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Student #:

CE372-Engineering Hydraulics

2020 Midterm Exam

Write clearly, Circle your answer

Chapter 1

1. (2pts) (T or F) Water, like most substances, becomes denser as its temperature decreases.

2. (3Pts) Two locations in closed hydraulic systems where cavitation is likely to occur:
pipelines, nozzles, pumps, hydraulic jacks. (Circle two)

3. (5Pts) What would be the ramification to our planet if a) water did not have a high heat
capacity? b) water did not have a high dissolving capacity? (Give one answer to each

4. (5Pts) Determine the specific gravity of a gallon of liquid if it has a mass of 0.258 slugs.
Hints: Weight = mg
A slug has units of (lbꞏsec2)/(ft)
Specific gravity = liquid/water at 4C
γliquid = weight/volume
water at 4C = 62.4 lb/ft3
Volume of 1 gal = 0.134 ft3

Chapter 2

5. (3Pts) Pressure below the surface in still water (or hydrostatic pressure)
a) is linearly related to depth.
b) acts normal (perpendicular) to any solid surface.
c) is related to the temperature of the fluid.
d) at a given depth, will act equally in any direction.
e) all of the above.
f) (a) and (b) only.

6. (2pts) (T or F) Flotation stability is dependent on the relative positions of the center of

gravity and the center of buoyancy.

7. (7Pts) Collapse depth (or crush depth) is the submerged depth that a submarine can’t exceed
without collapsing due to the surrounding water pressure. The collapse depth of modern
submarines is not quite a kilometer (730 m). Assuming sea water to be incompressible (S.G.
= 1.03), what is the crush depth pressure (P) in N/m2 and psi (lb/in2)? Is the pressure you
computed absolute or gage pressure?

Hint: P = γh; where γ = (1.03)(9810 N/m3) = 1.01x104 N/m3

8. (7Pts) The manometer depicted below is mounted on a city water supply pipe to monitor
water pressure. However, the field engineer suspects the manometer reading of h = 3 feet
(Hg) may be incorrect. If the pressure in the pipe (Ppipe) is measured independently and found
to be 16.8 lb/in.2 (psi), determine the correct value of the reading h.

Hint: A surface of equal pressure can be drawn at the mercury-water meniscus. Therefore,
Ppipe + (2 ft)() = (h)(Hg)
Hg = ()(S.G.Hg)

9. (6Pts) A 3-ft square (plane) gate is mounted into an inclined wall (45°). The center of the
gate is located 4 feet (vertically) below the water surface. Determine the location (yp) of the
magnitude of the hydrostatic force (F listed below) with respect to the water surface along
the incline.

Hints: F    h  A = (62.3 lb/ft3)(4 ft)(3 ft)2 = 2,240 lbs

y  h / sin 45 = 4ft/(sin 45°) = 5.66 ft

Chapter 3

10. (5Pts) In the pipe section below, sketch the velocity distribution in a pipe for both laminar
and turbulent flow. Use arrow length to indicate magnitude of velocity.

11. (5Pts) Identify the three major forms of energy in pipe flow.

12. (4Pts) Give three examples of minor losses that occur in pipelines.

13. (7Pts) A homeowner is interested in supplying water (20°C) to her wood shop that is about
30 m from her house. However, she is concerned about the lack of water pressure. Calculate
the pressure drop she can expect for a flow rate of 10 liters per minute through a 1.5-cm
copper pipe. Assume minor losses are negligible.

Hints: See Eq. 3.15a; Pressure drop ΔP = (9,790 N/m3)(hf); Use the Moody diagram

14. (8Pts) Water flows through a 20-cm commercial steel pipe at 20°C. The flow rate is 80 liters
per second and pressure is constant throughout the length of the pipe. Determine the slope of
the pipe. Assume minor losses are negligible and the pipe length (L) is 100m.

Hints: First, apply the energy equation to the pipeline;

V12 P1 V2 P
  h1  2  2  h2  hL
2g  2g  ; where hL = hf, V1 = V2; P1 = P2; Thus, h1 - h2 = hf

Use the Darcy Weisbach equation to find hf; slope = hf/L

Chapter 4

15. (6Pts) Sketch the energy grade line (EGL) and hydraulic grade line (HGL) for the pipeline
below. Sketch the lines above the figure.



16. (2Pts) What happens to the pressure in a pipe if it is raised above the HGL?
Hint: this is called a siphon

Chapter 5

17. (2Pts) (T or F) Pumps add energy to a fluid primarily in the form of increased pressure.

18. (4Pts) Draw a typical pump characteristic curve and label the axes. Then draw a typical
system curve on the same graph. Label the match point. What does the match point refer to?

Chapter 6

19. (5Pts) For the specific energy curve below draw the regions for subcritical flow and
supercritical flow and the point critical depth (yc). Critical depth is the depth at which
minimum energy occurs.

Depth, y

Specific energy, E

20. (2Pts) (T or F) Hydraulic jumps occur in open channels when the flow changes from
subcritical to supercritical.

21. (2Pts) (T or F) Open channels are generally designed for uniform flow conditions.

22. (8Pts) Water flows at a depth of 1.83 m in a trapezoidal, riprap lined channel with a bottom
width of 3m, side slopes of 2:1 (H:V), and a bottom slope of 0.005.

a). Determine the discharge using Manning’s Eq. in the channel assuming uniform flow.
Hint: Use Table 6.1 to find A and P

b). Determine the flow classification (critical, supercritical, or subcritical) when the channel
flows at normal depth. Assume yn = 2.00 m and yc = 0.8 m

Hint: See section 6.7


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