Dehrt Japanese Niti

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European Journal of Orthodontics 10(1988) 187-191 <D '988 European Orthodontic Society

Japanese NiTi alloy wire: use of the direct electric

resistance heat treatment method
Fujio Miura, Masakuni Mogi and Yoshiaki Ohura
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan

SUMMARY Japanese nickel titanium (NiTi) alloy wire possesses excellent spring-back proper-
ties, shape memory and super-elasticity. In order to adapt this wire to clinical use, it is necessary
to bend as well as to control its super-elastic force, and so a direct electric resistance heat
treatment (DERHT) method was developed. An electric current is passed directly through the
wire, thus generating enough heat to make it possible to bend it as well as to impart a change
in the super-elastic force of the wire. With this DERHT method, the excellent spring-back
properties of the wire are not diminished, and it is possible to apply an optimal force to each
tooth with a single archwire.

Introduction Material
Japanese nickel titanium (NiTi) alloy wire pro- 1. Wire specimens
duced by the Furukawa Electric Company has Five different diameters of the Japanese NiTi
been the subject of basic research at the ortho- alloy wire, 0.014, 0.016, 0.018, 0.020 and 0.022
dontic department of the Tokyo Medical and inches were used. For comparative evaluations,
Dental University since 1978. This wire possesses other wire specimens such as stainless steel (Tru-
an excellent spring-back property and shape chrome), Co-Cr-Ni (Elgiloy, Rocky Mountain/
memory, and a unique quality called super- Orthodontics), and work-hardened NiTi alloy
elasticity. With super-elasticity the stress value (Unitek Corporation, Monrovia, California)
remains fairly constant up to a certain point of were tested.
wire deformation. At the same time, as the wire
rebounds, the stress value again remains fairly 2. Heating equipment
constant. It was also reported that heat treat- The equipment for the DERHT method consists
ment with a nitrate salt bath produces some of an electric power supply, a pair of electric
dramatic changes in these properties (Miura et pliers and an electric arch holder (Fig. 1). The
al., 1986). electric power supply consists of a transformer,
These findings indicate that it might be pos- a timer, an electric current meter and a foot
sible to bend the wire into other configurations switch. The amount of heat can be controlled
and still be able to effectively control the amount by the amperage and the heating time.
of force without completely losing the super-
elastic quality of the wire. The original method
was, however, too inconvenient to be of any
clinical value. A more efficient, direct electric Method and findings
resistance heat treatment method, DERHT has 1. Bending the archwire
now been developed. Specifications for bending. The Japanese NiTi
This report is focused on a practical heat alloy wire was bent using the DERHT method.
treatment method for clinical orthodontic use A 6 centimetre straight wire was held at
and is divided into two parts: both ends with electric pliers and was bent
1. Bending the archwire. into a curve so that these two pliers made
2. Controlling the amount of the force with a ninety degree angle. Electric current was
super-elasticity. passed through the wire, which was heated and

Figure 1 The equipment for DERHT method, (a) electric pliers, (b) electric arch holder, (c) foot switch, (d) electric current
meter, (e) transformer, (f) timer.



0.022 inch
0.020 inch
0.018 inch
0.016 inch
0.014 inch

0 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 " 60 (sec)
Figure 2 The relationship between the length of time and the electric current value for archwire bending with OERHT

memorized the new shape. Graph paper 2. A longer treatment time required less current.
was used to check whether the wire was bent For example for an 0.016 inch wire, 1.0 second
properly. of heat treatment required 5.5A. On the other
The relationship between the length of time hand, for 5.0 seconds of heat treatment only
and the amperage at the moment when the wire 3.5A were required.
was bent to a 90 degree angle is shown in Figure This study also revealed that the smaller

by the DERHT method. Since the wires were in
contact with the plaster, the current had to be
^ v . Rad./min. A cantilever straightening tester (Fig. 3) was
designed in order to examine the mechanical
Stopper properties of the wire bent to a 90 degree angle.
These were tested by rebending the 90 degree
angle back to 0 degrees and then releasing the
wire to determine to what extent it rebounded
(Fig. 4).
Grip The Japanese NiTi alloy wires which were
bent with the DERHT method rebounded to the
original 90 degree angle indicating a permanent
| 1 inch -| deformation of 0 degrees. In other words, it can
Figure 3 Schematic drawing of a cantilever straightening
be said that even when an electric current was
test. passed through the wire and heat treatment
occurred under the conditions shown in Fig. 2,
there was no change in the spring-back property.
the diameter of wire, the less electric current On the other hand, stainless steel wire and
required. For example, a 0.022 inch wire required Co-Cr-Ni alloy wire rebounded to a 50 degree
8.0A for 2.0 seconds, but a 0.014 inch diameter angle which indicates that there were permanent
wire requires only 3.5A for 2.0 seconds. deformations of 40 degrees. The work-hardened
NiTi alloy wire rebounded to a 75 degree angle
Testing the mechanical properties of the wire bent indicating a permanent deformation of 15 de-
to a 90 degree angle. Samples of 0.016 inch stain- grees. The Japanese NiTi alloy wire bent with
less steel, Co-Cr-Ni alloy, the work-hardened the cold-hardening bending method, rebounded
NiTi alloy and the Japanese NiTi alloy wires to a 55 degree angle indicating a permanent
were bent to a 90 degree angle, around a deformation of 35 degrees.
radius of 1.0 mm with a three beak plier. This
is called the cold-hardening bending method. 2. Controlling the amount of force
Impressions of these wires were made in hard
stone and the Japanese NiTi alloy wires were The electric current of 3.5A transmitted through
bent to a 90 degree angle on these plaster models the electric arch holder was applied to the

70 0.016 inch


50 DERHT method
Japanese NiTi
oo 40
The cold hardening method
30 Co-Cr-Ni
Stainless steel
20 Work-hardened NiTi
Japanese NiTi

90 60 30
Deflection, (deg)
Figure 4 The results of the cantilever straightening test.

Anterior segment Discussion

1. The direct electric resistance heat treatment
A' method DERHT method
It had already been established that when a
Premolar controlled amount of heat is applied using a salt
segment Electric
arch holder bath to a deformed NiTi alloy wire, a re-
arrangement of the metallic molecules takes
place so that the wire conforms to this new
Molar shape (Miyazaki et al., 1982). However, this type
segment of equipment is bulky and is not suitable for
clinical use.
Figure 5 The electric current was applied to A-A' for 45
The DERHT method utilizes the electric re-
minutes and B-B' for 15 minutes. sistance of the wire to generate heat. In spite
of the resulting molecular rearrangement, the
mechanical properties of the wire\are unchanged.
anterior segment of archwire (A-A') for a period The equipment involved in the DERHT me-
of 45 minutes (Fig. 5). The same procedure was thod is small and light in weight. Unlike the salt
repeated by transmitting the same current to the bath or the furnace where the entire wire has to
premolar segment including the anterior segment be treated, one distinct advantage is that with a
of this archwire (B-B') for 15 minutes. As a pair of electric pliers and an electric arch holder,
consequence, electricity was transmitted through it is possible to heat-treat only the desired section
the section A-A' for a total of 60 minutes. The of the archwire.
ends of the archwire were not heat-treated and
so the molar segments remained unchanged. 2. Bending
The three point bending test (Miura et al., Pliers and fingers are usually used to bend
1986) was then performed on each segment orthodontic wires. This is a cold-hardening pro-
(Fig. 6). The super-elastic properties of the wire cess. The stainless steel and Co-Cr-Ni alloy wires
became apparent above a loading of 280 gm commonly used in orthodontics, which readily
when the load/deflection curve exhibited a pla- undergo plastic deformation, are bent by this
teau. At the premolar segment, the wire was method. It is difficult to bend some wires such
treated for 15 minutes and the super-elastic as the NiTi alloy wires, by ordinary bending
plateau in the load/deflection curve was reached methods, due to their excellent spring-back
at loads of 180 gm. The anterior segment which properties. Pliers have been specially designed
was treated for 60 minutes demonstrated a (Unitek Corporation, Monrovia, California)
super-elastic plateau above only 80 gm. Thus by and Orton (1985) reported the use of a triple
using the DERHT method, it is possible to alter beak plier for this purpose. However, all NiTi
the super-elastic characteristics of the wire in alloy wires bent in this way lose a significant
any desired section. amount of their excellent spring-back properties.

0.016 inch
Molar segment
^.^-r Premolar segment
3 500
•a Anterior segment

2 /

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Deflection (mm)
Figure 6 The results of the three-point bending test performed on anterior segment, premolar segment and molar segment.
for 3.0 seconds. Figure 7b illustrates a wire held
at both ends with an electric arch holder and a
ceramic rod used to form a reverse curve in the
wire. An electric current of 4.5A was passed
through for 2.0 seconds.
3. Controlling the amount of force
There is an optimal force value for tooth move-
ment in orthodontics. Previously vertical loops,
electric reduction of wire diameters, etc., have
been used to vary stiffness.
In order to adapt the Japanese NiTi alloy wire
for clinical use, it is necessary to be able to
control the super-elastic force. With the DERHT
method, parts of the wire can be heat-treated
and, as a result, it is possible to obtain an
optimal super-elastic force on each individual
tooth with a single archwire. However, this type
of heat treatment is very prolonged at the present

Address for correspondence

Professor Fujio Miura
First Department of Orthodontics
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
1-5-45 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo 113

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Figure 7 The super-elastic Japanese NiTi alloy wire can be
Miura F, Mogi M, Ohura Y, Hamanaka H 1986 The super-
bent without any loss of the mechanical properties, (a) utility elastic property of the Japanese NiTi alloy wire for use
archwire form, (b) reverse curve form. in orthodontics. American Journal of Orthodontics 90-
1: 1-10
Ohura Y 1984 Orthodontic studies on super-elastic NiTi
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The DERHT method of wire bending does not 71-80
diminish the mechanical properties of the wire. Orton H S, McDonald F 198S A simple sectional canine
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Figure 7a illustrates an 0.016 inch utility wire rectangular wire. European Journal of Orthodontics 7:
fabricated with a pair of electric pliers. An 120-126
electric current of 4.0A was passed through it

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