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Adverbs describe or tell us more about the verb. Adverbs give us more
information about the verb and noun. This makes ordinary sentences become
exciting and help you make your writing more creative and interesting.

Adverbs give us information which answers questions such as:

How? How often? When? Where?

Many adverbs (not all) end with –ly.

Eg: The child ran very quickly

Sorting Adverbs
A. Look at each adverb below and then sort them into the correct category.
How? How often? When? Where?

Inside below silently soon

loudly once today daily

B. Decide whether the adverbs below are adverbs of manner, time and place. Rewrite
the answer under the correct column. The first one has been done for you.

Adverb Adverb of manner(How) Adverb of time(When) Adverb of place(Where)

1. later later
2. greedily

3. everywhere
4. today
5. proudly
6. near
7. rarely

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