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Table ul Cv .

e Hst 2

Horizontal Directional Drilling Table of Contents Page

DCA“Fechnical Guidelines Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,........4

Project principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ,...........5

2.1 Topography ,. . 5
2n‘ Edition - February 2001 2.2 Geology .. 6
2.3 Miscellaneous . . . .. . . ,......................12

Information and Recommendations 3 Authorisations........................................................................................ 14

3.1 CoiJtractor.................................................................................. 4
for the Planning, Construction and Documentation of
3.2 Client........................................................................................15
HDD - Projects
Project planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1 Fundarf entaTs .16
4.2 Drawings
4.3 Design/Calculations . 24

4.4 Construction schedule

5 Safety and Environmental protection . . . . . . . . . . .. ..80

5.1 Safety on the jobsite 30
5.2 Safety of machines 31
5.3 Saf+ty of borehole tools . 32
5.4 Enviro»mental protection
Drilling Contractors Association (DCA-EuropeI
Project execution....................................................., . . . . . .34
Association des Entrepreneurs de Forage Dirigé
6.1 Personnel qualifications .34
Verband Güteschutz Horizontalbohrungen e.V.
6.2 Construction site installation and -clearing
6.2.1 Cons!‹uction site instaI|ation
Charlottenburger Allee 39
6.2.2 Construction site c]eariDg .3o’
52068 Aachen
6.3 Drilling work 35
6.3.1 Drilling technique . . .B6
Tel.: ++49 - 241- 901 9290
Fax: ++49 - 241- 901 9299 6.3.2 Drilling Rigs . .39
6.3.3 Drill String ,.Standards” .43
6.3.4 Drilling Tools .4G
E Maii: d•meu•n-europe.Ile
Internet: http://ww \rr/
6.?.5 Drilling F-luid
5.3,6 Locating System
Tab!a of contents 3 i4

6.4 Pipeline construction work .54 1 Foreword

6.4.1 Pipe materials . . .fi4
6.4.2 Pipe protection . .57 Five years after the founding of DCA and after the ir›itiai years of successfully seeing
6.4.3 PipeIiizo Stringing and Overbenrl .5B up the association the extensively revised 2 " edition of theJochnical Guidelines ut DCA
6.4.4 Ballas ing . .EGO tor the controlled horizontal drilling process (Horizontal Directional Drilling, HDD) was

Approval................................................. sJ pt blisfJerJ. This was at the beginning of the new Millennium and is based on nracti‹:aI
experiences as well as tho latest scientific knowledge.
Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..63
. The revised edition should contribute to a further increase in the qr ality of planning and
. .63
9.1 Records construction of HDD-Projects, thereby promoting the lasting acceptance cf tills con-
. . .64
8.2 As-built documents temporary special ccnstrr ction technique.The presentTuclJi ical Guideline:s of the DCA
will provide fundamental information for planning, execution and doc Jmentatior› cf
HDD-Projects to not only builders ails! contractors but also to the specialist companies
Fig. 1 Scf a Katie Drill Profile
carrying out the work.
Fig. 2 Schematic Showing Sito Equipment (Site layout)
Fig. 3 Pi|ot Drilling and Pullback Assombly (Schematic) The iJewTechnical Guidelines of the DCA have been developed in close cooperation with
Fig. 4 Schematic Drilling Operations the American sister association Drilling Cro.ssing Contractors Association (DCFA) as
Fig. 5 Scheri›atic Overbend web as many well known internatio»aI experts, The DCA-Board takes the liberty and
-opportunity to thank al! contributors for their cooperative and constructive team\rvcrk.

Aachen, Spring 2001

DclTTlng Contractors Association, lDCA-Europel

Te cal GuideIi‹1es ¥ Decl meal C4¢' 'nes

nro|ecl principles 6

2 Project principles 3 Longitudinal sections including levels

To determine a drilli ›g profile information ubo«t the ground Havels aIcr‹g the planned route
To assessif g the feaüiGility cf a HDD-proje‹:t various basic dcciJmentaion,normalIy
are necessary. In designiiJg the drilling profile the distances to par ticular areas and
dİs t rihuted by the Client, is neeüerl. In particoÌar the documentation relating to the
possible obstacles can be taken into account. To benefit fr ture detaiI‹›cl p)únning and
topography and tile geology of the project location is of paramount importance. All
documentation it is advised to relate the essential information in the longitudinal sec-
s|›ecific addi1i‹›naI inforr'natior1, essential for the pr‹›ject. shall hu ir cor[›orated in the final
tions to Ordnance Datum or any other relevant (natio 1üI} survey grid.
assessment. "Ihe c/ocun1entation I:eiow is one Phone a pre i equisito for the evaluation.
planning and execution of HDD- Projects.
0 Depths of streams and risers

If case the planned rlrillinp underpasses a stream or rover a depth souiJ‹JiiJg oi series of
2.1 Topography
depth soundings shall be carried out to determine the level of the bed of struanJ or river.
Fcr the evaluation and assessment of the conditions at gro‹ ndlevel the required docu- Only in th's way a safe distance can be designed and kept with rega/‹J to hed jr'vel at›‹J
naentaticn along the plannod route shall consist of: level ot borehole. F.specially deep streams or rivers may have ą considerable influence

3 Location pTøn in the rletail design (e.g. local bed erosionl.

0 Top view
3 LongitunaT sections fncl\zding levels 2.2 Geology
:2 Depths of streams and rivers
Prior to the execution of the loo izontal directional c!rilIiing technique proper and c‹›rr
prehensive soil investigations along the planned dri|Iing route shall he carried o t and
:D Location plan
reviewed in order to assess the feasibility o1 the project and reduce the construction
To determining the rig site, |aipe site, pi ›e storage arua, pipelino assembly area ancl risks to a minimum. The Employer shall ca ry out the required soil i Jvesligations tu
other co astroction site facilities suitab|e location plans and topographic charts in the ohtain all the necessary information.
scale of
The programme of the necessary investigation, the professio Tal monitoring of site and
: 000 iJp to 1 : 25 000, are helpful.
laboratory activities and tha draßing of the soil investigation report shall be cai ries out
by a geology advisor/ geologist of an approved and reputable geology cotJsultancy. The
3 Top view
geologist must have experience in similar projects and must hof‹J re1eva‹\t kr\‹›wIerlge
To effect uf inns ortant gecn1atric 'nfcrmatio/› of the planned drilling, such as the ot the working methods and particular details of the FlDD techniq\ e
envisaged dri|ling la Jgth, the distance to nearby buildings, the width of structures to be
drilled unclerneath etc., requires a reliable ancl complete detail plan (e.g. at a scale of
1 . 1000). To benifit future ‹J‹'tailed planning and documentation it is advised to relate
the essontial information in the plans to Ordnance IDatum or any other relevant (iaatio-
nail srii vey gri¢l.

Technical G i‹Jejines
Project principles i 7 8

The scope of the geotechnical investigations defends on the local geological con- ¢ Boreholes
editions and the key data of the planned project. In General the soil investigations shall
To rletermine the soil layers and the requiied characteristic soil prop+rties boi eNo!es
comprise the following eIer»ei1ts:
shall be mane. Cylindrical bore holes are to be carried out for undisturbed core recovery
°' Classification and Evaluation of existing documents at 50-100 metres interval, in alternating order at 5 metres noxt to the ce‹JtreIine a! the
¢ Historical research planned drilling trajectory. One shall adlJera st ictly to the i Jtervals for the boreholes,
3 Boreholes especially in the presence ot waterways. Information at›out the giouncT coi’idi tions
¢ Penetration tests immediately under the bottom of the river is of great importance anlt determi os the
0 Geophysical Investigations success of the construction method.
¢ Laboratory tests
Ha boreholes can he classified in:
0 Geotechnical repoi4
— Rotary core drilling
In common soil con‹Titions, i.e. not particular complex st bsoil c‹›n‹Jitions. recom nen
— Ram boring
Nations on the soil investigations aro mentioned bolow When uncommo geological
— Peicussi‹›n borif g
conditions or more complicated soil st uctures are present a mol e extensive soil investi-
With regard \o the b‹›ref ola sairt›Iing tIJe comm ‹›nIy Used nJetilcds ar+:
gatio‹\ is generally necessary.
— Method providing continuous recovery of core samples
C Classification and Evaluation of existing documents - Method providing continuous recovery of non-cored samples
— Method providing incomplete soil samples
The classification and evaluation of existi Jg soil data shall he examined. Available maps
and materials are to be. studies! Igeological maps, sections, bore logs, profiles etc.). Reference is made to more detailed information in BS 5900 or otlJ+r applicable Natio-
Insofar as practically suitable geotechnical investigations wado available from pre- nal or European Standerds or Cudes of practice about soil - or site investigations.
viously constrt cted projects (bridges etc.) which are in the vicinity ol the planned
The Standard or Code to be used sha|I be selected i close coot›eration witty the
project can be used and may reduce the scupe of the soi| investigations.
nominated or appointed geology const Itant. In most cases it is important to select all
adequately large borehole, to ascertain that the coarse fractions (grav+I, stones etc.)
3 Historical research
are detected.
Historical research i‹J tha vicinity of a planned HDO-Project shall be carried out particri
The depth of the borehole shall be 2 to 5 metres beI‹›w the (ir verb) luvet cf ttJ+ |JIann‹ ‹I
larly near industrial areas, formar settlements and abandoned coiJstrr‹ctions. ApaiJ from
drilling profile. Changes can be confidently processed to the drilling trajectory in the
the examination of exis1ing archive material (maps, old plans, aerial photos etc.) a site
case of obstacles encountered during tha drilling process. Boreholes shall be properly
visit is an (professional) obligation.
filled an‹1 restored, e.g. with expanding clay pellets. tc› t›reveiJt a nud outI›reak.

Ter ”’Tal G\ idelines i s

.|ect principles 19 Project prii i mIes OO

:2 Penetration tests
In view of the horizontal directional di illing technique the following orouedures can be
To determine the important soil parameters, e.g. coi1›pactness etc., or to identify the boundaries within applied notably:
the stratum structure, the following penetration tests can be usecl:
Cone Penetration Test ICPT) — Electro Magnetic Reflection (EM£t, cr „ G¢ oradar “)
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) — Geoelectric
The CPU method pushes a cone at the end of a series of rods into the ground at a con- stant rate and i1Jeasr — Seismic
renJeiJts are recorded of ihe total combined resistance, the sleeve friction and tha cone resistance.
'fhe SF”f' method drives with constant impact enorgy a probe into the ground. The required n ii›Jber of E!ectroma0netic reflection (EMR, „ Georadar“! is peilicularly sriitable in deter14iniizq the
blows per u lit length penetration is each time recorded. The SPD method differentiates between light, layer !:oundaries. Short electromagnetic prilses ai e enaitted into the soil frcm a s‹›\irce
i1JediunJ and heavy ram probes,
The cone penetration tests are to be pla Jned in the vicinity of the boreholes ance if necessary at ir te‹ vals tf at is placed on ground level. The electromagnetic waves are ref]ected ir ter alia at the
in between. The depth of the cone penetration tests shall t›e t'›e sane as for thm boreholes thus enabling layer bo indaries and i ecorded by r eceivers on ground level. ”Fhe duration and anJpli
a comparison of the derived soil para- meters in the various strata.
/\II cone pe Jetration tests shall be properly filled and restored, e.g. with expanding clay pellet':, to prevef\t a tudes of the refle€:tions of the impulses are measured and recordeU.
mud outbreak.
The application of geoelectrical measuriiJg methods cai also assist in ‹letermi Jinj the
layar str\ cture in the s\ bsoil. It is assumecl ttJat the vario\Js layers witlJ thei respective
3 GeophysicaT investigations
electric resistance distinguish srifficiently to take iJaeasuremeiJts. When applying goo
The Ape and extent of the geophysical investigations to be carried out depend on the electrical meas iring a row of probes ail¢l electrodes ai e placed i a straiglJt Sine i 3 the
geological ‹:oncIitions recorded frot the examined burefJoles and penetrations tests as suhsoil. The electrodes are placed o‹JtsicIe, the p obes are inside. Suhseq\ ently nic
well as the local conditions that cor Id have influenced the method and results. Take electrical current is led into tho suI›soi| by the o]ectrodes wlJereby the prohes register
into account e.g. conc!itions at grornad level, area utilization and effects front the the electrical voltage, The appai ent resistance cau be calculated fi om the measrire‹f
suriounciings.The geophysical |›rocedures selected for the investigations ca be exe- current and voltage for each individual layer. CoiJclusions cdri be drawn about ime layer
¢ ted fr‹›m the lancl or Iron the water.
stn cturing by comparison usi‹Jg referonce data.

Seismic measuriilg metlJods are to a certain extent sinJilar to the EMfi”mčt1Joc!. V\’hefe
EMR uses electromagnetic pulses, seismic iJaeasuring uses souncl waves. Receivers
(geo-phonesl record the reflections of the sound waves. emigec! Io the subsoil. Groriiid
layers and layer bounderies can he distinguished witI\ this r€uthod t›rovi‹Jed the layers
lJave sharp transitions in poiosity, density, etc..

Tec1 nical G\ !delines

Project principles 1 11
Project princimles 12

3 Labo¥otory lests
The soil layers witlJin the plaiJnud drillifJg trajectory sTJaI\ not only be desci ihed in
The samples obtained ill the site investigations will be laboratory tested. As a rinimrim whiting hut also be prasefJted in a geo!ogy section
the tests for non-co) esivs, u Jconsolidate‹J soils can be: hole logs and CPT/SPT infornJaticn can t›e inrorporated togetiaer with their locations
Pai*irle size / - distribution and geo-physical information. The results of the geophysical tests as well as histo ical
data shall be indicated on the section. The geological section shall not rte made in
— Void ratio an exaggerated o‹ clistorted scale. WlJet the presence ‹›i geolcgi‹:al or n al -madu
— MeIative densité obstructions/abnor talities are known, e.q. coarse gravel, hoc Iders, rock fragments,
- Compection ratio fo indations. soil Ïmprovements, cavities, pollution, etc. the intGri1JntiotJ :sIJaII Ue iaJdï-
cated in the geological section.
ror the exanni‹ ed scil layers and fc›r c‹›hesive soils:
lt is recommended to use the National or Europu8n ap|ar oved classification and teriJJi-
— Structural shnpe / appearance
iJology when descrihing the examined soil layers.
— Lim id and DIastir (/\tterbergI limits
Additional tests may be necessary to investigate specific conditions, e.g. svvulliiJg of
2.3 Miscellaneous
‹play. In fi e casu of neck (the presence of discontinuities and cavities, and lhe effects
of woatfiering are likely to have e great influence on engineering behavior i) the tests Depending on the HDD project pa ticuiars, additional data can ba required to evaluate
below as a minimum apply: the feasi1›iIity of the project, e.9..
— Rock strut:t\Jre IheddirJg / fiss res)
Artesian water or aquifers
State of weathering
Existing cables, pipes, ducts etc.
—1eiJsiIe strength
- Co‹nprsssive sti ength Climate and Hydrographical data
In additional efererlce is made to m‹›re detailed information in BS 5930 or other appli O Artesian water or aquifers
calale National and European Standard or Code of Practice abo\ t soil - or site investi-
Part of the overall survey of the sub soil is the investigatio of artesian water or •‹1•'-
fers. Knowledge about the waterpressures that can be encountered during the execu-
tion of a HDD project is essential.The investigation about deviations to the hyd ustotic
D Geotechnioal report
waterpressure shall be part of the general soil i JvestipatioiJs.
The results of tho site investigations are to be conJgiled by a geoforgy consultant in a
geotechnical report. The report shall contain the specific soil characteristics in relation 3 Existing cables. pipes, ducts etc.
to tile use of tha horizoiJtal diructioiJal drilling technique. The geotechnical ieport shall
If theru are existiMp cables. pipes, ducts e1c. situated near the crossing, their exact po-
enable the guelifiud EiJgineei or Contractor to assess the feasibility of c!rilIing tf row gf
sitions, as well as their specifications and the medium cunveyetl is tc ho cletarmirJed
the ground layers to be enco‹interecJ.
and stated. Existing cables, pipes, ‹ducts etc. are relevant to the I-IDD-project, if they
will either be i‹JtersecterI by the horizontal projected drilling or if ‹hey run t›araIleI at a
distance of less than about 20 m.

Tech \I G\ idelines
oJect principles 13
Authorisations 11

3 Foundations/ basements/ caves

3 Authorisations
If ciii! engineeri Jg works are present near the crossing or remnants of such in the form
of old tr nnels, founclations oi other construction works, then their exact locations and
r4i tensions are to be determined and identified. Safe dista Ices to sheetpiling and It is the contractor‘s responsibility to obtain certain country-specific at›thorisations, ‹› ¿..

piles, retaining wafts etc. are to be maintained. 0 Rights of Way authorisations

0 Employment authorisations
3 Climate and HydrographicaT data 3 Environmental aothorisations
U Miscellaneous
Depending upoiJ the r+gion in which the horizontal directional drilling technique is to be
carried o‹ t, climate data such is rainfall distribution and quantity, as well as tempera-
2 Rights of Way authorisations
ture information (tluctr ation bands, absolute values) can also be important. The same
goes for hy‹Jro-graphical data, e.g. current ronditicns, tidaJ range +tc.. Also details —Transportation, including amongs1 other things the transport, removal af\rl tra Jsfer
abo at water quality, e.g. pH-vnlues, salinity etc., are often needed, if the river, sti earn, cf plant, machinery equipment to, from and on the c‹›nstructi0n site.
canal or ground water is to he used for prepari Jg the drilling fluid. —The regulation of traffic, e.g. .setting - road blocks, carriageway restrictio s.
speed limitations etc.

Z Employment authorisations

- Working time permits with resard to overtime, n'pht work, sr nday ar›d holiday work.

0 Environmental authorisations

— Water-extraction licenses for the withUrewal of water fron› streams, ivers,

canals or groundwater/wells for the preparation of drilling fluid as well as for. if
i equired, p ovidi Jg necessary ballast for the product pipe.
— Water-extraction lice uses for the required decreasing of the grouiJrJ wateiIev+I
throupf\ the installation of dewatering or deepwells and the dis‹:flare in9 of the
groundwater into a nearby stream, rivei or canal.
— Recyclin9 of drilling fluid and removal of drill cuttings to a licenced ‹Jisposal area.

3 Miscelleneous

In addition to the authorisations already mentioned. thei n may Ice spu‹:iaI

reg\lIations in indivirlual European countries that must be taken into account
durinp the planning of an FIDD- Project.

Techn›col G,do|nes
TeclJr *‹:al G\ idelines
1 15 ?6

3.2 Client
4 Project planning
It is the responsibility of twe client to ohtain various counti y-specific authorisations, 4.1 Fundamentals
riclurliiJg but not limiierl to:
An essential element of the project planning of horiiontaI c!riIIings is the estahlislJmeiJt
Construction authorisations o1 the drïlling profils between entry and exit point. flJeroby various framework cozJdi
LitilÏSatinn authorisations tions must be observed in order to ensui e, that the inteiJde¢l theore\icaI clrilling profile
Environmental authorisations line can also be realised in practice. Tina following fundarnentals to lee parttcularly
oüserved are:
D Construction authorlsations
Entry- and Exi3 angle
General lJ\ïiIding ar! horisations Slant tangential sections
— River, navigatiolJ and pol.ce nuihorisatio 1s Radii of curvature
O Utilisation aulhorisations Hole Diameter

— Use and occupation ‹contracts with ‹›w‹ae s of aI| real estate

I-iJtry permits. including hut not limited to tho permits for driviiJg on or over t›ri- 0 Entry- and Exit angle

vate Propel ly. building site installations, pipe storage and s\rii1gir1g situls) and The entry- and exit angle of horizontal drillings show I‹1 be r elated to thn bed clii g racJi‹Js
' /crñin¿ areas etc. of the pipeline \c be installed and should lie between about 6° anrJ 1fi°. 'ifiornby it i'›
- Frcvision of areas fur the establishment and upera tion of storage roservoirs for regarded as a rule in general, that this angle should be flatter the greater the diameter
the drilling retHrn fluid etc. ot 1he pipeline.
— Perrriit fcr r:rossir›g dikes, railway lines, roads, rivurs, streams and canals etc.
The entry angle ca be steeper if personnel are not require¢l to work on the diilling rig
Is ca!ler drilling installation). The exit angle can be steeper if pipes have a smaller hen
¢ Environmental authorisations
cling raclii ie.g. PE-pipes) rest Iting in a smatlei ovUrbend („cat hack ") at the exit Point.
- ^gi eunJent with the appropriate special authorities ragarding the rec\iItivation
of areas at the tire e of cleaning up the constrr r:tions site. ¢ Slant tangential sections
- Agresm‹›nt with the upt›ropriate special ar thorities, from an ecological view-
In the first oi last drilling sections the |›rovision ‹›f a UrilliiJg radius in ttle vii illi‹›‹ |›fc›fiI«
point, regarding, noise abatement, restriction on construction times and the pro
should he avoided, since these drilled sections neer the surface al e nften net sriitat›Ir
te‹:tion of landscape arees and wildlife etc..
(less compactiJess etc.), to realise a prescrihec!, ¢:urved profile wÏtïJ the cjrill head.

Tee* at Guidelinus
.otect planning Ï 17

The length of these straight sections varies with the bored hole dimensions and the
Drilled flare
weight as well as the i’igidity of the botiom hole assembly TBHA). The largur the drilled
For a pipe with internal pressure, by implicitJy taking the internal t›ressr re lo, - rr.„/./ *)
hole and the heavier and stiffer the bottom hole assen t›Iey the longer the straight sec-
into account the tullowing equation for the mi limurr bending ‹ aditJs ies iIts:
tions shoul4 be.

As a guirle for largu bored holes a value of 10 -20 m can be applied, whereas for smaIIe!
b¢irad holes this length can be shortened to alaout 5 m.

¢ Radii of curvature

When desipniiJg the drilling profile, the minimum poririissible radio s of curvature plays
a c!ecisive part. Diffei’entia tion must be made between the minimum permissible cr r-
vat me radius Iminirr al f›ermissible bending radius) ol the drilliiJg roJs and the minimum
pernaissible cr rvat‹Jre radius of the pipelino zo bo installed.
With B Welk se8rn quality assessment or v' — 1 then
As a rule, the minimum radius relevant to the pl8nDing ot small drillings and PE-pipes is
governed by the corresponding radius of trie drilling rods. Larger drillings and
steel pipes. are govern+d by the minimum radius ut the pipeline to be installed. Accordingly, the permissible limit vnlue of the mijaimum per missible bending radius for

If the drilling rods dicta to the minim m radius, then the drilling profile is easy to deter pipelines made of steel Tcf. DVGW worksheet G 463) is defined as follows:

mine fry using the racommeiadect values provided by the manuTactur ei. As a guide
radii between 30 and 2o^0 m can be assumed.
If the minimum radius is to be dictated by the pipeline to he installed then the deter-
mirlatfor of a curvature radius re|event fur p|arJning and execution is more laborious.
Here, a further differontiatioi1 between ‹he actual d illed hole and tha overbend („cat
lf —— u iyimum 5'ieiif poiiil tN l i,iiii ‘
back” ) on the srii7ace can be made.

In general the elastic line according to Mohr is valicl for the

For drill-techi›icnl reasons, this calculation formula should only be applied for pipes with
radiris (cÏ. DubbaI. 12'^ Edition):
nominal diameters < DN 400.

{N l mm’ - a„„ - 0 ,

Technical Guidelines
TeclJn cal Guide ines
Project planning 1 19 Project plaru4in9 20

In conform ty with the final i +purt of tIJa HDD working 9roup of the Ruhrgas AG (Ger-
As i eferei4ce value, a radius can be assumed, the value of which eqrials in ireti-es
many) from 1996, it is reconJrf end+d that the following calculation formulae are applied
0,8-times the diamutar of the |›ipeIine in millimetras, e.g.:
'*or larger iJ‹›nJit al dianJnt°rs: Pipe diamutei = 800 milt - Badit s of upt›erbe‹Jd - 6¥0 n

The fac1s described regarding the differing en vature rar\ii in the dialled iJole es well as
near the upperbend are graphically illustrated in Fig. 4.1.

Note: abov+ form‹i!a are not similary interpretated in all countries t600

1400 “*'" OverbGnd irecoi


'1”he lending radii thus determined show Id in all cases be larger or as larpe as those that
worth result from the calculation methods according to Dvsw-worksheet G 463. 800

u 0
Overhemd l„ cxt bvck“J
When pulling the pipeline string into the drillecl hole, the pipeline string dascrihes a
curve into the drilled holu prior to th+ tra Jsition into a straight pipeline section, pene
i ally known as the ‹›vai bond. Since the pressure in the overbend is zero (when the
100 200 300 400 S00 600 700 800 900 )000 1100 1200 '
pulling operation takes plncel the safety correction vals e can be reduced to S = 1.3, and
Pipe n om\in al diameter |mm)
the mi Jimrirn radius of the overbenc! eluting the pull-back process can be given by tha
..-. ................ ---.-...........-. ....... .............-.. ... ... ..... ... ... -.....!
currespor\dir›g .substittJtion of ‹he generally valid equation according to Mol r as Fig. 4.1: Cr rvature radii for steel pipelines

The preceeding comments refer to radii which mm in ‹he vertical plaiJu only Some
drilling protects however reqs ire a combination of curves in two planes, for exarilple a
curve in the verticle elevation as well as in the t›Ia‹ view. Coml›ined calct lated radii will
always rosult in a smaller radius comparer4 to a single plc Ie curve.

For |›ractical reasons however ( stiffness of the pipelinel especially fcr large pipe dia- n\
otars a larger ruhi‹/s in the overGend .should) lie cboseii.

Teelt’ I Guidelines
ioject planning 1 21
Fruject planning 22

the preceeding information shows how to derive to the minimum permissible radii for
3 Hole Diameter
the pipe. The combined horeho}e radius is calculated by uSilJg the following formula:
The ratio between the drilled hole and the pipe diameter is important. The largest pipe
diameter is therhy regarded to be relevant las a rule in the jointing areal. A suitable
ratio »ill contribute to a smooth pullback of the product pipe into t!Je prof›ared drillecl

The following ratios, from experience, Slave proven to he reliable:

- Tram 1.2 x D to \.5 x D
depending on the soils.

*Ice distance betwee 4 the top of the Pipe and the surface or riverbed is called the 4.2 Drawings
comet. O»ite often and fur si zJp]icity, the dista ace between drill axis and surface or
The followij3q graphic illusti ations are necessary for the pea Eni zg of projects using the
riverbed is alternatively refered to as cover.
horizontal directional drilling technique :
Cover requirements unrter lakes or rivers for driJled pipelines should eqn al 10 to 15-
D Longitudinal section
tinJos the pipeline diameter. Foi example when laying an 800mm diameter
O Plan vieuv
pipeline, the cover in water areas sf oulrl be 8 to 12 m. For smaller pipes cover
O Cross-sectlontsl
sfiould not be less than 5 meties however the cover should he assessed critically with
regard to the danper of drilling fluid breakouts. For larger drillings the following additio Tal drawings are recommended:

Similar values of cover should De adhererl to for main roads, runways arid other 2 Site layout plans IRig- and Pipe site)
obstacles to Ue crossed. For rail crossings there are additional national regulations and I OveAenU and pipeline stringing area (rollers!
specific information and approvals should be sought in the appropriate country.The grea-
ter the chosen cover, the less chance there will he of bieak outs and the occurrence of 0 Longitudinal section
unr1ergfound collapses. The longitudinal section drav'ving of a horizontal drilling should contain, at least. the
following details:

— Groundwater level
— Ground profile and Iev+Is along the ci css‹ng length with the ‹Jin1ensioninq ct
important points, relaterl to a suitable coorcliiJate system
- Water leval and profile of tha riverI›ed, wirl› tidal iange, details ahor I low-water
level and high-water level
- Entry and exit angle of the drilling
— Drill profile with dimensioning of the swine, u.g. cha riage aiJcl levels
— Details of ihe vertical curvature radii for each section
technical Guidelines | I
TechnicalGuidotnes $
Project plaiJni Jg 1 23
Frojeci planning 24

— Details ol combined radii for each section

0 Site layout plans (Rig site and Pipe site)
— Details ahcrit the horizontal length of the drilling and the total length of the
dri!Ti Jg Thu site layout plans for a horizontal directional drilling sl ould cont‹ in at least tone
following details:
- Sirn='t'sion of covei in ci i\icaI areas, e.g. r nder lakes or iivers, at entry point etc.
— Position and size of essential components of a Inoi izontal c!riIIi Jg system, such
—Illustrations uf the fJositicns and the penetration depth of exploratory drillings
as the drilling rig, control cabin, energy supply etc.
ar›d soundings as well as details at›otJt the drilled ground layers
—Type and method of anchoring the drilling rig
- Illustration ol known obstructions. e.p. existing pipelines, foundations, retaining
—Position and size of the mud pit(sI
walls etc.
— Location of storage areas / crane area
—Drive ways
¢ Plan view

The plan view di awing of a horizontal drilling should at Ieas1 contain tha following
0 Overbend and pipeline stringing area (rollersI
The overbeiJd an‹l pipeline stringing area (rollers) drawings ‹,hould contain at least the
—Illustration uf the topography r p to a latei al dis tance of ahout 5 to 20 nJ in
following details:
relation to the cIriIIin0 axis
- Coordi 4ntes of entry - and exit points of the drilling, related to a suitable coor- —Position and distance of the roller supports in sicle view and if I+cessary top view

t4inate system —Ftadius of ovei Gen‹J

— Maximum height of overbend
- Route of the di ”JI ng axis with dimensiui ing o| same, e.g. every 10 m
—Details of roller suGst uctrire
Details ab‹›ut the Ia‹7rizor tal radii for each section
—Access roads
—flI\isti atinn of the position o/ soundings anrt exploratory drillings
(soil information)
— )ltustra!ioi i of know iJ ‹›bstructi‹› 1s, e.g. existing pipelines. foundations, sheet 4.3 Design/Calculations
piies etc.
A further elomont in the planning of a horizontal drilling is the preparation of important
— fntenoed working areas nf the Rig site and Pipe site
calculations. Hereby one can basically differentiate hetyveen the /olIcwiilg conditions:
— Geograt hic north
: Construction conditions - pipeline under construction
0 Operational conditions - Serviceability Limît State
D Cross-section Isl
In General those calculations concerning the coi›struction conditions are the responsi-
The cross-section drawing of a horizontal drilling sIJouIc! contain at least tLie following
bility of the co Jtractor while those calculations concerning the operational conditions
are geneially the responsibility of tlnu client.
— Grilled hole dianaet er
— Pipe ‹.ross-section(s) with dutaiis tyf›e of pipe material, wall thickness, lype of
coating, any other protections and if applicable details of the lining.

Tech ’I Guidelines ! ¥
i oject planning 25 Project plai wing 2G

3 Constwction conditions - pipeline under cor+struction The friction between pipeline surface and drilled hole „ wall” is particularly afiected by

When laying a pipeline utilising hor zontaI directional drilling technology the following parameters of the ground (friction coefficients, the resulting l›ositive or negative balla-

two aspects are to he particularly observed: sting of the pipeline in the drilled hole and the overall g9oT6try cf the drilled hole
(curvature radii).
—Are the stresses induced to the pipeJine by the pullback operation within the
permissible stress levels?
—Will the rig and equipment be ab|e to provide sufficient forces necassnry fo the
The Voices t)ae drilling rig must deliver are higher than those forces occurring at thr pull
pipeline installation 7
head, because it must pr II the pipe p|us the drill string,
To answer both c|uestions, the maximum expected pull Doica during the pul! back opera-
The magnitude of the frictional forces occurring depends ripon the technical para-
tion must bo dstermifJed. Differentiation should be noted between the pull forces
meters of rig and auxilliary equipment tfo matior of tool joints, weig]at of the ‹triI!ir\g
reqr+irerl directly at the pull head In order to overcome \lJe frictional forces on the
rods, formation end weight of the components ot the pu1Iing asse ably etc.). In addition
pipeline, and the pull forces the drilling system must deliver. The latter are in all cases
however, just as with the previously mentioned frictional components of the pipeline,
higher since tt «v must overcame adfJitional frictional forces resulting from the drill
the geometry of the drilled lJola plays a considerable part in the friction occuiring on the
string, the reamer and the swivel.
drill rods. The larger the drilled hole radii and the „snaoothe ” and rr o n accurate the
drilled hole is to the drilled axis. the smaller the pr II back force.
Rull Nme at the pu// Gead
Ouring the prevailing part of tha pull back ot›eration a section of the pipeline is already As the pull back operation advances the partition of force in front of the pull head due
in tea d* illert hole, whilst the rest of the section is still on the roller-track outside the to friction diminishes, ¡ust because thera are fewer drilling roots in the drilled hole.
chilled hole.
Metlfiods far eatoulating the pull force.
The force needed to overcome The friction on the roller-track is, dependent r pon:
In tha past numeFor/s attempts were made to develop a suitable calcr lation method to
— Weight ot tlJo pipeline including coating, casing, lining and ballast system
determine the pull force during the installation of the pipe.
— Type and geometry of the rollers
—Radius of the overbend Two of the calculation methods often applied are those accord ng to the Dutch Noon›
— Length of the pipeline on the rolJer supports NEN365J as well as the US-American AGA-Methods (AGA -American Gas Association,
— Condition of roller supports f{‹ibrication etc.) available converted into metrics.
— Oosfficient of friction of roller bearings With both methods, The maximum expected pull torce on the pull head of the pipeline
The forces needed to overcome II e friction in the drilled hole are dependent upon: can be calculated, whereby the maximum value occurs. just before the end of
— Friction between pipe1ina surface end drill fluid the pulling operation (i.e. when elmost all ot the pipeline is ill the drilled hole).
— Friction l›otween pipoline surface and drilled hole „wall ”
Tfie friction between pipeline surface and drill fluid depends mainly on the type of coating
as well as on the fluid parameters such as density, viscosity, cuttings suspended in tha
fluid arid the flJJid flow velocity in the annulus between pipeline end drilled hole „wall”

Technical Guidelines TeclJi›ir:al Guidelines

Pioject planning 27
Project planning 28

¢ Operational conditions - Serviceability Limit State

To determine the suitable size of drilling rig (rated pull force) there is as yut no common
Pipe suesses considerations
accepted c:aIc Jlaiion m‹›deI. It should however be taken into c‹›nsideration , that during
When deterring the maximum pipe stresses, the proper combination of loadi JQs and
the pt IIii g operation, because of long interruptions or drilled hole collapses, a consi-
loadfactors shall I:e used for the governing pipe sections. When calculating the maxi-
c\erab)u higher pr›II force can occur than the one calculated with the above mentioned
mhm pipe stresses for S.L.S., one of the essential loadings to be tak en into account is
mcde!s. As reference value, depending on the geology to be drilled through, a s8fety
the bending stress. The b+ndinp stress is a direct result of the impos+d deflection oi›
factor of 2 to 5 is recommended.
the pipe when it was pulled in a curved drilled hole. At the I‹›catior where the applierJ
f his means that wit|n a calculated pul] force of maximum 300 kN, a dri||ing rig with a tensile stress has been roleased the stressos arising from the iiJteinal pressure influ-
rated ;›riII force capacity of fi00 to 900 kN should be chosen. ences the maximum stress calculation.

Buckling strength
When cleterming the buckling str enght for a pit›eline in the S.L.S., the long term uIasti‹:
The pull foi ces of the drilling rigs u\ist be securely taken up fry a suitable anchorage.
modules shall be applied. This is contrarily to the shor I terns otastic modules dr rinp the
It is recommended, that the dimensions of the rig anchorage is based on the maxima m installation phase.
pull fui ce expected.
Satety' against buckling

The evidence of safety •9ainst buckling during the operating please of the pif›«Ii/Je inc st
Pipeline strazsas
in contrai'y to the installation phase • la ke the long ten n Elastic mode lus (Pk-pipe)
Concurrent witl i calculatir 0 tha uII force requirements for the drill rig and the anchor
into account.
systum is the r+q‹iireiinent tu cal‹:ulate tho pipeline stresses dtJrinp installation. The
stresses to ho calculated consist of longitudinal stress, bending stress and hoop stress. Also the soil load has to be observed.

S-ifety against bu«*!i• e Serviceable like

Particulai ly with PE-pitvos, evidence of safety against firstly buckling of the pipeline to Occasionally evirlence concerning the expected serviceable life r ncler the i espective
he pulled and secondly against bending and drill fluid pressure is to be provided. The operating conditions in the drilled hole is also required. This is especially reIe\/ant if›
6rih fluid |ar e0sLire can, if necessary and in agreement with the client, be compensated heavily corrosive surrounclings or at very high temper aturas.
for by apf›Iying an opun ptJIIiiJg heed which enables the inflow of ihe drill fluid into the
pipe which is being puTTed or aTte/ natively by fflling the pipe with y\ ater.

For installation the short-term Elastic Modulus can be used in the calculations.

Tech ‘I Guidelines 8 ‘
Savety and Environs,. ntal protection 29 Safety a \d tnviron‹ra otal protect o›J 30

4.4 Construction schedule 5 Safety and Environmental protection

A comprehensive construction schedule should feature nt least the followi Jg work
The relevance of safety and cnvironme otal [Protection are to be cnmpreherJsiv‹›Iy auld
stages in coiJnecticn with the execution of a horizonta! directio Tal dr illing:
Thoroughly laken into account in the planning phase. During the execution of the pro-
- Const r.ction site installatioi\
¡ecu care is to bo taken that constant adherence to the prescribed r:riteria is maintained.
— Pilot drilling
All valid national safety and accident-prevention r+quIations, and EN re;uuIations and
—Rearing opei ation\s1)
stanclards are to be adhered to. The particular dangers and risks listed buIow are sr p-
—PUlTback operation
plemental to any other valid regulation anc! can in no way replace them.
” Pipeline fahri‹:ation work
- Clearing of the construction site
5.1 Safety on the jobsite
—Reinsta tment of site areas
Before beginning the works the entire personnel ernpIoye‹J on tf c c‹›nstru‹:li‹›r site
The schedule i the form of bar charts has proven heneficia!. whereby one day is the
aro to he informecl in a DricfifJg about tile danper of ocridonts ancl pr evciJtative
smallest u lit in time. With the aid of such a Schedule simple target/actual-comparisons
measriies together with all local rescue measures and organisations.The first aicl a\pen-
can be drawn and the possible effects to the course of tho work due to delays can be
dant, the responsible safety officer and it necessary the safety s[ ecialists must be
estiiria ted.
presented to all employees. The following parties lar risks of the horizontal cjirectioDal
Besides these „ relative" time cietails the following .,absolute" time details should also drilling are to be avoided fry suitable preventative measures:
he i ›rIudeJ in the cor structio‹J s‹fied\ Ie'
Working on inclined surfaces
- Earliest possit›le beginning uf the works Working near rotating tools and mBchfne components
-- Latest permissible completion of tho works Increased danger ot slipping due to drilling mud
Dangerous strain on The respiratory tracts due to bentonite-dust
Handling of suspended loads Idrill pipas, rea mer. etc.I
Great torque when making up or breaking out drill string
Communication between the control cabin, the drilling rig floor
end the pipe Site

0 Wozkfng on inclined surfaces

The working s\\rfaces on the tJachines employed must be fat›ri‹:atec\ fi’crr pai tic:tJ)arly
slip preventing and easy to clean materials. Sturdy railings mr st prevont pr*r'›onnel from

TecilniCal fitJirleline'›
Safaty and Enviro 1mantaI protection 31
Safety and Environmui tal protectio!J 32

g Wort‹ing near rotatlng tools and machine components

should be used. Special care is also to be takan regarding correct ancl sala working con
The contact with rotating machine parts mr st be prevented as far as is possible by wey ditions at the drilling exil area.
of permanently installed protective guards. The work-clothes of operating personnel
should fit tightly. Particular attention is to be paid to tight and closed arm-, hody- and 0 Communieation between the control eabin, the drilling rig floor
waist hands. During the rotation of the drilling rods, an adequate safety distance is to and the plpe site

be maintained by all personnel. In oi der to eliminate particular changers at the drilling rig site and the pipe siie rJue to
rotating tools, constant two way radio communication is to fee ansrired. When visual
T lncreased danger of stipping due to drilllng mud contact between co strol station and drilling exit area does not exists, it is recomnnenUerJ
that, additionally to the normal use of hand radio devices, a „heaa-set" (microphDof* an‹)
When releasing the drill pipes, bentonite-suspension which flows out ot the drill pipes
oarphones) is permanently worn. In any case, a prior agreement with regard to cost
should be conducted into collection Gasins ancl channels. Rins ng water for cleaning flue
munications is to be made between the driller and the person responsible at the drilling
working creas must be kept constantly available on the rig, equipment and at the mixing
exit a‹ea.

U Dengerous strain on tle rgsgiratory tmcts due to bentonitadust 5.2 Safety of machines

Working under bentonfte•dust is \o be avoided as far as is technically possible and only Rigs and equipment, which are employed on HDD-Projects should be in conformity witla

pei missible with dustm0sks (particle-filtering half-masks) and close fitting j›rotectivo the Europeail Machine GtiideliiJes (EMG) and tha National MachifJes Pagulations deriuec!
from the EMG, A corresponding conformity decłaretion and the associated CE-symbcI
0 9gI•-
is to be supplied with the rig and other equipment by the respective machino mąnu-

0 Handling of euspended loeds Tdrill pipes, reamer, etc.I facturers. Additional third-party monitoring of machines hy tha ofticial Jational sateTy
authority might be required and associated with the qualification ET for European
Tho handling 0f drill pipes and other ]oads with lifting devices is to be carried out with
Tested Euuipment.
great care. Pipe clai›\ps, lifting ropes and belts are to be regularly inspected for
soundness. The feerJing of driI| pipes to the drill string should be carried out by To avoid electrical hazards electrically driven macl1ines and systems must bo sate and
adeq iately earthed before being started. Tha extei sive hydraulic systems of the
stationary equip ment, even a the drilling exit aree. Standing under suspended loads
HDD-Rigs are to he carefuliy serviced and constantly inspecte¢l for leaks.
is to be strictly avoided. An adequate safety distance from overhead power lines of all
kinds m«st in aid cases be observed and the st ict procedures required by the national at
thorities shouIr1 be adhered to at all times. 5.3 Safety of borehole toofs

A safety certificate is to be provided (third-garty monitor'•st by a QM-quaIifiud service

0 Great tarque when mal‹ing up or breakłng out driłl string sonneotions
company or a state approved technical inspection- and monitoring institution for drill
Special caro is to be given to observe correct and opamtiona]ly safe methods for the rods, tools, devises, cross-overs. manners and tool-toints, which run into a borehole. The
making up and breaking out devices. In particular great care and attention should be certificates must prove, that the diill rods, tools. devices. cross-overs. barrel i eamora,
observed when installing manual clamping coI!ets and only experienced Skilled personnel swiygls and universal-joints used in the borehole are made from approved and suitable

Te¢hi I Guidelines
Tec!JnicaI Gt irJe' °s
Safety and Environi ,, ntal protection 133 Pruie«t executioiJ

materials and the maximum affective generalised strain frot the pull force/tensile ]oa- 6 Project execution
cling. torsion and internal pressure that can be deliyerecl by the drilling lip employed, on
rhe basis of the valid DIN, API and DS-1-Standards in no event exceeds the 0.8 yielding 6.1 Personnel qualifications
stress IS = 1,25).
Tha complexity otthe horizontal directional drilling and The particular interest in the high
For tools with rotating elements such as drilling motors, roller bits or swivels, it is to be
standard of quality of its axecrition requires the engagement of carefully trained per-
ensured and documented on a record before every usage, that a careful inspection has
sonnel both in the project management team as wall as those in lhe operational team.
been carried out and the unrestricted ope ational safety has been stated (self moni-
The required training criteria as defined for example ir1 Germany are as f‹›lIows:
0 DrilTer
0 Chlef supezintendent enginear
5.4 Environmental prôtection
0 Special superviser accordTng to the standard
Basically the horizontal directional drilling method f›uts less harm to the environment DVGW-GW 329 {Gezmany)
in comparison \o the open c‹*t construction method (or pipe layinp. When subsoil Note: Two standard OVGW-GW 329 (Germany) lfas hoen established with tho irjptit ot DCA and wtf| bo
con- ditions are sensative on tha construction site, the access rOads and working published during 2001. DCA recommend the same initiative ill other European oour Irius where
possible on the same base as he DVOW-GW J29. In che futriro ‹:ertifica1ion o+ companies and
areas are o be made safe for heavy consti’uction equipement and vehicles. Use of employers shall be e requirement.
excavator mats is recommended.
The définitions and tasks as specified in Gormany are outlined as follows:
When excavating ground for the necessary pits attention is to be paid to the type of
D DrÏller
topsoil and each additional soil layer. Separate storing is necessaring and when hack-
filling. replacensents the original sequance of soil layers has to be axercised. The task of a driller is to operate the drill rig. A differentiation exists between drillers for a
drill rig with a pull force off 400kN and drillers for a drill rig with a pull forco of > 400 kN.
Greatest case ance acention is to ba taken. thai pround contamination due to spillage of
Training takes place on separate courses accor¢ins to DCATraii4ing guidelines in trai Jin9
oils, fcJe!s or greases is avoided in all cases (use of oil, foils etc). Adequate oil-binding
centres recognised fry DCA. After successfully taking a written examination, partici-
apents are always to L'é kept on the construction sita tar unforeseeable spillage occur-
pation is confirmed at the e ad of the traT›1ing with a corresponding certificate ot com-
petency by the training centre.
Particular attention is te be given to safe storage and handling of drill fluid. Adequete
\stoiage) î›its have to be prepared in edvance while at al! times uncontrôllBd escape of 0 Chief Superlntendent englneer
rtrill flwid is io be provented by all means.
The chief superintendent engineer is the Manager of a work site who is permanently
Trie final disposal of residual fluid and cuttings is to be permitted by the local environs present on the construction site and responsible for the overall operations. Training
mental authorities prior to start-up of the project. takes place according to DCA-training criteria at a training centre approved by he
A project is completed on acceptance of the restored occupied working areas to full association. A written examination and a certificate from the trainilJg centre confirm the
satisfaction of the respective land owner(s). successtul com Pletion of training.

TecfJnic»I Guidelines TeclJnical Guiclelines *

Project execution I 35
f"rojoct execution 36

0 Specialist supervisor according to standard DVGW-GW 329 (Germany)

— Cleaning the rig installation
The training of a specialist s pervisor and the subsequent examination of the know- —Cleaning anal servicing the drilling rods igruase and protect threads)
Ier1ge lay the D\/GW is tha prerequisite for a DVGW-certification of pipeline construction —Removal of devices end installations
companies/specialist firms according to 0VGW-worksheets GW 301 and 302 in the —Domobilisation of external supply lines
group GN 2 „con\i ollable horizontal drilling techniques ’! The following qrtalilicatior — Removal and disposal of drill fiuid residues
critei ia are autlJoritativu for the specialist supervisor responsible according to DVGVV- —Removal and deposal cf cuttings
v' orksheet GW J29: —Reconstruction of tmmpoi arily removed instal|ations (fences)

F‹›r driIIiiJg ‹›perations to be carried out with drilling rig and pull force 400 kN, at — Repair and reinstatement of supply roads

leas! 3 years professional ex|aorionce and a successful trai ling according to GW Record of acceptance with the owners or dJeir legal representatives of occupier! propmily
329 aro i egarded as lhe qualification criteria for a completed training as master or and faciliti+s i» to be ‹obtained.

F-or drilling operations to be carried out with drilling rig and pull force > 400 kN, at 6.3 drilling work
least 3 years practical experience as exe‹›utive or head engineer in the drilling tech-
nique in r:omhination 'vith a successful training according to GW 329 are i egarded as
6.3.1 Drilling technique
qualification criteria for a completed engineer-training.
The execution of horizontal directional rJrillings is characterised t›y tFie following three
sword .stages:
6.2 t;onstruetign site installation and -clearing
0 Pilot drilling operation

6.Z.3 Construction site installation 0 beaming oparationfs)

¢ Pull back operation
TIJ+ setting \ p of a construction site for a HDD-drilling is carried out on the basis of a
coiJstrr ction site installation plan a‹a‹J the existing utilisati‹›n- and rights of way authori-
sations. With larger works installations. as a rule the em|›Ioymont of a mobilo crane with 2 Pilot drilling operation

adeQuate l/2ing gov’ er is necessa/ y. Su table access anr4 a safe work area for the lifting Ouring the pilot drilling, a drilling head is driven forward along a predefined ct‹Ji/ p‹ofi)e
rlevice are p ereqrtisites for it. Necessary mud pits are to be excavated and made safe. by a drilling rig erected above ground. The push furce and toro,rie genei ated at the dril
Exturnai suf›nIy coniaections must, 'i1 necessary, be available on time. Satety-ml+vant ling rig is transmitted by the drilling rods to tile drilling head.
contacts {F. rergency doctor, rescrio service, fire-hrigade and Police) aro to be coordi-
At the t›eginning of the piloi drilling, the first part of the hottum f\uIa assembly GUI-IA)
nated anci poste¢i on tIJa bitl boarrT on sile as a precaution.
consisting of drill Dit, bent sub and nonwaq/›etic drill'»g rods is p shed into the
growed at the previously determined entry angle by the drill rig. The drill flu id whic!J in
6.2.2 Construction site clearing genei al is made up of a Water-Bentonite-Suspension is pumped hrc gh the hollow

On coil pletion uf a FIDD-Pr‹›ject the hui)ding site is to l›e cleared immediately anrJ the rods tu the bit nozzles and escape's at high pressr re. Part of the Ioosene‹J gr‹›t'nd is

occripiGd terrain so rmstoi en, that it can be accepted and/or recultivated accordingly. - dis[›Iaced but most of it is transported to sf rface by the drill fluid f!ovvi jqS back through
Fhe following works are to be organised: the a Jnulus.

Tech ›I G\ idelines
eject execution 137 Project executi‹›n 38

Each drilled rorI is followed by another one !ronJ the drilling rig and the drilling process
pusl4ec! into \lJe g ound from the c!riIIing rig. hJ this instance, the pilot drilling serves as
continues in cycles until the drilling head pr nches out at the target desti‹Jation.
a gr ide for tha learning tool. Occasionally the drill stri Jg is a|so pulled from the pipe sita
The z espective position of the drilling head unrlerground is determined with the aid by using a bulldozer whic[I is con Jected to the drill string via a swivel. This n eth¢d can
of a sensor located right beI1iiJd the drilling heacl. by using tIJo Wire Line-Methorl and provide high axial forces without riskii g buckling of the pipe w’hich wr›r Id be promoted
utilising th+ existing eart)J’s magnetic field a Id gravity, and is generally trails milled by the push force between reamer ajâd drilling rig.
via cable tc the control cabin. Due to this powerful measuring technology adopted from
c/aep clrifling techriic|ue, the rnetlJcd is practically s\+itabIe for all ranges of depths. In 3 Pull bacl‹ operation
addition the so-called Walk-Over Method is used on smaller drilling systeJTiS.
Ouring the final stage of rallying out a hoiiy.onta! directional drilling the .,\eetded“ pipe-
At IocatloT4s v\'itIJ greatly disturl›ed magnetic fields, e.g. due to the geology or very inten- line is pullecl into the completely expanded arilled holo. To pull the piped ne the reamoi
sively n agnetic metallic constructions in the area of the drilled hole, gyro compasses is rotated and p\ lled back \›nder ft id circulation towards the drilling rig. Due to \f c
wire usud mnre often as a system of meas\ ring. connection with the pipeline via a swivel and universal joint the pull is thereby tra Js-
mitted to the pipeline, b\t\ not the torque.The pipeline follows tile remmer through the
Twe contr‹›I ‹›f the BI-TA is carried ot t via a reorientation of the drilling direction of
dri|Ied hole up to the entry pit in front of the drilling rig without ro alion.
the bit by small amounts, transforred by purposeful rotations of the dril| rod, and the
bent In practice. to accelerate the pull back process, a sligl lly smaller cliameter reamer is
used than during the last ex|›ansion stage.

3 Roaming operation(s)

After the controlled pilot drilling Ians exited at the target clestination, the drill bit and the
meas¢ ring probe are removed and replaced by a reamer, The purpose of the reamer is
!o open the hole up to the final rliamete; a process, which may taku several
stages to complete. Several different types of tools are userJ to perform these
operations depencliiJg on the type of ground heing c!riIIed. As a rule for soft grounds,
barrel seamers are used whereas for merTium to hard grounds fly cutters are used. For
harder forma- tions, such as rock, hcle openers are engaged.

The rea ner in pr IIerI Uack rotating and jetting from the exit-side to the c!riIIing rig. For
each d\4l rod ra moved at tho drill string, a new drill rod is added at the opposite work-
side. In this way it is ensured, that a complete cTriIl string is present in the drilled hole
at all ti res. This proced\›re is repeated until the drilled hole has reached the intended
fina! diameter. Eacfi expanding cutting tool should always work to the same centreline
as the pteviot s d‹ illed hole (stepped barrel reamer staGi)isers).

The conventiona| method of „back i eami Jg'’ when the reairer is pulled from the pipe
site to the riq site. is o‹:casi‹›i1alIy replacecl by ,.forward reaming' when the manner is

Ted,ncm G‹,deli›+,s
Technical Guidelines
Project execHtion

6.3.2 Drilllng Rigs

0 Mega (drilling) Rfgs
Horizontal directional drilling ; igs are ge Jerally s\ b-divided according to their maximum
Mega (drilling) Rigs are designecl for extreme drilling le‹JgtlJs and borehole diarnetoi s.
pull force. Thereby the following terms hava become establislJecl:
They are intended to be ‹ised on long-distance pipeline routes in Eastern Europe and
0 Mini (drilling) Rlgs Asia. The maximum pr II force of these drilling rigs is over 2500 kN, the torque over
3 Midi (drilling) Rigs 100 kNm and the vei9ht over 60 t.
g Maxi ldrilling) Rigs
Drilling Rigs tType) Max. Pull force in lrN Max.Torque In l‹Nm Weight in t

< 10 < 10
0 Mini tdrilling) Rigs

Mini (drilling) Rigs are used mainly in ijJner city areas and for laying PE-pipes and/or
cables. These drilling rigs generate a maximum pull force of about 150 kN, maximum
¥¥óN BJlètB Rìx*°* „„
«.‹ ’“
-‹argue \Jf› to JO kNm ñ JrJ their weight is at›ont 70 t. Many of these Mini (dr4l sgt mgs
are mounted on (rubber) track-driven chassis.
Fig. 6.1: Classification fof horizontal driI)ing installaticns.
3 Midi (drilllng) Rigs Horizontal directional drilling rigs consist of a steal trame with a movable drilling carriage
Midi (‹Jrillit\g) Ftigs are cften t red at smaller water crossings or for sf›eciaI tasks such mounte¢l on it. This clrilling carriage transmits the necessary powei (and torque) t‹› the
as in environmental tecnno(ogy.1”lJese rigs generate a maximum pull force of about \50 drill string. The inclination of the steel lrame can be adjusted t›y supt›orts at one end ‹›f
to 400 kN, torque of about 10 to 30 kNna and their weight is ahout 10 to 25 t.These Rigs the unit. This is necessery in order to dia able to set the required entry angle for Me
are also normally ri ounted on track-clriveil chassis and are accordingly suitable for rough c!riIIiiJg process,
terrain. The main features that describe the design of a drilling device ara

Substructure Power
Transmission Power
Range Limit
Maxi (drillingl Bigs are used for large driI| Ie gths and borehole diameters. They ara mainly
applied on gas pipeline routes, where water-, railway line- or large roads have to be
3 Substructure
crossed, 11Je maximum pull force of these Rigs amounts between 400 nnd 2.500 i‹N.
the torque between 30 and 1U0 kNnJ and the weight between 25 and 60 t. The substuctures of the horizontal drill rigs vary bet•'een the followiilg designa :

The simplest method of consti uctioia a IJortzo Jtal drilliiJg dcvice ccnsists of the dri|l
carriage mounteó on a steel frame and then simply providing sr ppoiis at one ei’ d of
the frame with whicfii the necessary entry angle ca‹ be set.
The advantages of this coiJstruction design are the simtale and robust nJethod of

Tech I G\Jidelines
i- fijecl execution 41
Project exuuution 42

constrr ctioiJ as well as the relatively light weight. Disadvantage is, that mobile cranes
O PowerTransmission
with considerable lifting capacities are neeclec/ respectively for the unloading/assembly
prccedtJte and after the drilling operation for the dismantling/ loading procedure. With regai d to the mechanical powei transmission to the drill carriage, there are the
fOIIowin9 • rran9enJents:

A widely used method of construction is the essembly of the steel frame on a railar.
With this desipn a relatively large depree of mobility on the road and on fortified tracks Chain-drive represents a safe ancl simple power transi›Jission. A chain belI which is on
is achieved at relatively little cost. the drilling carriage is drive by hvdratj|ic cylinders, similar to the caterpillar drives.

Disadvantage is the limited off-road capability. In addition, most drilling rigs of this type This form of power transmission has pr‹›ven sucuessf\JI parties larly with small arJ‹/
have the pulling device at the front, in consequence of at the moment the drilling is com- medium sized drill rig.
pleted the pulling machine mr st drive into the area of the entry pit, which tlJon has to
he filled. Otherwise the clrilling trailer must be moved fry an auxiliary device for example Rack end Pinion
an excavato; in such a way, that the tractor can be hooked to the trailer on relatively The combination of piiJio I-wlJoeIs and racks probably represents the most rol›ust type
clear› qrniJriJ. of power transmission. Pinion wheels driven by hydraulic moto s are located on the
drilling carriage. The mesh with racks are integrated iii the stee| frame. Very jreat forces
TrgcN-driven chassis cnn be realised with this type o+ construction.

An Undercarriage consti»ction in the form of a track-driven chassis has in the meantirrie Disadvantages are the relatively great weight and the generally low d iving sp‹!ed of thm
gained ground as the version often chosen for small a Id medium sized drill rips. drilling can iage,
Moreover, maxrigshavebeenfnedwith suitabletral-driveiichassis.

J”he advantage of this method of coi1strr ction is the great off-road capability. By usinp Hydraulic cylinders
the drive en:jine as the power supply, q ›ick readiness for utilization at the location is Hydraulic cylinders transmitting |›ower to the drilling carriage are the latest technical

possible just as with a wheel driven chassis. In addition to the groat weight. tho dis- development in this field. Already very widely ‹is+d for small and medium sizud instal-

advantage hei e is also the relative hiph ccsts. lations. they are also increasingly used on large and very large drill figs.

Hydraulic cylinders can be very smoothly driven and have a favourable power-sf›«e‹I rati‹›.
The disadyantage is their relatively large sensitivity, and particularly the often unpro-
The drill rig can also be mounted on n self-propelled wheel-driven chassis whereby the tected guided piston rods. Repairs are rarely possible in the field, only very specialised
drive engi Ie normally provides the power supply for the drilling device. workshops can rapair large hydraulic cylinders.

With this methoci of construction greater off-road capability can be realised with a
suitable ‹:hassis in comparison to a normal trailer design. The disadvantage of this
construction is often the very heavy weight and high cost. Overall, this type of
con- structionlJss not heen aGIe to estahlisln itself.

”Fechnical ñrJidelines Technical C t iclelines

Project execution ' 43 Proj+ct execution 44

0 Power Range Limit

On larger drilling units the drilling rods usecl in deep-di illing technology accordi!np to API-
The power i ange limii of the drill ‹ ig depends, in acldition to tha mechanical parameters SpecifiC T 0 nS have proven successfr I IAPI = American Petroleum Institute). AFM- drill
of the drilling instailation also on the hydraulic capacities of the p Imps and the mixing pipes are available in diameters 2.3/O“ T- 60.J mm) to 6.5/0 “ (166.3 i1Hn). These drill
installations. Tne site geolocyy plays quite a decisive part in determining tI4o possible pipes can be supplied in three length groups (Ranges). lseo Fig. 6.3)
drilling length aiJri d‹ametur. Furthermore, the pipe-specific parameters suoh as weight,
surface roughness etc. mr st also lie taken into account. Also, attention is to be paid to Ranges Length /oTool Joints [m] Length Incl. Tool Joints gmt
tho course uf the bornlJ‹›lw axis amongst other things the curvature radius etc. must t›e 5,49 — 6,71


6.3.3 Drill String .,Standards“

The following General details are sigiJificent i» connection with drilling strings:
Fig. G.3 Ran0es
0 Dimensions
0 Grades and Properties 3 Grades and Properties
:' Tool Joints
Jfie drill pipes should be manufactured exclusively +amIoss rOIIed ac°• › ^'^9 o API-
' Loads
regulations. Foi the steel grade, one differentiates between various grades, wlJeref›y J1\
e current range lies between ,.Grade E” (yield point = 515 N/mm") and „ Grad+ S" (yleId
0 Dimensions
point = 927 N/mmc).
J’he number anc! ihe application of drill pi es in the horizontal dir ectiona! drilling toclJ•
Drilling rods are subject to enorn4or s weai due to friction during thaii Usage, espec:iaIIy
nigue depends mainly on the pr II foice • and torque capacity of the drilling u lit.
in abrasive hard rock drilling. Tho actual wall thickness of the drill pipG is ncas‹.‹red, in
accordance to the API-gr idelines in four stases of qr ality (Clussas) clifferentiated
between (Class I =new; Premium; Class II. Class III), all dep«1ding on the degree ‹›f
Fig. 6.2 Drill pipe IAPI)
O Tool Joints
Smaller 'norizontal drilling rigs norma|Iy work with special pipes of up to 6 m length and
The tool joints on drilling rods from tile deep-drilling technology are as a rule manu-
diametei's between 40 and 60 mm.
factured as tapered threads. With this a secure coupling a Id fast releasing of the jool
joints is ensured when connecting actuated by adherence. Hipe box and threaded pin
are always to be kept clean, to be carefully prepared with an approved thread grease
and must be capped (protected) against damage and dirt immediately bufore and after

There are cletailed technica! classifications f‹›r tooi joints, lik‹ star›rIar‹Js, ‹Jirner\siniJs
and i Jspection rules in the APlyuidelines.
i , uject execution i
Project execution 46

Special clrill pipes, mainly produced for smaller drilling units, should be faDricated, obey-
6.3.4 Drilling tools
ing as far as possible, the fundamental drill string standards and technical criteria of the
API-guidelines With i egard to the drilling tools, a general differentiation is possible with the «id of the
work stages:

g Load types 3 Drilling tools for the pilot drilling

The horizontal directional drill string should be engineered to withstand the maxirrium 3 Drilling tool* for the )JoIe opening/reaming

expected loads, inr!r diT g the selety tactor. Lca‹ling typ+s to be considered are:
0 Drilling tools for the pilot drilling

Axr*fe WowLOwWs For soft and loose ground, generally a „.Jet Bit” is used. The bit loosens mainly hydrau-
Axial lension loads o‹:c‹ r when the drill string must be pulled o‹Jt ot the borehole, whe- lically the gro nd in tront of the tool. Jet Bits can be differentiated with regard to their
reby as a poruliar ty of the horiz.ontaI directional drilling technique, from experience, th0 dimensions, respectively in length b+tween appiox. 300 imam to 1000 m JJ and in dia-
greatest tensile loads on the drilling rods occur when the .,protective or product-pipes meter between a[›prcx. 40 miv aiJd 200 miv .
must also be drawn into the borehole.
A further differentiating feature lies in thu number and tho diameter of the jetting nozzles
used. As a rule, no more than fiva nozzles are used witf a opening dia i ei‹*r between
Asia( Compressive Loeds
1 mmandl0mm.
Axial compressive loads occur when the entire drill string is put r nder compression by
the can' s+ oT Thu rig p\Jsding the diiTl pine into the groun‹J. i.e. panicularly the dri]] bit. To achieve control of the c!ri||ing head, there is eithar a s veering surface on the head of

being forced against tbe borehole hase. the Jet Bit oi the entire pipe of lhe Jet Bit is angled by a small amount. Apart morn this,
it is possible to generate steering ill pulse by an eccentric arrangement of the nozzles

Torsten Low de and / or a non-axial installation of the nozzles in the jet hit.

Torsion loads occur. whe the drill string is i otated by the rotary motors at the carriago With medium-hard and medium density ground or hard rock. jet roller bits are used.
of the rig and this rotary motion is transmitted to the drilling tool. When drilling with These bits destroy the rock predominantly mechanically.
downhole motors, the torque procTuced is abso/l›ed by the dril! string.
Jot rcllur bits differ with regard to the bit arms, the jet seats, the bit rollers arJd t}4c bit
bearings. For these \‹›oIs there is a comprehensive coding according to IADD-Coc!e
Bending Loads
IIADC s lntornatio Tal Association of Drilling Contractors).
Bending loacls pn the drill strins are the result of the curved design profile of the drilling
Jo genera to tho required torque doyyn hole base motors are r sed for the jet roller hits.
axis. As tt e string rotates, such as duii° s the expansion stage. each dri\)ing rod and in
Control is ach eved via a short, angled drill pipe (Bent Suh) between drill string and
partio€tlar each tool joint is t›ermaneiJtIy sribjocted to an alternating bending load. -This
d iIIing motor.
creates a considerable loacl on the materials, which is further increased whe 1using a
tighI+r borehole radii. With very hard and dense rocks, hard-metal tools are ‹used.

Technical G\ idelines
Technical Guic!elir es
Project exac ation 147
Project execuMen 48

D Drilling tools for the hole opening/reaminø

6.3.5 Drilling Fluid
For reai ling various types of tools are r sed clepending on the type of ground. With soft
Thø composition of the drill łiuid is dute mi led fry the results of the geological investi—
gruund II es+ tools are normally so-called Barrel Reamers. These reamers are desis'Jed
gation executed in line with the framework of the pro|act plannirJp h+íore constm›ction y\
with a cylİnÜrical, bai rel-shaped steel body, which has |ct nozzles a1 tIJo front and
ork begins. The toIIowing fluid proportion are to be taken into account in particular.
: Density
Fly-Cr tters ai e designed and constructed more open and shorter than l›arrel reamers.
U Viscosity
Fly-Cutters mainly consist of a c\ tting rìng co Jnected to the central drill pipe via three
3 pH-Value
or more struts. Jet nozzles can be found both in Ihe cutting ring as well as in the
I Circulating Volume
struts. Straight-shaft l›its are also mc »Jted on the ring and the struts as mechanical
3 Solids content
protection incl. realisation of the cutting. These types o! tools are suitable for
medium hard ground.
D Density
With very IJaid formations {rock) Hole Openers are usecl. Hola Openers are similar to
DŁ e to the specific deilsity of the drilling fly id, the reqs ii ed hydrostatic (ovei)pr‹' sure
ciI-!ieI‹J drilling tools. They generally ‹,onsist of hard-r‹ etal rollers that are arrange‹J
(slightly overpressr red grouiJrJ water) in a ‹drilling can be exerted to the ground. 'Flue
tituuiJ‹J a central, very stable› driI| pİpe. Jett nozzles fitted to the Flolo Openers clean tho de \sity of the fluid increases constanlly due to the cuttings. It is therefore necessary
rollei's arid transport the cuttings away from the borehole front. to measure continually with the aer‹›naeter or thu rnu‹J balance the r 1\Id gcing duvvr›-
In order to achieve optir+JaI centralisatio during the teaming steges, barrel reanaers hole and the returning mud, A clean Water/9ontoiJite basis fluid has a rJensity of betwoet
Sh0uld the stepped it t4iameter and the front section shuuld equal the diameter of the 1,02 and 1,06 g/cm". With that, tile requirements of a drilling fluid! are fulfilled for
previous i earning operation. Fly- C\ ners and Hole-Openers should be fitted with stabi- applications.
I:'sers or cylinąrical centring rea ceis for cent alizing the drill string, to prevent mean-
dering as for as is possible during the teaming stage.

Viscosiy (Unit: mPa * s) is understood to be the resistance of the fluid with respect to
the flow. Two values of viscosity exist, apparent viscosity and plastic viscosity.

A viscosity matched to the r1riIIed ground ensures the hydraulic pro| ertius uf tile drill
fluid, particularly the transf›ort ‹›f the ‹drilled solid material and the puml›ahiIity. Łf e
parameters of tho fluid can bo modified fry using viscosity-forming additi'vcs.

As a meas\ ring uriit for this, the time for 1 Liter. of drilling f|uid passing throtJgh the
„ Marsh Funnel" (Marsh Víscosity) is used in most cases. If iiecessary, a rotating „Fann
visa:ometer“ provides pr eoise values for yield Point or the plastic viscosity (Dii›șhan
model). Detailed information abor t hydraulics and Ioad<arryin0 capncity of the drillinq
fluid can be derived from these values.

Techs' I G\ ïdelines
Liuject execution

The following Marsh fuiJiJel viscosities for drilling fluids can be assumed as r+ference
The total fluid quantity is estimate¢l fron the boi ehole volume a Id a factoi of fluid loss
vnIues lfor comparison: Water at room temperature about 2s sec):
into the ground. This lackor is normally depending on prouiJd information - between

clayey ground 1,05 and 2,20.

30 — 40 sec
- sandy ground, cohesive
35 — 40 sec
- sandy ground, non-cohesive
45 — 60 sec
- Coarse sand
60 E'0 sec
Coai”se ciraveI
> 80 sec
- Mixed grot nd: d,
according to coarsest grain fraction

Project specific, (e,g. 'solid i ock drillings or difficult loose rock drillings) it can also
become izecessaty to determine the flow curve (shearing strain /sfJear graclie It), the gel
strength ‹›r dynamic fltJid pressures of the drilling fluid. For this viscorneter rr easure
0 Solids content
menus ai”e necessary.
All insoluble components of the drilling fluicl are callud solids. Depending on grain size,

2 pH-Ua]cie
a differentiation can be maple betreef culloidal, silk or saiJ‹t. The determinati‹›r is
carried out by sieving according to API and with the sand iteasuririg glass. Jhe solid
ff e pl-I-V*Iue controls the physica|-chef ical structure of bentonites and cleterminos
content (in Vol %) serves to assess the carrying capacity, the pumpahilit y and the
their electrochemical charge which conclude the etfectivoness of the drilling fluid and
ahresion capacity of the mud and together with the transported voIuo›e. twe proof of
in additio\J ntso the effectiveness of additives.
cleanlinoss of the borehole and thm effectiveness of the separation dmvicos (sieves,
The pH-Vals e is an important refei ence value for assessi Jg the chemical reaction oftl e cyclones, caT3trifuges) used in recycling of the mud.
drilling fluid.

The pH-Va)uo cf bentcr›ite th ids should be b+tween about 8.0 anc! 10,0. 6.3.6 Locating System

There are three types of locating .systems in the horizontal direot!uriaI drillir tj tncfJr i‹\‹ ‹a,
2 Circulating Volume
\'yhicfii can be basically differentiated as follows:
The ci‹ct !^‹'•s "°!rime \iiJ \trs/nain) lfas \o be mo›sitoi ed constantly and doc«mented,
3 Walk-Over-System
particularly for the early detection of fluid losses or -thinning. The danper of borehole
Z Wire-Line-System
collapse cr fron ground ‹ pheav,aIs cat he ‹Jetect+d early from such differences. and
3 Other Systems
neces sary action implepJuiJted.

The required flow capacity results from the geological co edition of the drillings and the ¢ Walk-Over-System
can ying capacity of the bore fluid.
This method ot measuring is mainly Used with smaller drilling i Jstallations, wlJcse
t›iaxinaum d 'illinq depth lies about 40 m under ground surface isee Fig. G.4). WIRei i tisin9
the Walk-OyerSystem, all eIectr‹›magf +tic signal is emitted from a flattery-‹J/iv‹›n

TectJnical Gt›i‹Je\i'aes
Project executisn 151 Prcject execulion 52

transmitter which is installed immediately behind the drilling head.This signal is received
0 Wire-Line-System
by an antenna on the surface above and registered on the sender device.
This measurement system is mainly applied to larger drilling rigs and acco dingly, to hzJg
AsarJe]Wsantennaanaogousyvacksth0d 1ingheud'sprogressundefground. By
and deep drillings (cf. Fig 6.4). It has been developecl from the measurement syst•am
way of the signal strength, the operator can locate the transmitter wirh regard to the
used in deep drilling 8nd can be used for practically all deptn ranges.
lateral positio and depth. In addition tie receives information about the current working
With the Wiro-Line system, there is also a measurement probe with ma0i etometers
direction of the drilling tool (Tool-Face).
and inclinometers as close dehind the drilling head as possible. Its measr# ement values
The advantage of this system is, no cable connections, which ere labou ntansive and
are transmitted via a cable connection, that ru‹Js through the inside ol the drilling rods
prone to failure. Apart from this, the operation of the systam of measuring i$
and above ground to the control cabin. There, the information is processed in a com-
relati- vely simple and quick to learn. Because of this, tl eWatk-Ovarprocedure is a
puter and stored.
‹elatively low cost surveying system.
The reference system of the measurement probe oriehtates itself during the execution
The disaclvantage of this system is its measuring accuracy whiCh reduces greatly with
of the pilot drilling on the earth‘s gravity field (Inclination) and on the earth’.s mrs Jetic
the ‹Jrillir›g d*pth as well as its proneness to interference from magnetic influences from
tield {Azimuth). In addition, the s\ rveyor also receives infcrnaatio‹\ ahout the ectrdal
the substratum or duo to other magnetic fields. In addition to this, the energy reserves working direction of the drilling bit (Tool-Face).
which, are limited by the bac+ry capacity - particularly iJ longer drillings - can be regarded
With the aid of inclination and ezimuth, a progression - stertinp from the point of entry -
as a disadvantag e o larc er crossin s.
can be constructed, thet represents the actual position of the pilot drilling. Tha details
To be abI+to successfully ‹:arry out a pilot drilling witlJ a Walk-Over measuring system.
about the Tool-Face are needed, in order to be able so steer tho drilling head in accor
the ter/ain profile abovo tho planned bore axis musi be maasured exactly hofore drilliDg dance with the actual development of the bone line.
lagin1, The ahsolute values deteimined frofTl tfie measureinant proDe (distance of
]'he advantage ot the WireLime system is, theoretically no depth limit of the bore Cii1o
tlJe transmit er from termin surface or from receiver) can then be integrated with the
and the energy supply to the measurement probe aIs0 takes place via the rahIe connec-
recorded terrain profile. In this way the actual-course of the drilling can bo documented.
tion plus the information is almost continually available. In additi‹›n the trafJsniission of
The qriality of the data transmission is. amon0st other thii gs, depandent on tIJe depth the measurement values via cable itself is not prone to disturbances.
ot tyle proGa uncłer the termin surface, the conr2rJctibility of tlJe ground Jayers presanŁ
A disadvantage of this procedure is, the very sensitive meas‹ireirient probe reams par
the inclination of the transmitter the stability of the i eceiver, the external influences
ticularly critically to magnetic fields of interference in the bore line (railways, sheets
of nlectromągnetic fields in the bore line as well as the actual energy capacity ot the
piles. high voltage lines ate.).
hatteries used.
Io com|›ensate for the interfering magnetic fields, a ceble loop can be laid out on the
is a refere»ce value for the accuracy of a measurement with the aid of the Walk-Over
surface above tha bore asis to generate an artificial nagnoiic field. This bra Wks tho
system, a dec|ine of about JOR cen be assumed up to a depth of about 5 m. With un-
ambient magnetic field because of its greater field strength. *he measurament probe
favourable fray ework conditions (e.g. inclination of the measurement probe in rising
in the ground now detects this new magnetic field and transmits its actual position
or falling segments of the borehole) this valuo can fall back +/- 50 cm.
with ref+rer›ce to the cornerstone points of the previor sly arourately survrye‹J i:ahIe
loop, to the control cabin.

Tech 'I Guidelines | ‘ s*

ject execution 53 Pr‹›¡ecl execution 54

With this system, the surveyor has all twe „absolute values that is positional details of Another i Jteresting measuring device for horizontal di illings is the parallel More m asu
the measure teilt |›robe with reference to the terrain sr rface. ring systems. These ara used when several pilot clrillings with relatively modest lateral

To successfully carry ot t a pilot drilling with the Wire-Line measr ring system, the distance must be carried out more o‹ less parallel in cr e location.

nJeasr renJent probe must be calilarated exactly before drilling begins. The coordinatos In these cases, a pilot drilling is first measui eel conventionally with the Wire Line-System.
end heights ol the entry and exit points must be known precisely, sinca Goth these After the first drilling is completed, these drilling robs remain in the horetiolu and serve
poiMs are the reference points of the polygon of the bore line. as a protective pipe for a transmitter, for exaiJ\pIe drawn through this steel pipe with a
steel cable.
AS reference values for the measuring accuracy of the device, when using the artificial
nar/netio field undai optimal conditions, a value uf about +/- 5% related to the depth Further the second pilot drilling starts, parallel to the first one, wf\eruby the \ia six i1tc
of the measurement probe ‹ nder the terrain sr rface can be assumed. in the first pilot drillii4p is guided at about tho same clirection as the i4aeas renlont pi ‹›bc
i‹J the second pilot drilling. The impulses eiriltecl front the transmitter are registe ed i
Accessebility of the groun Interference due to
May. d above yhe magnetic fields the receiver probe, transmitted above ground (via Cabje) end evaluated f\e rJriIIer then
drilling azis necessar y
Drilling depth receives the results of the three-rlimensional position of the new pilot drilling related to
the already produced and accurately measr red! tirst pilot drilling.
Well-Over ca. 10 m
The accuracy of the measurement lies with a lateral clistance of 10 m at ahout +/- 0,3 m.
If the distance between the two bores is less, the‹J the measure \ ent acc ii"acy
no increases proportionally.

Fis. s-4: Sumr vary of tho various locating procedures with ‹details of the fields of ‹use
6.4 Pipeline construction work

3 Other Systems 6.4.1 Pipe materials

With clrillings that ink st be carriecl out in areas with strong magnetic fields, the rise of a Foi i Jstallations underneath obstacles with the horizontal directio Tal drilling techniqu*
gYro compass is increasingly Coming into co Jsideration (see Fig. 6.4). These measuring the following pipe materiels are sriitahle:
instruments wa‹e also doveloped in the deep drilling technology for use in bore holes.
0 Steel
?yro compasses work independently from the earth‘s magnetic field and thereby can :D Ductile cast iron
- independent of the environmental conditions very accurately determine the direction 0 PolyethyTene/Polypropylene
of a [more axis. This advantage compensates fo the c!isadvantaga of the relatively 9real
sen.sitivity with re0ard to mechanical loads (l›Iows etc.) as well as the relatively high
costs of usegc. Apart from this. practice hes shown that jyro compassos are indeed
precision instruments, the success of their use however is decisively dependent on the
qr alifications cf the operating perso Jnel.

Technical G\›idelines Technical Guiclelines

Project execution Prcjer:I executimi i 56

2 Steel
Nominal Coupling Construction Permissible Permissible Permissible
diameter DN system system test pull force angling bending
Steel pipes ai u used preclominantly to traiJspor t gases ancl liquids with fright operating
pressure in kN in degrees radius in m
pressure. The ioint:'ng of inciividual pipes is carried out by manual or automatic welding IPEA} in bar
technology. fhe coating requirement of the pipes is providod accordi 4g to the specific TIS-K 45 3 115
technical re9uireme It as follows.
—Steel pipes, r›ncoated: As protective pipe for sensitive transport systems
200 45, 4 74 115
TconnDined pipe bundle, cable)
—St+el pipes, internally and/or externally Epoxy coate‹J, externally PE-inst lated:
”Transport systems for gassos anal |iquid hydrocarbons. (Aso: externally Epoxy
coated) 376 115

—Steel pipus. internally Et›oky c‹›ated, externally PE-ins ›Ia{ed, additionally with son
gla!›s-fihrmreinforc«d plastic or fibre-reinforced canoe It coating:1rans|aoiJsystems
for gasses or liquid hydrocarbons in geologically hard grow nd. 8Z2 2,5 140

—Steel pipes, i Jternaliy cerr›ent coated, externally PE-insulated:Transport systems 172

fcr drinking wa\ei
—Steel pipes, internally cement coated, externally PE-insulat d, also externally 1283 1,5 ZOO
with glass fihre reinforced plastic or fibre-reinforced cement coating:Transport 800 *‘ 230
syster 1s for drinking •vater i‹\ geclogically lJar‹J gr‹›uild
2104 1,5

3 Ductile cast iron 10 00

For H00 installation pipes made from ductile cast iron are flttecl with suitable connec- Fig. 6.5: Steel pipes macle from ductile cast iron with detai| of permis:ible longitudinal loads
includlng a safety factur and the maxirr al perrnilterl aiJ‹ ling i the joints
toi ends al d -sleeves, further ¡oir ted \oiJgitudinaIly with a special sealing system Up to
‹Jiamoter of i000. \/\*ith these pipes, in pa zicuIar the permissihle axia! forces (incIudi‹Jg
0 Polyethylene/Polypropylene
a safety tartoi ) and lho maximal permitted angling at the join1s according to Fig. 6.5 are
to be adhered tc. Witl the permissible pull forcu, herehy a safety factor of 1.5 is taken Polyethylene pipes (PE-pipes) and particularly pipes made frcm PolyetlJyleiie f igI
into account. The permissible line lengths are for pipes made 1i om dr ctilo cast iron in density (PE-AND) are extruded endlessly and siJ| plied act:ordir›gly, their Iun‹jtf› is or lv
accordance to DIN EN o^45 and wall-thickness class K1 0 with cement-mortar coating !imitecI by transport capabilities. WIJon bei‹Jg pulled i eta the HDD-drillings, buckling due
accord ng to DIN 0674, part 2. The friction resistance has not been taken intu account. to static pressure of the bore fluid must be prevented by suilaf›Ie i neasures (oper
pulling heads or filled t›ipes).
— Applicatici›: Ductile cast-iron pi|3e systems are used to transport ‹JriiJking watur
and waste water, |›artict larly for aggres:'ive wasie-water. — Application' TIansport system s fur di’inking water aim r ate rat ¿asses with low
operating pressure. PE- anrJ PE HIV pipes can be fixed with an arJditioiJal outer
later as damage protection.
r . eject execution 57

6.4.2 Pipe protection 3 Protection coating

Steel pipes are normally protected against corrosion and/or mechanical damape by a For the use of steel pipes coated vyith PoIyoIufin+-SystaUs in the HDD-process, it is ofte
special coating. necessary, to protect the PE- or PP-coating additionally against mechanical damage mo s

0 Coating stone inclusions etc. in the borehole calling.

3 Protection coating With this in mind, the pipes can be fitted with On additional fibre ce JJont mortar casing.
3 Lining In critical ground conditio ns, an aven mole esist»nt casing make I om a DrironJere
System (e.g. Glass-fibre-Epoxy resin) can be fitted.
C Coating

the coating of rteeI pipes is normally executed in the factory, whilo the joints are done 0 Lining

on the consti uction site lfield ¡oints). LiniiJos for the inner walls of pipes are penarally manr›factrirec! in the fucto y arid serve

Factory coating are maiiJly iJJan\ifactured front polyolefines and fitted i1 a three-layer- particularly to protect against inner corrosion. The welded seam area cam also be sub-
sequently lined with these cnatii›gs on the constn›csiori site.
.system after conJplelion of the pipes at steelplant and consist of
For the Hse o\ all coating systems, i 1 a\\ cases the respective va)i‹J atiuna) Inc) F‹Jrc
- Epoxy- esin base coat
pea technical regulations must Ice maintained.
— Adhesive
— Polyethylene or Polypropyle Ie
6.4.3 Pipeline Stringing and Overbend
With the factory-fittecl coa ting, the pipe ends remnin free from coating for a suitable
III connection ’with the pipeline construction work on IJ‹›rizontaI dire‹:riunaI drilling
langth, leavi Jg s/›ace for the connection of the steal pipes by welding on the construe-
projects, the following elements are to be particularly emphasised:
Rio site
For subsequont coating of the welded seams on the construction site, the following 3 Pipeline stringing on rollers
systems exist: 0 Pipeline stnnging without roiters
: Overbend
— Polyolefine-Systems (Polyethylene or Polypropylene)
— DH‹›mere-System s (Et›oxy-resin or PoIyur+tfJane)
0 Pipeline stringing on rollers
Tom ali y3l m n entione‹J, it is of great sigrlificancg, that these are s‹Jit0bIe for the par-
The pipe sti’inp prepared for the pull hack operatio is noi rnally put on i olfcrs. Tile
ticular stresses ‹n the HDD-process. Besides the ensured i Jsulation quality, whic!›
rollers reduce the frictional resistance to a mir\im\ na and thereby recluco the [full f‹›rc
shoulcJ equal the factory coating at all cost, a secure adhesion against peeling un the
required fry ‹he drilling rig durinp pull back of the pipe string
steel pipe and a bended overlapping of the fac1ory coating must be guarar tead.
Ro]]ers are normally a steel frames, on which hai d-r\ hber rollers wi!h hall hcai ings arc
C‹›atirtg of steel pipes serves particularly to protect against corrosion.
n ortnted. The roI!ei width can be ad¡ustad at some models, so the same roller call be
used to accept various pipelines sizes.

Technical Guideli 18s TecnialGlideines

Project execution 59 Project execu0on 60

Wheel setting up the roIIert‹ack, attention is to be paid, that the distance between the
6.¢.4 BaT\asting
rollers does not become too large, thereby causing the pipeline to buckle or to slide to
the floor between the rollers. At›art from this, rollers Should be inspected before tho In the event that large and light pipe strings are to he pulled into a borehole, nltention

pull back process begins, as to whether all rollers have been weI| lubricated and a is to be paid to the considerable force introduced to the string in tha borelJola and as a
rest It pressed with relatively great force against the borehole face. In combination
blocking ut the individual rollers during the pull back |arocoss can be safely excluded.
with the respective fiiction coefficient, this force in casas generates considerable
With h+avy pipe strings, it must be demonstrated, that the permitted pressure load of
fricfio¥Jal forces between the pipe string and the borehole wall. These frictional foices
the or ter pipe insulation is not exceeded.
must we overcame by the drilling rig.

3 Pipeline stringine without rollers To redvce the negative aspects (higher pull forces} of a high frirti‹›n in the boreh‹›Ie, It u
pipelines can be ballasted (i.e. fitted with weights . Particularly suitable for this actAun
To guide pipe strings made front dr ctile cast iron, co over tional rollers are not suitable.
is filling the pipelines with water - if necessary in combination with a linear rlisplacei,
For pipe strings made from ductile cast iron, steol sheets should De installed, suppor-
incorporated at regular intervals, or a separately incorporated ballasting pi/›e. Water is
ting the string at eadJ sleeve connection, Thereby, it is to be ensured through suitah|e
very easy to re move after the pull bacI‹ process is complete, and on the other hand, the
measui es, that tha outer corrosion proteciion is not damaged during the pull back pro-
inner of the pipe is not mechanically damaged.
In connection with the above it is recommended. to fillIt e ballast water only in that
¢ Overbend part of the pipe aTreedy in the borehole. Normally a small filling line is used, inserted on
the inside of the pipeline. The reason for this Droceduro is to overcome the problem
At the exit point of a horizontal drilling, the drill string axits at 8 particular angle out of
that all rollers would be burdened with the weigtJl of water in addition to the weight of
the ground. To prevent the pipeline front bUCkling when being pulled in at this point. it
the pipes. This would make a significant slJortaning of the distances bet we+n tf›e
is necessary to transter the pipeline in a suitable curve lso-called overbend or „catback “)
rollers necessary and thereby a considerably greater number required.
from its horizontal position on the conveyor to the exit angle. Thereby, no non-permis-
sible loads {Stresses) may occur in the pipe string. An ideal ballasting is achieved. when the pipe strinp in the boreT›olr only psne/ates
small positive or negative bo yancy and these conJpooents of the pull hackfo ce can
To redtJce the maximal height of the overbend, in practice the curvature of the over-
lie reduced.
bend is begun in the exit pit.1fie first roller behind the exit point is elevated le.g.
on earth mounds or other supports), The height of the individual supports as well as their
distance to each other must be carefully calculated in order to avoid icon-permissible

Equally, for safety reasons, attention is to b'e paid to ens re that all roller st pports can
safely accept the expected longitudinal a Id lateral forces, without slipping or tilting over.

Techr' I Guidelines
Approval i 61

7 Approval 0 /tpprovaIs after the pull bark of the pipe string

Removal of ballast whelk applied

To pi ovide evidence of the quality assurance, inspection acceptances are to he submitted - Resistance measurement of the coating
froth during and after the completion of the exec\ tion of the project of horizontal diroc• - Calibration ot the pipe diameter with a culipef pig
iional r!riI!ings as well is aftef the co rpletioia of tha work of individual work stages. The - Leak test of prod ct pipelines
respective required at›provals should ba agreed in writing between the client and tha - Depth measurement with a barometric system
contractor l›efuie construction work he9 S. The approvals show Ill bu recorded and - Overall position survey with a gyro compass
signed by both contractual parties. - Annulus fillings
Controlled waste disposal
The entire li:sting set out be|ow would not necessarily apply to each project. A project-
- Removal of residues
specific suitable selection is to be made each time.
Restoration of la ›d, pipe site, rig site etc.
For many ol the points listed, there a e corresponding regulations in the national regu
The respective agreed approvals are to be enclosed with the documenta1ion and handerJ
latcry’ works, on wTJiclJ these approvals should be orientated.
over to the clieiJt. A copy is to be retai mud by the contracto .
:2 Approvals befone the pull baek of the pfpe string
W Approvals during the pull back process
3 Approvals after the pull back of the pipe string

Approvals before the pull back of the pipe sting

— Inspection of welds
Leak test of product pipes
—Inspection cf factory- and field coating
- Inspection of additional protective |oiIlt coatings
— Visual inspection of the pipe string
— Strength of design of the pullhead and the rig anchor
Safety of the pull t›acktools
-- Stal›ility and |oad capacity of the rollers undor tho pipe string

Approvals during the pull back process

- Pull force within limits of the t›ipo

— Prevention of damage ‹o tho coating

Tec1Jnicaj Guidelines ¥
Documentation 1 63

8 Documentation
— Azimuth, Inclination and Toolfaca of the rJritling head
— Pull/thrust on dri|I pipe (kNl
8.1 Records — Tor‹lue (kNnJ)
—Pump rate (I/min)
For all work stages of a HUD-project, an \›p-!o-date record is to t›e maintained. This is
Pump pressure (bar)
also valid for ice possible necessary balla stink of the product line as wmll as for an eve
— Spe‹:ial events
tual filling of abandoned d iil holes (filling report).

Esse Jtial elements of the records of working procedures are: With larcqer drill.ngs the following fluid data is to be recor¢ied a\ repwai inte‹ vals elso:

: Daily report — Density

g Drilling records - Viscosity

¢ Minutes of meetings —pH-Value

—Circulating volume

3 Daily Report —Soli‹Js content

The foiIow'ng details must bu evidenI in the construction log:

0 Minutes of meetings
hflinutes ‹›f meetings su ve to f›rovide up to ‹Tatu inforrnation betw‹*er\ the cliei t ar cl
tho contractor. A record is lo Ice prepared regarding the content oftlno meeting anrl sub-
mitted to the participants.
— Project
—Safery instructions
8.2 As-built dorument9
- Work executed
—Sub-contrector work All as-b‹Jilt documents anal documentaticiJ are to t›e s‹ Iamitte«l t‹› the cIiunt, in a‹:cs›‹-
—Personnel etlgagerl dance with previous agreements, altar completion ot the works.TlJo is-built documents
—2quipment used shoulc! contain the following components-
— Matei ial consunJp!ion
0 Drawings
—Special events z Records
3 Photo documentation toptionall
0 Drillng records

Tile values are ao a rule to be recorded tor each work staQe. The followi Jg data mrisi 3 Drawings
oe evident frorr the drillinq records:
— Overview plan (Scale:1: 5.000)
—Sta ion Longituciinal section, plan. cross-section (Scale: I:i00 - fi00) as well as con-
Time struction planning and construction as-buil* doc\iime J‹s (ran he c‹›mhined)

Techr ' Cir idelines l ¥ ‘

Uocumentatiun ' 65

0 Records 9 Appendix
— Terrain i”estoration
Fig. Schematic Drill Profile
— AP I'0V6I
Fig. 2 Sc!JenJatic Showing Site Er riipnJent lsite layoi t)
Fig. 3 Pilot Drillins anc! Pullback Assembly ISchematic)
¢ Photo documentation (optional)
Fig. 4 Schematic Drilling Operations
fioiJstrr ction areas before beginning of the 'orks
Fig S Schematic Overhead
— MOst inJpui\aiJ! operations
— Ccnsti’tJctioi1 areas after ‹:c/T pletion nf the worLs

Technical Guidelines t ¥ ‘

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