Boiler Manual B - W FM

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BABCOCK & WILCOX 7acPaD) INDUSTRIAL POVER GENERATION DIVISION 1285-749, OPERATING rwsTRUCTIONS INTEGRAL-FURNACE BOILERS - TYPE FM. 7ACzPoD) 1K285-723 1/2583, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ‘TABLE OF coNTENTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BOILER PRE-START-UP INSPECTION . . BOILING-OUP PROCEDURES “SETTING GAFETY-VALA -- COM START-UP... 2... OPERATION. 2. NORMAL SHUTDOWS P EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN. 2... INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE . SOOTBLOWERS =. 22... G9B Blower. 2... AZE Blowers... Steam supply... . operation... 1... STEAM SEPARATING EQUIPMENT . -BaBOOCK & WILCOR INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISION vee 10 10 aa a an a2 a3 cas ancock & witcox 7acreeD) INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISION 1K285-749, 1/8-25-83, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BOILER The Tu is a shop assembled, vater tube, natural circulation boiler dex Signed for pressure firing vith ofl and/or ges. Becaten tha tortor ic shipped substantially assembled, 1¢ often can be put into cnr cite Sjutinimun ‘amount of f1eld construction tine. The toneine Tit URNALIY must be made before st can be operated are the fendestee wipin the blowdown piping, 1 chemical feed Piping, and drain connection piping The Ml boiler may be furnished with » superhester, and an economizer or ate heater of the fuel takes place in the furnace where heat is transter~ red by radiation to the furnace walla which are wetar covted enrene fa phe fomeer wall whieh io cefractocy. ‘Me burner supplied wite tar Beinee ie designed for the fuel or fuels to be burned. It mines tact ang tee ind discharges the mixture into the furnace. Combustion besiea mt tie and is completed in the furnace. Separate operating int 18 are provided for the burner. dette fear of the furnace, the gases turn into the convection psse where by the screen tubes, the superhester (if furnished), ene ‘the ccouontzer or air heater (if tueniahed) Ehzrulation tn the boiler bank and furnace enclosure is accomplished by action which results when the steam produced. tn the tubes in the hottest zones decreases the fluid density is’ there ues fampared to the density of the fluid in the cooler tutes, Test tubes, te ‘Bottaat uonen (are called ‘risers sad) are located’ ign tides sucloeure end the hotter gas tampersture sacs of the botier mene ne sooler tubes are called dovacosers and ae Located neae the betes Bee Steam mmarated in the sisers 1s separated from the water in the stem eum and ts discharged either to the plant steam aupply or te the’ ants heater. The separated water is mixed with feedvater and this fined whee fe the lover drum through the downcomers.. The lower drum aistennete eee fluid property into all heated riser tubes and circulstion ccntiause The type and quantity of drum internals required to acracste the crea water depend on the particular design of exch boiler. Te provide space for the separation of vater and steam and for the flow of vater to th of the steam drum, the vater level mist be inteined at the design point which is 3 inches below the centers Oo WM 9, PH 10, FM 101, and M103. On FH 106, FH I17, and MH 156 theese level is maintained’ at the centerline. The water level durian Grereeia 4s indicsted by the gage glass connected to the front Of che gonna eae 26 Tacrro) [BABCOCK & WILCOX 1285-743, INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISTON 2/8-25-83, (OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS A feedwater pipe extends into the drum to admit feedwater to that com plete mixing of feedvater and existing boiler water is accomplished before the vater reaches the dovnconer tuber. An open ended continuous Dblowdova pipe 18 ‘astelled to control boiler water solids. A chemical feed pipe discharges chemicals between the boiler feed discharge and dowaconers so that complete mixing of chemicals and boiler water i accomplished before reaching the downcomers 16 on ene erean- aun co" prevent~over prerursxing of the boiler. These valves open vhen their set pressure is exceeded and close when the drum presaure ie sufficiently reduced. Separate operating instructions are provided fer the eafety valves. Wuen the boiler is connected to # header system, two stop valves are re- Guired between the boiler and header to fsolate the boiler for naiaten- Gice. A drein valve between the two shut-off valves in intended an Tell-tele to check the tightness of the shut-off valves Normally the valve nest to the boiler in » non-return type valve other, a stop valve, 1s equipped with a by-pass. This by-pass 18 us warm the steam lines, equalize the pressure before the stop valve is 0 (ered thus protecting the seat, and preventing surges in steam flow vhen the stop valve ts opened. ‘The feedwater connection to the steam drum or economizer should contain 9 stop valve, a check valve, and s feedwater control valve. In care of Feetwater pump failure the check valve prevents the back flow of feodwater through the feedvater pumps. A by-pass may be installed sround the feeduater conteel valve vith suitable block valves to iselate the he lower drum is equipped with blow-off valves which can be used for the reduction of boiler water solids and to drain the boiler for maintenance. (Om FH 103, 7H 106, FH 117 end FH 120 there ie also s drain connection st the front of the Lover drum for draining. The care and operation of these valves sre included in eeperate instructions Access to the furnice is through the lover part of the burner well. The access door into the furnace mist be Lined with insulating firebrick. If tho burnere are provided, access 18 through the lower burner. ‘The port in the rear wall of the furnace is used te observe the flame a furuece conditions, This port ix covered vith glese. Cooling air piped from the forced-deatt fan is used to cool the gles Since various combinations of burners and controle are used on PH boilers, separate instructions are supplied for these cosponents. Each boiler doer, however, have a water level gage glass and pressure gage BABCOCK & WILCOX 7actPop) [INDUSTRIAL FONER GENERATION DIVISroN 1285-743, 3/8-25-83 ‘OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS is alvays mounted on the front end of the stean drum. The Pressure gage may be mounted on the boiler or on the control pasel, The burner and controls must be adjusted initially by « qualified engineer Any adjustments or maintenance after initial operation should be meds Gy qualified personnel. This requires a complete knowledge of the burner, {he ‘combustion and flame eafeguard controls, the feedwater controls, and interlocks Se ——————— ‘The boiler and its auxiliary equipment must be properly installed, with all necessary viring and piping connected correctly before it can be oy erated. Before the boiler is installed sny shipping damage should be determined and repaired. “Shipping damage notmally io indicated by dented outer casing, damaged burner refractory, cr disturbed furnace tlose bricks, Any indication of severe rough handling calls For s hydrostatic have been loosened tn their seats. Tf a hy. atic test is required, TEST AT MO MORE THAN 1-1/2 TIMES THE pesiey PRESSURE WITH WATER AND. BOTLE 10° riven for the ssfety valves. Thermal expansion will occur when the boiler is fired; consequently, suf ficient clearance for expansion must be provided. Safety valve venta ‘mast be supported so as not to impose strains on the safety valves, “Csee fety valve instructions). Steam lines must be supported end. have {ficient expansion loops to prevent excessive reactive forces on the boiler. Refer to the applicable boiler arrangement drawing for specific information. The sane applics to feedeater Lines and blow-off Lines ALL temporary cribbing, blocking, and bracing, both internal and external, must be renoved before the boiler is started up. In sous cases, cribbing i used inside the furnace to held burner refractory in Place’ during shipment. If allowed to rensin, fe may ‘burs at) ce uncontrolled rate during initial firing and damage the units. Externe] bracing com prevent the uormai expassion Of the Uoiler. “There are ceece where separately shipped items are shipped tas! furnace, therefore, the furnace access door must be removed £9 make sure all pares, cribbing and beicing are renoved from the furnace area. Refer’ to the Gonecel Assembly Draving furnished for futher details The gauge glass must be clean, visible, ite gaskets tight, and it must show the correct water level in the steam dru. The boiler pressure gage must be 4 also visible to the operator. Te should. be calibrated, connecting piping should be filled with conde ‘rom hot tear ue to protect the gage cae 7A(zP0D) BABCOCK & wrLCOK 1K285-743 INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISION 478-258-835 (OPHRAING INSTRUCTIONS The burner and fuel lines must be clean and adjusted as called for in the Ddurner instructio A supply of feedwater must be available and at sufficient pressure to feed ae required te maintain the correct water level. ‘The feedwater piping must be flushed with water to remove all debris. A Lemorary strainer (screen) may be installed upstream of the feedwater regulating valve to prevent debris fron entering the valve and causing it termalfunction, BOILING-oUT PROCEOURES Although shop assembled boilers ace normally cleaned internally of #11 foreign material before they are shipped, in some cases desiccant will have Been placed in the druns. An inspection of both mud drum and steam ‘drum must be made before filling unit vith water, CAUEION: ALL DESICCANT AND OTWER FOREIGN HATERIAL MUST HE REMOVED BEFORE UNIT 15 FILLED WITH WATER. 4A water soluble Lubricant vas used with the expanding equipment when the tuber vere expanded into the drum, "A beil-out procedure iv. recomended to remove thit Lubricant before the boiler ia prt inte ermal operation and is covered under separate instructions ser G SAFETY VALVES ALI safety valves should be tested for the popping and closing pressures, ut should not be tested until the boilout water has been deconcentrated, otherwise the high concentration of boil-out chemicals can cause foaming tnd carryover of chonicale to the safety valves where valve seats may be Separate instructions for the safety valves show hoy to install, gag, ‘eintain, and adjust the safety valves. Hovever, operation of the boiler uring valve ‘esting i# normally not included in the safety valve cx BABCOCK & WrLCOR racrPap) INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISTON rererey 3/8-25-83 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1 It tm recommended that the boiler be off the Line with the steam ved. Inspect all valves to insure they. see ited mist be gagged; only one valve sing with the lowest prescure valve ha ‘Mrintain normal vater level during the testing procedure. 4+ Might the burner ss described in the operating instructions for the burner aud fire at minimum firing rate uatil the pressure approcches ‘the popping pressure of the valve being tested, ENT LENGTH OF ROPE ON THE LIFTING LEVER TO STAY ‘PREVENTING POSSIBLE INJURY FROM THE SLOWBACE Minutes, then raise the boiler pressure eiRine the valve to pop automatically. When the valve pont, step Firing ‘and let the pressure decrease to below the clesing oreasiee for that valve and the next valve to be tested, 7. Adjust the safety valves as required according to the instructions for the safety valves. COLD staRT-uP Wien fis jbofler is to be started trom a cold condition, the following should exist: A. steam aeum vent opened. 2. Blowdown valves closed. 3. Water tevel es gage glass ablished at Least evo inches above the bottom of the 4 Boiler steam stop valves closed but not tightly seated 5. Boiler feed pump and a supply of feedvater available. © Drain the superhester. (I€ botler 1s superheater equipped) 7. Open any dampers in flues between boiler and stack. 20 vacrreD) BABCOCK & WILCOX 1285-743 INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISION 68-25-83 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Follow the directions for the burner, controls, fan, and fuel systems, and start firéng at the MINIMUM FIRING RATE. CAUTION: FOR START-UP PROTECTION OF SUPERIEATER, SEE SEPARATE "SUPER- EATERY INSTRUCTIONS Neintain the water level between the high and lov water level alarms When the temperature of the vater increases, its volume will increase and At 15 psig drum pressure when @ steady flow of steam from the vent indi- cater that all air has been expelled from the steam drum, close the steam ‘rum vent THE WAXIMUM RATE OF INCREASING PRESSURE SHOULD NOT EXCEED 100°F PER HOUR INCREASE 11" SATURATION TEMPERATURE Drain, veat, and warm the steam line. Before opening any steam stop valves, ali ‘condensate should be drained from both sides of the valves. To prevent stop valves and non-return valves {rom sticking during. the pressure raising period, they should be checked frequently to be sure that they are mot seated too tightly. By-pess valves should. be ured, when provided, to varm steam Lines and to egualize pressures, thus rede ing the throttling action across the stop valves vhen they initially open. In cases of a single bosler installation, the stop valves can be opened ond throttled as necessary to warm the steam lines before the boiler Precsure resches normal operating pressure. Woon boiler ix connected to # he: ler system that is already up to pres sure, the stop valves should not be opened until the boiler pressure ie near’ header pressure. When # non-return type atop valve if installed ext to the Deiler, surges in steam flow caused by the sudden opening of the non-return valve can be avoided by first opening the main stop valve Cent open. When it ie determined thet the non-return valve has opened sod the boiler ie producing steam, the non-return valve can be opened £0 the fal1 open porition When the boiler is producing steam, start the boiler feed pump and place the water Level regulator on automatic. OPERATION During operation, the desired steam output and normal operating pressures sre maintained by regulating the firing rate az described in the instrucy Cons for the burner and controls. At extresely low leads, on-off firing my be required. Under ao condition should the rated output or prossure Of the boiler be exceeded cr ABCOCK & WILCOX 7actPaD INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISton 1285-743 778-253-883, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Mpintein, the water level at spproninatcly the centerline of the gage al clean and to be sure that the connect’ felume, sad low water: level crip chamber be blowa dows alte teat tae TEePrewett, internal corrosion and the formation of scale, the quality of the feedvater and boiler vater should be eee NORMAL sHUTOOWN The, recomended procedure for 4 normal shutdom is to reduce the boiler Jeet t Mintaen tiring cate, stop firing and purge Ube telt ex ieee ene inthe instructions for the burner, stop the forced deste fon teres 11 steam and feedwater stop valves, and let’ the uae "¢ the boiler pressure. When the steam pressete roped £0 25 peig, open the steam drum vent valve tovsremee tne Somation of a vacuum in the beiier. 12 the botier ia to be drainene drain after the pressure has been reduced to zero, If the bores nate fo be drained, it is recommended that the water evel be meunecised at Te ucttte slate by adding feedwater as necessary daring the eters reducteg peried Te,20Me, “aes auxiliary equipment may require special attention, if so, arate instructions for the equipecnt involved should iselude thay Ta! formation, If chelants are used for boiler water traateent, ft tin] ne vy fesult from chelant contact vith air (oxygen). Storage proton fires ars discussed near the end of these tart EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN SAaTION: | AN SUERORICY SWUTDOLN PROCEDURE SHOULD BE DWYTTATED ANY TaNE ‘SONDITION ARISES IHAT ENDANGERS PERSONNEL Gn EOUSEAET Eons of the conditions that call for emergency shutdown are loss of igni= Site, [iter 1evel, or forcet~deaft fea. Any eae of thene contitisas ee Auires that the fuel be tripped immediately and the furnace perceny ti Possible, to renove any combust ible g 3E IME MATER wevEL Goes OUT oF THE poTTON OF THE GAGE GLASS, FOR AMY HEASOW, “ALL FUEL SHOULD aE TmIPPED. "I the water lever Sess, "OS, Mt HEB tod there is 0 positive proof thet the water level ie nat nbost fhe botton of the seam drum, vater mist not be added Until’ the hanes has cooled within 100°F of the feedwater temperature 32 yacrPop) ABCOCK & WILCOX 3K285-7A3 INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISION 8/8-25-83 (OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS If » tube rupture sccurs, even though water level can be maintained and ignition is not loft, it'ds recommended that the boiler be taken eut of service as soon as potsible. The impingement of steam and water. from a Lube leak could cause the failure of additional tubes. In caret vhere & hhigh sulfur fuel is used, t should be recognized that the molature from 4 leak will cause gas side corrosion of boiler tubes and casing and thet Steps should be taken to meutralize the acid condition with a Lime flush during the outage for repairs. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Te boiler should be taken out of service periodically for routine is spection and, when necessary, cleaning. The inspection is to check on the conditions of the boiler ‘and furnace and the results of vater treat= ment. The initial inspection should be made after approximately one month's operation; sooner, if conditions warrant. Subsequent inepectsons ‘should be: made at intervals based on the condition of the boiler at the ast inspection ané on the duty imposed on the boiler since the Last in= spection CAUTION: FOR THE FROTECTION OF THE PERSONNEL MAKING THE INSPECTION, THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM PRECAUTIONS ARE WECESSARY NEVER ENTER THE STEAN DRUM OR LOWER DRUM UNTIL ALL STEAM AND WATER VALVES, TNCLUDING FEEDWATER, DRAIN, AND BLOWDOW VALVES, HAVE "BEEN ‘CLOSED, AND LOCKED OR TAGGED. 2 34 ‘aBcock & wILcox vacrPop) {INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISION 285-749, 25-83 ‘OPERATING iNsTRUCTIONS "F tide Anepection should include both drums, any écum baffles or sgtarmils, atl connections to the drums, and tubes, there visibne ea aot geesible.” Look for signs of corrosion and stale vin TEE, Rbdittons. TE conditions attributed to water’ dondltinn tan, Found, then the water treating proce Te chemical ring firm should be Eeteined to perform the cleaning without hazard te serene SS equipment. Teraag HME lmevection, results of severe operating conditions should be Bieectos on newest OF loads above design aay cause svetneseiog act ‘iscoleration, tube bowing, svelling, cracking, or ube sea mcs irks, which are sbecevable. by 3 chemicel cleaning. If there Le doubt, vecioce letermine if cracks exist. An ultratonic os acee ised or the indicated crack may be removed’ ty M12 abnemal conditions should be iavestigated, repaired, and their cause forrected. Of course, the method of repair muct have the apereeei or ne Ansurance careiar and local inspectors taken to sce that all connections are clear of * column connections and pressure gage connect racrPop) BABCOCK & WILCOX 1K285-743 {INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISION 1078-25-83, ‘OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS of the tubes and drums look for signe of nd corrorion.. Tube seats in the boiler 1 refractory knockout pluge in the furnace baffle wall at shown in Figure 1, Page 16. Cleaning the boiler heating surfaces may ve accomplished by either air Jancing, o: water washing. Cleaning cefrectoriee around the burner should be minimized. Cleaning slag fron this refractory surface is ommaliy unnaceseary and wi} Avencunt3y- tear muy refeertney repute ‘The fire side inspection should aleo include the bumere. 6 structions are included for the burners rate in Any evidence of hot spots or corresion ef the casing should be investi- sated and repaired as requized. CAUTION: FIELD WELDING OF STRUCTURAL ATTACHMENTS TO THE DRUMS, HEADERS (PRESSURE PARTS) OF BOILER “TG NOT RECOMMENDED AND ‘SHOULD Ee akelal Separate maintenance instructions are provided for the fan, kage glass, velves, and controle. Leaking valves should be lapped or re” packed as necessary. Instruments and controle should be inepected, Fleaued snd recslibrated if requires by qualified personnel STORAGE Hoth the gas and water eide of » boiler should be protected against cor rosion during out-of-service periods. In cases where the idle boiler may be required For service on short notice, the vet storage method ie recom mended. When it is krtown that the botier vill be idle for six months oF more, the dry storage method is recommended. Specific recommendation se covered under separate instructions sooTsLoweRs Even though features and pi rate inetructions are supplied for sootblovers, certain emtions peculiar to the FM boiler snd piping are not cas BABCOcK & wiLcox vacteap) {EMDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISTON 1285-743, 11/8-25-83 OPERATING INsTRUCTIONS Sgetblowere are supplied on 11 oil fired boilers to clean the gas side Sfahe, Convection pass. Steam is normally used as the cleaning medion With Dlanoad O98 blovere and a bloving pressure ranging Detnoe fet 250 pat. Wocwsliy, 185 pet is suificient for most fuel site be, oat actual blowing pressure required depends on the fouling chereete neti, of the fuel, Since at least 90 psi is required, boiters operatiy nr Demme ayers over with the blowing pressure ranging betveen 75 and 200 pei. Whee caly one lower is supplied, it és located in the front of the botler. Botlers requiring twe sootblovers have one at the root aa (ne at the back 598 Blower With this blower the bloving pressure ie adjusted by an adjustable ori fice ta che ead of the stotblover. This blover slse. tee tieenid Walve buflt inte the heed. Ie opens and closer when the tices ty oe tated. | Normally the cam that operates thie valve hence ee len ae sootblower blow throughout its complete revolution, AZE Blower The fit PuLE cleaning system consists of automstically valved, fined position, multinozzle rotating element Ulover(s), The aysten wtiviee Compressed six from a 125 psig source an the blowing median” Mattia, blower tlenent has rotated and blown through the fisrt Tei/e’ deena ne {ts cleastag src, the valve in the sootblover heed abuca’ cet tes eit Blower stops rotating. The compressor then restores origiasl sit prone Sits {a elie seteiver sed) the neat valve tewpensy ithe ticusa caer second put ap it rotates through the nese I/cI/2 deontees aie mufE-otop-puft” action continues automatically. It ie ievevrible nit sir to be anitted at ineffective lov pressures tecause the Bier inser operate wotil the. compressor tea established “putting” nrenees fanes, ‘Steam Supply When steam is used as the bloving mediun, it Ss normally supplied by the steam drum or superheater on that boiler, “AC laaet) terete” Oot fupplied in the steam supply line to the blowers. One Ls normally chase gperated and can de opened and closed from the operation Thee. ae ‘Sfcend te a stop valve vasch nomally remains open’ In tome cence, te fhsinvoperated valve is replaced with 4 motar-opcrated valve with titers Locks to prevent soctblowing at loads racreap) [BABCOCK & WILCOK 1K285~7A3, INDUSTRIAL POKER GENERATION DIVISION 1278-25-83 ‘OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS The steam supply Line to each sootblower has 4 drain valve in the lovest Part of that Line. This valve has « 3/16 inch hole drilled through the seal to permit ‘the escape of condensate. Since dry steam is requitedy the operator should be able to cbserve the discharge from thie valve. If nothing escapes when the steam ie turne the 3/16 inch hele is Plugged. If vater escapes, th ‘should be opened untsl all conden= sate 1s removed froa the supply Line. ‘ALE WW boflers are designed for pressure firing, that is, furnace pres= ure shove atmospheric pressure. Units operating below 12 inches H,0 are ‘quipped with s floating stuffing box seal at the front and rear sootblower and unite operating at above 12 inches li,0 are equipped vith « floating stuffing box seal at the front blover and?s seal air box ot the Fear lower to seal the vall opeaiag through which the blower is installed thus mininizing flue gas leakage: ALL blowers require scavenging air to prevent corrosion of the blowing elements by corrosive flue gases. This air is piped from the forced-draft fan ostlet to the rootblower head. There mist be a check valve in ‘thie line to prevent the back {lov of steam through this Tine hon the blowers are operated Operation Depending on the size of the boiler and bloving pressures, sootblovere WAI] upset furnace conditions and at low loads my blov out the flame For tis reason blowers should not be operated at loads belov one-hali ated boiler load. In some cases it may be necersary to switch the com Tustion controls to manual during sootblower operation. where half loed or more ie aot being mainteined, high firing ‘cen be obtained for sootbloving by placing the controls on manual and under firing for short periods to lover boiler pressure and then ever firing to restore pressure St firing rates equivelent to half load for the scotbloving operation ‘Tks procedure is act recommended for boilers with superheatere ‘A check of 411 sootblowers and the areas cleaned by these blovers should he included in the regular befler inspection. Boiler tubes +hould be in spected closely for sign of metal lost due to steam cutting, corrosion, snd rubbing of blover elements against tuber. Metal lose can result from the direct impingeneat of high pressuce steam, eepecislly wet steam, en Wofler tubes. Corrective measures may require reducing the bloving Pressure, realignicg the nozzles with gas lanes to. prevent impingement, realigning boiler tubes to prevent rubbing, repatrini valves to prevent leakage, oF providing adequate drainage of toothlover Lines co prevent blowing condensate through the blovers. Corresion cas secur on unite with leaky sootblower stean shutvoft valves if the unit is wt dove frequently RABCOCK & WrLcOK racrPep) INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISION 1K285-742 1378-25-83 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS STEAM SEPARATING EQUIPMENT Seam separating equipment is provided in the boiler steam drum to obt ‘SSreeetien. of staum eadsmter. ‘tow sohidn, acy staan te peoveceh were SeCTeSE SEER, level is msintained, boiler vater tolids tnd sitetiniey’y Tay Carne the maximum Limits, botier load does met encerd desten nattace and the equipment is installed and asinteined properly, _— WV TonaT ead view of the steam drum and cae typical internals Tie etaeaas s00) testhliet 45, shee whoa, owevac at tn ceacomiénied ts [armect, then before inttial operation, Whon the dram has bees opened’ fo rare Gea teutd be made to ‘athe sure that ao debris har fouse ite’ uen ‘Ante the drum and that all bolts and baffles ae ta place a ate nigit During routine internal inspections, certain indications will tell tf the segigmls ate not /duaealiog property. Markings stove the Goce ‘fect walsh ote, left by botler water solids are indications of bettie Lente TES Rormel water Level maybe indicated by s Line om the drum lett beens space ‘after the drum has been drained.” A poorly den {ined oF extremely uneven water Line can indicate pocciy coatrotrea tea baffle leaks, or improperly installed feedvater’ piss ion of high boiler vater solids end or pooe contra Sere, SPerators prefer to nemove the drum interasls for boiler chemical Sdenine, If they are removed, oll wating parts should be angck tna! before removal so that they can be replaced in the sume porition® BABCOCK § WIECOK 7aczPop) INDUSTRIAL POMER GENERATION DIVISTON 1285-743, 15/8-25-83, ‘OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Deum Internals ‘TWPICAL ARRANGEMENT OF ""C" TYPE DRUM INTERNALS Steam Outlet Nozzle at Top @ of Drum for Saturated Bolle Only Pectorgted Pate Horizontal sat scrunper Elements Cyclone Boiler Sie ‘Superheater Supply Jobes nen Hie Supplied enerating Tubs . Collecting Baife Joints ‘Must be Tight. Baifle Does Not Gover Downcomer Tubes 7acrraD) BABCOCK & WILCOX 1285-743 INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISTON 1678-25-83, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Drum Internals TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT OF "'D" TYPE DRUM INTERNALS cae thea temperature viseu the DoLTeY 15 cperating et fated Tn BaBcOoK & WILCOX 7acsPep) INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISION 1K285-749-18 8-25-83, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ADDENDUM TO FM INSTRUCTIONS SUPERHEATER Saturated steam from the steam drum is heated as it passes through the soperheater which is located in the gat inlet end of the convection pare where it receives heat by convection. ‘The auperhester is drainable sien inverted tube loops conn hesders. It ig sized to produce design ‘Toad and pressure with the recomended excess air. At loads below design, Vill be slightly below design. Dering the pressure raising period, little or no steam passes through the seperheater even though the header drains ate open. Consequently. core fmust be taken to not overheat the supechester during startoups, Tho firing rate must be regulated to maintain the temperature of the geo entering the supetheater below « safe supechester metal remperature. During the first few starts, + temporsry portable thermocouple is in- serted through the capped nipple at the rear of the boiler to msauce gov Semperstuce entering the superheater section, A constant mioimam ficiey rate is normally used. The initial temperature will be low but wilt increase as the boiler pressure increases. Unless stated otherwise, the ‘maximun temperature of the gas must not exceed 90°F until the bollse ts Produc:ng 10% of rated steam flow. This vafe firing tate should be used for all subsequent start-u Before lighting the burner, all superheater header drains should be opened wide until the superheater is completely drained. They may be juce removal of condens: ‘steam flow. Steam tr may be ased, but they should have open drains fer checking their accion. To prevent the backup of water from other drains, superhester dreins should aot be connected to the boiler drains nor ts the desiae of ether botleee Prior to placing the boiler oa the Line from a hot bank, open all auper= heater drains wide to clear condensate from the superhceter, This prow Cedure should be used exch time the boiler ie started, even though It hes been sit, dovn only for a feu minutes. Condensate can form in the supecheater as soon as firing is interrupted. As mentioned previcusis, Properly functioning Craps will serve the same purpose, rare) [BABCOCK & WILCOX 3K285-7A9-1R INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISION 2/8-25-83 ‘OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS External inspections during outages should be for signe of overheating,’ corrosion, and eresion. If metal loss iz suspected, the tube outelde Gioneter should be measured to determine the extent cf metal lose. One ethod of determining metal loss is to mark the tubes vith a center punch and inspect the mark during the next outage. If metal loss is severe, the cause should be determined and corrected. terns Ansect ons RhoiTE- Neo Mapyouste-raniead-hy-eaeyaves— Inge 1 deposits may increase superhester steam pressure drop or cause the Ube to fail from overheating. If internal deposits are muspectedy tube sections should be removed for inspection. The cause should be deter ‘ined and corrected, and the superheater cleaned Boilers with superheater may use efther the wet or dry storage methods for protection against corrosion during obt-of-service periods. When the vet motiod ix ured, be sure that treated water is used to flood the superhester. In como cases the superheater is backfilled to keep voller water from entering the superhester ‘OME WORD OF CAUTION: TO PREVENT CORKOSION AT THE WATER LINE AXD ULTIMATE E iz z : H i \g| 8 cs Bancock & wrtcox 7actP9p) INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISION 11285-7A3-6R ‘OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS DDENDUM TO FM INSTRUCTIONS ECONOMIZER Before entering the steam drum, the feedwater passes through the econo- Imizer vhere heat is recovered from the flue gaset leaving the boiler and the ‘temperature of the feedvater is increased. This recovery of host from the flue gases improves the economy of the boiler, hence, the term —______eccoemige st : Economizers my be arranged for water flov either counter to oF parallel with flue gases, which may flow either up er dom, Thc tubes may be either bere, covered with studs or a combination of the two. Tas texpe ature of the feedwater; the temperature, devpoint and fouling chaesctes istics of the flue gases; and the space available determine the sconomi. 2er design Both internal and external corrosion ace possible in the economizer if Certair conditions exist. Internal corrosion can be prevented By maine taining the feedwater at a pil of 8 to 9 and the dissolved oxygen content at 0. This {avolves the use of deserating heaters or condensers and the Anjection of chemicals into the feedvater upstream from the econemizers for cxygen scavenging and pil control. The injection point must be far enough avay to alloy complete oxygen scavenging before entering the scononizer External corrosion is a function of the sulfur, hydrogen, and moisture in the fuel, economizer metal temperatures, and method of firing. Heine ‘ining metal temperature above the minimum shown in the folloviag cutve for a given percentage of sulfur in the fuel should prevent external corrosion. Yor all practical purposes, econoaizer metal temperature is the ase as water temperature. ‘Therefore, metal temperature con be mai 4 by providing proper feedvater tenperatures. CERT] tow rewenarume connosiow uimite i i 5 & Q rm Gera eo rm 30s.0 me [SUPA DU YOR, PR omy REDD (48 ED) acres) [BABCOCK & WILCOX 1K2B5-7A3-4E INDUSTRIAL POWER GENERATION DIVISION 28-25-83, (OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Sootblovers are supplied to clean the economizers on ofl fired units These sootblowers must be ready for service during start-up. Draft losses across the economizer and gee tempersturer Leaving the economizer fare affected by deposits in the economizer and may be used ss indications of fouling. The boiler should alvays be filled through the economizer. By doing _thia, the economizsr in alvays filled with water and no delay 42 en ountarea in purging SIF vom the economizer when Teeduater is required In some cases, the economizer outlet header may be installed at « higher elevation than the steam drum. In this case, a vent ie supplied at the highest elevation in the piping between the economizer and steam drum to permit fast draining. This vent is a vacuum breaker. “Its only use ie for draining Routine inspectio should be made for signs of corrosion and fouling. cas m m3 S2-SR3-SL-T 26-77 rTmopuzrren ‘ais operating instruction deals only vith the buming of of2 {n units vith one 97S Durer. Additional operating instructions are provided if the same bursss 42 equtzped to bum gas. The information contained herein {2 based on aetn? operating experience and, therefore, forus a practical set of rules for ope Before tteupting to operate the burner, the operator should femiaiarize fim with the Unitations and characteristics of the burner, its controls, and ‘elated eqstpment [DeSCRIPTION {Tee OTS Durner ts designed for furnaces requiring 4 long, euall cross-sectionel Flame. The burner is particularly suites vnere cold combustion air to used. The burner mixes etonized oil vith the combustion air and imparts to this sixture ‘the turbulence essential for complete combustion, ‘The STS Burner {s a single ‘hroat burner equipped vith @ evirler. Poe, ReatIKDARETS ‘The burner will burn any OF the fuel otis classified a8 No. 2 through No. 6 by use Conserciai Standard CS 12-48 of the National Bireau of Standards, U.3. Departaent of Commerce or fuel oils P.S. 200 through 400 48 designated by fuel 11 suppliers on tbe Heat Const, Tee fuel of1 mould not contain any acid, grit, fibrous or other foreign mat- 1 1skely to clog or injure the atomisers and valves. The fuel 1} should De strained through (ilters or wire guute of 16 soshew to the inch (Ne. 18 USS {tm order to obtain the required atomization and capacity out of the stomizers, the Viscosity of the fuel oil must not be greater than 195 Saybolt Universal Seconds (8 Saytolt Farol Seconda). The viscosities at several teaperatur determined 40 that the correct operating teaperature 1 mte00 4 wcor compas a” tower sation noo ice pores ware Sovsto8 ee BURNERS 2 onesie memucroe See och me sock bon Harcarzon SECTIONAL VIEY OF HURCER = OTL (DUAL ATOMIZER) Gas LUGHTER COVER PLATE, st IGHTER SLEEVE Swincee wsrance UXILIARY ol ATOMIZER SuproRT Rare Gromizee eemoveo "SLECVE Pig SHOWA) 1 INICOCK 4 wLcox COMPaey 3 rover cowarion cto epee 6/5-2-77 INDUSTRIAL & MARINE DIVISTON BURNERS OPERATING THSTRUCTZONS ‘STS OIL BURNER. SUNGLE BURNER INSTALLATTON ssguery raven Doses 2] 5B oer [eet 200 SERIES POWER ARC IGNITORS General ‘The Power Arc Ignitor is a non-fouling, inextinguishable, high energy ignitor for all common oil and gas fuels. A controlled capacitor diecharge produces a high temperature arc that will ignite fuel oils more efficiently than a gas or torch ignitor. ‘The 76-90 Power Pack supplies high voltage D.C. to the power arc ignitor where it charges a capacitor in the power head. when the capacitor is charged to a preset level, it discharges through a gas filled ‘Spark Gap’ to the arc tip, where the electric energy is dispersed in the form of a high temperature arc, which lights the oiT, ‘This cycle repeats approximately 15 times/sec. The energy output is rated in Joules. A Joule is equal to one watt~ second. Each pulse of the Ignitor disperses 12 Joules of energy. Since the duration of each pulse is approximately 6 microseconds, the power output of each pulse is 2 megawatts. Model 476-90 Power Pack coupled with a 12 joule Ignitor will draw ¢80 watts. ‘hie ie a Heavy Duty system: The 76-90 Power Pack is capable of running continuously. Storag For long-tern storage it is advisable to store the Ignitor in a heated y to minimize condensation build-up. Normal temperature (-20 degrees F to +180 degrees F) will not affect the unit. However, if it is suspected that the unit has seen excess water or tenperatures, it is advisable to trouble-shoot the system outlined under the "No Spark" section or to return the unit for evaluation before a startup is tried. Installation & Initial Checkout Since the Ignitor will be moving in and out during normal operation, fone should insure that the Ignitor will not hit any physical obstruc~ Gions such as the burner's diffuser on insert and over nead obstruc- tions on retraction. Algo, one should anticipate outside clearance for removing the Ignitor as well as the thermal expansion of the boiler tubes with respect to the foundation. Positioning of the Ignitor should be done according to the burner manufacturer's reconmendation. Generally speaking, one wants to insert the Ignitor into a volital fuel-air zone and retract it into a relatively cold zone. The inserted arc tip should intersect the Gil spray at as perpendicular en engle es possible. It is best to operate the Ignitor and its control system before a Light-off is actually tried, This can often be accomplished by manually shutting off the oil valve and by by-passing various inter- locks. FREDERICK GOWAN & COMPANY, ING, ] jon no. PAISEO PAGE 2 of sutuenn AIR SYSTEMS INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE cunace Maram INSTRUCTIONS FOR TYPE RHP PACKAGED FANS SERies 1600 RP Fan fried for dict eve in Arrangement (a whos mounted on the motor shat) and in Arangment 3 (Cateel mourtedtetween ho Reasns wah ae uppoted by te fan hoon). Se eo INSPECTION ‘Upon every the pene shouldbe checked asin te bl fading or shortage a ef ispectd fo erence of ‘Gimage nana Sherage or Gamage soul be pomp eprtd tothe cae or acing or att INSTALLATION “Type RHP Fam ae aged, nan npc at efor prio opment. To tain hs ligne he allowing rectors mn Sea 1. Foundations mut be fiat, lee! and igi. Where foundation wt tad eve shims must be paced under fan ‘port at ech foundation hk an equed Ital an te foundation Dos 2. Check for uniform clearance etwesn whl manda cone 1 clearance ic ot wrifrm, owen it faites adi ine sone potion for unm clearance and eight bale ‘3. (heck axa ponion of fan wheelie co let cea sown in igre L. Where necenary to change psiion, (Sree an ston tpoatn eed an tan st te eee FIG. ring hubs st he acutely aligned in acordance with ving signet - At. 3 fans Fan ad die a Adbst postion of ert ag spun cular itrations, more fo obtasNoth ope counting SHEAVE WHEEL DRIVE PINION FLEXIBLE ELEMENT ‘CONNECTION “TRIGGER Figure 1 Medel G98 Soot Blower, over-all view IM 3126 zis June, "66 Retromiser Fuel Economizer with Kentube Feedwater Preheat System* Recommended Piping Diagram Kentube L=tWUUtI32 rue! eeonomizer STATIONARY SOOTBLOWER OPERATING PROCEDURES ‘The stationary sootblower, shown in Figure A,ieusedon the smaller Cylin- ‘rial RETROM SER unite (units with ‘numerically. inereasina. Model. Num- bers from 100000 to 450000). Those Units with Model numbers incorpor- ating an "8" or "9" as the fourth digit (e., 200830) have a single blower lement (E-t) near the flue gas intet ‘connection. All other units with station= any sootblowershavethetwin elements (Et and 2), With the sootbiower's lane blowing design, the nozzles of each element 9 aligned with the tube lanes. This allows the ce ‘compressed h Tength of each finned tube coll Steam or compressed air at 85 psig minimum pressure (250 psig max'= mum) should be piped to each 1s" IPS external sootblower connection, ‘A top valve should be located in the ‘supply line a8 close to the RETRO- MISER connection as practical. If necessary, for ease of operation, the Stop valve should be equipped with @ ‘rive chain. For outdoor installations, or wiere a drive chain is impractical fn electric valve wilh remute pus Bution controls should be ullized, ‘The sootblower should be used as the water temperature drops appre- blower must be well drained of con ‘esate Detore the stop valves opened. See the “Recommended Piping Dia gram" for details, Gas Flow @@O0000000 3888 @QOQQOOO @QQOO@ : Figure A Cylindrical RETROMISER Fuel Economizer ‘with Stationary Soctbiowers, IMPORTANT. On units with two sootblower el ments, open the valve 10 the lower blower (E-1) frst. After closing E-1 valve, opan valve to tne upper blower (E-2). BO NOT operate both blower elements simultaneously Kentube WSsauWety rue! economizer ROTARY SOOTBLOWER OPERATING PROCEDURES. The rotary sootblower, shown in Fig. A, features a chain-driven rotating element providing elfective cleaning of the Cylin= drical RETROMISER unit's finned tubing, Wit we eoatelowers lane Blowing design: the nozzles in the rotating element are aligned with each tube lane, This allows the cleaning venicle (steam or compressed alt) to reac the fll length of each finned tube coil througn 360° rotation, ‘Steam or compressed air at 85 psig mini- ‘mum pressure (250 psig maximum) should be piped to the 2" IPS external sootblower connection. A stop valve shouldbe located in te suppiy line as close to the RETRO- MISER connection as practical. neces ‘ary, for ease of operation, the stop valve should be equipped with’a drive chain For outdoor installations. of where a are chain is impractical, an electric valve with remote. pushbutton “control “should. be Utilized, “The sootblower should be used as the exit water temperature drops appreciably be= ow normal operating level and with boiler fon load a5 near nigh fire a8 possible The steam lead to the blower must be well drainec of condensate before the Stop valve is opened. See the "Recom- Menaed Piping Diagram for details 11 is recommended that 120 feet of drive Cchain rotation be pulled to assure com plete coverage ofall the heating surfaces @X\tranter INSTRUCTIONS for INSTALLATION —— OPERATION and MAINTENANCE of OVERHUNG PROCESS PUMPS Douste suction sinote sucion, Ingersoll-Rand. CAMERON PUMP DIVISION eter All Commonicatons To The Neares!Addret Usted On The Bock Cover. PACKED 80x “WHEN SPECIFIED — =e [A-LINE PUMP. IMPELLER-NUT [Mee iy7aso0x2 tT corgi INSTRUCTIONS — READ CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING OPTO-MATIC GLASS OILERS LOPTO.IMATIC Ot ve sah othe ppd ol the eo oom fe aang teri cnt a ath m ewe ie fr Ue at ileal able tn twang ret re nm ppt ad hon SPIO" STAMCis nt ae wil alow om orig). Tg mb com by ‘etoile aan the lowe. Raom nk a pps a cen fon el Bete ht ip nd ese mere SIMPLE, Quicy LeveL? BALL A 7 Su oAte, AS penance i. a nn cate Oa A ee nid ae cee Eben erin te — Tico SEV witncwenioee Ered See Moss Peaceeasee Goes so Laie Staers Shes eee Serica. Stee? NOTE: Ol lve, a minima st fing, i Ye" om 1 and 82 Otere tnd 3/30" on #3, 88 and #10 ier, above centr ne of side ieee tigaide are pa, cme ; courouno omen Uses berets St ended logy td tre QFTOMATICS can and are being wed also be uted fe fe ih " DISUSE ESE ety hee aoe Serr itty kinase FY send for Baletin Tin eda Uabeael pe oh cyte Ge Taine vod Tor Blt TRICO MFG. CORP, MILWAUKEE, WIS. 53212, U.S.A. EAN ae VLR, PO £011-36216-ReF. 595968 AC. MOTOR PARTS LIST oe Babcock 6 Wileox Company Po #526136 RW Ite Aux Customer Ingersott-Rand, Canergq Customer P.O. Boiler Feed Puno EeloneeS.0. 23 Mater Serial No P06 135 4 405s [Soy | Be cont,| 10_oo. | 602531+1 [aty. | Pert Nome Por Number a |storer lesson 2 _|eonaute sox | resranzt-a Stator cou less 96200 also + Jerr. 1_| rover ert fe ee 3 Ieracuer ee fessvo-ts-a | | earner se seers 1 [eres Prove Fe [acs73s-16-4 | a [ates tare we fos7ss-t0-4 1 _lweve wane Fe [none 1 Fen Outer p77332-2°3 1 leover fen lessee a_|etonp ae re 2 [cap toner Fe [orano-2-4 | 1 | cap inner se _freen2- 1_| cae re curtencur| sogoosms mooel # Pao 6 216 rat, tanvel # | 862 ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS, When ordering, please specify: Par None, Pert Number Nomeplote Dato (x above), Serie! end/or Macel Number sconmended for Stock Get Production Imuronce With Genuine Factory-Built Por SIEMENS-ALLIS Installation Operation * Maintenance instructions Induction Motors 143-449 Frame Type RGZ, RGZ-CH, RGZE, RGZE-CH TEFC Type RGZZ, RGZZ-CH, RGZZE, RGZZE-CH TEFC Explosion-Proof waisAs NIvwa-ouny ‘WALVaH Waans Hod WYHOVIG ONIald fer suoemeaterbra Check ates SupereserDra Bock ve ‘Superstar Drie onmactin — ‘owen Sieh oa For B&W Scope 0! Supply eter To Specitic Contract Information 4 ih Sena Mound TF teva INSTRUCTIONS AND PARTS LIST SERIES A3D WARNING READ CA-1 AND THIS INSTRUCTION BOOK BEFORE INSTALLATION, OPERATION. OR MAINTENANCE Instructions 430-6 (F-5) Transamerica Delaval ine. IMO Pump Division Box 447 Airport Road ‘Monroe, NC 26110 ‘october 1981 Heliflow’ installation, operation and maintenance

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