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PS Debate

Eating too much rice could provide you with too many carbohydrates and not
enough vitamin C. It can also raise your risk for Type 2 diabetes and
cardiovascular disease.

According to USDA FoodData Central, a single cup of cooked short-grain,

enriched white rice contains 53 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of calcium, 2.72
grams of iron, 15 grams of magnesium, 4.39 grams of protein and 242 calories.
There are also small amounts of vitamins like folate and thiamine, as well as
minerals like potassium, phosphorus and iron. There is absolutely no vitamin C,
vitamin A or vitamin D among the vitamins in rice, and very little sodium, even in
fortified short-grain white rice. Unenriched short-grain white rice contains even
less of these vitamins and minerals. There are also small amounts of vitamins
like folate and thiamine, as well as minerals like potassium, phosphorus and iron.
There is absolutely no vitamin C, vitamin A or vitamin D among the vitamins in
rice, and very little sodium, even in fortified short-grain white rice. Unenriched
short-grain white rice contains even less of these vitamins and minerals. Rice
has a minimal amount of important macronutrients and micronutrients. Eating too
much rice and not enough other foods with diverse nutrients could leave you with
a nutrient deficiency.

Scientists have found that eating a lot of rice increases the risk of dying from
heart disease due to the naturally occurring arsenic in the crop. Rice is the most
widely consumed staple food source for a large part of the world's population.

High blood pressure, high fasting blood sugar, high triglyceride levels, a big
waistline, and low levels of "good" HDL cholesterol are all risk factors. People
who eat a lot of white rice on a regular basis have a higher risk of metabolic

Rice makes your stomach full very easily and you may feel bloated. Going to bed
straight after having rice is not good for your health. You also feel hungry very
often after having rice and this leads to overeating. Rice contains a high quantity
of starch and if you consume it in excess it may increase Diabetes. Due to the
high starch content, rice increases sugar level in the body and hence it's
advisable for diabetic individuals not to consume it.
1. Arsenic toxicity
Rice accumulates more arsenic than other food crops. In fact, it is the single
biggest food source of inorganic arsenic, which is the more toxic form.
While Dietary arsenic is generally present in low amounts, and does not cause
any immediate symptoms of poisoning, long-term ingestion of inorganic arsenic
may cause various nerve problems in children and teenagers, such as: Impaired
concentration, learning and memory, Reduced intelligence and social

2. Diabetes
Rice contains carbohydrates which is in fact the equal of having sugar. So
frequent consumption of rice in large quantities could cause diabetes.
A team of researchers led by Qi Sun, MD, at the Harvard School of Public Health
in Boston, confirmed this, they found that eating white rice on a daily basis could
boost high risk for developing type 2 diabetes and also causing obesity.

3. It leaves no room for balanced diet

Consuming too much rice or any other food for that matter may cause you to eat
too little of the other nutrients needed to ensure optimal health. Over time the
body will suffer deficiencies like vitamin A, zinc, iron.

4. Rice prevents the absorption of several vitamins and minerals

Rice when taken in bulk will reduce the absorption of vital nutrients like zinc.
A Dependence on rice as a predominant food source also leads to Vitamin A

5. It affects Glucose metabolism in the body

As a result of its low calories and high carbohydrate content, eating too much rice
may adversely affect glucose metabolism and insulin production in your body.
This can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, and even diabetes.

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