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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75, 195343 共2007兲

Symmetry properties of spin currents and spin polarizations in multiterminal mesoscopic

spin-orbit-coupled systems
Yongjin Jiang1 and Liangbin Hu2,*
1Department of Physics, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang 321004, People’s Republic of China
Department of Physics and Laboratory of Photonic Information Technology, South China Normal University, Guangdong 510631,
People’s Republic of China
共Received 4 September 2006; revised manuscript received 20 January 2007; published 31 May 2007兲
We study theoretically some symmetry properties of spin currents and spin polarizations in a multiterminal
mesoscopic spin-orbit-coupled system. Based on the scattering wave function approach, we show rigorously
that no finite equilibrium terminal spin currents and/or finite equilibrium spin polarizations can survive in the
equilibrium state. By use of a typical two-terminal structure as the example, we show explicitly that the
nonequilibrium terminal spin currents in a multiterminal mesoscopic spin-orbit-coupled system may be non-
conservative in general, and this nonconservation is intrinsic but not caused by the use of an improper
definition of spin current in the calculations. We also show that the nonequilibrium lateral edge spin accumu-
lation induced by a longitudinal charge current in a thin strip of finite length of a ballistic two-dimensional
electronic system with intrinsic spin-orbit coupling may be nonantisymmetric in general, suggesting that some
cautions need to be taken when attributing the occurrence of nonequilibrium lateral edge spin accumulation
induced by a longitudinal charge current in such a system to a spin Hall effect.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.75.195343 PACS number共s兲: 72.25.⫺b, 73.23.⫺b, 75.47.⫺m

I. INTRODUCTION spin current can be well applied without ambiguities in the

leads. Several recent works have adopted this strategy14–18
The efficient generation of finite spin polarizations and/or and some interesting results were obtained. Of course, the
spin-polarized currents in nonmagnetic semiconductors by study of spin transports in mesoscopic SO-coupled systems
all-electrical means is one of the principal challenges in spin- not only is of theoretical interest but also might find some
based semiconductor electronics.1,2 For this purpose, several practical applications in the design of spin-based electronic
interesting ideas were proposed recently based on the spin- devices.3
orbit 共SO兲 interaction character of electrons in some semi- In this paper, we study theoretically some interesting
conducting materials.3–6 Among them, the so-called intrinsic problems related to spin-dependent transports in multitermi-
spin Hall effect has attracted much attention both nal mesoscopic SO-coupled systems. We focus our study on
theoretically5–24 and experimentally25,26 in the last several some symmetry properties of spin currents and spin polariza-
years, while at the same time it also raised a lot of debates tions in such mesoscopic structures. As is well known, sym-
and controversies.8–10 A central problem related to these de- metry analysis is usually of great theoretical importance in
bates and controversies is that what is the correct definition the studies of many physical phenomena, including the stud-
of spin current in a system with intrinsic SO coupling and ies of spin-dependent transports in SO-coupled systems.32
what is the actual relation between the spin current and the Based on the analyses of some symmetry properties of spin
induced spin accumulation in such a system.27 In most recent currents and spin polarizations in multiterminal mesoscopic
studies, the conventional 共i.e., standard兲 definition of spin SO-coupled systems, some controversial issues related to
current was applied. However, since spin is not a conserved spin-dependent transports in mesoscopic SO-coupled sys-
quantity in a system with intrinsic SO coupling, the physical tems will be investigated in some detail in the present paper.
meanings of spin current calculated based on the conven- Some results obtained in the present paper might also be
tional definition are somewhat ambiguous and the actual re- valuable for the clarification of some controversial issues en-
lations between the spin current and the induced spin accu- countered in the studies of spin-dependent transports in mac-
mulation are not much clear. Indeed, as was pointed out in roscopic SO-coupled systems. The paper is organized as fol-
several recent papers,28–31 some serious problems may occur lows: In Sec. II, we will first give a brief introduction of the
when the conventional definition of spin current is used to structure considered and the scattering wave function ap-
describe spin-dependent transports in a system with intrinsic proach applied. In Sec. III, we will use the approach intro-
SO coupling. To avoid such problems, several alternative duced in Sec. II to investigate whether there can exist non-
definitions of spin current were proposed in some recent pa- vanishing equilibrium spin polarizations and/or nonvanishing
pers based on different theoretical considerations, which are equilibrium terminal spin currents in a multiterminal mesos-
significantly different from the conventional one and also copic SO-coupled system. In Sec. IV, we will study some
significantly different from each other.28–31 Another possible symmetry properties of nonequilibrium spin polarizations
way to circumvent this problem is to study a mesoscopic and nonequilibrium terminal spin currents in a typical two-
SO-coupled system attached to external leads. If no SO cou- terminal mesoscopic structure with both Rashba and Dressel-
plings are present in the leads or the SO couplings in the haus SO couplings. Finally in Sec. V, a brief summary of the
leads can be neglected, then the conventional definition of main conclusions obtained in the paper will be given.

1098-0121/2007/75共19兲/195343共11兲 195343-1 ©2007 The American Physical Society


HSO = − tD 兺 关i共⌿̂r† ␴y⌿̂ri+⌬y − ⌿̂r† ␴x⌿̂ri+⌬x兲 + H.c.兴,
i i

where tR and tD are the Rashba and Dresselhaus SO coupling
strengths, respectively, ⌿̂ri = 共Ĉri↑ , Ĉri↓兲 denotes the spinor
annihilation operator at the lattice site ri, and ⌬x and ⌬y
denote the lattice vectors between two nearest-neighbored
lattice sites along the x and y directions, respectively. The
last term in the Hamiltonian 共1兲 describes the coupling be-
tween the leads and the central SO-coupled region, Hs−l =
−兺 pt ps兺n共Ĉp† ␴Ĉrn␴ + H.c.兲, where pn denotes a boundary lat-
tice site in lead p connected directly to a boundary lattice site
rn in the SO-coupled region and t ps the hopping parameter
between lead p and the SO-coupled region. It should be no-
ticed that, in general, the TB Hamiltonian will also contain
an on-site energy term, which is not explicitly shown above.
The study carried out in the present paper will be based
FIG. 1. Schematic geometry of a multiterminal mesoscopic SO- on the scattering wave function approach within the frame-
coupled system. work of the standard Landauer-Büttiker’s formalism.33 To
this end, we will start by considering the scatterings of inci-
II. DESCRIPTION OF THE STRUCTURE AND THE dent electrons from a given lead by the central SO-coupled
SCATTERING WAVE FUNCTION APPROACH region. For convenience of notation, we will use a double
coordinate index 共x p , y p兲 to denote a lattice site in lead p,
We consider a general multiterminal mesoscopic structure where x p = 1 , 2 , . . . , ⬁ 共away from the border between the
as shown in Fig. 1, where a SO-coupled mesoscopic system lead and the SO-coupled region兲 and y p = 1 , . . . , N p 共N p is the
is attached to several ideal leads. In a discrete representation, width of lead p兲. In the local coordinate frame, the spatial
both the SO-coupled region and the ideal leads are described wave function of an electron incident on lead p will be given
by a tight-binding 共TB兲 Hamiltonian, and the total Hamil- p
tonian for the entire structure reads by e−ikmxp␹mp共y p兲, where kmp denotes the longitudinal wave
vector, ␹mp共y p兲 the transverse spatial wave function, and m
the label of the transverse mode. The longitudinal wave vec-
Ĥ = Hleads + Hsys + Hs−l . 共1兲
tor will be determined by the following dispersion relation:
−2t cos共kmp兲 + ␧mp = E, where ␧mp is the eigenenergy of the mth
Here, Hleads = 兺 pH p and H p = −t p兺具pi,p j典␴共Ĉp† ␴Ĉp j␴ + H.c.兲 is
i transverse mode and E the energy of the incident electron. It
the Hamiltonian for an isolated lead p, with Ĉpi␴ and Ĉp† ␴ should be noted that due to the presence of SO coupling in
denoting the annihilation and creation operators of electrons the central scattering region, spin-flip processes 共e.g., the
共with a spin index ␴兲 at a lattice site pi in lead p and t p the spin-flip reflection兲 will be induced in the leads when an
hopping parameter between two nearest-neighbored lattice incident electron is scattered or reflected by the central SO-
sites in the lead. We assume that the leads are ideal and coupled region, even if the leads are ideal and nonmagnetic
nonmagnetic, i.e., no SO couplings 共or other kinds of spin- 共which is the case assumed in the present paper兲. Due to this
flip processes rather than that induced by the scatterings from fact, for an incident electron in the mth transverse channel of
the central SO-coupled region兲 are present in the leads. In lead p and with a given spin index ␴, both the scattering
such ideal cases, the standard definition of spin current can wave function 兩␺ pm␴共r兲典 in the central SO-coupled region
be well applied without ambiguities in the leads. If not speci- and the scattering wave function 兩␺ pm␴共x p⬘兲典 关x p⬘
fied, we will choose the z axis 共normal to the 2DEG plane兲 as ⬅ 共x p⬘ , y p⬘兲兴 in a lead p⬘ will be a superposition of a spin-up
the quantization axis of spin. Hsys = H0 + HSO is the Hamil- and a spin-down component,
tonian for the isolated SO-coupled region, in which HSO de-
兩␺ pm␴共r兲典 = 兺 ␺␴⬘ 共r兲Ĉr ,␴⬘兩0典,
pm␴ †
scribes the SO coupling of electrons and H0 = 共3a兲
−t兺具ri,r j典␴共Ĉr† ␴Ĉr j␴ + H.c.兲 describes the spin-independent ␴⬘
hopping of electrons between nearest-neighbored lattice
兩␺ pm␴共x p⬘兲典 = 兺 ␺␴⬘ 共x p⬘兲Ĉx ,␴⬘兩0典,
sites. The discrete version of HSO will depend on the actual pm␴ †
form of the SO interaction, e.g., for the usual Rashba and p⬘
k-linear Dresselhaus SO coupling, one has
where 兩0典 stands for the vacuum state and ␺␴pm⬘ ␴共r兲 and
HSO = − tR 兺 关i共⌿̂r† ␴x⌿̂ri+⌬y − ⌿̂r† ␴y⌿̂ri+⌬x兲 + H.c.兴, ␺␴pm␴共x p⬘兲 the spin-resolved components. The spin-resolved
i i

components of the scattering wave function in lead p⬘ can be
共2a兲 expressed in the following general form:


␺␴pm⬘ ␴共x p⬘兲 = ␦ pp⬘␦␴␴⬘e−ikmxp␹mp共y p兲

+ 兺 ␾ ppm⬘m␴⬘␴⬘eikm⬘xp⬘␹mp⬘⬘共y p⬘兲, 共4兲 A controversial issue encountered in the studies of spin-
m⬘苸p⬘ polarized transports in SO-coupled systems is that whether
there can exist nonvanishing equilibrium background spin

where ␾ ppm
stands for the scattering amplitude from the currents in such systems. It was shown in Ref. 8 that a finite
共m␴兲 channel of lead p 共the incident mode兲 to the 共m⬘␴⬘兲 equilibrium background spin current could be obtained if the
channel of lead p⬘ 共the outgoing mode兲. If p⬘ = p, the second conventional definition of spin current is applied to a two-
term on the right-hand side of Eq. 共4兲 will denote actually the dimensional electronic system with Rashba SO coupling.8 If
␴ this background spin current does exist, nonvanishing equi-
spin-resolved reflected waves in lead p and ␾ ppm ⬘m⬘␴⬘
the spin-flip 共␴ ⫽ ␴⬘兲 and non-spin-flip 共␴ = ␴⬘兲 reflection librium spin polarizations should also exist near the edges of
␴ such a system due to the flow of the background spin cur-
amplitudes. The scattering amplitudes ␾ ppm ⬘m⬘␴⬘
can be ob-
rents. It was argued in several recent papers that such equi-
tained by solving the Schrödinger equation for the entire librium background spin currents are an artifact caused by
structure. Since Eq. 共4兲 is just a linear combination of all the improper use of the conventional definition of spin cur-
outgoing modes with the same energy E in lead p⬘, the rent to a SO-coupled system, i.e., the conventional definition
Schrödinger equation is satisfied automatically in lead p⬘ ex- of spin current cannot be applied in the presence of SO
cept at those boundary lattice sites in lead p⬘ connected di- coupling.28–31 Since no consensus had been arrived on
rectly to the SO-coupled region. Due to the coupling be- whether there is a unique definition for spin current in a
tween the leads and the SO-coupled region, the amplitudes SO-coupled system, in the present paper we will discuss this
of the wave function at these boundary lattice sites 共which controversial issue in a somewhat different way. Based on
are determined by the scattering amplitudes 兵␾qn ␴⬘其兲 must be the scattering wave function approach introduced in Sec. II,
solved simultaneously with the wave function ␺ pm␴共r兲 in the we will show rigorously that no finite equilibrium spin po-
central SO-coupled region. From the discrete version of the larizations and/or finite equilibrium terminal spin currents
Schrödinger equation, one can show that the amplitudes of can exist in a multiterminal mesoscopic SO-coupled system.
the wave function in the SO-coupled region and at the
boundary lattice sites of the leads connected directly to the
SO-coupled region will satisfy the following coupled equa- A. Absence of equilibrium spin polarizations
tions: In the tight-binding representation, the operator for the
local spin density at a lattice site i 共either in the central
E␺␴⬘ 共rs兲 = 兺 pm␴
Hsys共rs␴⬘,rs⬘␴⬙兲␺␴⬙ 共rs⬘兲 SO-coupled region and in the external leads兲 will be given

− 兺 ⬘⬘
t p⬘s␦rs,np y ␺␴⬘ 共1,y ⬘p⬘兲, 共5a兲 Sជ̂ 共i兲 = 兺 Ĉi†␣␴
ជ ␣␤Ĉi␤ . 共6兲
p⬘,y p⬘ 2 ␣␤

Under the time-reversal transformation, the local spin den-

pm␴ pm␴
E␺␴⬘ 共x⬘p⬘兲 H p⬘共x⬘p⬘␴⬘,x⬙p⬘␴⬘兲␺␴⬘ 共x⬙p⬘兲 sity operator will transform as Sជ̂ 共i兲 → T̂Sជ̂ 共i兲T̂−1 = −Sជ̂ 共i兲 and the
x⬙p ជ ␣␤ → T̂␴ជ ␣␤T̂−1 = 共−1兲␣+␤␴ជ ¯␣¯␤
spin operator will transform as ␴

− 兺 t p⬘s␦rs,np y ␺␴⬘ 共rs兲, ជ , where ¯␣ ⬅ −␣, ¯␤ ⬅ −␤, and T̂ ⬅ i␴ K̂ denote the

= −␴
共5b兲 ␣␤ y
rs time-reversal transformation operator and K̂ the conjugate
where 共rs , rs⬘兲 denote two nearest-neighbored lattice sites in Within the framework of the standard Landauer-Büttiker’s
the SO-coupled region and 共x⬘p⬘ , x⬙p⬘兲 two nearest-neighbored formalism, a physical quantity of a mesoscopic system will
boundary lattice sites in lead p⬘. 关For simplicity of notation, be contributed by all scattering states of conduction electrons
in the subscript of the Kronecker ␦ function we have used a incident from all contacts, which are described by the scat-
simple symbol n p⬘y⬘ to denote a boundary lattice site in the tering wave functions 兵␺ pm␴其 introduced in Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲.
SO-coupled region which is connected directly to a boundary In order that there is only one particle feeding into each
lattice site x⬘p = 共1 , y ⬘p 兲 in lead p⬘.兴 The matrix elements incident channel, when we use the scattering wave functions
⬘ ⬘ 兵␺ pm␴其 introduced in Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲 to calculate the expec-
Hsys共rs␴⬘ , rs⬘␴⬙兲 and H p⬘共x⬘p⬘␴⬘ , x⬙p⬘␴⬘兲 can be written down
tation value of an operator, we should first normalize the
directly from the Hamiltonian 共1兲. Equations 共5a兲 and 共5b兲
scattering wave functions 兵␺ pm␴其 by a factor of 1 / 冑L, where
are the match conditions of the scattering wave function on
the borders between the SO-coupled region and the leads, L → ⬁ is the length of the leads.33 By use of the normalized
from which both the scattering wave function in the entire scattering wave functions and noticing that the density of
structure and all scattering amplitudes can be obtained simul- states for the mth transverse mode of lead p is given by
L dkm L 2t p
2␲ dE = 2␲បv pm , where v pm = ប sin共km兲 is the longitudinal ve-
taneously. Some details of the derivations are given in the
Appendix. locity of the mth transverse mode of lead p, then one can see


that the local spin density at a lattice site i 共either in the copic SO-coupled system. Since we have assumed that the
central SO-coupled region or in the external leads兲 will be leads are ideal and nonmagnetic 关i.e., described by a simple
given by Hamiltonian Ĥ p = −t p⌺具pi,p j典␴共Ĉp† ␴Ĉp j␴ + H.c.兲兴, the conven-

冕 冋 冉 冊
dE 1 ប tional definitions of charge and spin currents can be well
具Sជ̂ 共i兲典 = 兺
pm␴ 2␲
f共E, ␮ p兲 兺
បv pm ␣,␤
␺␣pm␴*共i兲 ␴ជ
2 ␣␤
␺␤pm␴共i兲 applied in the leads without ambiguities. According to the

conventional definitions and in the lattice representation, the
charge current and spin current 共with spin parallel to the ␣
+ H.c. , 共7兲 axis34兲 flowing from a lattice site pi to a nearest-neighbored
lattice site p j in lead p can be given by the corresponding
where ␺ pm␴ is the scattering wave function corresponding to particle density current as follows:
an incident electron from the 共m␴兲 channel of lead p with a
given energy E, ␮ p is the chemical potential in lead p, and Î p,pi→p j = e关Ĵp+ →p + Ĵp− →p 兴, 共10a兲
i j i j
f共E , ␮ p兲 is the usual Fermi distribution function. This for-
mula is valid both in the equilibrium and in the nonequilib- ប
rium states. If the system is in an equilibrium state, the Î␣p,p →p = 关Ĵp+ →p − Ĵp− →p 兴, 共10b兲
i j 2 i j i j
chemical potential ␮ p will be independent of the lead label,
i.e., ␮ p ⬅ ␮ and f共E , ␮ p兲 ⬅ f共E , ␮兲. Then, in Eq. 共7兲 the sum- where Î p,pi→p j denotes the charge current operator, Î␣p,p →p
mation 兺 pm␴关¯兴 can be performed first before carrying out the spin current operator with spin parallel to the ␣ axis, and
i j

the energy integration, and the summation can be trans-

formed to the following form: Ĵp␴ →p the spin-resolved particle density current operator 共␴
i j

冋 冉 冊 册
= ± denotes the spin-up and spin-down states with respect to
ប the ␣ axis, respectively兲. From the Heisenberg equation of
兺 兺
␣␤ pm␴
␺␤pm␴共i兲/បv pm + H.c.
motion for the on-site particle density, dtd N̂pi = iប1 关N̂pi , Ĥ p兴,

兺冋 冉 冊 册
ប where N̂pi = Ĉp† ␴Ĉpi␴ is the on-site particle density operator in
= A␤␣共i,i;E兲 ␴ ជ + H.c. i
lead p, one can show easily that the spin-resolved particle

再 冎
␣␤ ␣␤

冉 冊
density current flowing from a lattice site pi to a nearest-
ប neighbored lattice p j in lead p will be given by
= i 兺 关GR共E兲 − GA共E兲兴i␤,i␣ ␴ជ − H.c. , 共8兲
␣␤ 2 ␣␤ it p †
Ĵp␴ →p = 共Ĉ Ĉp ␴ − Ĉp† ␴Ĉp j␴兲. 共11兲
where GR,A共E兲 = 关EI − Ĥ ± i0+兴−1 are the usual retarded
i j ប p j␴ i i

and advanced Green’s functions, whose explicit spin- Now, we calculate the terminal charge and spin currents
resolved matrix forms are given by GiR,A ␣,j␤共E兲 flowing along the longitudinal direction of a lead q. Firstly,
= 兺 p⬘m⬘␴⬘␺␣p⬘m⬘␴⬘*共i兲␺␤p⬘m⬘␴⬘共j兲 / 关E − E⬘ ± i0+兴−1 共E⬘ is the we consider the contribution of an incident electron from the
incident energy corresponding to the scattering wave 共m␴兲 channel of lead p to the longitudinal charge and spin
function ␺ p⬘m⬘␴⬘兲, and A␤␣共j , i ; E兲 currents 共with spin parallel to the ␣ axis兲 flowing through a
p⬘m⬘␴⬘* transverse cross section 共saying, for example, the cross sec-
⬅ 兺 ␺␣ 共i兲␺␤p⬘m⬘␴⬘共j兲 / បv p⬘m⬘ = i关GR共E兲 − GA共E兲兴 j␤,i␣ tion at x = xq兲 of lead q, which 共by definition兲 will be given by
is the spin-resolved spectral function. If the total Hamil- 1
tonian Ĥ of the system is time-reversal invariant, the retarded 具Îq典 pm␴ = 兺 具␺pm␴共xq + 1,yq兲兩Îq,共xq,yq兲→共xq+1,yq兲兩␺pm␴共xq,yq兲典
L yq

再兺 冎
and advanced Green’s functions can be related by the time-
reversal transformation as follows: e pm␴
= vqn兩␾qn␴⬘兩2 − v pm␦ pq , 共12a兲
R* L
GiA␣,j␤ = 共T̂GRT̂−1兲i␣,j␤ = 共− 1兲␣+␤Gi¯␣,j¯␤ . 共9兲 n,␴⬘

By use of Eq. 共9兲 and noticing that T̂␴ ជ ␣␤T̂−1 = −␴ជ ␣␤, one can 1
show readily that the right-hand side of Eq. 共8兲 will vanish
具Îq␣典 pm␴ = 兺 具␺pm␴共xq + 1,yq兲兩Îq,共x
L yq

q,y q兲→共xq+1,y q兲
兩␺ pm␴共xq,y q兲典
exactly; thus, the spin density given by Eq. 共7兲 cannot sur-
vive in the equilibrium state. It should be noted that in arriv-
ing at this conclusion, we have only made use of the assump-
4␲L 再兺 n
pm␴ 2
vqn关兩␾qn+ pm␴ 2
兩 − 兩␾qn− 冎
兩 兴 − ␴v pm␦ pq , 共12b兲

tion that the total Hamiltonian Ĥ of the system is time-

where 共xq , y q兲 and 共xq + 1 , y q兲 denote two nearest-neighbored
reversal invariant 共which should be the case in the absence of
external fields兲 and did not involve the actual form of the SO lattice sites along the longitudinal direction of lead q,
冑L 兩 ␺
coupling in the system, so it is a much general conclusion. 共xq , y q兲典 denotes the normalized scattering wave
function in lead q corresponding to the incident electron
B. Absence of equilibrium terminal spin currents from the 共m␴兲 channel of lead p 关which is given by Eqs. 共3兲
Next, we discuss whether there can exist nonvanishing and 共4兲兴, and vqn = បp sin共kqn兲 denotes the longitudinal veloc-
equilibrium terminal spin currents in a multiterminal mesos- ity of the nth transverse mode in lead q and v pm


= បp sin共kmp兲 the longitudinal velocity of the mth transverse expressed as the subtraction of the contributions due to all
mode in lead p. The summation over the transverse coordi- incident modes 共corresponding to the terms proportional to
nate y q runs over from 1 to Nq 共Nq is the width of lead q兲,35 ␦ pq兲 and the contributions due to all outgoing modes 共corre-
and the following orthogonality relation for transverse modes sponding to the terms proportional to Tqp␴␴⬘兲, which include
in lead q has been applied in obtaining the last lines of Eqs. both the transmitted waves from other leads 共p ⫽ q兲 and the
共12a兲 and 共12b兲: 兺yq␹m q
共y q兲␹qn共y q兲 = ␦mn. It should be noted reflected waves in lead q 共p = q兲, noticing that Tqp␴␴⬘ denotes
that if p = q, the results given by Eqs. 共12a兲 and 共12b兲 will actually the spin-flip or non-spin-flip reflection probabilities
denote actually the contribution of an incident electron from from lead q to lead q if p = q. Equation 共13b兲 is somewhat
lead q to the charge and spin currents flowing in the same different from Eq. 共13a兲 in appearance, but the terminal spin
lead and ␾qn ␴⬘共␴⬘ = ± 兲 denote actually the spin-flip 共␴ current given by Eq. 共13b兲 can still be divided into two dif-
⫽ ␴⬘兲 and non-spin-flip 共␴ = ␴⬘兲 reflection amplitudes. 关See ferent kinds of contributions, namely, the contributions due
the explanations given to Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲 in Sec. II兴. In such to the transmitted waves from other leads 共corresponding to
cases, the results given by Eqs. 共12a兲 and 共12b兲 can be ex- those terms with p ⫽ q in the summation 兺 p␴关¯兴兲 and the
pressed as the subtraction of the contributions due to the contributions due to the spin-flip and non-spin-flip reflected
incident wave 关i.e., the terms proportional to ␦ pq in Eqs. waves in lead q 共corresponding to those terms with p = q in
共12a兲 and 共12b兲兴 and the contributions due to the spin-flip the summation 兺 p␴关¯兴兲.36
and non-spin-flip reflected waves. Equations 共13a兲 and 共13b兲 are valid both in the equilib-
The total terminal charge current Iq and the total terminal rium and in the nonequilibrium states. In the equilibrium
spin current Iq␣ flowing in lead q will be obtained by sum- state, since ␮ p ⬅ ␮ 共independent of the lead label兲 and
ming the contributions of all incident electrons from all leads f共E , ␮ p兲 ⬅ f共E , ␮兲, in Eqs. 共13a兲 and 共13b兲 the summation
with the corresponding density of states 关see the explanations 兺 p␴关¯兴 can be performed first before carrying out the en-
given above Eq. 共7兲兴. Then, we get ergy integration, and we get

Iq =

h pm␴
冕 dEf共E, ␮ p兲 冋兺 n,␴⬘
v pm
− ␦ pq 册 Iq =
冕 dEf共E, ␮兲 兺 关Tq␴⬘共E兲 − T p␴⬘共E兲兴,
p␴ q␴

兺 冕 冕
e p␴
= dEf共E, ␮ p兲关Tq␴⬘共E兲 − ␦ pq␦␴␴⬘Nq共E兲兴 1
h p␴␴

Iq␣ = dEf共E, ␮兲 兺 关Tq+
p␴ p␴
共E兲 − Tq− 共E兲兴. 共15b兲
4␲ p␴

兺 冕
e p␴ q␴
= dE关f共E, ␮ p兲Tq␴⬘共E兲 − f共E, ␮q兲T p␴⬘共E兲兴, Then, by use of Eq. 共14兲 one can clearly see that both termi-
h p␴␴
⬘ nal charge currents and terminal spin currents will vanish
共13a兲 exactly in the equilibrium state. It should be stressed that in
arriving at this conclusion, we did not involve the controver-

冕 冋兺 册
sial issue of what is the correct definition of spin current in
Iq␣ = 兺
dEf共E, ␮ p兲
共兩␾ pm␴兩2 − 兩␾qn−
4␲v pm qn+
pm␴ 2
兩兲 the central SO-coupled region at all, so those ambiguities
that might be caused by the use of an improper definition of

spin current to the SO-coupled region have been eliminated
= 兺
4 ␲ p␴
dEf共E, ␮ p兲关Tq+ p␴
共E兲 − Tq− 共E兲兴, 共13b兲 in our derivations. Though we cannot prove that the spin
current also vanishes exactly inside the SO-coupled region
based on the approach applied above, however, for a meso-
where Tqp␴␴⬘共E兲 ⬅ 兺 兩␾qn
pm␴ 2 qn v
␴⬘兩 v pm denotes 共by definition兲 the scopic system only the terminal 共charge or spin兲 currents are
m,n the real useful quantities from the practical point of view
transmission probability from lead p with spin ␴ to lead q 共i.e., one needs to add external contacts to induct the charge
with spin ␴⬘ 共see Ref. 33 and also the explanations given in or spin currents out of a mesoscopic sample兲. We note that a
the Appendix兲. In obtaining the last line of Eq. 共13a兲 the similar conclusion as was obtained above has also been de-
following relation has been applied:33 rived in Ref. 37 based on some somewhat different argu-
兺 Tq␴⬘共E兲 = 兺 Tq¯␴⬘共E兲 = Nq共E兲,
p␴ p␴ ments. Compared with the derivations given in Ref. 37, the
p␴ p␴
arguments given above seem to be more simple and more
transparent, in principle. It also should be noted that, based
where Nq共E兲 is the total number of conducting transverse on a similar Landauer-Büttiker formalism, it was argued in
modes in lead q corresponding to a given energy E. As was Ref. 38 that the equilibrium terminal spin currents should
discussed in detail in Ref. 33, this relation follows directly indeed take place in a three-terminal system with spin-orbit
from the unitarity of the S matrix, which is essential for the coupling,38 in contradiction to the conclusion obtained in the
particle number conservation. present paper and in Ref. 37. To our understanding, this con-
Equation 共13a兲 is just the usual Landauer-Büttiker for- tradiction was caused by the fact that the contributions due to
mula for terminal charge currents in a multiterminal mesos- the spin-flip and non-spin-flip reflections in the leads 共in-
copic system.33 The second line in Eq. 共13a兲 indicates clearly duced by the scatterings from the central SO-coupled region兲
that the terminal charge current flowing in lead q can be was neglected in the calculations of terminal spin currents


nonantisymmetric character of the lateral edge spin accumu-

lation is in contradiction to the usual physical pictures of the
spin Hall effect, though according to some theoretical pre-
dictions, the spin Hall effect should also survive in the pres-
ence of both Rashba and Dresselhaus SO couplings.12 The
nonantisymmetric character of the lateral edge spin accumu-
FIG. 2. Schematic geometry of a two-terminal mesoscopic SO- lation implies that, in addition to the spin Hall effect, there
coupled system. may exist some other physical reasons that might also lead to
the generation of nonequilibrium lateral edge spin accumu-
performed in Ref. 38. In contrast, in the calculations of ter- lation in a SO-coupled system 共with a thin strip geometry兲
minal spin currents performed in the present paper, the con- when a longitudinal charge current circulates through it.23,24
Firstly, let us look at what symmetry relations can be ob-
tributions due to the spin-flip and non-spin-flip reflections in
tained for the nonequilibrium lateral edge spin accumulation
the leads induced by the scatterings from the central SO-
induced by a longitudinal charge current based on the sym-
coupled region have been treated in an accurate and strict
metry analysis of the Hamiltonian of the structure under
way, assuming that the leads are ideal and nonmagnetic.
study 共sketched in Fig. 2兲. If only Rashba 共or only Dressel-
haus兲 SO coupling is present, based on the symmetry prop-
IV. SOME SYMMETRY PROPERTIES OF erties of the Hamiltonian of the structure under study, one
NONEQUILIBRIUM SPIN CURRENTS AND SPIN can rigorously show that the nonequilibrium lateral edge spin
POLARIZATIONS IN A TYPICAL TWO-TERMINAL accumulation does should be antisymmetric at the two lateral
MESOSCOPIC SO-COUPLED SYSTEM edges. Let us consider first the case in which only Rashba
SO coupling is present 共i.e., the Dresselhaus SO coupling
When a multiterminal mesoscopic SO-coupled system is
strength is zero兲. If only Rashba SO coupling is present,
driven into a nonequilibrium state, nonequilibrium spin po-
from Eq. 共2a兲 and Fig. 2 one can see that the Hamiltonian of
larizations and/or terminal spin currents may be induced by
the entire structure is invariant under the combined transfor-
the charge current flow. In this section, we discuss some
mation of the real-space reflection y ⇒ −y and the spin space
symmetry properties of such nonequilibrium spin currents
rotation around the Sy axis 共with an angle ␲兲. From this
and spin polarizations. For clarity, we take a typical two- invariance, one can immediately get 具Sz共x , y兲典I = −具Sz共x ,
terminal mesoscopic structure as shown in Fig. 2 as the ex-
−y兲典I, where 具Sz典I denotes the nonequilibrium spin density
ample, where a ballistic two-dimensional electron gas
共2DEG兲 with Rashba and/or k-linear Dresselhaus SO cou- induced by a longitudinal charge current flowing from lead 1
pling is attached to two ideal leads. to lead 2. It is interesting to note that this antisymmetric
relation can be deduced directly from the symmetry of the
structure under study but without need to resort to the con-
A. Nonantisymmetric lateral edge spin accumulations cept of spin Hall effect at all. Next, let us consider the case in
The study of nonequilibrium lateral edge spin accumula- which only Dresselhaus SO coupling is present 共i.e., the
tion induced by a longitudinal charge current in a thin strip Rashba SO coupling strength is zero兲. If only Dresselhaus
of a two-dimensional electron gas with intrinsic SO coupling SO coupling is present, then from Eq. 共2b兲 and Fig. 2 one
is of great theoretical interest since it was generally believed can see that the Hamiltonian of the entire structure is invari-
that the principal observable signature of the spin Hall effect ant under the combined transformation of the real-space re-
in such a system is that, when a longitudinal charge current flection y ⇒ −y and the spin space rotation around the Sx axis
circulates through a thin strip of such a system, antisymmet- 共with an angle ␲兲. From this invariance, one also immedi-
ric lateral edge spin accumulation 共polarized perpendicular ately gets 具Sz共x , y兲典I = −具Sz共x , −y兲典I, i.e., the nonequilibrium
to the 2DEG plane兲 will be induced at the two lateral edges lateral edge spin accumulation still should be antisymmetric
of the strip due to the flow of the transverse spin Hall cur- at the two lateral edges if only Dresselhaus SO coupling is
rent. Some numerical calculations had demonstrated that a present.
longitudinal charge current circulating through a thin strip of If both Rashba and Dresselhaus SO couplings are present,
a ballistic two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba SO then from Eqs. 共2a兲 and 共2b兲 and Fig. 2 one can see that the
coupling does lead to the generation of nonequilibrium lat- total Hamiltonian of the entire structure is invariant under the
eral edge spin accumulation polarized perpendicular to the combined transformation of the real-space center inversion
2DEG plane, and the antisymmetric character of the lateral r ⇒ −r and the spin space rotation around the Sz axis 共with an
edge spin accumulation 共i.e., 具Sz共x , y兲典 = −具Sz共x , −y兲典兲 had angle ␲兲. From this invariance one can get 具Sz共x , y兲典I = 具Sz共
been argued to be a strong support of the existence of the −x , −y兲典−I, where 具Sz典−I denotes the nonequilibrium spin den-
spin Hall effect in such mesoscopic SO-coupled systems.15 sity induced by a longitudinal charge current flowing from
Here, we discuss this issue from a somewhat different point lead 2 to lead 1. On the other hand, from Eq. 共7兲 one can see
of view. We will show that when a longitudinal charge cur- that in the linear-response regime one has
rent circulates through a thin strip of a ballistic two- 具Sz共x,y兲典I = − 具Sz共x,y兲典−I . 共16兲
dimensional electron gas with both Rashba and Dresselhaus
SO couplings, the induced nonequilibrium lateral edge spin Combining the two relations 具Sz共x , y兲典I = 具Sz共−x , −y兲典−I and
accumulation may be nonantisymmetric in general. The 具Sz共x , y兲典I = −具Sz共x , y兲典−I, then the following symmetry rela-


tion can be obtained for the nonequilibrium spin accumula- 〈 SZ(x,y) 〉I (h/4π)
tion induced by a longitudinal charge current flowing from 20
lead 1 to lead 2: 具Sz共x , y兲典I = −具Sz共−x , −y兲典I. This symmetry 15

relation implies that the transverse spatial distribution of the 10

nonequilibrium lateral edge spin accumulation will be anti- 5

symmetric in the center cross section of the strip, i.e., y/a 0

具Sz共0 , y兲典I = −具Sz共0 , −y兲典I. Due to the existence of this sym- −5

metry relation, one can deduce that in an infinite strip 共i.e., −10

the length of the strip tends to infinity and hence the effects −15

of the contacted leads can be neglected兲, the transverse spa- −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50
tial distribution of the nonequilibrium lateral edge spin accu- x/a
mulation will still be antisymmetric 共i.e., 具Sz共x , y兲典I =
−具Sz共x , −y兲典I for all x兲 in the presence of both Rashba and
Dresselhaus SO couplings. However, unlike the case in
which only Rashba 共or only Dresselhaus兲 SO coupling is −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
present, for a thin strip of finite length, in the presence of −3
x 10

both Rashba and Dresselhaus SO couplings, one cannot de-

FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 A typical pattern of the two-dimensional
duce a general antisymmetric relation for the transverse spa-
spatial distribution of the current induced nonequilibrium spin den-
tial distribution of the nonequilibrium lateral edge spin accu-
sity 具Sz典 in a two-terminal structure 共sketched in Fig. 2兲 in the
mulation based on the symmetry analysis of the total
presence of both Rashba and Dresselhaus SO couplings. The
Hamiltonian of the entire structure under study. From the Rashba and Dresselhaus SO coupling strengths are set to tR / t
theoretical points of view, this is due to the fact that, in the = 0.08 and tD / t = 0.02.
presence of both Rashba and Dresselhaus SO couplings, the
total Hamiltonian of the entire structure under study 共i.e., a tron effective mass m = 0.04me, the lattice constant a = 3 nm,
thin strip of finite length contacted to two ideal leads兲 is no and the 2DEG strip contains 100⫻ 40 lattice sizes. The
longer invariant under the combined transformation of the chemical potentials in the two leads are set by fixing the
real-space reflection y ⇒ −y and the spin space rotation longitudinal charge current to flow from lead 1 to lead 2 共as
around the Sy 共or Sx兲 axis with an angle ␲. Indeed, as will be shown in Fig. 2兲 and fixing the longitudinal charge current
shown below, this nonantisymmetric character can be veri- density to 100 ␮A / 1.5 ␮m. From Fig. 3, one can see clearly
fied by detailed numerical calculations. that the transverse spatial distribution of the nonequilibrium
One particular interesting case is that the Rashba and the spin density 具Sz典 in the strip is nonantisymmetric in general
Dresselhaus SO coupling strengths are equal 共i.e., tR = tD or 共i.e., 具Sz共x , y兲典I ⫽ −具Sz共x , −y兲典I for general x兲, except in the
tR = −tD兲. In this particular case, the total Hamiltonian is in- center cross section 共i.e., x = 0兲 of the strip. The nonantisym-
variant under the following unitary transformation in spin metric character of the transverse spatial distribution of the
space 共while the real-space coordinate r remain unchanged兲: nonequilibrium spin density 具Sz典 can be more clearly seen
Û+ĤÛ+ = Ĥ 共if tR = tD兲 or Û−ĤÛ− = Ĥ 共if tR = −tD兲, where Û+ from Fig. 4共a兲, where we plotted several typical patterns of
= 共␴ˆ x + ␴ˆ y兲 / 冑2 and Û− = 共␴ˆ x − ␴ˆ y兲 / 冑2. Under this unitary the profiles of the transverse spatial distributions of the non-
transformation, the spin operators will transform as follows: equilibrium spin density 具Sz典 in a cross section of the strip at
␴ˆ z → −␴ˆ z, ␴ˆ x  ␴ˆ y 共if tR = tD兲 or ␴ˆ x  −␴ˆ y 共if tR = −tD兲. Since x ⫽ 0. 关For comparison, the corresponding results obtained in
the real-space coordinate r remains unchanged under this the case that only Rashba or only Dresselhaus SO coupling is
symmetry manipulation, from the above symmetry properties present were also plotted in Fig. 4共b兲.兴 The three typical pat-
in spin space one immediately gets 具Sz共x , y兲典I = −具Sz共x , y兲典I, terns shown in Fig. 4共a兲 are obtained by fixing the Dressel-
suggesting that 具Sz共x , y兲典I should vanish everywhere if the haus SO coupling strength to tD = 0.02t 共t is the spin-
Rashba and the Dresselhaus SO coupling strengths are equal. independent hopping parameter兲 and varying the Rashba SO
This conclusion is in exact agreement with the corresponding coupling strength tR. From Fig. 4共a兲 one can see clearly that
numerical results obtained based on the scattering wave ap- the transverse spatial distribution of the nonequilibrium spin
proach introduced in Secs. II and III, which shows that density 具Sz共x , y兲典I can have either the same signs or opposite
具Sz共x , y兲典I does vanish everywhere in the particular case of signs at the two lateral edges of the strip, depending on the
tR = tD or tR = −tD. ratios of tR / tD. Even in the case that 具Sz典 has opposite signs
To show more explicitly the nonantisymmetric character at the two lateral edges, the transverse spatial distributions of
of the lateral edge spin accumulation induced by a longitu- 具Sz典 may still not be antisymmetric 共i.e., 具Sz共x , y兲典 ⫽ −具Sz共x ,
dinal charge current in a 2DEG strip of finite length with −y兲典兲, in significant contradiction to the usual physical pic-
both Rashba and Dresselhaus SO couplings, in Fig. 3 we tures of the spin Hall effect. The nonantisymmetric character
plotted a typical pattern of the two-dimensional spatial dis- of the lateral edge spin accumulation suggests that some cau-
tribution of the nonequilibrium spin density 具Sz典 in the strip tions may need to be taken when attributing the nonequilib-
obtained by numerical calculations with the scattering wave rium lateral edge spin accumulation induced by a longitudi-
function approach introduced in Secs. II and III. In our nu- nal charge current in a thin strip of a SO-coupled system to a
merical calculations, we take the typical values of the elec- spin Hall effect, especially in the mesoscopic regime.


FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 The profiles of the transverse spatial dis-

FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 共a兲 Some typical profiles of the transverse tributions of the nonequilibrium spin density 具Sz典 in the presence of
spatial distributions of the nonequilibrium spin density 具Sz典 induced
disorder. We have done impurity average over 1000 random impu-
by a longitudinal charge current in a 2DEG strip with both Rashba rity configurations for each case.
and Dresselhaus SO couplings, which show clearly that the trans-
verse spatial distributions of 具Sz典 are nonantisymmetric in general at Though several alternative definitions were proposed re-
both edges of the strip in the presence of both Rashba and Dressel- cently, it remains a much controversial issue whether spin
haus SO couplings. 具Sz典 vanishes everywhere in the particular case current could be defined uniquely for a SO-coupled
of tR = tD or tR = −tD 共not shown explicitly in the figure兲. 共b兲 The system.28–31 To avoid such ambiguities, below we will dis-
corresponding results obtained in the case that only Rashba or only cuss this controversial issue from a different point of view,
Dresselhaus SO coupling is present, which shows clearly that the i.e., we will not consider the question of what is the correct
transverse spatial distributions of 具Sz典 are antisymmetric at both definition of spin current in a SO-coupled system but focus
edges of the strip if only Rashba or only Dresselhaus SO coupling is our discussions on the question of whether the terminal spin
present. currents in a multiterminal mesoscopic SO-coupled system
are conservative. As mentioned earlier, for a mesoscopic SO-
The results shown in Figs. 3 and 4 are obtained in the coupled system, only the terminal spin currents are the real
absence of impurity scatterings. One can show that the sym- useful quantities. By use of the two-probe mesoscopic struc-
metry properties shown in Figs. 3 and 4 are robust against ture shown in Fig. 2 as the example, we will show explicitly
spinless weak impurity scatterings. To model spinless weak that the terminal spin currents in a multiterminal mesoscopic
disorder scatterings, we assume that the on-site energies at SO-coupled system may be nonconservative in general. To
lattice sites in the 2DEG strip are randomly distributed in a illustrate this point clearly, in Figs. 6共a兲 and 6共b兲 we plotted
narrow energy region 关−W , W兴, where W is the amplitude of the terminal spin currents Iz1 and Iz2 共with spin parallel to the
the on-site energy fluctuations characterizing the disorder z axis兲 and the terminal spin currents I1y and I2y 共with spin
strength. 共In the absence of disorder scatterings, the on-site parallel to the y axis兲 in the two leads as a function of the
energies at each lattice site are set simply to zero.兲 We cal- Rashba SO coupling strength tR, respectively, which were
culate the spin density for a number of random impurity obtained by use of Eqs. 共12b兲 and 共13b兲. In our calculations,
configurations and then do impurity average. In Fig. 5, we we fix the Dresselhaus SO coupling strength to tD = 0.02t and
show the variations of the transverse spatial distributions of fix the longitudinal charge current density to
the nonequilibrium spin density 具Sz典 in a cross section of the 100 ␮A / 1.5 ␮m. The lattice constant a = 3 nm and the lattice
strip as the disorder strength increases, from which one can size of the strip is taken to be 100⫻ 40. The positive direc-
see that the symmetry properties of the transverse spatial tion of the spin current flow is defined to be from lead 1 to
distributions of the nonequilibrium spin density are robust lead 2. From Fig. 6共a兲, one can see that the terminal spin
against spinless weak disorder scatterings. currents Iz1 and Iz2 in the two leads have the same signs, which
means that the spin current with spin parallel to the z axis
will flow from lead 1 into the SO-coupled region and then
B. Nonconservative terminal spin currents
flow out of the SO-coupled region into lead 2, similar to the
Another controversial issue encountered in the studies of usual charge current flow. From Fig. 6共b兲, one can see that
spin-polarized transports in SO-coupled systems is that the terminal spin currents I1y and I2y in the two leads have
whether spin current should be a conserved quantity and opposite signs, which means that the spin current with spin
what is the correct definition of spin current in such a sys- parallel to the y axis will flow out of the SO-coupled region
tem. Since spin current calculated based on the conventional in both leads and hence are nonconservative, i.e., the spin
definition is not a conserved quantity in the presence of SO current flowing into the SO-coupled region does not equal to
coupling, significant modifications have to be made if one the spin current flowing out of the same region. Similarly,
wants to define spin current a conserved quantity.28,30 one can show that the terminal spin currents with spin par-


symmetric in general, implying that some cautions may need

to be taken when attributing the nonequilibrium lateral edge
spin accumulation induced by a longitudinal charge current
in a thin strip of such a system to a spin Hall effect, espe-
cially in the mesoscopic regime. Finally, by use of a typical
two-probe structure as the example, we showed explicitly
that the nonequilibrium terminal spin currents may be non-
conservative in general. Some symmetry properties obtained
in the present paper might also be helpful for clarifying some
controversial issues encountered in the study of spin-
dependent transports in macroscopic SO-coupled systems.
Y.J. was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of
Zhejiang province 共Grant No. Y605167兲. L.H. was supported
by the National Science Foundation of China 共Grant No.
10474022兲 and the Natural Science Foundation of Guang-
dong province 共No. 05200534兲.
FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 共a兲 The terminal spin currents Iz1 and −Iz2
共divided by the voltage兲 as a function of the Rashba SO coupling
strength tR 共in units of t兲. 共b兲 The terminal spin currents I1y and I2y THE SCATTERING AMPLITUDES AND THE
共divided by the voltage兲 as a function of the Rashba SO coupling TRANSMISSION PROBABILITIES
strength tR. The figures show that the terminal spin currents Iz1 and In this appendix, we give some details on how to derive
Iz2 in the two leads have the same signs and the terminal spin cur- the scattering amplitudes and the transmission probabilities
rents I1y and I2y in the two leads have opposite signs. 关Note that for from the scattering wave function approach introduced in
clarity a minus sign is added before Iz2 in 共a兲.兴 The parameters used Sec. II. For simplicity of notation, we arrange the scattering
are given in the text or shown in the figures. wave function ␺ pm␴共ri兲 in the central SO-coupled region into
a column vector ⌿s whose dimension is 2N 共N is the total
allel to the x axis have also opposite signs in the two leads, number of lattice sites in the SO-coupled region兲 and arrange
similar to the case shown in Fig. 6共b兲. This simple example the scattering amplitudes ␾qn ␴⬘ into a column vector ⌽
illustrates explicitly that the terminal spin currents in a mul- whose dimension is 2M 共M = 兺 pN p and N p is the width of
titerminal mesoscopic SO-coupled system may be noncon- lead p兲. Substituting Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲 into Eqs. 共5a兲 and 共5b兲
servative in general. It should be stressed that this noncon- and making use of the orthogonality relations for the trans-
servation of terminal spin currents is intrinsic but not caused verse modes in the leads, one can show readily that the two
by the use of an improper definition of spin current in the column vectors ⌿s and ⌽ will satisfy the following relations:
calculations. As a matter of fact, in our calculations we did
not involve the definitions of spin current in the central SO- A⌿s = b + B⌽, C⌽ = d + D⌿s , 共A1兲
coupled region at all, so those ambiguities that might be where A, B, C, and D are four rectangular matrices with the
caused by the use of an improper definition of spin current to dimensions of 2N ⫻ 2N, 2N ⫻ 2M, 2M ⫻ 2M, and 2M ⫻ 2N,
the SO-coupled region have been eliminated in our calcula- respectively, and b and d are two column vectors with the
tions. dimensions of 2N and 2M, respectively. The elements of
these matrices and column vectors can be written down ex-
V. CONCLUSION plicitly as

In summary, based on a scattering wave function ap- A = EI − Hsys ,

proach, in this paper we have studied theoretically some p⬘
B共n p⬙y␴⬙,p⬘m⬘␴⬘兲 = − ␦ p⬙,p⬘␦␴⬙,␴⬘t p⬘s␹m⬘⬘共y p⬙兲eikm⬘ ,
symmetry properties of spin currents and spin polarizations
in a multiterminal mesoscopic structure where a SO-coupled
system is contacted to several ideal and nonmagnetic exter-
D共p⬘m⬘␴⬘,n p⬙y␴⬙兲 = − ␦ p⬙,p⬘␦␴⬙,␴⬘t p⬘s␹m⬘⬘共y p⬙兲,
nal leads. Some interesting results were obtained based on
the symmetry analysis of spin currents and spin polarizations
in such a multiterminal mesoscopic structure. First, we C共p⬘m⬘␴⬘,p⬙m⬙␴⬙兲 = − ␦ p⬙,p⬘␦␴⬙,␴⬘␦m⬙m⬘t p⬘ ,
showed that in the equilibrium state no finite spin polariza-
tions can exist both in the leads and in the central SO- b共n p⬘y␴⬘兲 = − ␦ pp⬘␦␴␴⬘t ps␹mp共y p⬘兲e−ikm ,
coupled region and also no finite equilibrium terminal spin
currents can survive. Second, we showed that the lateral edge d共p⬘m⬘␴⬘兲 = ␦ pp⬘␦mm⬘␦␴␴⬘t p , 共A2兲
spin accumulation induced by a longitudinal charge current
in a thin strip of a ballistic two-dimensional electron gas with where I stands for the identity matrix. The indices for leads,
both Rashba and Dresselhaus SO couplings may be nonanti- transverse modes, lattice sites, and spins can take all possible


values, and for simplicity of notation, we have used a simple g共n p⬘y␴⬘兲 = 2i␦ pp⬘␦␴␴⬘t ps sin共kmp兲␹mp共y兲. 共A5兲
symbol n p⬘y⬘ to denote a boundary lattice site in the central
SO-coupled region which is connected directly to a boundary By substituting Eq. 共A4兲 into Eq. 共A1兲, one gets ⌽ = C−1d
lattice site x⬘p = 共1 , y ⬘p 兲 in lead p⬘. Equation 共A1兲 is just a + C−1DGRg. Inserting Eq. 共A5兲 into this formula and making
⬘ ⬘ use of Eq. 共A2兲, then one can show readily that the scattering
compact form of the match conditions 共5a兲 and 共5b兲 on the pm␴
amplitudes ␾qn ␴⬘ can be given by
borders between the leads and the central SO-coupled region,
from which both the scattering amplitudes 兵␾qn
␴⬘其 and the ␾ ppm⬘m␴⬘␴⬘ = − ␦ pp⬘␦mm⬘␦␴␴⬘ + 2it−1
p⬘ t p⬘s 兺 t ps sin共kmp兲
transmission probabilities 兵Tq␴⬘其 can be obtained. y ,y
p p⬘

To derive a compact expression for the transmission prob-

⫻␹m⬘⬘共y p⬘兲G␴⬘␴共ny p ,ny p兲␹m共y p兲.
p R
abilities, we define an auxiliary matrix ⌺R ⬅ BC−1D. By use ⬘
of Eq. 共A2兲, the matrix elements of ⌺R can be written down The total transmission probability of an incident electron
readily as from lead p 共with spin index ␴兲 to lead p⬘ 共with spin index
␴⬘兲 is defined by T pp⬘␴␴⬘ = 兺m,m⬘兩␾ ppm⬘m␴⬘␴⬘兩2 vppm
v ⬘m⬘
2 , where v p⬘m⬘
t p⬘s p⬘
⌺ 共n p⬘y1␴⬘,n p⬘y2␴⬘兲 = − 兺
␹m⬘⬘共y 1兲␹m⬘⬘共y 2兲eikm⬘ ,
p p
= ប1 2t p⬘ sin共kmp⬘⬘兲 is the longitudinal velocity of the transverse
t ⬘
m⬘ p mode m⬘ in lead p⬘. Substituting Eq. 共A6兲 into this defini-
共A3兲 tion, then for p ⫽ p⬘ one can get
T p⬘␴⬘ = Tr共⌫ pG␴␴⬘⌫ p⬘G␴⬘␴兲,
p␴ A R
and all other matrix elements that are not explicitly shown
are zero. With the help of this auxiliary matrix, from Eq. where G␴␴R A
and G␴␴ 共⬅G␴R†␴兲 are the spin-resolved retarded
共A1兲 one can get ⬘ ⬘ ⬘
and advanced Green’s functions, respectively, and ⌫ p共y p , ȳ p兲
is defined by
⌿s = 共A − ⌺R兲−1共b + BC−1d兲 = GRg, 共A4兲

where g is a column vector defined by g ⬅ b + BC d and G

a matrix defined by GR ⬅ 共A − ⌺R兲−1 = 关EI − Hsys − ⌺R兴−1,
−1 R ⌫ p共y p,ȳ p兲 = 兺
冉 冊
t ps
␹m共y p兲v pm␹m共ȳ p兲. 共A8兲

which is just the usual retarded Green’s function. By use of The transmission probabilities given by Eq. 共A7兲 have ex-
Eq. 共A2兲, the elements of the column vector g can also be actly the same form as was obtained by the usual Green’s
written down readily as follows: function approach.33

*Corresponding author. 195343 共2004兲.

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