team to implement and co-ordinate RHL’s response and recovery operations.

Provide a single point of contact for requests for assistance, allowing the
Senior Management Team / Service Managers an immediate overview of
RHL’s response.

Provide an area for the collation and preparation of information for media
briefings and information to be distributed to the public and staff.

In the event of the Business Continuity Policy being activated to respond to a

major business disruption the Business Continuity Management Team
structure will be as follows:

Business Continuity Manager – the Chief Executive, her / his deputy or


The primary role of the Business Continuity Manager is to manage RHL’s

overall strategy response to Business Continuity and brief and liaise with the

Business Continuity Management Team – Senior Management Team

supported by the Health & Safety Officer.

The role of the Business Continuity Management Team is to formulate, in

conjunction with RHL’s overall strategic response to the business disruption.
The Business Continuity Management Team will be supported by the
Business Support Manager.

Business Continuity Support Team – includes all Service Managers as may

be required, the Health & Safety Officer and HR Support Officer.

The principal roles will be:

 Implement decisions of the Business Continuity Management.

 To consider the priority list of functions and the staff available to meet
minimum staffing levels.
 Review priorities to identify any which are affected by the time or location
of the incident and advise departmental co-ordinators.
 Provide information as requested by the Business Support Manager to
identify accommodation which can be made available for short-term
decanting eg of staff from Pioneer House, to enable priority functions to
be relocated.
 Implement relocation of staff, alternative working arrangements in line
with policy decisions determined by the Business Continuity
Management Team.
 Seek to maintain normal working wherever this is possible without
impeding efforts to deal with emergency response.
 Advise Service Managers of progress and issues requiring resolution to
enable briefing to be updated on current information.

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 Resolve issues and deal with staff concerns within policies established.
 Deal with reinstating full operational working and return to normal during
stand down phase.
 Contribute to debrief to enable lessons to be learned and applied to
reviews of the Policy.
 The Chief Executive, Director Neighbourhood Services and
Solutions/Support Manager have applied to DCC, under the M.T.P.A.S
criteria, where mobile phone transmissions would be protected in the
event of disturbance to the phone networks.

Business Continuity Centre Supervisor – will be the Service Manager

Solutions & Support or nominee.

The role of the Business Continuity Centre Supervisor is as follows:

 Overall management of monitoring operations within the Business

Continuity Centre location Marks Court if Pioneer House is unavailable.
 Control of access and security to the BCC.
 Organisation of personnel and shift system if required.
 Allocation of working space within the BCC..
 Welfare of staff working in the BCC.
 Ensure the maintenance of an operational log.
 Supporting the Business Continuity Management Team will be a team of
support staff. This team will be dependant upon the nature of the

The team of support staff will:

 Maintain narrative log of events in the Emergency Control Centre.

 Record movement of resources/personnel.
 Maintain systems in the Emergency Control Centre showing current
status of events.
 Act as telephone operators if necessary in the Emergency Control
 Monitor telephones and fax.
 Provide information from mapping systems and resources database as

RHL Communications Officer – will co-ordinate the dissemination of

accurate and timely information to the public, partner agencies and personnel
of RHL during the response to a disruption of service provision. This will be
done by:

 Dealing with all incoming press enquiries.

 Co-ordinating the issue of press statements and arranging media
briefings/interviews as necessary.
 Monitoring and recording as appropriate all incoming/outgoing media
related material in whatever format to ensure rapid retrieval as
 Regular liaison with other agencies’ press officers to agree a consistent
and co-ordinated response.

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Corporate Services Manager – will give support and advice on those losses
which are covered by current insurance arrangements and provide a link to
the Council’s insurers.

Business Support Manager – will provide the premises management

function. He/she will in conjunction with the Corporate Services Manager /
Health & Safety Officer:

 Assess damage to premises in liaison with the Insurance Manager and

 Estimate timescale for restoration of damaged facilities.
 Arrange security for damaged area(s).
 Ensure that health and safety measures are put in place and arrange
for appropriate signs to be erected around damaged area.
 Mobilise maintenance repair personnel.
 Advise and arrange on cost estimates for works.
 Authorise and arrange for procurement of additional resources and
services as agreed by Business Continuity Management Team.

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9.3 Rykneld Homes Ltd Contact List

(Pioneer House, Mill Lane, Wingerworth, Chesterfield, S42 6NT – Email:


Senior Management Team

Name/Designation Work Tel/Fax Home Mobile

Sumitra Gomer Tel : 01246 217696 Coach House, Apt 2, 07989 450016
Chief Executive Hollingwood Hall,
Fax : 01246 217468 Cedar St,
Hollingwood S43 2LF
Lorraine Shaw Tel : 01246 217621 01246 203342 07989 450480
Director of 10 Sydney Street
Corporate Services Fax : 01246 217468 Brampton
S40 1DA
Ian Yeomans Tel : 01246 217370 01335 360979 07779 799327
Director of Asset 1 Culland Cottage,
Management Fax : 01246 217468 East Culland Lane,

Rykneld Homes Service Managers

Name/Designation Work Tel/Fax Home Mobile

Martin Cromack Tel : 01246 217376 86 Cambridge St 07880 651182
Neighbourhood Sth, Elmsall, (private
Services Manager Fax : 01246 217468 Pontefract WF6 2AR mobile)
Angela Smith Tel : 01246 217322 01709 590375 07970 412834
Solutions and 66 Adwick Road
Support Manager Fax : 01246 217468 Mexborough S64
Paul Griffiths Tel : 01246 217680
Corporate Services
Manager Fax : 01246 217468
Jason Spencer Tel : 01246 217341 01629 581011
Business Support 35 Stanton Moor
Manager View, Matlock DE4
Joe Poismans Tel : 01246 217400 01623 510826 07970 416035
Maintenance 3 Back Lane, Skegby
Manager Fax : 01246 217458 NG17 3AH
Marcus Bishop Tel : 01246 217892
Heather Summers Tel : 01246 217386 01773 714563 07966 553596
8 Devonshire Drive,
Eastwood NG16 3BE

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Bolsover District Council, Chesterfield Borough Council and North East

Derbyshire District Council have developed a joint approach to enable the
pooling together of resources, ie personnel, plant, accommodation,
Emergency Control Centres etc, to provide mutual aid to each other within the
context of business continuity.


11.1 Introduction

In order to maintain critical functions, the activities of service areas have been
identified into four priority bands:

 Restored within 24 hours.

 Within three days.
 Within seven days, and
 Seven days and over.

Provisos – some functions have been earmarked with a proviso which might
raise its status to priority 1 under certain circumstances.

Requirements – a more detailed record of the requirements for each function

includes the following; Staffing requirements (normal and minimum),
accommodation, furniture, equipment, ICT, transport etc. Paper records and
other items requiring critical salvage are also listed, where applicable.

Updates – any amendments to this information should be referred to the

Business Support Manager/NEDDC. It is vital that this information is kept up-
to-date to ensure that the Policy is fit for purpose. Amendments will be
updated on the electronic database as they are reported and hard copies
distributed to coincide with the review cycle, unless classed as vital to the
Policy response. Any significant changes will be distributed immediately.

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RHL Business Continuity Planning

Appendix 1
Rykneld Homes Limited
Schedule of Priorities by Division

Corporate Services

Ref Service Area Function Priority Personnel Personnel

(Min) (Normal)
RH Business Strategy Development 4 1 2
CS1 Development

RH IT Support Support on Anite and Task, 1 2 3

CS2 systems development IT
training and monitoring of

RH Finance and Accountancy function for 2 3 3

CS3 Costing Team the Company and costing
and accountancy for the
DLO Trading Account

RH Rents Management of rents 1 2 4

CS4 system and billing.

RH Governance Support to Board Members 2 1 3

CS5 and Company Governance

RH Communications Internal and External 1 1 1

CS6 Corporate
RH Clay Cross Provision of customer 2 2 4
CS7 AHO facing enquiries counter,
cash collection facility and
back office administration.
RH North Wingfield Provision of customer 2 2 3
CS8 AHO facing enquiries counter,
cash collection facility and
back office administration.
RH Dronfield AHO Provision of customer 2 2 3
CS9 facing enquiries counter,
cash collection facility and
back office administration.
RH Eckington AHO Provision of customer 2 2 3
CS10 facing enquiries counter,
cash collection facility and
back office administration.
RH Killamarsh AHO Provision of customer 2 2 2.5
CS11 facing enquiries counter,
cash collection facility and
back office administration.
RH Business Provision of Administrative 3 3 5
CS12 Support – Support for the Head
Pioneer House Office and cover for AHOs

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Asset Management

Ref Service Area Function Priority Personnel Personnel

(Min) (Normal)
RH Adaptations Provision of adaptations to 2 2 4
AM1 homes of people with a
disability who are Council
RH Daytime Emergency repairs 1 10 80
AM2 Emergency
RH Out of Hours Emergency repairs 1 4 4
AM3 Emergency evenings and weekends
RH Routine Repairs Routine Repairs during the 3 40 75
AM4 normal working day
RH Gas and Solid Gas and solid fuel 4 6 6
AM5 Fuel Servicing servicing for tenants

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Neighbourhood Services

Ref Service Area Function Priority Personnel Personnel

(Min) (Normal)
RH Older People’s Support Service for Older 3 3 3
NS1 Service People
RH Community Support Service for Older 3 5 17
NS2 Wardens People
RH Care Call Support Service for Older 3 3 9
NS3 People
RH CBL Services to enable people 3 4 9
NS4 to access suitable and
accommodation to meet
their need and live
independently within the
RH Voids Provision of void repairing 3 2 4
NS5 Management service that enables void
properties to be maintained
fit for purpose, sustains
investment and enable
individuals to access
accommodation to meet
housing need
RH Void Operatives Provision of void repairing 3 20 28
NS6 service that enables void
properties to be maintained
fit for purpose, sustains
investment and enable
individuals to access
accommodation to meet
housing need
RH Community Provision of Tenant 3 1 4
NS7 Involvement Engagement and
consultation activities,
support and advice.
RH Complaints Management of corporate 3 1 1
NS8 complaints service

RH Customer 3 3 3
NS9 Finance

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Appendix 2

Suggested Actions in Each Threshold of Escalation Process

Reference RH CS1

Priority Priority 4 – over seven days

Service Area Business Development

Directorate Corporate Services

Building Pioneer House, Wingerworth

Function Strategy development


Personnel (Minimum) 1

Personnel (Normal) 2

Accommodation Can work from home, Office space

Furniture Desk, Chair

Equipment (Including ICT) Computer, Telephone

Business Critical Systems (IT MS Office, Outlook

& Manual)

Transport Essential Car User

Documentation Stored electronically off site


Critical Salvage None

Additional Comments

Updated 26/5/09

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 21 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RHCS2


Service Area Corporate Services

Directorate Corporate Services

Building Pioneer House First Floor North

Function Provision of IT systems development and support user support

and training


Personnel (Minimum) 2

Personnel (Normal) 3

Accommodation Office
3 x desk – 3 x chair filing cabinet
3 x PC – 3 x laptop
Equipment (Including ICT)

Business Critical Systems (IT None

& Manual)




Critical Salvage

Additional Comments The IT section could operate away from Pioneer House as all
major systems and report writing tools are on line and accessible
from any location. Loss of staff would reduce the capacity of the
section to carry out system development as it would need to
retreat to basic functions such as maintaining staff contact with
systems and producing periodic reports.


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11(a) Link 1

Reference RHCS2a

Priority 1

Service Area Corporate Services

Directorate Corporate Services


Function IT Software Suppliers – Consilium, Northgate and Abritas


Personnel (Minimum)

Personnel (Normal)



Equipment (Including ICT)

Business Critical Systems (IT Task, Anite, Abritas

& Manual)




Critical Salvage

Additional Comments The majority of the company’s functions are reliant upon the
software provided by these companies via the internet. The loss of
any of this software even for a short period of time would have a
disastrous effect as would the loss of data held. All suppliers have
extensive backup facilities and disaster recovery plans in their own
right, a contractual requirement. It is extremely unlikely that
significant service disruption or loss of data would occur.

Updated 01/06/09

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11(a) Link 1

Reference RHCS2b


Service Area Corporate Services

Directorate Corporate Services

Building Pioneer House

Function IT Hardware Supplier (NEDDC)


Personnel (Minimum)

Personnel (Normal)

Accommodation IT Block Pioneer House


Equipment (Including ICT)

Business Critical Systems (IT

& Manual)




Critical Salvage

Additional Comments NEDDC supply the telephone system and IT Hardware. The
NEDDC IT section has a disaster recovery plan which confirms
there is back up for locally stored information for examples e-
mails, Excel files. Whilst major systems are on the internet access
to the internet on RHL PC’s requires linking to NEDDC network if
there were any delay staff could access from home.

Updated 01/06/09

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11(a) Link 1

Reference RHCS3


Service Area Corporate Services

Directorate Corporate Services

Building Pioneer House

Function Finance & Costing Team


Personnel (Minimum) 3

Personnel (Normal) 5

Accommodation Office Space

6xdesks 6xchairs (2 specially adapted) Storage cupboard filing
6xPC 6xtelephones
Equipment (Including ICT)

Business Critical Systems (IT Anite works order management & costing, Task Total financial
& Manual) ledger, debtors & creditors. Heavily dependant upon Excel and

Transport Car



Critical Salvage

Additional Comments Staff could operate away from Pioneer House and have full access
to systems; redirection of input documents could be easily
arranged. Failure to update WOM and costing systems makes it
impossible to discern the DLO’s financial position. Depending on
time of year loss of finance staff weakens the ability to produce or
monitor budgets and close the company’s accounts.

Updated 01/06/09

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 25 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RH CS4

Priority 1 (part)

Service Area Corporate Services

Directorate Corporate Services

Building Pioneer House First Floor N

Function Rent Accounting


Personnel (Minimum) 2

Personnel (Normal) 4

Accommodation Office space

Furniture 4 x desks – 4 x chairs – 3 x Large storage cupboards

Equipment (Including ICT) 4xPC 4xtelephone

Business Critical Systems (IT Anite Housing Management – Rents Module

& Manual)




Critical Salvage

Additional Comments Access to Anite is via the internet and therefore loss of Pioneer
House would not be fatal. Service could continue if relocated to an
area office or Saltergate. Failure to post cash through lack of staff
would create confusion among tenants and hamper the work of
Finance Champions and should therefore be considered essential.
Reconciliation work and rent statements could be delayed under
exceptional circumstances


RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 26 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RHCS5

Priority 2

Service Area Business Support - Governance

Directorate Corporate Services

Building Pioneer House, Mill Lane, Wingerworth

Function Provision of support to Board Members and Corporate

Governance arrangements

Proviso If the building were out of use initially staff would report to the
nearest the area office in Clay Cross to discuss priorities and
working arrangements. Service could me maintained through
Home working and booking alternative premises for meetings
suitable premises include North Wingfield Resource Centre, Clay
Cross Resource Centre, Sharley Park Leisure Centre and
Arkwright Centre.

If short of staff due to illness/incapacity then where possible cover

would be provided by redeploying employees from other area
offices and the central Business Support Team at Pioneer House.
Non essential meetings could be cancelled and essential
decisions made using written resolutions.

In the longer term alternative office accommodation could be


Personnel (Minimum) 1fte

Personnel (Normal) 3fte

Accommodation Office, Large Meeting Room – Some home working would be


Furniture Desk, chair, PC

Equipment (Including ICT) Telephone/computer/printer/PC/internet access/email access

Business Critical Systems (IT MS Office, Outlook

& Manual)

Transport None

Documentation Governance files


Critical Salvage Anite, Task and Network Access

Additional Comments

Updated 08/06/2009

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 27 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RHCS6

Priority 1

Service Area Business Support - Communications

Directorate Corporate Services

Building Pioneer House, Mill Lane, Wingerworth

Function Provision of internal and external Communications

Proviso If the building were out of use initially staff would report to the
nearest area office in Clay Cross to discuss priorities and working
arrangements. Service could me maintained through Home
working and working out of Clay Cross.

If short of staff due to illness/incapacity then where possible cover

would be provided by buying in resources from the District Council
or buy Consultant.

Communications – Internal and External will be essential in the

event of disaster recovery.

Personnel (Minimum) 1fte.

Personnel (Normal) 1fte

Accommodation Office, Some home working would be appropriate.

Furniture Desk, chair, PC

Equipment (Including ICT) Telephone/computer/printer/PC/internet access/email access

Business Critical Systems (IT MS Office, Outlook

& Manual)

Transport None

Documentation Paper Contacts List


Critical Salvage Network Access

Additional Comments

Updated 08/06/2009

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 28 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RHCS7

Priority 2

Service Area Area Offices – Clay Cross

Directorate Corporate Services

Building Clay Cross AHO – Social Centre, Market Street

Function Provision of customer facing enquiries counter, cash collection

facility and back office administration.

Proviso If the building were out of use initially staff would report to the
nearest Area office in North Wingfield where back office functions
could be carried out. Customer facing enquiries and cash
collection could be temporarily unavailable for up to two working
days with sign posting to North Wingfield and the Customer
Contact Centre. After which there are options to provide a limited
customer facing service at neighbouring premises owned by Clay
Cross Parish Council, Derbyshire County Council or North East
Derbyshire District Council at Sharley Park Leisure Centre.
If short of staff due to illness/incapacity then where possible cover
would be provided by redeploying employees from other area
offices and the central Business Support Team at Pioneer House.
If this were not possible then we would temporarily close the office
for cash collection which would enable us to open with 1fte. Lone
working procedures would need to be followed.
In both cases back office work would be allocated to other Area
Offices or Business Support at Pioneer House.

Personnel (Minimum) 2fte with cash collection facilties available. 1 fte without.

Personnel (Normal) 4 FTE

Accommodation Priority - Customer facing reception

Cash collection facilities including access to cash receipting
system, chip and pin.

Furniture Desk, chair, PC

Equipment (Including ICT) Telephone/computer/printer/PC/internet access/email access/

access to anite and task.

Business Critical Systems (IT Anite, Task, MS Office, Outlook

& Manual)

Transport None

Documentation Manual contact list, procedure documentation


Critical Salvage Anite, Task and Network Access

Additional Comments

Updated 08/06/2009

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 29 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RHCS8

Priority 2

Service Area Area Offices – North Wingfield

Directorate Corporate Services

Building North Wingfield AHO – Whiteleas Avenue

Function Provision of customer facing enquiries counter, cash collection

facility and back office administration.

Proviso If the building were out of use initially staff would report to the
nearest Area office in Clay Cross where back office functions
could be carried out. Customer facing enquiries and cash
collection could be temporarily unavailable for up to two working
days with sign posting to Eckington and the Customer Contact
Centre. After which there are options to provide a limited customer
facing service at neighbouring premises owned by North Wingfield
Parish Council.
If short of staff due to illness/incapacity then where possible cover
would be provided by redeploying employees from other area
offices and the central Business Support Team at Pioneer House.
If this were not possible then we would temporarily close the office
for cash collection which would enable us to open with 1fte. Lone
working procedures would need to be followed.
In both cases back office work would be allocated to other Area
Offices or Business Support at Pioneer House.

Personnel (Minimum) 2fte with cash collection facilties available. 1 fte without.

Personnel (Normal) 3 FTE

Accommodation Priority - Customer facing reception

Cash collection facilities including access to cash receipting
system, chip and pin.

Furniture Desk, chair, PC

Equipment (Including ICT) Telephone/computer/printer/PC/internet access/email access/

access to anite and task.

Business Critical Systems (IT Anite, Task, MS Office, Outlook

& Manual)

Transport None

Documentation Manual contact list, procedure documentation


Critical Salvage Anite, Task and Network Access

Additional Comments

Updated 08/06/2009

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 30 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RHCS9

Priority 2

Service Area Area Offices - Dronfield

Directorate Corporate Services

Building Dronfield AHO – Manor Farm

Function Provision of customer facing enquiries counter, cash collection

facility and back office administration.

Proviso If the building were out of use initially staff would report to the
nearest Area office in Eckington where back office functions could
be carried out. Customer facing enquiries and cash collection
could be temporarily unavailable for up to two working days with
sign posting to Eckington and the Customer Contact Centre. After
which there are options to provide a limited customer facing
service at neighbouring premises owned by Derbyshire County
Council and North East Derbyshire District Council.
If short of staff due to illness/incapacity then where possible cover
would be provided by redeploying employees from other area
offices and the central Business Support Team at Pioneer House.
If this were not possible then we would temporarily close the office
for cash collection which would enable us to open with 1fte. Lone
working procedures would need to be followed.
In both cases back office work would be allocated to other Area
Offices or Business Support at Pioneer House.

Personnel (Minimum) 2fte with cash collection facilties available. 1 fte without.

Personnel (Normal) 3 FTE

Accommodation Priority - Customer facing reception

Cash collection facilities including access to cash receipting
system, chip and pin.

Furniture Desk, chair, PC

Equipment (Including ICT) Telephone/computer/printer/PC/internet access/email access/

access to anite and task.

Business Critical Systems (IT Anite, Task, MS Office, Outlook

& Manual)

Transport None

Documentation Manual contact list, procedure documentation


Critical Salvage Anite, Task and Network Access

Additional Comments

Updated 08/06/2009

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 31 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RHCS10

Priority 2

Service Area Area Offices - Dronfield

Directorate Corporate Services

Building Dronfield AHO – Manor Farm

Function Provision of customer facing enquiries counter, cash collection

facility and back office administration.

Proviso If the building were out of use initially staff would report to the
nearest Area office in Eckington where back office functions could
be carried out. Customer facing enquiries and cash collection
could be temporarily unavailable for up to two working days with
sign posting to Eckington and the Customer Contact Centre. After
which there are options to provide a limited customer facing
service at neighbouring premises owned by Derbyshire County
Council and North East Derbyshire District Council.
If short of staff due to illness/incapacity then where possible cover
would be provided by redeploying employees from other area
offices and the central Business Support Team at Pioneer House.
If this were not possible then we would temporarily close the office
for cash collection which would enable us to open with 1fte. Lone
working procedures would need to be followed.
In both cases back office work would be allocated to other Area
Offices or Business Support at Pioneer House.

Personnel (Minimum) 2fte with cash collection facilties available. 1 fte without.

Personnel (Normal) 3 FTE

Accommodation Priority - Customer facing reception

Cash collection facilities including access to cash receipting
system, chip and pin.

Furniture Desk, chair, PC

Equipment (Including ICT) Telephone/computer/printer/PC/internet access/email access/

access to anite and task.

Business Critical Systems (IT Anite, Task, MS Office, Outlook

& Manual)

Transport None

Documentation Manual contact list, procedure documentation


Critical Salvage Anite, Task and Network Access

Additional Comments

Updated 08/06/2009

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 32 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RHCS10

Priority 2

Service Area Area Offices - Eckington

Directorate Corporate Services

Building Eckington AHO – Gosber Street, Eckington

Function Provision of customer facing enquiries counter, cash collection

facility and back office administration.

Proviso If the building were out of use initially staff would report to the
nearest Area office in Killamarsh/Dronfield where back office
functions could be carried out. Customer facing enquiries and
cash collection could be temporarily unavailable for up to two
working days with sign posting to Killamarsh/Dronfield and the
Customer Contact Centre. After which there are options to provide
a limited customer facing service at neighbouring premises owned
by Derbyshire County Council and North East Derbyshire District
If short of staff due to illness/incapacity then where possible cover
would be provided by redeploying employees from other area
offices and the central Business Support Team at Pioneer House.
If this were not possible then we would temporarily close the office
for cash collection which would enable us to open with 1fte. Lone
working procedures would need to be followed.
In both cases back office work would be allocated to other Area
Offices or Business Support at Pioneer House.

Personnel (Minimum) 2fte with cash collection facilties available. 1 fte without.

Personnel (Normal) 3 FTE

Accommodation Priority - Customer facing reception

Cash collection facilities including access to cash receipting
system, chip and pin.

Furniture Desk, chair, PC

Equipment (Including ICT) Telephone/computer/printer/PC/internet access/email access/

access to anite and task.

Business Critical Systems (IT Anite, Task, MS Office, Outlook

& Manual)

Transport None

Documentation Manual contact list.


Critical Salvage Anite and Task

Additional Comments

Updated 08/06/2009

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 33 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RHCS11

Priority 2

Service Area Area Offices - Killamarsh

Directorate Corporate Services

Building Killamarsh AHO – Stanley Street, Killamarsh

Function Provision of customer facing enquiries counter, cash collection

facility and back office administration.

Proviso If the building were out of use initially staff would report to the
nearest Area office in Eckington where back office functions could
be carried out. Customer facing enquiries and cash collection
could be temporarily unavailable for up to two working days with
sign posting to Eckington and the Customer Contact Centre. After
which there are options to provide a limited customer facing
service at neighbouring premises owned by Derbyshire County
Council and Killamarsh parish Council.
If short of staff due to illness/incapacity then where possible cover
would be provided by redeploying employees from other area
offices and the central Business Support Team at Pioneer House.
If this were not possible then we would temporarily close the office
for cash collection which would enable us to open with 1fte. Lone
working procedures would need to be followed.
In both cases back office work would be allocated to other Area
Offices or Business Support at Pioneer House.

Personnel (Minimum) 2fte with cash collection facilties available. 1 fte without.

Personnel (Normal) 2.5 FTE

Accommodation Priority - Customer facing reception

Cash collection facilities including access to cash receipting
system, chip and pin.

Furniture Desk, chair, PC

Equipment (Including ICT) Telephone/computer/printer/PC/internet access/email access/

access to anite and task.

Business Critical Systems (IT Anite, Task, MS Office, Outlook

& Manual)

Transport None

Documentation Manual contact list.


Critical Salvage Anite and Task

Additional Comments

Updated 08/06/2009

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 34 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RHCS12

Priority 3

Service Area Business Support – Pioneer House

Directorate Corporate Services

Building Pioneer House

Function Provision of back office administration, internal and external mail

and reception. Also provides cover for Area Offices.

Proviso If the building were out of use initially staff would report to the
nearest Area office where back office functions and cover could be
carried out.
If short of staff due to illness/incapacity then where possible cover
would be provided by redeploying employees from other area
offices or employ agency staff.
Work could be allocated to other Area Offices.

Personnel (Minimum) 3fte.

Personnel (Normal) 5 FTE


Furniture Desk, chair, PC

Equipment (Including ICT) Telephone/computer/printer/PC/internet access/email access/

access to anite and task.

Business Critical Systems (IT Anite, Task, MS Office, Outlook

& Manual)

Transport None

Documentation Manual contact list.


Critical Salvage Anite and Task

Additional Comments

Updated 08/06/2009

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 35 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RHNS1

Priority 3

Service Area Solutions and Support Team

Directorate Neighbourhood Services

Building Pioneer House

Function Provision of services to enable people to access suitable and

appropriate accommodation to meet their need and live
independtly within the community.
Proviosion of support service through Older People’s
Housing/Independt Living Services – Communioty Wardens
Services, completion of Support Plans, delivery of Care Call
equaipment and monitoring of hard-wire scheme
Provison of void repairing service that nables void properties to be
maintained fit for purpose, sustains investment and enable
individuals to access accommodation to meet housing need


Personnel (Minimum) 3 FTE – Older People’s Service

9 THE – Community Wardens
3 FTE – Care Call
4 FTE Voids Management
28 FTE – Void Operatives

Personnel (Normal) 3 FTE – Older People’s Service

17 THE – Community Wardens
9 FTE – Care Call
4 FTE Voids Management
28 FTE – Void Operatives

Accommodation Office space / On site working.

Preferred option if Pioneer House is inaccessible would be an
Area Office or Saltergate.
Would need access and storage space for applications and keys
to properties

Furniture Desks, chairs, and PC

Equipment (Including ICT) Telephones/computers/printers/PC/internet access/email

access/reports,records/communtiy contacts/community project
equipment/display boards/access to anite for complaints.

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 36 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Business Critical Systems (IT Access to Abritas and Anite for all Officers
& Manual)
MS Office, Outlook
CBL Inbox

Transport Cars and Fleet transport for Void Operatives

Documentation Applications/Reports/current and planned project information/Risk

Assessments/community contacts/training materials/performance
information and monitoring/policies and strategies relating to
service provision/Complaints records and files/

Other In the event of staff illness relocation would be unnecessary,

the team could continue priority work with
3 FTE – Older People’s Service
5 THE – Community Wardens
3 FTE – Care Call
2 FTE Voids Management
20 FTE – Void Operatives
for a limited amount of time.
In the event of Pioneer House being inaccessible, the team is to
convene at North Wingfield Area Housing Office.

Critical Salvage Anite and Abritas information,

Housing Applications,
Void Property Keys
Support Plan

Additional Comments Need for Disaster Recovery System for Care Call Services

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11(a) Link 1

Reference RHNS7

Priority 3

Service Area Community Involvement

Directorate Neighbourhood Services

Building Pioneer House

Function Provision of Tenant Engagement and consultation activities,

support and advice. Management of corporate complaints service.


Personnel (Minimum) 2 (1 = Involvement / 1= complaints)

Personnel (Normal) 5 FTE

Accommodation Office space / On site working. Could work from home. Preferred
option if Pioneer House is inaccessible would be an area Office or
Saltergate. Access to Anite required for complaints.

Furniture Desk, chair, PC

Equipment (Including ICT) Telephone/computer/printer/PC/internet access/email

access/reports,records/communtiy contacts/community project
equipment/display boards/access to anite for complaints.

Business Critical Systems (IT MS Office, Outlook

& Manual)

Transport Car

Documentation Reports/current and planned project information/Risk

Assessments/community contacts/training materials/performance
information and monitoring/policies and strategies relating to
service provision/Complaints records and files/

Other In the event of staff illness relocation would be unnecessary; the

team could continue priority work with 2 people for a limited
amount of time. In the event of Pioneer House being inaccessible,
the team is to convene at North Wingfield Area Housing Office.

Critical Salvage Anite information relating to complaints

Additional Comments

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11(a) Link 1

Reference RHNS9

Priority 3

Service Area Neighbourhood Services

Directorate Neighbourhood Services

Building Pioneer House

Function Provision of ASB and Estate Management functions, Tenancy

Issues, Sign ups, Arrears Recovery and Tenancy Support.


Personnel (Minimum) 12 (2 = TLs / 7= NCs complaints 3 Arrears)

Personnel (Normal) 27 FTE

Accommodation Office space / On site working. Could work from home. Preferred
option if Pioneer House is inaccessible would be an area Office or
Saltergate. Access to Anite required for management information.

Furniture Desk, chair, PC

Equipment (Including ICT) Telephone/computer/printer/PC/internet access/email

access/reports,records/communtiy contacts/community project
equipment/display boards/access to anite for management

Business Critical Systems (IT Northgate, MS Office, Outlook

& Manual)

Transport Car

Documentation Reports/current and planned project information/Risk

Assessments/community contacts/training materials/performance
information and monitoring/policies and strategies relating to
service provision

Other In the event of staff illness relocation would be unnecessary, the

team could continue priority work with limited people for a limited
amount of time. In the event of Pioneer House being inaccessible,
the team is to convene at North Wingfield Area Housing Office.

Critical Salvage Northgate information relating to Breaches, Arrears, Tenancy


Additional Comments

Updated 26/05/2009

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 39 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RHAM1

Priority 2

Service Area Adaptations

Directorate Asset Management

Building Pioneer House

Function Provision of adaptations to the homes of disabled people in the

public sector.


Personnel (Minimum) 2 (1 administration + 1 technical)

Personnel (Normal) 4 FTE

Accommodation Office space / On site working. Could work from home if have
access to Anite. If Pioneer House is not accessible, preferred
option would be:
a) Holmewood Depot
b) an Area Office
c) Saltergate.
Access to Anite and CAD imperative for continuation of service

Furniture Desk, chair, PC

Equipment (Including ICT) Telephone, computer, A3 printer, PC. Internet access, email
access, reports, records, Anite and CAD access.

Business Critical Systems (IT Anite, CAD, MS Office, Outlook.

& Manual)

Transport Car

Documentation Assessment forms, drawings/plans, performance monitoring,

policy and procedures, contracts, relating to service provision.

Other The team could continue priority work with 2 people for a limited
period of time.
In the event of Pioneer House being inaccessible, the team is to
convene at Holmewood Depot.

Critical Salvage Anite – Repairs and Adaptations modules. CAD - drawings

Additional Comments

Updated 25.06.09

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11(a) Link 1

Reference RHAM2

Service Area Planned and Responsive Maintenance, Asset Management

Service Manager Joe Poismans

Building Holmewood Depot

Function Daytime emergency repairs

Priority 1


Personnel (Min) 10

Personnel (Normal) 80

Accommodation Office and store

Furniture Desks and Chairs

Equipment Access to Material and Plant

IT Networked PCs

Communications Telephones

Transport 10 Vehicles



Critical Salvage

Additional Comments

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 41 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RHAM3

Service Area Planned and Responsive Maintenance, Asset Management

Service Manager Joe Poismans

Building Holmewood Depot

Function Daytime emergency repairs

Priority 1


Personnel (Min) 10

Personnel (Normal) 80

Accommodation Office and store

Furniture Desks and Chairs

Equipment Access to Material and Plant

IT Networked PCs

Communications Telephones

Transport 10 Vehicles



Critical Salvage

Additional Comments

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 42 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RHAM4

Service Area Planned and Responsive Maintenance, Asset Management

Service Manager Joe Poismans

Building Homewood Depot

Function Annual Servicing

Priority 4

Proviso Time specific

Personnel (Min) 6

Personnel (Normal) 6

Accommodation Office and store

Furniture Desks and Chairs

Equipment Access to Material and Plant

IT Networked PCs

Communications Telephones

Transport 5 Vehicles



Critical Salvage

Additional Comments

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 43 of 45

11(a) Link 1

Reference RHAM5

Service Area Planned and Responsive Maintenance, Asset Management

Service Manager Joe Poismans

Building Homewood Depot

Function Annual Servicing

Priority 4

Proviso Time specific

Personnel (Min) 6

Personnel (Normal) 6

Accommodation Office and store

Furniture Desks and Chairs

Equipment Access to Material and Plant

IT Networked PCs

Communications Telephones

Transport 5 Vehicles



Critical Salvage

Additional Comments

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 44 of 45

11(a) Link 1
Appendix 3

Requirements in event of Pioneer House being unavailable

If Pioneer House out of use short-tem - Staff to be accommodated

Employees Desk Chair Phone PC

Priority 1 15 5 5 5 5
Priority 2 16 5 5 5 5
Priority 3 42 19 19 19 19
Priority 4 1 1 1 1 1

Total 74 30 30 30 30

Space and equipment requirement if Pioneer House out of use for longer period

Employees Desk Chair Phone PC

Total 127 90 90 90 90

Less Home
Working 109 72 72 72 72

RHL – Business Continuity Policy July 2009 (v5) Page 45 of 45

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