Group 6 - Exercise 4

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Student name: Trần Ngọc Thảo Vy Student ID number: 22002343

Student name: Ngô Hoàng Anh Student ID number: WSU21000154

Student name: Trần Gia Lập Student ID number: 21001251

Student name: Đỗ Anh Khôi Student ID number: WSU21000207

Student name: Trần Khải Minh Student ID number: 21001204


Unit name: Corporate Finance Unit number: CF-T223WSB-2

Tutorial/Lecture: Lecture Class day and time: Wed, 8AM - 11.15AM
Lecturer or Tutor name: Ms. Thoa Tu

Title: Group Exercise

Length: 4 Pages Due date: July 5th, 2023 Date submitted: July 5th, 2023

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Student’s signature: Vy
Student’s signature: Anh
Student’s signature: Lap
Student’s signature: Khoi
Student’s signature: Minh

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been signed.
Exercise 4
Problem 1:

weight of SM Entertainment = 60% = 0.6

weight of YG Entertainment = 40% = 0.4

SD of SM Entertainment = 10% = 0.1

SD of YG Entertainment = 20% = 0.2

To calculate the variance and standard deviation of portfolio returns, we use this formula:

Var = (weight of SM Entertainment x SD of SM Entertainment)2 + (weight of YG Entertainment x

SD of YG Entertainment)2 + 2 x weight of SM Entertainment x weight of YG Entertainment x
correlation x SD of SM Entertainment x SD of YG Entertainment

SD = 𝑉𝑎𝑟

a. correlation is 1.0
Var = (0.6 x 0.1)2 + (0.4 x 0.2)2 + 2 x 0.6 x 0.4 x 1.0 x 0.1 x 0.2 = 0.0196

SD = 0. 0196 = 0.14 = 14%

b. correlation is 0.5
Var = (0.6 x 0.1)2 + (0.4 x 0.2)2 + 2 x 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.5 x 0.1 x 0.2 = 0.0148

SD = 0. 0148 ≈ 0.122 = 12.2%

c. correlation is 0

2 2 2 2
Var = 0. 6 × 0. 1 + 0. 4 × 0. 2 + 2 × 0. 6 × 0. 4 × 0. 1 × 0. 2 × 0 = 0. 01

SD = 0. 01 = 0. 1 = 10%

d. correlation is -1

2 2 2 2
𝑉𝑎𝑟 = 0. 6 × 0. 1 + 0. 4 × 0. 2 + 2 × 0. 6 × 0. 4 × 0. 1 × 0. 2 × (− 1) = 0. 0004

SD = 0. 0004 = 0. 02 = 2%
Comments on the Problem 1 results:

● When the correlation between the returns is 1.0, the SD of the portfolio returns is 14%

=> the portfolio has a moderate level of risk.

● When the correlation between the returns is 0.5, the SD of the portfolio returns is 12.2%

=> the portfolio has a lower level of risk compared to the case with a correlation of 1.0.

● When the correlation between the returns is 0, the SD of the portfolio returns is 10%

=> the portfolio has the lowest level of risk.

● When the correlation between the returns is -1, the SD of the portfolio returns is 2%

=> the portfolio has a high level of risk, as the negative correlation does not provide
diversification benefits.

Problem 2:
The expected returns for each of the stocks:

E(RVCB) = Σ pi x E(R)i = 0.15 x 0.2 + 0.35 x 0.15 + 0.35 x 0.1 + 0.15 x 0.05 = 12.5%

E(RVIC) = 0.15 x 0.2 + 0.35 x 0.1 + 0.35 x 0.15 + 0.15 x 0.05 = 12.5%

E(RFPT) = 0.15 x 0.05 + 0.35 x 0.1 + 0.35 x 0.15 + 0.15 x 0.2 = 12.5%

To calculate the covariance between each pair of stock, we can use the formula:

Cov(A,B) = Σ pi x [(E(RA)i - E(RA)] x [(E(RB)i - E(RB)]

Cov (VCB,VIC) = 0.15 x (0.2 - 0.125) x (0.2 - 0.125) + 0.35 x (0.15 - 0.125) x (0.1 - 0.125) + 0.35 x
(0.1 - 0.125) x (0.15 - 0.125) + 0.15 x (0.05 - 0.125) x (0.05 - 0.125) = 0.00125

Cov (VCB, FPT) = 0.15 x (0.2 - 0.125) x (0.05 - 0.125) + 0.35 x (0.15 - 0.125) x (0.1 - 0.125) + 0.35
x (0.1 - 0.125) x (0.15 - 0.125) + 0.15 x (0.05 - 0.125) x (0.2 - 0.125) = -0.002125
Cov (VIC, FPT) = 0.15 x (0.2 - 0.125) x (0.05 - 0.125) + 0.35 x (0.1 - 0.125) x (0.1 - 0.125) + 0.35 x
(0.15 - 0.125) x (0.15 - 0.125) + 0.15 x (0.05 - 0.125) x (0.2 - 0.125) = -0.00125

E(P) = 0.5 x E(VCB) + 0.5 x E(VIC) = 0.5 x 0.125 + 0.5 x 0.125 = 12.5%
The variance of the portfolio: Var = Σ𝑝𝑖[𝐸(𝑅)𝑖 − 𝐸(𝑅)]

Var(VCB) = 0.15 x (0.20 - 0.125)^2 + 0.35 x (0.15 - 0.125)^2 + 0.35 x (0.10 - 0.125)^2 + 0.15 x
(0.05 - 0.125)^2 = 0.002125

Var (VIC) = 0.15 x (0.20 - 0.125)^2 + 0.35 x (0.1 - 0.125)^2 + 0.35 x (0.15 - 0.125)^2 + 0.15 x (0.05
- 0.125)^2 = 0.002125

2 2 2 2
𝑉𝑎𝑟 (𝑃) = 𝑊1 × σ1 + 𝑊2 × σ2 + 2 × 𝑊1 × σ1 × 𝑊1 × σ1 × 𝑝

Var(P) = (0.5)^2Var(VCB) + (0.5)^2Var(VIC) + 2 x (0.5)(0.5) x Cov(VCB, VIC) = (0.5)^2 x

0.002125 + (0.5)^2 x 0.002125 + 2 x (0.5)(0.5) x 0.00125 = 0.0016875

SD(P) = 𝑉𝑎𝑟(𝑃) = 0. 0016875 = 0. 041

State: Return on Portfolio
Normal 50%x20%+50%x5%=12.5%
Boom 50%x15%+50%x10%=12.5%
Bust 50%x10%+50%x15%=12.5%
Recession 50%x20%+50%x5%=12.5%
The expected return of portfolio:
E(P) = 0.15 x 0.125 + 0.35 x 0.125 + 0.35 x 0.125 + 0.15 x 0125= 0.125 or 12.5%
Var(P)= 0.15 x (0.125 - 0.125)^2 + 0.35 x (0.125 - 0.125)^2 + 0.35 x (0.125 - 0.125)^2 + 0.15 x
(0.125 - 0.125)^2=0

SD(P) = 𝑉𝑎𝑟(𝑃) = 0 = 0
The expected return of portfolio:
E(P) = 0.3 x E(VCB) + 0.4 x E(VIC) + 0.3 x E(FPT) = 0.3 x 0.125 + 0.4 x 0.125 + 0.3 x 0.125

State: Return on Portfolio

Normal 30% x 20% + 40% x 20% + 5% x 30%=15.5%
Boom 30% x 15% +40% x 10% + 30% x 10%=11.5%
Bust 30% x10% +40% x 15% +30% x 15%=13.5%
Recession 30%x 5% + 40% x 5% + 30%x 20%=9.5%

Var(P)= 0.15 x (0.155-0.125)^2 + 0.35 x (0.115-0.125)^2 + 0.35 x (0.135-0.125)^2 + 0.15 x

(0.095-0.125)^2= 0.00034

SD(P)= 𝑉𝑎𝑟(𝑃) = 0. 00034 = 0. 018 or 1.8%

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