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SOPAS Project: "New Project"

Device: DT50-2

DT50-2 device page "Identification":

Group "Identification":

Product = DT50-2B215552
Vendor = SICK AG
Vendor Text = SICK Sensors
Serial Number = 21250041
User Text = no name
Group "Device IDs":
     Vendor ID = 26
     Device ID = 8388686
     Part No. = 1075271
Group "Communication details":
SIO Mode = True
Min Cycle Time = 0.4 ms
Process Data In = 16 Bit(s)
Process Data Out = 0 Bit(s)
IO-Link Revision = 1.1
Group "Device Access Locks":
Parameter (write) Access Lock = False
Data Storage Lock = False
Local Parametrization Lock = False
Local User Interface Lock = False

DT50-2 device page "Main settings & visualization":

Group "Measurement":

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SOPAS Project: "New Project"

= mm
Signal level
Speed / Response Time
= Medium
Function multifunction input (MF)
= Laser on/off
Group "Output Q1":
Status Q1
= False
Q1 switching function
= Window mode
Group "Output Q2/Qa":
Q2/Qa output function
= not Q1
Group "IO-Link":
= mm

DT50-2 device page "Output settings":

Group "Settings Q1 (Output 1)":

Q1 switching function
= Window mode
Q1 output behavior
= Active low
Q1 switching point near
= 4500 mm
Q1 switching point far
= 200 mm
Q1 center
= 2350 mm
Q1 hysteresis near
= 25 mm

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SOPAS Project: "New Project"

Group "Settings Q2 (Output 2)":

Q2/Qa output function
= not Q1
Group "Timer function for switching output(s)":
Timer function
= Disabled
Time of timer
= 0 ms

DT50-2 device page "Advanced settings":

Group "Advanced settings":

= Unlocked
Display Backlight
= On
User level (Display)
= Easy
Alarm behavior
= Clamp
Maximum hold duration
= On

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SOPAS Project: "New Project"

Function multifunction input (MF)

= Laser on/off
Multifunction input (MF) behavior
= Active low
Speed / Response Time
= Medium

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SOPAS Project: "New Project"

Integration time of measurement

Process data
= Distance
Process data offset
= 0 mm
Process data resolution
= mm

DT50-2 device page "Diagnostics":

Group "Diagnostics":
Error State =0
Temperature = 24 °C
Device operating hours = 546 h

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