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Diet Chart For People suffering with Low BP by Catalyst Health Team

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Of Low
re Diet
– 7 Day
Sunday Monda Tuesda Wedne Thursd Friday Saturd
y y sday ay ay
Breakf 2 Cornfla ½ cup 1/3rd 3 4 1/3rd
ast stuffed kes cucum tomato cashe raisins cup
(8:00 cabbag and ber chutne w nuts +4 tomato
to 8:30 e milk raita + y+ +4 almond chutne
AM) chapati with 2 methi onion almond s + one y + ½
+½ strawb parath and s+ cup of cup
cup erry (3 a + cucum cornfla coffee cucum
cucum to 4) + 1/3rd ber kes, ber
ber 4 tomato raita + milk, raita +
raita + almond chutne 2 with 2 cup
1/3rd s and 3 y spinac banana grated
cup cashe h carrot
tomato w nuts parath parath
chutne a a
a a
Mid- Four Two Four Four Two Four Four
Meal raisins slices raisins raisins rusks raisins raisins
(11:00 and of and and and and and
to four toasts four four one four four
11:30 almond and almond almond cup of almond almond
AM) s and one s and s and coffee s and s and
one cup of one one one one
cup of coffee cup of cup of cup of cup of
coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee
Lunch ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup One to
(2:00 chicke cauliflo soybea egg sambar paneer two
to 2:30 n curry wer n curry curry + + 2 curry roaste
PM) and curry and 2 2 dosas and 2 d
two and chapati chapati + 1/3rd chapati papad
chapati one s cup +½
s cup raita cup
rice dum
flakes aloo +
pulao 1 cup
and vegeta
one to ble
two pulao
Evenin One Two One One One One One
g (4:00 guava chikus cup apple cup of ripe orange
to 4:30 pomeg grapes banana
PM) ranate
guava chikus cup apple cup of ripe orange
to 4:30 pomeg grapes banana
PM) ranate
Dinner ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup
(8:00 bottle Ridge mix snake
to 8:30 gourd gourd vegeta gourd
PM) curry curry + ble curry +
and 2 2 curry two
chapati chapati and 2 chapati
s chapati

To deal with the signs of low blood pressure, maintaining a proper diet is essential. The low blood
pressure diet must include things like:

. Plenty of fluids – Dehydration reduces the volume of your blood, which eventually
decreases the BP levels. Drinking a lot of fluids can help you maintain normal blood

. Boost your B12 intake – Vitamin B12 plays a significant role in producing healthy red blood
cells. Not having sufficient B12 levels can damage your nerves and other organs. To deal
with low BP problems, you can include fish, chicken, eggs and low-fat dairy products.

. Cut back on carbs – Foods rich in carbohydrates tend to get digested quickly compared to
others. This can result in a sudden decrease in blood pressure, leading to low BP
problems. Cutting back on these food items can improve your blood pressure levels.

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