Short Fiction Assignment

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Assignment :

Analysis of “Eveline” with regard to the condition of women

in contemporary time.
“Eveline” written by James Joyce stands as a clear
representative of the treatment of women in the west back in
the early 20th century or the late 19th century. Women were
mostly deprived of any kind of freedom during those times.
There was a strong influence of patriarchal culture and women
were largely dependent on their male family members. Their
lives were largely confined within the domestic boundaries.
James Joyce, through the character of Eveline, conveys
strongly the idea of feminism. He has intricately voiced out the
atrocities bore by women during those times, the deprivation
of their freedom and the kind of mental suffering women went
through on account of the male influential society. Women
were bound to perform the roles of caregivers and protectors
of the family honor. These roles were expected to be an
obligation upon women back in the late 19th century. Women
were supposed to prioritize these practices above their choices
and decisions.
The character of “Eveline” speaks every bit of the
condition of women in Italy during those times. After the death
of her mother, Eveline is to take the role and duties of her
mother. Despite her youthful age, she surrenders herself to the
responsibilities of the household, almost neglecting her dreams
and desires, as was expected of the “ good women” back then.
She tolerated her abusive father, earned for the family by
running a store, yet was deprived of financial independence.
Also, she carried the responsibility of looking after the younger
siblings. As the story unfolds, we come to know about Frank, a
sailor who is in love with Eveline. Both have decided to elope
soon and start a new life. Frank assures Eveline of a secure and
respected wedded life, which is another instance of female
oppression back then. Here the fact that women had to depend
on a male figure in their lives, let it be an abusive father or a
husband, hits hard. Eveline goes through this internal conflict,
which had its roots in the patriarchal society of that time.
However the thought of living with an abusive
father and ultimately suffering like her mother, leaves her with
the only option of running away with Frank. When on board,
Eveline again falls into the same dilemma. Instead of making
her decision, she is overwhelmed by the society’s norms and
expectations of protecting the family honor and carrying the
household tasks. She remembers the promise she made to her
mother, of fulfilling the household responsibilities. Finally, she
refuses to board the ship with Frank and stands their numb and
silent. This clearly depicts that women were so bound to the
chains of societal norms that they could not even make
decisions for themselves. Joyce has portrayed the social
boundaries imposed on women through Eveline’s character.
To conclude, Joyce depicts skillfully how the women
were objectified and manipulated, under the influence of male
dominated society back then. Their choices, desires and
decisions were subject to the demands of the society. To make
it worse, they were fighting the constant inner battle with
themselves. Joyce has used the character of Eveline to
elaborate all these aspects of women’s treatment during those

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