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Prepared by:




KIM244 1A

Prepared for:


Submission date:

13 July 2022
Table of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………1

1.1 New Media Technology…………………………………………………………1-3

1.2 Information Management………………………………………………………3-4

1.3 History of New Media Technology……………………………………………4-7


3.0 ISSUES OF MEDIA TECHNOLOGY…………………………………………..10-11




We respect and thanks to Sir Ahmed Kader Mustajir Md Eusoff, our Foundation of
Information Management lecturer for giving us an opportunity to do this assignment work and
providing us all the support and guidance until we complete this assignment on time.

Special thanks to our classmates and team members itself because they have made
valuable comment suggestions for us and give us inspiration to improve our assignment.

To our caring, loving and supportive spouse, thanks for all the encouragement and moral
support. It was a great comfort and relief when we were in a rough time.

Finally, thanks to everyone who was involved directly or indirectly while completing this

1.1 New Media Technology

New media technology is any application designed to transmit information by digital

methods, computerized systems, or data networks. This technology, which was developed in
the 20th century, is most frequently linked to data transmissions intended to be altered in some
way. The majority of forms are interactive and have data that has been compressed so that it
can be accessed in different markets. Internet-based concepts like websites or digital media like
CD-ROMs and DVDs are the most common types of new media. Television, movies, and paper-
based goods are all examples of old media and are not included in new media.

The phrase "new media" is used to refer to a wide range of electronic communications
made possible by advances in computer technology. New media is made up of websites, online
video/audio streams, email, online social platforms, online communities, online forums, blogs,
Internet telephony, Web advertisements, online education, and much more. In contrast to "old"
media, which includes newspapers, magazines, books, television, and other similar non-
interactive media.

The 1960s were when the idea first emerged. The concept of information exchange
through the medium found a potent application with the development of modern computer
technology. With the aid of this technology, designers and artists were able to bring new ideas
to life by producing things like video games and digitally based art. In the 1980s, these
technologies spread widely and gradually replaced conventional media, mainly as a result of the
introduction of personal computers and video game consoles. Desktop publishing approaches
that made it simpler to use image manipulation techniques and publish online also helped this.

New media technology standards claim that all contemporary media share a few
characteristics. Geographic distance is compromised because the technology is applicable to
almost all global markets. The Internet has raised the level and pace of communication.
Additionally, users can adapt to new approaches while contributing their own ideas because of
the participatory level of information exchange. Additionally, formerly separate types of
communication, such as video and telephone, can be combined.

Due to the advent of new media technology, business has drastically expanded in some
markets. Technology-enabled two-way communication about items aids marketers and
manufacturers in discovering methods to better provide consumers with what they desire.
Interactive advertising is one idea that encourages new channels for products to reach a larger
market. For instance, some businesses use social networking sites to identify and target
potential customers. Public relations can also benefit from the direct engagement that this
technology enables, such when the president of the United States answers online queries from
the American public.

1.2 Information Management

Data and various types of information are gathered, stored, managed, and maintained
through information management. Information in all forms must be gathered, disseminated,
archived, and destroyed. The practices and policies that businesses use to manage and
transmit information among various people, departments, and stakeholders are referred to as
information management.

The degree of control an organization has over the information it generates is the main
emphasis of information management. It necessitates developing specialized information
management systems intended to aid the organization in using its resources to support
commercial operations.

Information delivery and sharing to a variety of recipients is another topic covered by

information management. The format, such as digital and physical information, as well as the

medium, such as computers, servers, websites, social media, mobile devices, and applications,
are both included in this.

1.3 History of New Media Technology

The evolution of media technology has only been possible because of the human
intellect and its hunger for communication with each other, fuelled by advancements in
information technology. Social media refers to websites used for social networking and
microblogging as well as other online communication channels. The information, ideas, and
media on these social networking websites are contributed by users through these channels
and mediums, who also build a virtual world of communication. Social media's history is one of
massively expanding and sustaining human connections. In a short period of time, new media
technology has moved from fostering social bonds to serving as a trade platform, from the direct
electronic informational exchange to virtual reality. It has emerged as the top option for
marketers, proprietors of small businesses, artists, and other experts.

New Media Technology before 1900

The oldest forms of long-distance communication involved written letters that were
personally handed from one person to another. Alternatively, letters The earliest type of postal
service dates, and in subsequent centuries, this rudimentary delivery method would become
more common and efficient.

The telegraph was created in 1792. This made it possible to send messages over long
distances much more quickly than a horse and rider could. Despite their briefness, telegraph
messages were a revolutionary means to transmit news and information.

The pneumatic post, invented in 1865, provided another method for sending messages
fast between recipients, albeit it is no longer widely used outside of drive-through banking. A
pneumatic post transports capsules from one location to another via subterranean pressurized
air tubes.

The telephone and radio were two significant inventions made in the final decade of the
1800s. Even though the current iterations of these technologies are significantly more advanced
than their forerunners, they are still in use today. People could now instantly communicate
across enormous distances thanks to telephone lines and radio transmissions, which had never
been possible in the history of mankind.

New Media Technology in the 20th Century

The 20th Century had seen the start of extremely rapid technological transformation.
After the first supercomputers were built in the 1940s, scientists and engineers started working
on ways to connect such computers to form networks, which would later give rise to the Internet.

In the 1960s, the first versions of the Internet, including CompuServe, were created.
During this time, early versions of email were also created. In 1979, UseNet introduced a virtual
newsletter that allowed users to connect. By the 1970s, networking technology had advanced.

Home computers were more prominent and social media was becoming more advanced by the
1980s. IRCs, or Internet relay chats, became widely used in the 1990s after being introduced in

Six Degrees, the first well-known social media platform, was established in 1997. Users
had the option to add their profiles and add friends. The first blogging platforms rose to
prominence in 1999, sparking a social media phenomenon that endures today.

New Media Technology Today

Blogging's inception led to the meteoric rise in popularity of social media. In the early
2000s, websites like MySpace and LinkedIn became well-known, and Photobucket and Flickr
made it easier to share photos online. Since the launch of YouTube in 2005, individuals have
been able to share and interact across huge distances in a completely new way.

By 2006, individuals from all across the world could access Facebook and Twitter.
These websites continue to be among the most widely used social networks online. As a result,
new websites like Tumblr, Spotify, Foursquare, and Pinterest started to appear to cover
particular social networking voids.

Social networking websites today come in a huge variety, and many of them can be
linked together to enable cross-posting. As a result, users can communicate with the greatest
number of people without compromising the intimacy of one-on-one interactions. The future of
social networking is something we can only speculate about, but it seems certain that it will
continue to exist in some capacity for as long as people are alive.


New media technologies have become more popular recently. This can be said given
that usage, particularly on Facebook and Instagram, has increased from 2020 to 2021 including
twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and WhatsApp. With the way technology is developing, more people
are finally starting to appreciate its advantages. Society has benefited from it. Every country,
from created to underdeveloped, is using social media to improve many aspects of daily life.

Using the new media technology has the advantage of being connected to business.
This is supposedly the situation because the world is currently troubled by the COVID-19
disease at this time. Normally, traders and customers make deals with the store directly, but the
COVID-19 virus has affected everything. This is partly related to the community's restricted
mobility caused by fear of contracting COVID-19. As a result, the transaction takes place online,
which helps the community's business. Therefore, sellers promote their sales items while
helping the community by purchasing the necessities through online platforms like Facebook,
Whatsapp, Instagram, and others.

The ability to stay in contact with people worldwide is another advantage. Particularly old
friends, family members, or workmates. Through social networks, people find it simpler to
connect with one another, share moments, and send photos and videos. Because of this, life
form distances are now shorter. Given the presence of the COVID-19 virus, especially during
the current season, we cannot meet regularly. Although social media has allowed us to connect
with people worldwide, this has had an impact on our face-to-face interactions. Nowadays,
people prefer communicating online rather than in person, which has increased the number of
online relationships. Wherever you go right now, you'll notice that people are physically seated
next to one another but are conversing on their smartphones with other people.

Advantages of using the new media technology. There is only a little proof that education
improves the positive effects of Internet use (Van Deursen and Helsper, 2015). Once more, a
thorough understanding is required that considers consumer living circumstances. For example,
in the case when the global COVID virus 19 attacks and forces everyone indoors with the
exception of managing crucial time, all communities must remain indoors. Consequently, it is
crucial to use new media technologies in daily life. This can be seen when, in 2020, the COVID-
19 virus, which caused a new exposure in the use of new technology in media, especially in
education, shakes our nation. Teenagers from kindergarten through higher education

institutions must hold learning and teaching sessions using online tools like Webex, Google Mee,
Zoom, and others. Teachers and students can access the platform even when they are on the
go, which is another great benefit of this platform. This has led to the formation of virtual
classrooms where teachers work very hard to ensure that the students do not miss out on their
education, thanks to social networking platforms like Google Classroom, Zoom, and Skype.
Next, cost savings are also advantages of new media technology. New-media
advertising is often less expensive than advertising in traditional media. Perhaps the biggest
advantage of using new media is the lack of any barriers that prevent a small business from
entering the digital arena. For example, establishing and running an online store costs
significantly less than running a brick-and-mortar store. Advertising online is not only less
expensive than it is with traditional media, but it also allows business owners to reach a larger
audience. The internet also eliminates expensive travel. The owner of a small retail store can
buy stock from suppliers without leaving his or her office.

Furthemore, the latest news and updates are also advantages of new media technology.
The best place to find the latest news and updates is social media. Before new media
technology, people relied on daily newspapers and radio to provide them with the most recent
news and information. For the most recent updates, people can also watch television news
channels. However, since the advent of social media platforms, individuals can instantly update.
People are not required to wait for the evening news on television or the morning newspaper.
They can quickly learn about the most recent news and updates on global events through social
media like Facebook, twitter and others. New media technology platforms allow for the creation
and exchange of information. Using new media technology, people can learn the most recent
and accurate information about what is happening in the world at the time.

In conclusion, people readily spend more time on social media, and it's rare to meet
someone who doesn't use some form of new media. Although it has been and will continue to
be an effective trend, people must always be aware that everything has its limits, including new


There are many chances for entertainment, education, and exploration provided by
internet and mobile communications technologies. There are two terms that people nowadays
should understand carefully. People should understand carefully about this issue of media
technology before presenting it. The terms that have been mentioned are about old media and
new media. The term "Old Media" or "Legacy Media" refers to conventional forms of expression
and communication that predate the development of the Internet as a new medium. Broadcast
and cable television, radio, film and music studios, newspapers, magazines, books, and the
majority of print publications are all regarded as old media. Although studies indicate that New
Media, particularly the Internet, is strengthening, the replacement of Old Media is still not a
common occurrence. There is inadequate proof, but it seems that news organizations still highly
value television as a source of information. The phrase "new media" is used to refer to a wide
range of electronic communications made possible by advances in computer technology. New
media is made up of websites, online video/audio streams, email, online social platforms, online
communities, online forums, blogs, Internet telephony, Web advertisements, online education,
and much more. In contrast to "old" media, which includes newspapers, magazines, books,
television, and other similar non-interactive media.

There are several issues of media technology should people know between old media
and new media. One of the issues is people would not use old media such as newspapers,
magazines, books and so on. It is because people will use new media like E-Books, wikis and
other online databases to do any work. New media are more interesting than old media because
it does not take a long time to do some research. So, new media do not waste their time
because of the new technology.

The easiest approach to explain a phenomenon is occasionally to state what it is not.

Comparing the new media to the traditional media is one method to characterize them, as well
as the technologies that support them. Communications are delivered through traditional media
including radio, television, newspapers, and magazines. These are largely static, historical, and
independent. In the modern world, traditional media are frequently combined with new ones. For
example, newspapers and magazines now have online versions as well as their own blogs, and
television networks regularly provide extensive web content for their shows. This evolution has
been influenced in part by worries that traditional media must change in order to survive while

new media expands at the expense of it. By describing the "newness" of the new media in terms
of changes in production due to the convergence of technology and media, storage digitization
and indexing, presentation in a sort of video display, and distribution over telecommunication
networks, (Voithofer, 2005), specifically contrasts the new media with their analogous old media

Then, as we know, communication is one of the most important things for people
because without communication,people can’t get any information easily. Newspapers,
magazines, radio, and television were all quite distinct and independent forms of the old media.
The majority of new media technologies are focused on communication in some way. Media are
nothing more than communication channels, after all. Blogging can be seen as a substitute for
or addition to traditional publishing, as well as a replacement for individual webpages.
Additionally, bloggers take part in more than just one-way posting. Many people will reference
and link to the writings of other bloggers; enough of this cross-referencing produces
"conversational blogging" (Efimova and de Moor, 2005).

Another example of the issue is current information. People nowadays want to get
information easily. So, people will choose new media to get information easily. Especially for
students who want to do assignments. Majority of students will use new media to do research
such as E-book and wiki. It is because new media do not take a long time for people to do any
work. Any information can be obtained easily by using new media.

Lastly, information between old media and new media is different. Print media such as
books, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, scholarly journals, pamphlets, fliers, broadsides,
billboards, and other printed materials are considered old media. While new media use a lot of
technology to get any information. You wish to draw attention to a few issues, one of which is
too much information. When a person has information overload or stress, it means that they are
receiving more information than they can effectively handle. The precise number of those
affected is unknown, although a significant study.

4.0 Develop of new media technology

The meaning of new media technology is media that increases communication between
people all over the world and the internet. It also allows people to self express thur video,
picture website and blog. When engaging in new media technology people are exposed to the
world. It has pros and cons when it comes to media technology.

The history of media technology may be related back to the mid-1800s, and media
technology has made little progress since then. At that moment, the media technology used was
classic, such as newspapers, magazine articles, and broadcast. Those information transmission
methods are generally autonomous, immobile, and outdated. Nowadays, old media are nearly
always combined with new media, like online editions of magazines and newspapers, and also
their own websites like the table 1 that show in below this. Most of this development has
occurred as a result of the fear that modern media is increasing at the cost of additional media,
which must grow in order to remain competitive.

The common current technique has been applied to several media technologies,
including new media technology. By improving the data solutions to match the pace of progress.
For example, hard copies now have E-Book forms that are available on many sites. To generate
a profit, the authors make it available for purchase, so people must first register to do that, in
addition to reading it. Thanks to technological advancements, most people today use a
smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer to browse the internet. Many organizations seize the
opportunity to attract media attention by means of the internet.

Old media technology New media technology

Television Netflix, Viu, iQIYI

Book E-Book

Music Spotify , iTunes, JOOX

Tabel 1: The changes of old media technology to new media technology.

Mostly with the advancement of contemporary media technology, numerous

organizations are shifting from conventional media technology to modern media technology.
This occurred as a result of the progress of technology in civilization. However, several older
generations continue to utilize conventional media to obtain information since it is easy to
acquire or use, regardless of the fact that modern media technology requires some technology
to perform the programmes and data that some people view as being complex and expensive.

5.0 Solution of new media technology

Although new media technology is so prevalent, old media technology is highly outdate.
Newspapers, for example, have evolved into internet blogs; TV networks have created fan
pages for their programs; books have evolved into online books, also known as e-books; and
etc. What exactly is old media technology?. The term "old media technology" refers to the mass
communication organizations that predated the Digital Age or the media that have historically
used it to communicate information. Television, books, radio, banners, and other forms of old
media information are examples.

To fix the issues of constantly outdated old media knowledge, people must realize that
old media tech was always required in the regular lifestyle. In addition, information systems
agencies must discover information from reliable and accurate sources, which include books,
journals, and others. Furthermore, old media technologies continue to be useful because, if the
internet system fails, users can rely on old media technologies as a source of information,
customer desires, and so on. Everyone seems to be familiar with the latest problem, having
seen images and reading the full article online. Due to new media technology, the job of a
newspaper has changed. A newspaper that wants to exist needs to embrace new media.
Falsified information isn't really uncommon among users of modern communication
technologies, particularly social media users. There's also a lot of false information among the
genuine ones. While many are incorrect, users can solve problems in a variety of ways,
including by developing a perspective that continuously criticizes the data they get. One such
approach should only be used for oneself, to not remark on a specific topic. By cultivating such
a mentality, users can avoid the spread of erroneous and misleading information.

Aside from that, users can detect incorrect information by inspecting its origin. Users
may verify it by looking just at the source, which could be a site or the sharing of knowledge.
Accept material cautiously until users determine whether it comes from a reliable source. Do not
just share data that you do not know whether it is genuine or not, but also do not forward it to
others if you have not read the full content. New media doesn't quite primarily address a single
way of communicating. Certain forms of new media, such as an online newspaper, are also "old
media" in the sense of a traditional printed newspaper. Other types of new media, such as a
podcast or smartphone app, are completely new.

Earning a new media will be great because of the development of a wide range of
abilities to feature in media and technology all over a variety of businesses. Some also had an
influence on society because they helped allocate control over people according to their
individual and social aspects. Rather than media sources holding total power over what is
delivered to viewers, media-audience relationships are more similar to a conversation. Direct
accessibility and better control of media discourses by users allow individuals to even more
openly speak their minds and criticize others' group activities, both of which are required for
modern media technology and tools.

Due to the general creation of more opportunities in daily lives, like interaction, life
issues, and photos, the digital age might have an impact on oneself. The daily communication
provided by new media can indeed assist individuals to feel closer to one another and more at
ease communicating with one another. This can lead to anxiety related to mental stress and a
phobia of just being disconnected. New media has an effect on social relationships since
various sources of access, such as having social media Facebook friends, Instagram, and
Twitter, sway relationship ideas. There are several incidents of people who have used new
media technology, particularly social media, since most of the majority's personal data has
already been accessed over their own self-interest by irresponsible parties like cybercriminals,
who are indirectly involved in becoming a target to people, allowing their public image to be
damaged or even worse. Personal data such as a home address, bank account number, etc.
will always be kept secure by digital security safeguards. Although there are numerous
remedies to the issue of infiltration of personal details that we may use, such as utilizing anti-
virus software on laptops, computers, and others.

In the 21st century, users can hardly measure the amount of data that has been given
ever since the launch of new media technology till present. A high level of information is referred
to as "information overload." Due to information overload, there are some solutions to this
information overload that users can take note of. Firstly, identify the type of information users
need. A good concept of the kinds of information required must be gathered. Every piece of
information requested must include knowledge of the industry or specialty, unique uses such as
advanced analytics, latest trends and future outlook, and so on. Users must be careful in
determining the type of information searched in order to obtain more reliable information and
attain the intended aim. Secondly, exercise caution while sending information on a regular
basis.The lack of guidelines in the compilation will come from the massive volume of information.
However, such standards can keep users from sharing needless and unnecessary information.


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