Opening Remarks by Mr. Odbayar Erdenetsogt, Executive Director of ITTLLDC

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Opening remarks at the Training Workshop Series on

"ESCAP Web-Toolkit for Integrated Planning of Infrastructure Corridors"

in Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan
by Mr.Odbayar Erdenetsogt, Executive Director of ITTLLDC

Distinguished participants, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to the Workshop on "ESCAP Web-Toolkit for
Integrated Planning of Infrastructure Corridors" co-organized by ESCAP and ITTLLDC.
Since its establishment the ITTLLDC has been delivering number of high quality thematic research
papers and studies covering development related issues in landlocked developing countries as well
as implementing technical assistance projects in partnership with UN agencies and other
development partners, particularly with ESCAP.
And this year we are cooperating in implementation of the project sponsored by the United Nations
Development Account (DA) on “Addressing the Transboundary Dimensions of the 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development through Regional Cooperation and Integration (RECI) in Asia and
the Pacific Countries”, targeting policymakers and private sector partners of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz
Republic and Mongolia as main target beneficiaries.
Under this cooperation today’s online training workshop is being organized to support active use
of the two web-based toolkits with focus on integrated development of co-infrastructures,
comprising ICT, energy, and transportation.
The first web-based toolkit to be introduced today is a “Simulator of the Integrated Infrastructure
Corridors”. This simulation tool is aimed to determine the most appropriate model for development
of new Integrated Infrastructure Corridors in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz Republic and their
neighboring countries. The toolkit also includes the software implementation of the model that
allows automated calculation of basic indicators, like required capital and operating costs for the
new construction or re-construction and maintenance of infrastructure facilities based on input data.
The second toolkit is the Partnership Portal on Co-deployment. It aims to support ICT
infrastructure co-deployment with road transport and energy infrastructure. The web- portal, as the
information platform, provides policy makers, developers and owners of ICT, road and energy
infrastructure and other stakeholders with a good opportunity to register new infrastructure
facilities and find the other compatible infrastructure development projects at planning and early

development stages, that can be connected to various types of ICT and other infrastructure co-
deployment. The portal will also provide an opportunity to make an assessment of technical
compatibility and cost-effectiveness of co- deployment of infrastructure facilities. The Partnership
Portal on Co-deployment will promote partnerships and cooperation on co- deployment of ICT
and other infrastructure at the country and regional levels. The web-based tool in the portal will
also host the knowledge base on co-deployment of infrastructure.
Nowadays the international team of ITTLLDC works on collection and verification of policies,
data and applicability of the methodology for these web-based toolkits. And our team cooperates
with you all and the representatives of national policy making authorities and private sector entities
to facilitate the coordination and cooperation for the infrastructure co-deployment at the country
I would like to appreciate your valuable time and inputs for the toolkits development and further
cooperation enhanced by this capacity building event.
We are aware that a half-day workshop cannot solve all the problems, but, I hope at the end of
workshop, we will have a solid understanding on the web-based toolkits and sincere commitments
to better cooperation for the infrastructure co-deployment at the country level.
We look forward continuing our collaboration to update the e-resilience dashboard, which will be
one of the main outcomes of the project being implemented in Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Kyrgyz

Distinguished participants, ladies and gentlemen,

Before I conclude, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to ESCAP, as the regional arm
of the United Nations for Asia and the Pacific, for its development assistance to the region. For
the past 5 years, ITTLLDC has joined forces with UNESCAP and we have been serving the special
needs of the LLDCs in the Region by providing advisory service and capacity building, particularly
in digitalization, trade facilitation as well as improvement of connectivity and we will be standing
ready to continue our collaboration efforts with ESCAP.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. Vadim Kaptur, who is the main person of
today’s online training. Without his participation, it is not possible to organize this online
Dr. Vadim Kaptur is an ESCAP consultant and the Vice-rector on Science of Odessa National
Academy of Telecommunications, Ukraine. Vadim is an International expert with competence in
field related to broadband networks, cybersecurity, mobile services, and ICT in general.

And, I would like to introduce our national consultants working in project target countries. Mr.
Talaibek Makeev is our national consultant covering 2 countries – Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz
Republic. He has an extensive work experience in the fields of e-resilience, land transport and

infrastructure development and water resources management in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and other
central Asian Landlocked developing countries.

Mr. Odkhuu Tsolmondelger is a national consultant working in Mongolia. He is an expert in ICT

and engaged in development and implementation of number of national and international projects
in the fields of information and communications technology, science and innovation.
Their competence and professionalism, and more importantly their enthusiasm to put efforts to
develop and verify these web-based tools are impressive.

I have every faith to work collaboratively with them in the future.

I wish you all every success for this online training we are about to commence in a few minutes as
well as for all your future endeavors.
Thank you for your attention.



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