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Francisco Manyanga Secondary School

Grade 11 - I English Test - 2nd Term 2023

Name: ____________________________________________No.______Stream__________
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Read the following and answer questions 1-5 Dear Sir,

I am writing to express my concern about the obsession some people have for thing which say "imported" on the
Why do people have to buy imported things? Does it make them feel important? Do they like wasting money? Have
they thought about the carbon footprint left about imported things? Let's take fish, for example, some people pay a
fortune to eat fish that comes all the way from northern Europe. The fish has to be frozen packet in expensive plastic
bags and boxes and then flown out to Africa. Airplanes cause a lot of pollution, and so does packaging. And yet
here in Maputo we have we have some of the best fresh fish in the world, of course I know we don't produce
everything we need in Mozambique, so some things need to be imported. But must we import things that we don't
I feel proud when I buy something that is made in Mozambique, because I know that I am supporting local industries
and farmers. When I buy local food, I know that I am getting healthier, fresher too and it's cheaper! So why waste
money and pollute the environment? I say, buy local, buy made in Mozambique.
Maputo... in learning English, Grade 11, Longman
1. Agostinho wrote this letter because he...
A. hates imported good C. encourages people to buy imported goods
B. wants money to buy expensive fish D. is concerned about the quality of imported goods
2. What’s Agostinho’s point of view on relation to imported goods?
A Imported goods are the best in the world C We should only import what we need
B Maputo imports the best fresh fish in the world D Mozambique should not import anything
3. Why are Mozambicans advised to buy national products? Because…
A. Are cheaper C pollute the environment
B are exported to other countries D Support local industries and farmers
4. ‘’Made in Mozambique means’’
A Products are advised on Tv C Products from Maputo
B imported products B products from Mozambique
5. According to the writer, national products are...
A not so good C healthier and fresher
B only fish and chicken D waste of money

Section II
Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I (First conditional) and Type II (Second Conditional)
6. If you go out with your friends tonight, I (watch)________________ the football match on TV.
7. If he (try)_____________________ harder, he will reach his goals.
8. It (surprise/not) _________________ me if he didn't know the answer.
9. If she doesn't hurry, we (miss)_________________ the bus.
10. What (you/do) _________________if I said love you?

Rewrite the sentences in the reported speech

11. "Teresa, what is the latest trendy in shoes?" Luis asked
12. "Do you think you have talent?" the judge asked me
13. "My parents want me to marry a man from the village". Lourdes said
14. "Don't talk to strangers." Teacher told me
15. Pedro "The bus is late."

Section III
Choose the best word/words to fill each gap
16. The nurse told him to open his mouth, ________?
A did she B she didn't C didn't she D she did
17. We produce sugar in Mozambique, _________?
A do we B aren't we C didn't we D don't we
18. Susana can't dance, ________?
A can she B is she C does she D can't she
19. The last test was________ than this one.
A easy B more easy C easier D easiest
20. My neighbour does not___________ with his relatives.
A get down B look after C look ahead D get on
21. In the past humans___________ live in the caves.
A are used to B use to C used to D using to
22. He________died when the car crashed.

A nearly B ever C almost D could

23. Which expression shows agreement?

A. I entirely disagree C I see things rather differently

B I see things from the same perspective D That's not exactly what I think

24. The tense of the sentence "he had never been to the dentist before." is...

A. past simple B present perfect C past perfect D present simple

25. What sentence is in the second conditional?

A. I would have become a millionaire if I had won the lottery.

B. If I won the lottery, I would become a millionaire.

C. If I win the lottery, I will become a millionaire.

D. People spend much money when they are millionaire.

26. Which sentence is in the past continuous?

A The cat has killed the mouse C The crocodile is swimming

C The dog was guarding the house D The monkey has been jumping

27. All are modal verbs except...

A can B could C go D would

28. All are adjectives except...

A home B intelligent C angry D smart

29. All are adverbs except

A carefully B well C badly D quick

30. All these are clothes EXCEPT...

A shorts B skirt C sunglasses D T-shirt


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