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Changing worship style is needed in boring church

I am officially from the Kachin Baptist Church. It is a church founded by an American

Baptist missionary Doc. Ola Hanson during the nineteenth century. The church was founded

based on Kachin context, and tradition. Subsequently, the faith, liturgies and doctrines strongly

depend on kachin context and philosophy. Subsequently, the Church and its doctrines became

very tradiction rather than standing in christian faith. Therefore, most of the theologies and

liturgies are influenced by traditional ways as well as in worship programs. Here are some new

program strategies which I want to change in my church.

My local church is a very large community and hundreds of people worship every

sunday. There are six pastors in my Church and more than forty church council members are

leading the Church. It means the church is a very strong community and serves the Lord and the

congregations. However, it should not be weak in praise and worship service in such a kind of

strong Church. This means, in our church, the leaders don’t care much about praise and worship

service rather than a traditional worship style or singing Hymn. I do not mean that singing hymns

in worship is bad, but the church should also give attention in leading the church. My strategy for

this implication is that I would change many worship styles that do make the church boring and


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