Tampered Dat

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Chagrined. KPUM President Toshikazu Yoshikawa

(center) and other officials apologize after report-
ing fraud.

group. Once anomalous data were corrected,

the claim that valsartan reduces the incidence
of cardiovascular events such as angina or
stroke by about half “is not supported,” the
report says. Eight papers authored by Matsub-
ara have been retracted.
In an e-mail to Science, Matsubara
writes that he “was not involved in and gave
no instructions” for the event data analy-
sis, which he said was the responsibility of
a Novartis employee. Novartis headquarters
in Basel declined to comment on KPUM’s

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J A PA N findings, stating in an e-mail to Science that
“we are unfamiliar with how the university

Tampered Data Cast conducted its review.” But the company has
confirmed that employees of its Japanese sub-
sidiary participated in the Kyoto Heart Study

Shadow on Drug Trial and several similar studies at other Japanese

institutions without noting their affiliation on
resulting papers. In a statement posted to its
TOKYO—In a scandal reverberating across The 4-year study followed 3000 patients given website on 12 July, Novartis blamed the dis-
Japan’s biomedical research landscape, a uni- valsartan or alternative medications. A main closure failures on a lack of guidelines and a
versity in Kyoto last week acknowledged data outcome, reported on 31 August 2009 in the misunderstanding of the appropriate level of
manipulation in a university-run clinical trial European Heart Journal, was that valsartan, involvement in such trials. “Preventive and
for a blockbuster hypertension drug, valsar- which reduces blood pressure by blocking the corrective measures have been implemented,”
tan. Japanese media have turned the episode receptor for the hormone angiotensin, “pre- the statement said.
into a cause célèbre; the Yomiuri Shimbun, vented more cardiovascular events” in high- The debacle raises troubling questions
one of Japan’s biggest newspapers, labeled it a risk patients than did drugs that lower blood about research oversight. KPUM officials said
“serious betrayal” for patients. Repercussions pressure through another mechanism. that they could not probe more deeply into
could extend beyond valsartan, marketed In late 2011, bloggers started raising ques- who manipulated data because they cannot
under the trade name Diovan by the Swiss tions about alleged image manipulation in compel cooperation from Novartis employ-
pharmaceutical giant Novartis. Matsubara’s papers. Then, in an April 2012 ees. Universities in Japan have no authority
“This incident is causing a loss of confi- letter to The Lancet, Yui expressed concerns to question people outside their institution,
dence in Japan’s research internationally and about Kyoto Heart Study’s statistics and con- says Tetsuya Tanimoto, a physician at the Uni-
making Japanese patients skeptical [about clusions, writing that the effectiveness in pre- versity of Tokyo who studies pharmaceutical
treatments],” says Yoshiki Yui, a medical venting angina was not seen regulatory issues. Japan needs
doctor at Kyoto University. Health minis- in other trials of valsartanlike “Data were something like the U.S. Office
ter Norihisa Tamura has vowed to appoint a drugs or in clinical practice. of Research Integrity, he says.
committee that would propose measures to Responding to requests from manipulated.” Japan’s medical research
prevent a recurrence. journals, KPUM started its —TOSHIKAZU YOSHIKAWA establishment could come in
Sold worldwide, valsartan was approved own investigation. Matsubara KPUM PRESIDENT for broad scrutiny. KPUM
in Japan in 2000 and has become the coun- resigned from KPUM in Febru- confirmed in an e-mail to
try’s best-selling drug, pulling in roughly ary, after the European Heart Journal, citing Science that since 2008, Matsubara received
$1 billion last year, according to analysts. “[c]ritical problems … with some of the data,” about $1.4 million for his research from
A clinical trial claiming that valsartan also retracted the heart study paper. Novartis. Such grants to clinical researchers
reduces angina and stroke risk helped boost “Data were manipulated,” KPUM Presi- are not unusual, but they highlight inadequate
its popularity in Japan. That claim has fallen dent Toshikazu Yoshikawa bluntly stated at public support for clinical research in Japan,
apart, in the process raising concerns about an 11 July press conference. According to Tanimoto says. The revelations could also
cozy ties between researchers and drug com- the university’s investigative report, which erode public support for emerging plans to

panies and about impediments to investigat- Science has obtained, in the Kyoto Heart shake up medical research by establishing an
ing research misconduct in Japan. Study there were 34 discrepancies between outcome-focused version of the U.S. National
At the heart of the scandal are data from the clinical medical records and the data set Institutes of Health. In the wake of the scan-
the Kyoto Heart Study, launched in 2003 by used for analysis; these overstated adverse dal, the Japanese public may question whether
Hiroaki Matsubara, a cardiologist at Kyoto cardiovascular events in the nonvalsartan the money will be well-spent and the results
Prefectural University of Medicine (KPUM). group and missed such events in the valsartan trustworthy. –DENNIS NORMILE

www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 341 19 JULY 2013 223

Published by AAAS

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