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Reflection On Worship

The climax of worship may be higher than my understanding. The meaning of the term
worship itself serves fullness of meaning as submission to someone who deserves to be
worshiped. In christian faith, worship plays many indispensable roles to be fellowshipped among
the believers and to praise God. Worship, in Christianity, plays several ways; praising, reading
scripture, preaching, gathering and fellowship. There are two kinds of worship; one private
worship and gathering worship on another. Here, in this reflection paper, I am going to explore
these two kinds of worship by comparing or contrasting each other.
There are many conceptions concerning the worship services in Christian churches and
bring some differences and similarities. First, most people prefer to have private worship for they
need less time to take, to be able to admit their sins to God privately, to be able to read the
scriptures for what they want to read, and asking God’s forgiveness for their private
faults.However, according to the Don Whitney, he recommended that we each believers should
be the one of branches of gathering worship tree. He stated that there is an element of worship
and christianity that cannot be experienced in private worship or watching worship because there
are some graces and blessings that God only gives in meeting together with other believers. In
addition, my reflection for these two facts is that God himself is the creator of everything and the
universal God who belongs to all nations, tribes or families. And that is why? Because he would
like us to worship in gathering more than one.
Secondly, I would not say that private worship should not be plumped up instead of
gathering worship. God has provided blessings and graces for everyone who worships him either
privately or gathering. Richard Forster stated that, when we are truly gathered into worship,
things occur that could never occur alone. Here, we may see that God has the better plans to
bless the graces to all who worship him but special blessings are prepared for those who are
gathering in mass worship.
Finally , Martin Luther says that there is no warmth or vigor when he is worshiping alone
in the house but in the Church where believers are gathering, a fire is kindled in his heart and it
breaks its way through. In Matthew 18:20, it reminds that God will be there where two or three
gather in his name. In my reflection, in our christian life, both the private or mass worship play
indispensable roles in our services and God also wants us to be united in him and worship

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