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☺ What are the features of daytime and night-time?

☺ What are the features of daytime and night-time?

☺ What are some other features of daytime?
During the daytime …

The sky is _______.

The object in the sky is

the sun

There are _______

There are _______
people outdoors.
☺ What are some other features of night-time?

During the night-time …

The sky is ______.

The objects in the sky

the moon and
are __________
the stars

There are _______

There are _______

people outdoors.
☺ What are the people doing?
Why do they do these activity during the day?

People are working, going to school and doing outdoor activities,

bright which makes
sun shining and the sky is ______,
because there is ____
people’s vision _______.
☺ What are the people doing?
Why do they do these activity during the daytime?

light and ____.

The sun gives off _____ heat

It is suitable for us to
hang out laundry and make
the wet clothes dry efficiently.
☺ What are the people doing?
Why do they do these activity during the night-time?

The sky is _______

dark at night.

People will stay at home to

rest or do indoor activities,
like sleeping and watching TV.
☺ What activities are appropriate to do during the night-time?
What activities are inappropriate to do during the night-time?

We should /
We should / should not We should / should
should not do
watch cartoon at night. not sleep at night.
homework at night.
☺ Who need to work at night? How do they serve for us?

Policemen need to work

at night.

protect our lives.

They will _______
☺ Who need to work at night? How do they serve for us?

Security guards need to

work at night.

protect our lives.

They will _______
☺ Who need to work at night? How do they serve for us?

Staff in convenient stores

need to work at night.

It is convenient for us to
shop at the midnight.
☺ Who need to work at night? How do they serve for us?

Night-shift taxi drivers

need to work at night.

They _______
drive for us at
the midnight.
☺ What kind of animals come out at night?
Why do they come out at night?
leopard cat
I am a _____________. owl
I am an _______.

Some animals come out at night because they

look for food
need to ____________.
☺ What are the similar features among these animals?

big eyes
We have ___________.

Their big eyes can help them see clearly in the

dark and thus ____________
_______ look for food more easily.
☺ Why bats fly safely at night?

sounds when
Most bats make _________
they fly. The sounds reflect back to
them, so they can tell how far
away the nearby objects are and
dodge the obstacles.

Some bats have good _________.
They fly using their vision.
Daytime and
Day and Animals coming
night out at night

Importance of
Features resting at night
Appropriate Usage of
activities lights

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