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IoT Group Project: Instruction Sheet

Remote Monitoring of Coke Cans in a Fridge using ESP32 and MQTT Protocol,
with Real-time Updates on Smartphones

Maximum members per group: 5.

Upload the finalized group details to the excel sheet given in LMS before April 7th 2023.


In this project, you will build a system that monitors the temperature of Coke cans in a fridge and sends
real-time updates to a smartphone using MQTT protocol. The system will also notify if Coke is available
and its temperature is below a specified threshold.

Materials Required:

● ESP32 development board (Or any other except Arduino)

● Temperature sensor (e.g. DS18B20, AHT21)

● Ultrasonic Sensor/IR Sensor

● Jumper wires

● Breadboard

● USB cable

● Coke (or any other) cans and a fridge

Preferred Programming Languages:

● Micropython

● C++
Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Connect the temperature sensor and the Ultrasonic or IR sensor to the ESP32 board.

2. Connect the ESP32 board to your computer.

3. Download and install a suitable IDE (e.g. uPyCraft).

4. Upload the necessary libraries to the ESP32.

5. Implement the MQTT protocol in ESP32 that publishes the temperature readings on the
“esp/temperature" topic every 5 seconds.

6. Add to the above code in ESP32 a code to publish a text message on the “esp/notification”
topic every 30 mins considering the following conditions.
i. Coke is available.
ii. Temperature in the fridge is below a threshold (e.g. 8 °C).

The text output should be “Coke is Available”, if both the following conditions are met. Otherwise
it should be “Coke is Not Available”

7. Implement a MQTT broker in a Mosquitto Server.

8. Upload the sensor readings to the MQTT broker.

9. Connect the MQTT broker to a Mobile App on a Smartphone.

10. Use the mobile app to view temperature readings as a graph of temperature vs time.

11. Receive text message notifications in the App regarding the status of Coke bottles in the fridge.

Project Presentation and Report:

At the completion of the project,submit a report and a video presentation in a zip folder to the LMS before
the deadline specified. The report should include the following sections:

● Introduction:

● Define IoT and provide context for the project.

● Clearly state the problem that the project aims to solve.

● Explain how the project contributes to the field of IoT.

● Literature Survey:

● Provide a brief overview of the sensors, hardware boards, and MQTT protocol
used in the project.

● Discuss any relevant IoT mobile applications related to the project.

● Methodology:

● Include the algorithm of the overall system using a flow chart.

● Hardware Implementation:

● Include specifications for the hardware and software used in the design.

● Include and explain the coding used at the ESP32.

● Explain the procedure of setting up the MQTT broker.

● Explain the method used in connecting ESP 32 and the smart phone to the
MQTT broker

● Results and Discussion:

● Present two plots that show the variation of temperature against time and availability of
Coke against time.

● Discuss the results and the performance of the project.

● Video Presentation:

● Create a 3-minute video presentation in MP4 format that covers the main points of the
project, including the problem statement, methodology, results, and discussion.

Reference links





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