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Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________________

Human Geography

Canada’s Population Characteristics

1. Why is immigration important to Canada? Contrary to that, why would an increase in the
Emigration rate be concerning for Canadians and their Government? (3 marks)

2. Describe the term “Dependency Load”. Who is involved and why is it important to understand
this group as it relates to the Canadian economy and the distribution of social services in an
area? (3 Marks)

3. a) Your parents, grandparents, or perhaps some of your teachers may be part of the “baby
boom” in Canada (born 1946-1965). Describe why this generation has had such an enormous
influence on Canadian society since the 1950s. (3 marks)
Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________________

b) I have included Canada’s 2018 population pyramid to help answer the following questions.

i) What effect has the baby boom had on your generation? (2 marks)

ii) How will it affect your generation in the future? (2 marks)

4. Canada is often referred to as a “Multicultural Society”. Please use the following two terms
“Tossed Salad” and “Melting Pot” to explain some key differences between the overall
acceptance and understanding of diversity in Canada vs. the USA. (4 marks)
Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________________

5. Explain the following terms using diagrams; “population density” and “population distribution”.
(2 Marks)

6. A growing number of people are choosing to sell their homes in busy urban centres to live in
rural agricultural areas but not to farm.
a. Why might they make this choice? (1 mark)

b. How might these people earn their living? (1 mark)

c. How could an “urban mindset” affect local policy/decision making within rural
communities? (1 mark)

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