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Elyza Grace Calumpita Grade 8 Leeuwenhoek

Science 8 Activity Sheet no.6

Activity 1 ASTEROID
Ice (frozen water);
frozen gases
(ammonia, methane,
More rounded, 1-100 and carbon dioxide);
orbital period, More other organic
rounded, Rocky compounds
appearance, 1-100++ size, (Carbon-containing
and Main Asteroid Belt
silicates and the
Both asteroid and location is Outer
meteoroid refer space
to bodies in our
solar system that
orbit the Sun but Varied/
are not large Irregular
enough to be
shape and
deemed planets
Too small to Kuiper Belt & Oort
Meteoroid, <0.05 - be planets Cloud, 1-10 (nucleus
1.7 size, Silicates, only)size , 75 to
nickel and iron, No Both are relatively 100,000+++ orbital
small objects that period Highly
orbit, Earth’s
have their origins elliptical, and Tail
atmosphere, and
in interplanetary made from melting
Bright tail of light space, orbiting the ice appearance.
appearance sun


1. Asteroid and Comets because it’s location is the Outer space.

2. Iron and nickel.
3. Comets orbital period is 75 to 100,000+++ while meteor has no orbital period.
4. They differ from size range of diameter, orbital period, orbit, and appearance.
5. The three related by their shape and approximate size.


Superstitions about comets and asteroids, such as the fear that bad luck will arrive, are based
in science only so far as that these phenomena do occur. The bad luck that comes along with
them, however, has little to do with reality. Superstitions about comets and asteroids have
absolutely no scientific basis.

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