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Title: The Role of Women in Shaping Society

Introduction: Throughout history, women have played a pivotal role in shaping societies across the

globe. This essay aims to highlight the significant contributions of women and the challenges they

have overcome to make their mark in various spheres of life. From politics and science to arts and

social activism, women have broken barriers, challenged norms, and reshaped societal perspectives.

By recognizing and celebrating the achievements of women, we can promote gender equality, inspire

future generations, and create a more inclusive and equitable society.

​ Political Leadership and Advocacy: Women have made remarkable strides in political
leadership and advocacy, advocating for women's rights, social justice, and equal
representation. From suffragettes who fought for women's voting rights to trailblazing
political figures like Indira Gandhi and Angela Merkel, women have shattered glass ceilings
and assumed positions of power and influence. Their leadership has brought about
legislative reforms, policy changes, and increased representation of women in
decision-making processes, contributing to more inclusive governance.
​ Scientific Breakthroughs and Innovations: Women have made significant contributions to
science and innovation, challenging gender stereotypes in traditionally male-dominated
fields. From Marie Curie's groundbreaking research on radioactivity to Rosalind Franklin's
pivotal work on DNA structure, women scientists have paved the way for groundbreaking
discoveries. Their contributions have expanded our understanding of the world, advanced
medical treatments, and opened doors for future generations of women in scientific
​ Arts, Literature, and Cultural Expression: Women have been at the forefront of artistic and
literary movements, using their creativity and voices to shape culture and challenge societal
norms. Writers like Jane Austen and Virginia Woolf have crafted timeless literary works,
shedding light on women's experiences and societal expectations. Artists like Frida Kahlo
and Georgia O'Keeffe have defied conventions through their unique artistic expressions. By
challenging traditional narratives, women have brought diverse perspectives, pushing
boundaries and enriching our collective cultural heritage.

​ Social Activism and Humanitarian Efforts: Women have been at the forefront of social
activism and humanitarian efforts, fighting for equality, social justice, and the well-being of
marginalized communities. Figures like Rosa Parks, Malala Yousafzai, and Wangari Maathai
have inspired movements and ignited change. Women-led organizations and grassroots
movements have tackled issues such as gender-based violence, access to education, and
environmental sustainability. Their tireless advocacy has raised awareness, sparked
conversations, and driven tangible social progress.
​ Education and Empowerment: Women have been catalysts for change through education
and empowerment initiatives. By advocating for girls' education, providing scholarships, and
promoting skills training, women have empowered individuals and communities to break free
from cycles of poverty and discrimination. Education has proven to be a powerful tool in
promoting gender equality and enabling women to realize their full potential, thereby shaping
a more inclusive and equitable society.

Challenges and the Way Forward: Despite the immense contributions of women, gender inequality

and barriers persist. Issues such as gender-based violence, unequal pay, and limited access to

leadership positions continue to hinder progress. It is imperative to challenge gender stereotypes,

promote policies that ensure equal opportunities, and create safe spaces for women to thrive. By

fostering supportive environments, providing mentorship, and amplifying women's voices, we can

continue the march towards gender equality and empower future generations of women.

Conclusion: The contributions of women in shaping society are undeniable and multifaceted. From

politics and science to arts and social activism, women have made significant strides, challenging

norms, and driving positive change. It is crucial to acknowledge and celebrate their achievements, as

well as address the obstacles that still exist. By fostering gender equality, providing equal

opportunities, and recognizing the diverse talents and perspectives of women, we can create a more

inclusive, equitable, and vibrant society. Let us continue to stand alongside women in their pursuit of

progress and work towards a future where gender equality is fully realized.
• GROUP 5 – Laboratory Concept 5: Collection, Handling, and Storage
of Laboratory Specimen: A Nursing Perspective
• The contents per topic are listed under the course syllabus posted in
MC3 RLE Course box.
• Use the reference book: Burton’s Microbiology for Health Sciences
• Submit a written report at least 3 days before your scheduled report so
that I can verify if you will be reporting the right content. You can e-mail
them to me.
• REPORTING SHOULD BE LIVE. Be creative with your reports.
• For questions, email me at

1. Discuss the role of health care professionals in the collection and

transport of clinical specimens
- Health care professionals work closely among the other
members of the health care team essential for the proper
diagnosis and management of infectious diseases
2. Describe the importance of high-quality clinical specimens
- High-quality clinical specimens for more relevant results
3. Cite the general precautions in the proper collection and transport
of clinical specimens
- Proper selection, collection and transport of clinical
4. List the types of clinical specimens that are usually submitted to the
Laboratory for the diagnosis of infection diseases and explain how
they are collected and transported to the laboratory
- Types of clinical specimens:
- Blood
- Urine
- Cerebrospinal fluid
- Sputum and other respiratory specimens
- Throat swabs
- Wound and abscess specimens
- genital /STD specimens
- Fecal specimens

(Fundamentals in Nursing RLE)

Group 1: Medical Handwashing and Open Gloving

(Health Assessment RLE)

Group 6: Peripheral, Vascular, Musculoskeletal, and Neurological

(Health Assessment Theory)

Group 6: Special Assessment Considerations Across the Lifespan

Indications of Medical Handwashing Nurses/ Health Personnel
● Before and after contact with patient
- Any client may harbor microorganisms that are currently harmless to the
client yet potentially harmful to another individual or to the same client if
they find a portal of entry.
● After contact with any contaminated equipment
- Contamination and cross contamination of pathogens or infections can
occur after touching contaminated equipment.
● At the start and end of delivering nursing care
- During the delivery of healthcare, patients can be exposed to a variety of
exogenous microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa) from
other patients, health care personnel, or visitors.
● Before and after eating
- Germs from unwashed hands can get into foods and drinks while people
consume them. Germs can multiply in these foods or drinks which makes
people sick.
● Before charting or preparing medications
- Reduces risk of error during preparation
● Before handling sterile equipment
- Handwashing decreases the bacterial count on hands and prevents
contamination of sterile equipment

Indications of Medical Handwashing Patients/ Visitors

● Before and after eating, using bedpan/toilet
- Patients can commonly be denied access to improved sanitation
and proper bedpan management, putting them at increased risk of
healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Germs in feces can get onto
hands after people use the toilet. When these germs remain unwashed,
they can contaminate the food and drinks that people eat which leads to
● After contact with any infected material, such as sputum or drainage from a
- Direct contact with infected skin or mucous membranes can cause
bacterial infections.
● After contact with a patient who has infection or contaminated equipment
- Direct or indirect contact of infected areas and contaminated equipment
can cause the spread of diseases
● After contact with any contaminated equipment
- environment may facilitate transmission of several drug-resistant
health care-associated pathogens

Group Worksheet Learners 1-3 ---Explain the three (3) domains of Learning and give 2
examples for each domain. Learners 4-8 --- Discuss the Types of Learnings and give examples
for each type

At this time of your life:

1. How will you know if you have made the right and ethical choice? What specific
criteria or parameter do you follow to determine the outcome of your choice?
I can say that I made the right and ethical choice when others can gain or benefit
from it. I would consider it as an ethical choice if its outcome leads to the overall
betterment of the majority. That besides my own wants and demands, I can
overcome it in exchange for the fulfillment that it would bring towards more
people. It would then bring me joy and peace. As simple as doing one little good
thing everyday, it can already lead to making the right and ethical choices. These
acts can already make a big difference in this changing world. I always believe
that human beings are basically good. And as an individual, I always think of how
I can help these people. And it is through doing these good, that I can inspire
others to do the same towards others. And so, little acts of goodness can already
move others to make the right and ethical choices as well, making a bigger

2. Cite two (2) goals that you would like to achieve in the next 5 years. What
values do you need to achieve your goals?
Five years from now, I wish to achieve my nursing degree and proceed to med
school. I am certain that being in that path would require so much from me. And
so, even as a first year nursing student, I have to start equipping myself with
different values that would help me to endure what lies ahead. The first of those
values would be to possess and maintain the attitude of being hardworking. One
can really obtain what they are longing for if they show great efforts toward
achieving it. Through hardwok, it would also help me gain knowledge and
experiences, which would be essential for the path that I want to proceed in. In
order to keep that fire of passion and drive within me, I have to stay determined.
That amidst all the uncertainties and doubts that may come along the way, I have
to be determined and persistent in believing that I can reach these goals. And
above all, I have to be prayerful. Having a consistent relationship with God would
help me to stay rooted to my principles and priorities in life. Because aside from
doing my part towards achieving my plans, I would never be able to attain it if
God is not with me.

Additional Instructions:
1. The learner should provide a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 20 sentences in
answering the discussion forum.
2. Refer to Appendix "A" in the Instructional Design for the Discussion Forum
3. Deadline is February 7, 2003

1. What can you say about this discussion forum's title "Data
Collection: The Key To A Patient's Healthy Future"?

From the title itself, one cannot truly help another without the
knowledge or idea of what’s happening with that person. It is integral
for health workers to assess the patients in order to discern the best
possible aid to that patient. Data collection is important in order for the
patient to be accommodated accordingly, and to elevate any pain or
suffering within them. Not only would it help to answer the patient’s
worries or fears regarding what they are experiencing, but it would
also help determine other unknown factors within the patient’s body.
For example, a patient who thinks that they are perfectly well and
healthy, might actually be experiencing different risk factors that would
not have been noticed if it weren’t for the assessment. And so
because of the assessment, these risks could then be treated before it
worsens or progresses. Not only would the patient be benefited in
terms of their physical health, but they would also be prepared
psychologically, sociologically, spiritually, and financially.
2. What is the impact of data collection in the Healthcare industry? In
the Nursing Profession?

These interchanges between health workers regarding data gathered

and analyzed, are necessary in order to improve care and potentially
save lives. The data gathered may also be utilized by the government,
the general public, or individuals. Efficient information gathering can
result in a more accurate, timely, and trustworthy diagnosis. For the
nursing profession, data collecting enables systems to develop
comprehensive views of patients, tailor therapies, advance treatment
modalities, enhance patient-physician communication, and improve
health outcomes.

3. Share an actual experience wherein you went through the process

of data collection. Give significant outcomes of the process.

During my senior highschool years, we had our research project. We

gathered data on farmers for their perspectives on the impact of
climate change towards their farms. From the data we collected,
different factors have affected their crops such as the frequency of
rainfall and drought. Through data collection, we were able to grasp a
better understanding and share these insights to others on how we
can make interventions for the farmers.

4. Cite appropriate references. (APA format)

● The importance of data collection in healthcare and its benefits. The

Importance of Data Collection in Healthcare and its Benefits. (n.d.).
Retrieved February 10, 2023, from
● says:, C. R., Says:, R. A., says:, L. A., says:, R. V. H., says:, H.-B. M.,
says:, R. R., says:, G. A., says:, C. B., says:, N. S., says:, S. T., says:, K.
S., says:, W., says:, S., says:, B., says:, C., & says:, M. (2023, February
9). The importance of data collection in healthcare and its benefits. SaM
Solutions. Retrieved February 10, 2023, from

DEADLINE: February 11, 2023 (Saturday) at 6:00 PM. NO MORE


NOTE: For ALL questions = Minimum of eight (8) sentences ;

Maximum of fifteen (15) sentences. PLEASE MAKE A NEW

Present specific ways on how to possess and integrate these values in your life:

Compassion is the deep awareness and sympathy for another’s suffering. As human
beings, we have the heart to feel for another. I believe that every human has their own
good. That even with the harshness of what this world brings, humans are still capable
of doing good. To show compassion, we are kind. As simple as openly listening to
someone and offering ways on how we can help them, shows that we sympathize with
them. It shows that we may all be unique and different individuals, but we all have
something in common. And this similarity is what binds us to be compassionate. But it
is not only through bad and down moments that we are to show compassion for others.
Compassion is also shown when we speak kindly of others. When we encourage and
applaud them when they are able to achieve something. In times of conflicts as well,
compassion can be shown through forgiveness and acceptance of one’s differences.
Possessing a high level of emotional intelligence enables us to comprehend, control,
and respond to both our own and other people’s emotions. We all need goodness in this
world, and it is through compassion that we can start on it.

Our health is influenced by a variety of factors. A higher risk of having a child

with a birth defect or developmental disability has been linked to genetic changes.
Certain diseases, such as cancer and heart disease, can also be caused by genetic
changes. These circumstances can already aid in our understanding of disease
development. Aside from genetics, the environment can also have an impact on one's
health. People who are constantly exposed to poor living conditions have a higher risk
of developing health problems. It's critical that your home is safe and free of hazards
like pests, mold, structural issues, and toxins. In terms of the geopolitical community,
one's surroundings and neighborhood have an impact on one's health. People can
engage and sustain in a healthy environment because of the absence of factors such as
violence, crime, and pollution. Culture can also have a big impact on your health. It has
an impact on health ideas, illness and death, beliefs about disease causes, health
promotion approaches, how patients experience and express illness and pain, where
patients seek help, and the types of treatment they prefer. All of these things have an
impact on our health.

The impact of culture on health is vast. It influences how people see health,
disease, and death assumptions regarding disease causes and treatment
methods, promotion of health, how pain and illness are where patients seek
help, and the treatments that patients receive. Demonstrating sensitivity to the
culture of a patient can lead to more trust, improved healthcare, and greater
rates of diagnosis acceptance and increased adherence to treatment. Culture is
beneficial to specify what healthcare professionals and patients believe in
disease-causing factors. The stigmatization and reason for it on diseases or
conditions are also influenced by culture. To explain the experiences of disease
and agony are expressed through culture. It is through the aspect of culture that
where and how patients ask for support, assistance, and possibly when they
create their first approach is being addressed. The degree of comprehension and
compliance with suggested therapeutic choices recommended by healthcare
professions that don’t divulge their cultural beliefs, is also influenced by culture.
Healthcare professionals must change and be conscious of the variations that
exist in the attitudes of various communities towards health and wellbeing.
Culture plays a role in where and how patients ask for help, as well as perhaps in
how and when they develop their initial approach. Culture also affects how well
patients understand and follow the therapeutic recommendations made by
healthcare professionals who don't disclose their cultural biases. The attitudes of
various groups regarding health and wellness vary, and healthcare practitioners
must adapt and be aware of this.

Discuss a teaching intervention and two (2) learning activities that

are most beneficial for them to facilitate optimal experience :
A one-to-one intervention is a helpful teaching intervention for the
learner. In this type of intervention, an educator is able to reach the
learner more in terms of being able to focus on the learner’s needs.
Specific concerns of the learner would be addressed by the educator.
And through this teaching intervention, the educator is able to observe
the lacking competencies of the learner. Learning activities like question
of the day exercise, is an activity that encourages the learner to write a
response to an open question. This gives an opportunity for the learner
to organize their thoughts and for the educator to receive feedback.
Another learning activity is interactive demonstrations. It is done to
demonstrate a concept or skill. Through this activity, the learner is able to
understand the topic in a much more thorough and clearer way. The
learner would then be able to visualize and reenact the points of the
topic. These in turn would facilitate an optimal experience.

1. Do you believe in James Fowler's Theory of Spiritual Development? Why

and Why not?

Faith is a virtue that completes a person and provides him purpose. As

human beings, we carry faith in what we do. In order to be a holistic being, we
must also be concerned in our spiritual growth and development. To be spiritually
connected, it enables us to deal with life in all aspects. That despite all the good
and bad things, we would have the capacity to overcome it all. Having a deeper
connection with our spirituality, would also establish a healthier and firmer
connection with life in general. And just like Jame Fowler, I also believe that other
areas of our human development also coexist with the growth of our spiritual
consciousness. In his Theory of Spiritual Development, Fowler enumerated
stages of spiritual development that would help readers like us to further develop
this aspect of our humanity. These stages further highlight that as we continue to
progress and grow, our capacity to think and act would also be influenced by our
2. Basing from his theory, which stage do you think you're in? Explain why.
​ Stage 2: Mythic-Literal Stage
​ Stage 3: Synthetic-Conventional Stage
​ Stage 4: Individuative-Reflective Stage
​ Stage 5: Conjunctive Stage
​ Stage 6: Universalizing Stage
​ In James Fowler’s Theory of Spiritual Development, I think that I am now
in the Conjunctive Stage. From experiences, I’ve seen and heard of different
outlooks in life. Most especially that news and ideas are able to reach vastly and
rapidly, my perceptions in life are also influenced by these ideologies and
systems. I am definitely now more aware that there are other belief systems. And
just because it may seem different than my own, it does not mean that these
beliefs are to be discarded and rejected. Because despite believing in different
things, humans can still find something to share in common with. And this in turn
makes me able to adapt to changes and influence change towards others as
well. And as an individual, I am also made and perceived by my own beliefs and
values. To have a strong ground or foundation for these beliefs would also
ensure that I am to stay rooted to it despite integrating new ideas.

3. What is the importance of providing spiritual care to patients?

Aside from attending to patients with their physiological needs, spiritual care is
just as important. It is important to cater to these needs since it provides the patient a
sense of meaning, purpose, value, love, belonging, hope, peace, and gratitude. Spiritual
care can also give assurance to patients who are feeling distressed with the idea of
losses in relationships, independence, and control. When all these needs are met, the
patient’s overall well being would definitely change positively. Topics like death would
also be less terrifying for the patient if their spiritual aspect is being properly established.
Spiritual care can also bring a new light towards the patient’s interpersonal
relationships. Not only would this type of care bring benefits for the patient, but it would
also help the patient’s family to be well taken care of by communicating and
sympathizing with them. Thus, these people would then be aware of how to provide love
and enthusiasm for their unwell or sick family.


a. Right to freely and openly advocate for themselves and their patients.
- As healthcare workers, nurses should be given the voice to stand for what
they know best towards themselves and their patients. Since nurses have
direct patient contact, they should be able to know best on their patient’s
concerns. And it is their right to be able to freely raise these concerns in
order to facilitate the adequate aid for these patients. And as nurses, they
should also be given the right to advocate for their own welfare. Nurses
should have the right to be heard and treated fairly.
b. Right to a safe work environment
- In order for the nurses to efficiently do their task, it is important that they
are to work in a safe environment. A nurse’s job already involves high
chances of risk when facing different illnesses and diseases, and it would
result in more danger if their working place is not safe. Not only would the
nurse’s welfare be at risk, but the patient’s life would also be jeopardized.
Having the right to a safe working environment would allow the nurse to
exercise their profession in the best way possible. To be provided with a
safe working environment would also imply that the facility is to be trusted,
and that it is a secure place to administer patients.
c. Right to fair compensation
- Just like any other jobs, nurses should be given ample credit for their
profession. As nurses, they play a huge role in maintaining the life and
health of patients. And to show that they are given importance, they
should be provided with fair compensation. Although money may not be
the priority that commands nurses to help those who are sick and ill, they
should be paid adequately for the significance of their job towards the
welfare of a community. Providing them with fair compensation is the least
that one could do to properly acknowledge their job with high regards.
d. Right to a work environment that supports and facilitates ethical practice.
- Being a nurse is an honorable profession. As nurses, they are oathed to
maintain the integrity of their job. It is their right to work in an environment
that implements these legal and moral standards. It would ensure that the
nurse’s and patient’s rights are not to be violated and should be upheld at
all times. It would also keep the nurse and patient safe from factors
affecting what is morally right and wrong.
e. Right to negotiate conditions of their employment.
- Nurses are their own individual. They have the freedom and right to
demand fair treatment and conditions in terms of their profession. When
they may feel violated, they are given the right and consent to speak up
against it. As employees, nurses are expected to carry and practice
regulations. But it does not denote that they are expected to undertake
terms that would violate their principles and profession.

2.2. Answer this question:

2.2.1 When do you consider a “Right” as a Right?

- I consider it as right when it benefits the majority, specifically the majority needing
it the most. Our decisions may be influenced by our own demands and needs.
We may try to convince ourselves that these decisions are for the betterment of
others, but in reality we always put ourselves first. I consider “right” as something
right when these decisions are made for the sole purpose of gaining a better
circumstance for others. That despite my own selfish reasons, I am not to use
this to obliterate my morals and principles. And that even if not all might agree to
it, I consider it as right when I know that it does not fall away from morality. Right
is something that is morally good and should be justified as morally good.

My logo highlights the factors associated with the role of a nurse. And in accordance
with these factors, the nurse should maintain a balance between what is legal and moral
in associating their ethical rights, responsibilities, and regulations. “Do the sick no
harm”, emphasizes that as a nurse, their main priority is to ensure that the standards
expected of them are met in order to assist the patient with the best aid possible.

A haircut helps frame the children’s face shape, age, and hair structure. It helps
distinguish a child’s appearance. In terms of beauty and appearance, haircuts enhance
the child’s confidence. Having a clean and maintained hair would give the child a fresh
and healthy look.

But besides the purpose of beauty that is given from having a proper haircut,
having a haircut is also imperative for a lot of health causes. Every 12-16 weeks, hair
naturally begins to fray and split. It begins near the ends of the hair shaft, but the
damage brought by the hair can occur along the hair strand. Split ends cause the hair to
become dry and brittle. And once the hair is split, the only way to treat this is when it is
trimmed. Getting rid of these split ends and breakage, aids in the growth and strength of
the hair. Instead of having frizzy, damaged, and unruly hair, haircuts grow the hair into a
thicker, longer, shinier, and glossier appearance. And as active individuals, children
would much prefer having a hairstyle that is easier to manage and not obstructing their
daily movements. . Haircuts make the hair less tangy and less flyaways.
Objective making is always a part of any activity in health care.

Objectives are important in determining the progress made towards attaining

goals. It sets you on the path where the strategies and plans to reach these goals are
formulated correctly. With these objectives, the healthcare team can come up with the
best options and motivate them to work toward a common goal for the patient. Most
especially that as healthcare workers and that they are to make the right decisions,
having a clear set of objectives would help them make the right decisions and move in
the right direction. By accomplishing the set objectives, it would also be a step further
towards reaching the ultimate goal. Overall , objectives would help you see to it that the
specific steps are followed in accordance with the scheduled time frame in order to
accomplish the short term goals.

1. What’s your name?

2. What is your nationality?
3. What is your occupation?
4. What are your hobbies and interests?
5. What language are you speaking?
6. Do you understand and are able to speak Tagalog?
Your group was given a situation for a group discussion .

What should you do if a member is taking over the discussion to the

exclusion of others who want to talk.

Answer in 5 (five) statements

I would politely interrupt and recommend for others to speak. I would

also properly explain the reason why I must interrupt and on why there is
a need for others to speak. I have to remind that member that as a
group, everyone’s participation is needed in order to create the best
outcome. That by solely taking the responsibilities of the group as his/her
own, it would defeat the purpose of being in a group. He/she should be
oriented with how group works are done.

How do you apply these steps if you are to conduct a teaching activity, give 2 examples
for each step/activity.

Discuss a teaching intervention and two (2) learning activities that are
most beneficial for them to facilitate optimal experience

A teaching intervention would be demonstration and return

demonstration. Demonstration is done by the educator to show the
learner how to perform a certain skill. Return demonstration is carried
out by the learner by performing a task with cues from the educator.
Asking questions and having a discussion are learning activities that can
be done for this teaching intervention, to facilitate an optimal experience
for the learners.

Cite the signs of a child's readiness for toilet training. Should toilet training begin and be
completed during toddlerhood? Justify your answer.

Some signs of a child’s readiness or toilet training is when they can have a dry and
unsoiled diaper for up to two hours. Another is when they know how and when to inform
when they are about to poop and pee. They should also know how to pull their bottoms
up and down independently. Being able to follow simple instructions is also another sign
that they can now be taught on how to toilet train. Toilet training should begin and be
completed during toddlerhood in order to train and develop the child on understanding
their body signals and to start them on being responsible for their own bodies. It helps
them learn independence and self-sufficiency which is integral for the next stages of
their life. Toilet training also enhances a child’s cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
developmental aspect, which should be appropriate for toddlerhood.

Sources: Toilet training: a practical guide. (n.d.). Raising Children Network.

A: Good morning, ma’am. I am your student nurse for today’s shift. Can you please
state your name?

Z: Zamantha Bedonia

A: Okay ma’am Bedonia, I am here to provide you information on the results of the tests
we took earlier. I’ll be discussing this information on a one-on-one basis. You’ll also be
able to ask questions and voice out any concerns as well. Are you comfortable and
okay with that?

Z: I’m totally okay with it, thank you.

A: Okay, ma’am. You’re having your first baby at 3 months and you came because
you’ve been experiencing excessive nausea and vomiting. Am I correct, ma’am?

Z: Yes, it makes me feel very unwell. I cannot even keep my food and beverage down
because of how frequently I feel nauseous and vomiting. Is everything okay with me and
my baby?

A: You have been diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, ma’am. Symptoms like
your severe nausea and vomiting, are because of this disorder. This order might be
caused by an increase in your hormone levels, wherein your body produces huge
amounts of human chorionic gonadotropin or your “pregnancy hormones” as well as
estrogen. All these hormones are essential for the growth and differentiation of your
baby. Because you mentioned that you can’t keep your food and beverage down
frequently because of the constant nausea and vomiting, you may become dehydrated
and may also lose weight. Hyperemesis Gravidarum is unlikely to harm your baby if
treated effectively, but if you continue to lose weight, there is a high risk that your baby
may be born smaller than expected or have a lower birth weight.
1. What can you say about this discussion forum's title
"Assessment: An Essential Key Towards Wellness"?

An assessment ensures that sufficient and proper health interventions

are given to the patient. It identifies underlying issues that would be
important in alleviating their suffering. Through proper assessment,
healthcare teams can formulate an appropriate care plan that would
directly cater to the patient’s needs.

2. Identify one (1) important nursing responsibility for each.

Briefly explain.

2.1 Before Head-to-Toe Assessment

● Check the functionality of the materials and equipment to

be used - this is to save time and energy before doing the

2.2 During Head-to-Toe Assessment

● Integrate health promotion and health education while

performing the assessment - this is to give the patient an
idea on how to properly manage their health and to ease
their worries while performing the assessment.

2.3 After Head-to-Toe Assessment

● Document the data gathered - this is to provide baseline
data for other members of the healthcare team.

3. Share an actual experience wherein you went through the

process of assessment. This experience may be non-medical or

An experience wherein I was assessed was when I took my driver’s

license. First, they checked if I am physically capable of driving by
performing medical assessments. They also assessed my knowledge
on whether I know the rules and regulations of driving through taking
an online exam. And lastly, they also assessed my readiness and
preparedness in driving through observing how I drived.

4. Cite appropriate references. (APA format)

Appendix 10: Health Assessment Information for Patients. (n.d.).

Briefly discuss two ( 2 ) traits that will make you a leader.What type of a

leader are you ? Why?

5-10 sentences, choose and explain one (1) therapeutic communication

technique that a nurse must apply in communicating with the clients.

A therapeutic technique that a nurse must apply in communicating with a

client is offering oneself. It gives a sense of healing and comfort since

you are suggesting your presence, interest, or wish to understand the

client. Staying in a hospital can be hard and lonely for the patient

especially since it adds stress to their condition. And so when nurses

offer their time and self, these will make the patient feel valued and

appreciated. Even as simple as accompanying them, it can already help

alleviate their mood and condition.

Source: Rivier University. (2019). 17 therapeutic communication techniques.

Rivier Academics.



1. Which scene in the film moved you the most and why?

2. What important lesson/s did you learn after witnessing the impact of COVID19 not
just on the patients but on the family, other health care workers and the entire society as
well. *Note that these are just guide questions so their answers must be incorporated in
your paper. Do not label them as “Number 1. ___answer___” Submit your work in “PDF”
form under “ASSIGNMENTS: Laboratory Exercise 8” before the stated deadline. This is
an individual activity and there should only be 1 submission per student. File name:
Year&Section-Family Name-Lab8 Example: 1A-Sotes-Lab8
The onset of the COVID-19 was really a horrific experience for everyone. It was
rapid, intense, and frightening. But what I thought was already bad, was actually worse
for the frontliners, most especially the healthcare workers. They were the ones working
behind the scenes of the chaos and having direct access to the commotions. Upon
watching the video, it really opened my eyes to realize that aside from being physically
ready, you also need to be mentally, socially, emotionally, and spiritually prepared. In
other words, you have to brace yourself as a whole. But in these types of situations, one
can never be truly ready especially when it deals with life and loss.

When I watched the video, it was hard not to project the same worry, fear, and
stress that the healthcare teams were constantly experiencing. A scene in the film that
moved me the most was when the nurse cried upon seeing the state of her patient
whom she felt emotionally connected to. Because like the patient, she too has kids at
home who are looking forward to her safe return. It took an emotional toll on me
because it spoke volume on the patient’s status and on how detrimental COVID-19 is in
which the nurse was only hoping that her patient will survive. It also made me realize
that a strong will can bring out so much energy and drive from a person. And that alone
speaks a lot on how the world handled the COVID-19 pandemic. Because no matter
how tedious and exhausting life has been for us, if we are as resolute and stubborn as
life is on us, we can eventually make it. From the film, if the patients, healthcare
workers, families, and the entire society chose to let these setbacks win by not having
the force or perseverance to push through life, a much greater loss and problem would
have arisen. After watching the film, another takeaway that I have learned is that every
individual counts. Each and everyone one of us has a role to partake in, whether it be in
our family, society, and even within ourselves. These roles interconnect with others’.
Whatever actions we do, it would then eventually affect and bring changes to others.
And so, it is important to live life bearing kindness, will, and compassion to help
ourselves and others.

A lot has changed since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have risen,
accepted, and learnt from it. But no matter how time would bring us farther from that
point of our lives, we should never forget the experiences that shaped us into who we
are now. That as we get to experience a new day, let us remember to be grateful and
thankful to our God for having given us this gift of life. And from the deaths caused by
the COVID-19, we should remember that we are never certain of how and when we are
to return this gift of life. And so, we should live life meaningfully with the people we love.

Globalization refers to the interconnectedness of groups brought by the relationships

formed from trade, technology, and information. It bridges the cultures, populations, and
traditions of diverse groups and influences. Globalization transforms trends, lifestyles,
and societies by bringing interrelated ideas and concepts from different sources. It
lessens gaps as it connects possibilities. Through globalization, opportunities are more
accessible. Opportunities like international trade, job recruitments, and increased flow of
capital are only some of the benefits brought by globalization. With all these,
globalization has made it easier and efficient for people to converse and share ideas or
information with each other.

1. Explain what is neo-liberalism in the context of your discussion a

while ago.
Neo-liberalism revolves around the ideology that less involvement
would greatly affect the depletion or augmentation of the economy.
Government policies involving market-centered ideals, specifically
reduction of prices, accessible trade barriers, and free trade are
some of the factors that would directly or indirectly alter the flow of
our economy.

2. What is the Fiat system?

The Fiat system regulates currencies that are not dependent or

supported by high value commodities like gold. This is issued by
the government and thus the value of this currency is directly
proportional to the rest of the world.

3. Explain Mercantilism in the context of our lesson.

Mercantilism is prevalent during great economical competitions. As

a means to cope and ensure the economy’s survival, this ideal
provides restrictive trade practices. This in turn would be
advantageous for the people adhering to these regulations.

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