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Good morning teachers and classmates, my name is Ana Vergara Gonzales, I am 22 years

old, I live (lif) in Huacho. I'm a college student. I study administration and international
business at Catolic Sede Sapientiae University. Today I will talk about the discovery of
“Montegrande”, a Peruvian center of civilization (civulaiseishon).

 Were the finds in “Montegrande” found (faund) recently (risenli)?

Yes, they were. Two years ago, in two thousand twenty-one, new findings (faindings) were
recorded (recored) in the vicinity (veciniri) of the Montegrande archaeological
(árqueoloyicol) site, located in the Cajamarca province (próvens) of Jaén, which evidenced
(evidenstd) its status (estaros) as a “civilizing (civilaisen) focus (fokes)” and more solidly
(sólidli) reaffirms (riaferrns) the hypothesis (jaipáteses) that one hundred years ago the
archaeologist (arqueoloyis) Julio C. Tello regarding (regarin) the origin (di origen) of the
Peruvian Andean (endian) civilization (civulaiseishon) was in the Amazon (emazon).

 Where was the site?

The Montegrande archaeological (arqueoloyicol) site is located 3.5 kilometers south (sauft)
of the city of Jaén, about 10 minutes from its Main Square, in the vicinity (veciniri) of the
Montegrande sector.

 Was the soil (soiol) layer (leier) found (faund) blue in color?

No, it wasn't. The soil (soiol) layer (leier) that was found (faund) was red, which was
discovered (discovertd) by the archaeologist (arqueoloyis) Quirino Olivera Núñez. This
layer (leier) horizontally (jórizontuli) covers a platform on which the Temple of
Montegrande is built (biltd), whose (juuz) architecture (arkitécshur) is spiral-shaped
(espairal sheipt) and can be seen especially in the center of the spiral (espairal).

"It seems that the layer (leier) of red earth (ertd) was placed (pleisdt) in a fresh state
because the traces (treices) of the stones (estons) that were covering the entrance (di
entrens) to the tomb (tumb) can be seen," he said (set) in an interview.

 Was the pottery (páderri) covered (covertd) in gold (gould)?

No, it wasn't. The ceramic (serrémek) piece (pis) found (faund) represented (reprisended)
the head (de jed) of a jaguar (yaguar) or otorongo (oudorrongo), an Amazonian
(emazonian) animal (enimol) considered (kensirerd) sacred (seicred) in pre-Inca (pri-inca)
cultures (kolshors), which was upside down (apsaid daun) and to the side of a “fire (faier)
cult (kolt) ritual (richual)” or great burning (grit berning) that constitutes (constituts) a later
event (evén) in the Early Formative (fórmatif) period (pirried).

Regarding this feline (filain) figure (figyer), Olivera Núñez considered (kensirerd) that it
would be an ancestor (ensestor) of the emblematic (di emblemadec) “Cabezas clavas
(cleives)” from the temple of Chavín (cheiven) de Huántar, whose (jus) faces (feises) also
allude (alurd) to the jaguar (yaguar) or otorongo (oudorrongo).

The seventeenth of november two thousand nine, this archaeological (arqueoloyicol) site
was declared (declerd) a National Cultural (koltrol) Heritage (jerridetsh). May eighth of
two thousand twenty-one, the Vice (vais) Ministerial (ministirriol) Resolution was
published (pablishtd) in the official (di ofishel) newspaper The Peruvian, which modifies
(morefais) the classification (clásifikeishon) and denomination (dínomeneishon) of the
Montegrande archaeological (arqueoloyicol) cultural (koltrol) landscape (lenskeip), by that
of the Montegrande archaeological (arqueoloyicol) site.

August tenth two thousand twenty-one, through (truu) the Registry (reyistri) Item (airon),
the Montegrande archaeological (arqueoloyicol) site was registered (reyisterd) with the
National Superintendency of Public Records.

In conclusion (kenklushen), archaeological (arqueoloyicol) discoveries are important

because they serve to know what life (laif) was like for people in other times of the past,
through (truu) the study of the most widely (waidli) used artifacts (arifacts) and tools (tuls),
as well as helping contemporary (kentemporari) societies (sosairis) to be aware of their
past culture (koltcher) and promote (prromut) its dissemination (disemineishon) and

Thanks (tenks) for listening.

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