Essay-Navarro Jeszeyl

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Navarro Jeszeyl G.

BABR 2 – 1


My teacher, not so Hero anymore

Social media has revolutionized how individuals communicate with one another. It has made
communication faster and easier. People had profited enormously from this. They are now able to talk
to families and friends throughout the world, keep up-to-date on local and international events, and
obtain information about their intellectual work, and also it is a terrific source of enjoyment. However,
the growth of social media and technology has led to people misusing it.

In the previous election last 2022, of course, everyone is on the heat sharing their opinions
about the candidate they would love to win. There are various of information rolled out on the different
social media platforms about those aspirants. However, what caught my attention the most is my Araling
Panlipunan teacher way back in Junior high school. She’s been posting about her presidential bet and
defaming the other party which is unethical. If we are going to discuss the CODE OF ETHICS FOR
PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS, she clearly violates Article II, section 5: A teacher shall not engage in the
promotion of any political, religious, or other partisan interest, and shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit,
require, collect, or receive any money or service or other valuable material from any person or entity for
such purposes. Wherein it’s evident that she engaged in political promotion and defamed the other party
which might cause her to lose her license if the higher-ups take necessary action.

Why does this kind of behavior occur? I think this unethical behavior occurs based on what I
witnessed she wanted to seek attention on social media or maybe since it’s a timely issue and she wanted
to be part of it, join the conversation even though it’s inappropriate. I’m pretty sure she’s fully aware of
the code of ethics it’s just that not fully aware of the consequences she’ll face if the behavior continues.

We are all entitled to our own opinions on different matters. However, it’s also important to
keep in mind the community you are part of and the ethical standards that you must follow. Indeed,
“Think before you Click”.

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