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19-04-2023 / Set BWU/MM403/4th /CT1/2023

Class Test 1 (4th Semester) – April, 2023
Program Name – Master of Business Administration
MM403 – Services Marketing
Time - 60 minutes Full Marks: 20

(Multiple Choice Type Question)

1. Choose the correct alternative from the following : - [8 x 1= 8]

i) Identify the following: -A ______________________ is a form of product that

consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for sale that are essentially
intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything.
a) Service b) Demand
c) need d) Goods
ii) Identify which of the following is/are the characteristic of services.
a) Intangibility b) Inseparability
c) Variability d) All of the above
iii) Examine the following: - Services are typically produced and consumed simultaneously.
This is an example of the ________characteristic of services.
a) Intangibility b) Variability
c) Inseparability d) Simultaneously
iv) Interpret the following: - Intangibility, perishability, inseparability& variability are the
characteristics of _____
a) Items b) Goods
c) Services d) None of the above
v) Identify the following: -Examples of pure tangible goods include all of the following
a) Tax Preparation b) Soap
c) Salt d) Toothpaste
vi) Infer the following: - Which of the following is/are generally accepted as being
part of the extended marketing mix for services?
a) People b) Process
c) Physical Evidence d) All of the above
vii) Examine the following: - Customer satisfaction can be defined by comparing________
a) Predicted service and perceived b) Predicted service and desired service
c) Expected Service and perceived d) Adequate service and perceived service
viii) Examine the following: - Which of the following is not a benefit of customer satisfaction?
a) The firm is more insulated from price b) The firm provides a positive work
competition. environment for its employees
c) Positive word-of-mouth is generated d) Satisfied customers make purchases
from satisfied customers more frequently

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19-04-2023 / Set BWU/MM403/4th /CT1/2023

(Short Answer Type Question)

Answer all questions of the following:- [6 x 2 = 12]

2. Identify the extra 3Ps of service that separate them from goods.

3. Describe any two characteristics of service.

4. Explain the concept of the Tangibility spectrum.

5. Describe the concept of service marketing in detail.

6. Interpret the challenges that are confronted by the service sector in terms of perishability.

7. Explain any two factors that can impact customer expectations in service.

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