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Câu 1 [614564]: _______he got top marks at high school, he never went to university.

A.Despite B. Although

C.Meanwhile D. Nevertheless

Câu 2 [614569]: 27 : Advertising on TV is very expensive now. ______,there is no shortage

of companies competing for air time

A.moreover B. whereas

C.nonetheless D. consequently

Câu 3 [614570]: - “Ann borrowed the car without asking last night ”. - “ I know , and
______, he asked me for a raise in his allowance”.

A.on top of that B. therefore

C.all in all D. all the same

Câu 4 [614582]: he missed the first bus, he came ten minutes late.

A.However B. Although

C.Since D. Therefore

Câu 5 [614592]: _______ a lack of fund, the university library will now close at 9 instead of
at 11.

A.By means of B. According to

C.On account of D. Thanks to

Câu 6 [614594]: You can stay here______ you don’t make a loud noise.

A.until B. as long as

C.otherwise D. unless

Câu 7 [614596]: The price of fruit has increased recently, ______ the price of vegetables has
gone down.

Đăng kí học Tiếng Anh trực tuyến cùng với cô Mai Phương tại website!

A.whereas B. whether

C.when D. otherwise

Câu 8 [614598]: He managed to keep his job ______ the manager had threatened to sack him.

A.although B. despite

C.unless D. therefore

Câu 9 [614599]: I'll go shopping with you ____ I can get back in time for the lecture at 2 p.m. order that B. so that

C.such that D. as long as

Câu 10 [614601]: Ancient Egyptians mummified the dead bodies through the use of
chemicals, _______ ancient Peruvians did through natural processes.

A.because B. whereas

C.whether or not D. even though

Câu 11 [614606]: I like spending my holidays in the mountains, _________ my wife prefers
the seaside.

A.though B. whereas

C.despite D. in spite of

Câu 12 [614610]: The festival has many attractions. It will include comtemporary orchesta
music and an opera. ________ , there will be poetry readings anh theatrical presentations.

A.Otherwise B. Furthermore

C.Nevertheless D. In the other hand

Câu 13 [614618]: Tom’s eyes were red ______ he had been swimming in a chlorinated pool. B. but

C.because D. in case

Đăng kí học Tiếng Anh trực tuyến cùng với cô Mai Phương tại website!

Câu 14 [614619]: Jane cooks well ______ she hates washing up afterwards.

A.however B. therefore D. but

Câu 15 [614621]: I’ll see you after the show and give you 20$ for the tickets, ________ much
they cost.

A.whatever B. nevertheless

C.besides D. however

Câu 16 [614631]: I like spending my holidays in the mountains, _________ my wife prefers
the seaside.

A.though B. whereas

C.despite D. in spite of

Câu 17 [614634]: You can try your best to impress the interviewer, ______ in the end it’s
often just a question of luck. B. but C.then D. however

Câu 18 [614640]: Finish your homework, ____ you won’t be allowed to go out tonight.

A.if B. unless

C.but D. otherwise

Câu 19 [614650]: _________ his physical handicap, he has become a successful


A.Although B. because spite D. despite

Câu 20 [614655]: Interpreting is not a mechanical process of converting a sentence in

language A into a sentence in language B. _____, it is a complex art.

A.But B. In addition

C.Rather D. However

Đăng kí học Tiếng Anh trực tuyến cùng với cô Mai Phương tại website!

Câu 21 [614953]: Did you arrive at the station on time? – No, I missed 5 o’clock train;
_________ the was an other one after 5 minutes.

A.thus B. also C.however D. besides

Câu 22 [615268]: _________ I’ve cleaned it and polished it, it still doesn’t look new.

A.Because B. In spite of

C.While D. Although

Câu 23 [615270]: I bought this grammar book______ I could go over all the things we have
studied this year.

A.that B. with a view to that D. in order to

Câu 24 [617316]: To power their inventions, people have made use of natural energy sources,
_______ coal, oil, water, and steam. addition to B. as

C.and they use D. such as

Câu 25 [617317]: ________ excellent art museums, Moscow has a world-famous baler

A.Because of B. In spite of

C.In case of D. In addition to

Câu 26 [617319]: A fire must have a readily available supply of oxygen. ________ it will
stop burning.

A.Consequently B. Furthermore

C.Otherwise D. However

Câu 27 [617320]: I studied Spanish for four years in high school. ________, I had trouble
talking with people when I was traveling in Spain.

Đăng kí học Tiếng Anh trực tuyến cùng với cô Mai Phương tại website!

A.Therefore B. On the other hand

C.Moreover D. Nevertheless

Câu 28 [617321]: I am afraid that the company is in deep trouble. ________, we are going to
make some people redundant.

A.Therefore B. However

C.But D. And

Câu 29 [617322]: I like to keep the windows open at night no matter how cold it gets. My
wife, ______, prefers a warm bedroom with all windows tightly shut. addition B. consequently

C.on the other hand D. moreover

Câu 30 [617324]: Some fish can survive only in salt water, ________ other species can live
only in fresh water.

A.whereas B. unless

C.if D. since

Đăng kí học Tiếng Anh trực tuyến cùng với cô Mai Phương tại website!

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