P6 Tips (Ex-Student 2019)

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** P6 bio tiPs and toPics **

3 questions usually

Biological Drawing
 DO NOT EXCEED 20 MINS (10-15 best) (if you are very bad at drawing leave drawing at the
last to draw)
 magnification: 1m = 1000mm /// 1mm = 1000um (image size/ actual size)
 write the correct units + convert if necessary using conversion ^
 one smooth line / join lines smoothly
 NO broken/ repeating lines / sketching
 lines that are not erased cleanly will be considered as broken lines!!
 draw based on the diagram, NOT based on what u know
 everything must be in proportion! (draw it thic if it is thic)
 NO shading unless questions ask to (but ONLY do LINE SHADING not darken the whole thing)
 drawing must take up 50% of the space BUT NOT EXCEEDING the space given / too small
 label parts and the line must TOUCH the structure (use ruler)
 draw and label everything in pencil
 marks given for: size, outline, label, detail

 will give u a passage + tell u the aim so READ THE WHOLEeeEe longass thing
 identify independent, dependent, constant variables
 ^ helps to identify the procedure / precaution
 underline important stuff using PENCIL / draw any stuff if necessary for ur own understanding
 most challenging part for p6 because it will ask u about how to improve the experiment
 read ALL sub questions before answering coz some may be related

Planning Experiment
 sometimes can be hard/easy depending on our luck so let’s go pray

1. State variables
 recommended in bullet form/ numbered, in complete sentences
 for independent variables MUST have min. 3 diff values, but best is 5 diff values
 range depends on the scenario (eg: enzymes must give low temp, high temp, optimum temp
SO must have big range // conc. of CO2 for photosynthesis can hv a smaller range)
 best to give 2 constant variables
 INTERVALS of independent variable values MUST BE THE SAME (so it is valid)
 dependent variable is the one that can be observed/ measured (‼ RATE OF REACTION IS NOT
dependent because it has to be calculated and CANNOT be seen)

2. Procedure
 in COMPLETE sentences
 how to improve reliability: repeat at least 2 more times and obtain the mean of average
 mention how long the exp will last
 describe how u r going to measure the exp
 if u write “blablablabla is measured at every 2 mins interval” then u don’t have to write
“repeat step blablabla with different values with intervals of 2”

3. Precautions
 write at least one precaution (be careful when measuring, use gloves, wear safety glasses etc)


 line graph: there is a continuous data / trend
 histogram: continuous data but not very common (x axis must hv a range + must have a same
 bar graph: discontinuous data (must have same width)
 must draw axes / label units with appropriate on both axes
 axes can start at any number
 at least 50% of the grid must be used so spread it out like corona :D
 use small crosses to plot
 NO extrapolation for any graph drawn (means to not extend ur graph more than d range)
 best fit can be a curve/ straight line
 best fits dont hv sharp turning points + dont hv to touch every point
 IF there is no mention of best fit, connect lines point to point
 if line graph has no obvious trend (graph goes up n down), use ruler ;;;; but if there is a obv
trend (increase, decrease) then use a curve line
 IF the question mentions about anomalous results, circle it and DO NOT connect the point
while drawing lines


HOT Topics
1. enzyme + food test (procedures/ colours)
2. enzyme + respiration
3. enzyme + photosynthesis
4. osmosis / diffusion
5. respiration - temperature, O2
6. photosynthesis - light, CO2, temp, enzymes
7. transpiration - light intensity, temp, humidity
8. seed germination - O2, water, temp
9. gravitropism and geotropism

Control experiment
 enzymes: boiled enzymes (act as control)
 plants (eg: light and growth): put the plant in the dark
 gravitropism and geotropism: clinostat


bio precautions
 wear safety goggles / lab coat: prevent splash of chemicals in eyes or clothes
 use fume-hood: when dangerous gas is produce
 wear gloves and handle with care: when handling corrosive liquid
 wear thermal / heat insulator glove: prevent burning from hot liquid
 keep away from flame: flammable liquid is present
 wear gloves and don’t handle with bare hands: when there is broken glass
 point test tube that is being heated away from u - prevent splashing

 taste any substances when working in lab
 handle broken glass with bare hands
 place flammable substances near heat
 leave heated substances/experiments unattended
 pour chemicals down drain without permission


Sources of Error Summary

- remark
- improvements

a) counting bubbles
- bubble hv diff sizes, volume carried not constant
- soln: measure volume using gas syringe

b) observe colour change

- hard to determine end point
- soln: use colorimeter

c) inconsistent temp
- affects rxn rate (like water bath, ice water bath etc)
- soln: use thermostatic water bath

d) measure length/ mass change

- not reliable, sample length or mass not d same
- soln: measure percentage change

e) volume or mass of materials

- -no stated volume or mass used
- soln: use respective apparatus

f) source of organisms
- species age gender parts used not stated
- soln: use same organism source

g) no repeats
- not reliable
- soln: repeat at least twice

h) contamination of same pipette

- rinse b4 changing solutions

i) no control
- design control exp

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