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asia UPDA Questionnaires 1. Temperature (Allowable) of Asphalt during lining.(135 degree centigrade.) 2. Plasticity index of soil (PI)=L.L(liquid limit) - P.L(Plastic limit) 3. Time cost curve is representing the relation between..?Earned cost and plan cost) 4. The direct cost includes the following labors and staff cost, project Materials (supplies), plants, transportation (travel) and consultant services. 5. Indirect cost and expense during the project, overhead, profit and administrative equipment rental, audit and legal. 6. Elevation of leveling device is 106:23 what is grand level if reading of the stand is 6:52? 7. If T-Shaped beam is passing through many supports, the section above the support should be designed as? rectangle section. 8. Interdisciplinary nature of Engineering project is defined as the integrates between different disciplines within the project like civil, mechanical. Architect, electrical department in information, data, techniques, tools, concept, .etc. to solve problems whose solutions are 1g cost (time and beyond the scope of a single discipline. Also, we can call the Interdisciplinary engineer as coordinator engineer. The course of interdisciplinary encourages you to combine (integrate) your knowledge and experience with that of others. Also, itis the interconnections among. different departments within the project organization, work with others from different backgrounds and sections to pose and evaluate resolutions to complex problems. It is how to work within a team. The collaboration between all departments within the construction of the project. 9. PERTis program evaluation review technical 20. If the load magnitude on a traditional R.C column increases cor in one plane is constant.(zero} 11, If design speed of road is 60 mile and r=8%, 12, Slump test of concrete is used for workability 13. To extract good samples of rock we are (single tube barrel ~ double tube - barrel Shelby tube — traditional split spoon) 14, From type of sedimentary rocks is, wuously, the allowable moment | then the minimum radius is equals to? There are often distinct stereotypes associated with the most well known engineering disciplines, but systems engineering doesnt seem to have one. Lots of people just don't know what itis. The reality is that systems engineering is made up of elements from all of the other engineering disciplines. A systems engineer sits in ‘amongst everyone else, speaking everyone else’s language and quite often acting as a translator between different stakeholders of a project. The role can look quite different from one day to the next since there are a lot of bases to cover, and the nature of the work evolves as a project moves through its diferent stages. In tying to come up with a succinct answer to my question, | sought inspiration from a few places around the web. Here are a couple of definitions of systems engineering | found (both sources went on to add further detail ~ feel free to follow the links to read more.) Interdisciplinary field of engineering that focuses on how to design and manage complex engineering projects over their life cycles. By integrates information, data, techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts, and/or theories from two or more disciplines or bodies of specialized knowledge to advance fundamental understanding or to solve problems whose solutions are beyond the scope of a single discipline or area of research practice. In my experience, systems engineering is about managing complexity to find simple solutions to the right problems. A lot of the time the real problem which needs to be solved is not the one highlighted by a customer, Its the job of a systems engineer to first find the real problem, then translate into something accessible by other ‘engineering disciplines, and then to manage the solution from start to end, ensuring it solves the problem in an efficient manner. Systems engineers need to bridge the gap between technical and non-technical. They need to consider the big picture and the whole solution, whilst also being aware of the nitty gritty. As @ colleague of ‘mine put it, systems engineers exist to bring simplicity out of complexity. Shelby Tube Samplers Shelby tube samplers consist of a one-piece, thin-walled, hollow steel tube with an open-end that has been honed to a cutting edge. The main purpose of the Shelby Tube sampler is to recover relatively undisturbed soil samples suitable for laboratory tests of engineering properties such as strength, compressibility, permeability, and density. They are very useful for collecting solls that are particularly sensitive to sampling disturbance, including fine cohesive soils and clays, provided that the soil has not been disturbed by sinking the borehole and are free from large particles. Advantages Include: Seamless steel tubing * Collection of good qualty vitualy undisturbed samples for ithelstel description and chemical analysis Effective in fine, cohesive soils 2" samplers are ideal for use through 3 1/2" geotechnical direct push systems (dual tube) and 2 1/4" TD hollowstem augers + 3° samplers are Ideal for use through 4 1/2 1D hollowstem augers * Not recommended for drilling through gravel or hard clay. Traditional split spoon: used with SPT for cohesion less material like sand and gravel S-curve is defined as: "A display of cumulative costs, labor hours or other quantities plotted against time. The name derives from the S-like shape of the curve, flatter at the beginning and end and steeper in the middle, which is typical of most projects. The beginning represents a slow, deliberate but accelerating start, while the end represents a deceleration as the work runs out. Types of S-curves There are a variety of S-curves that are applicable to project management applications, including Man Hours versus Time S-curve Costs versus Time S-curve Baseline S-curve Actual S-curve Target S-curve Value and Percentage S-curves In order to use PERT, you must first identify three simple estimates: (Tm) The Most Likely Time Required (To) The Most Optimistic Time Required (Tp) The Most Pessimistic Time Required Now apply the following formula: Te = Tot4Tm+Tp /6 To + 4Tm + Tp Te = Te ar Calculate the Float of Each Activity on the Non-Critical Paths The ertcal path activities have a float of zero, To calculate the float of each activity on the non-critical paths, you must identiy the next longest path and then subtract its duration from the duration ofthe tical path. This wil give you the float {for each activity on the path being examined. Note: When you calculate the float, its crucial for you to caleulate the loa in the order of longest tothe shortest For example, the float for Path 1 is Float for activites on Path 8 days - 19 day Duration of ertical path ~ Duration of Path 1 19 days The fost for each activity on Path 1 is 19 days. The Purchase Plot, Select Design, and Assemble Shed activities also lle on ‘another path (he eritcal path), for which we've already calculated the float. Therefore, though these activites lie on Path 1, the float you wil take will be that of the langer path. In other words, the float for Purchase Plat, Select Design, and Assemble ‘Shed is not 19, but O. This is the reason why you must calculate float from the longest path tothe shortest Now, let's calculate the float forthe naxt longest path - Path 2. Float for activites on Path 2 = Duration of rites path ~ Duration of Path 2 Introduction: if you have been into project management, im ure you have eready heard the erm eal path method Ifyou are new to the subject, itis best to start with understanding the ‘ertical path’ and then move on to the ‘critical path method Critical path is the sequential ectivites from stat to the end of a project. Although many projects have only one critical path, some projects may have more than one exical path depending on the flow logic used inthe project Ittnere is a delay in any ofthe activities under the critical pat, there willbe a delay of the project deliverables. Most of the times, if such delay is occurred, project acceleration or re-sequencing is done in order to achieve the deadlines. Crical path method is besed on mathematica calculations and itis used for scheduling project ecvites. This method was fist introduced in 1950s as a joint venture between Remington Rand Corporation and DuPont Corporation. ‘The intial crtical path method wes used for managing plant maintenance projects. Although the original method was developed for construction work, this method can be used for any project where there are interdependent activities. Inthe erticel path mathed, the critical activities of a program or a projact are identified. These are the actvitios that have a ‘direct impact on the completion date of the project. Com Teresi compton tine Key Steps in Critical Path Method Let's have a look at how ciitcal path method is used in practice. The process of using ctitcal path method in project planning phase has six steps Step 1: Activity specification You can use the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to identily the activities involved in the project. This isthe main input for the critical path method, In activity epecitication, only the higher-lovel activities are selected for critical path method. ‘When detalad activities are used, the crical path method may become too complex to manage and maintain Step 2: Activity sequence establishment Inthis stop the corect actly sequence is established. For that, you need to esk tree questions foreach task of your Ist Which tasks shoud take place before this task happens \Which asks shoud be completed at the same tne as this task Which tasks should happen immediately after this task Step 3: Network diagram (Once the acy sequence is correct identied he netork cagram can be rev refer tothe sample dagram above). ‘though the early diagrams were drawn on paper, there is @ number of computer software, such es Primavera, for this purpose nowadays, Step 4: Estimates for each activity ‘This could be @ direct input from the WBS based estimation sheet, Most of the companies use 3-pont estimation method or COCOMO based (function points based) estimation methods for tasks estimation, ‘You can use such estimation information for this step ofthe process, Step 5: Identification of the critical path Forth, you nee to determine four parameters of each activity of the network. Eats! start ime (ES) The eaiet time an aivy cn str ance the previous dependent aces are over. Eotlest fish time (EF)- ES + sctvity duration, Latest ish time (LF) -The lates time an actly can nish without delaying the project. Latest sta time LS) -LF = att duration “The float time for an activity is the ime between the earliest (ES) and the latest (LS) start time or between the earliest (EF) ‘and latest (LF) finish times. During the float time, an activity can be delayed without delaying the project finish date ‘The cetcal path isthe longest path of the network diagram, The activities inthe exical path have an effect on the deadline ofthe project If an aciviy ofthis path is delayed, the project will be delayed. Incase ithe project management needs to accelerate the project, the times for ertical path activities should be reduced. Step 6: Critical path diagram to show project progresses Citcal path diagram is a live artefact Therefore, this diagram should be updated with actual values once the task is ‘completed. “This gives more realistic figure for the deadline and the project management can know whether they are on track regarding the delverabies. Advantages of Critical Path Method Following are advantages of ertical path methods, ‘Offers a visual representation ofthe project activites. Presents the time to complete the tasks and the overall project. Tracking ofertical activities, Conclusion Critical path identification is required for any project-plenning phase. This gives the project management the correct completion date of the overall project and the fbi to float activities. A cetcsl path diagram should be constantly updated with actual information when the project progresses in order to refine the activity length / project duraton predictions, Introduction: When it comes to project activity management, activity sequencing is one of the main tasks. Among many other parameters, floatis one ofthe key concepts used in project scheduling, Float can be used to facitate the freedom for a particular task. Let's have a look at the float in detail Float: When it comes to each activity in the project, there are four parameters for each with related to the timelines? Those are defined as: Earliest start time (ES) - The eariest time, an activity can start once the previous dependent activities are over. Earliest finish time (EF) - This would be ES + activity duration Latest finish time (LF) - The latest time an activity can finish without delaying the project. Latest start time (LS) - This would be LF - activity duration, The float time for an activity is the time betwoen the earkest (ES) and the latest (LS) start time or between the earliest (EF) ‘and latest (LF) finish times. During the float time, an activity can be delayed without delaying the project finish dete. In an ilstraton, this is how i looks: PreviousActivty L@ OQ, tesco PreviousActivty Endshere Pevusseovy |S ®ve neasctty ove | PreviousActivty i at Endsnere Ari Dung PreviousActivty és! is | ou Next Activity Leads and Lags: Leads and Lags are types of oa. Let's take an example to understand this. In project management, there are four types of dependencies: Finish to Start (FS) - Later task does not start untl the previous tasks finished Finish to Finish (FF) - Later task does not finish unl the previous task is finished ‘Start to Start (88) - Later task does not stat until the provious task starts ‘Start to Finish (SF) - Latter task does not fnish before previous task stats ‘Take the scenario of building two identical walls of the same house using the same material. Let's say, building the first wa is task A and building the second one is task B. The engineer wants to delay task B for to days. This is due to the fact that ‘the material used for both A and B ere a new type, o the engineer wants to leam from A and then apply if there is anything 0B, Therefore, the two tasks A and B have a SS relationship, “The time between the start dates ofthe two tasks can be defined as a lag (2 days in this case). “Task B started prior to Task A witha lead. Conclusion For a project manager, the concepts of float, lead, and lag make a lot of meaning and sense, These aspects of tasks are important in order to calculate proect timeline variations and eventually the project completion time. Costs usually charged directly © Project staff + Consultants + Project supplies + Publications + Travel * Telephone charges Costs either charged directly or allocated indirectly Telephone charges © Computer use © Project clerical personnel © Postage and printing © Miscellaneous office supplies Costs usually allocated indirectly + Utilities(Facilities) + Rent + Audit and legal * Administrative staff + Equipment rental * Overhead for the project Roads Prime coat: shall be cutback bitumen consists 60/70 penetration grade bitumen and kerosene residue from distillation test not less than 55% all aggregate for wearing, intermediate and base courses will be Gabbro It is called MC-70 it will. ‘not applied if ambient temp. Less than 13 degree centigrade, rain time and dust storm its temp, Will be between 60-85 the application rate of spraying prime coat will be tested by using a piece of board to check that is spraying property. Lald of asphalt will be at 135 degree centigrade while the discharge to the paver wills not less than the minimum absolute temp which is 135 degree centigrade. May be it allow to be rolled at a temp, Of 120 degree centigrade. Also, we can check the rate of application by board test or any other proper way. Backfill material:-sub grade will be suitable material with LL not more than 35% and P.1 not more than 10% AND CBR. rot less than 15% and it will be compacted till 95 from the maximum dray density. Paver fs used to ensure the proper spreading of the asphalt mix. While there are many dozens of terms used in Project Management (PM) there are a few terms and concepts that are “must-knows.” ‘These terms form the foundation of PM methodology and mentality. Constraints: Restrictions set on the start or finish date of a task. You can specify that a task must start on or finish no later than a particular date, Constraints can be flexible (not tied to a specific date) or inflexible (tied to a specific date) + Flexible constraints such as As Soon As Possible (ASAP) and As Late As Possible (ALAP) do not have specific dates associated with them. Setting these constraints allows you to start tasks as early as possible or as late as possible with the task ending before the project finish, given other constraints and task dependencies in the schedule, + Inflexible constraints such as Must Start On (MSO) and Must Finish On (MFO) require an associated date, which controls the start or finish date of the task. These constraints are usefill when you need to make your schedule take into account external factors, such as the availability of equipment or resources, deadlines, contract milestones, anc! start and finish dates. Crashing: Shifting resources to reduce slack time so the critical path is as short as possible. Crashing always raises project costs and is typically disruptive ~ a project should be crashed with caution, The goal of crashing a project is to reduce the duration as much as possible regardless of cost. It is the opposite of relaxing a project. Critical Path: The longest time path through the task network. The series of tasks (or even a single task) that dictates the calculated finish date of the project (That is, when the last task in the critical path is completed, the project is completed) The "longest" path (in terms of time) to the completion of a project. If shortened, it would shorten the time it takes to complete the project. Activities off the critical path would not affect completion time even if they were done more quickly. Critical Path Method (CPM): A Project Management technique invented by American industry in 1958 as a means of controlling costs and schedules. CPM is based on identifying and managing a path of critical activities that determine the project duration. CPM theory is based on the concept that preceding tasks, not probability, determine the course of a project. CPM is frequently used with PERT. Dependencies: Links between project tasks. There are 3 types of dependencies: * Causal, where | task must be completed before another can begin (have to bake bread before you can make a sandwich)critical path schedules are based only on causal dependencies + Resource, where a task is limited by availability of resources (more bread can be baked by 2 bakers, but only 1 is available) + Discretionary, optional task sequence preferences that, though not required, may reflect organizational preferences Dummy activity: An imaginary activity with no duration, used to show either an indirect relationship between 2 tasks or to clarify the identities of the tasks. + InCPM, each activity must be uniquely defined by its beginning and ending point. When two activities begin and end at the same time, a dummy activity (an activity which begins and ends at the same time) is inserted into the model to distinguish the two acti Duration: The time it takes for an activity to be completed, given the planned amount of material, labor and equipment. Effort: The amount (not duration) of work required to complete a task. Duration may decrease by adding resources but the effort required will remain the same. Gantt chart: A bar chart. While visually appealing on a task/duration basis, itis limited because it does not show task or resource relationships well. Its key strength is that it is easy to maintain and read. [0 eatine ‘smple ‘eee penta eo Sample Gantt chart Milestone: A significant task which represents a key accomplishment within the project. Typically requires special attention and control. Network Diagram: A wire diagram, also known as a PERT network diagram. A. diagram that shows tasks and their relationships; it is limited because it shows only task relationships. Its key strength is easy-to-read task relationships. eo nom pfponte Sample Network Diagram PERT: (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) A Project Management technique invented by (for) the U.S. Navy in 1958 as a means of projecting task and project completion and organizing complex sequences of tasks. PERT is based on the probability of an event occurring at a specified time. When used with CPM, it is the most commonly used Project Management methodology. Project Management: A management philosophy that says that efficient management will yield effective results. Specificaily, efficient management of resources and constraints to perform tasks in order to achieve a desired result. + Project Management seeks answers to 2 key questions in order to craft effective project plans: © What tasks are necessary to do this project? © How long will it take to do those tasks? + Based on the answer to those 2 questions, PM answers 4 basic questions asked by most: © How long will this project take? © What wil it take to do this project? Can it be completed sooner? © How likely is it that it will be done on time? Relaxation: The method that is the opposite of crashing a project. Relaxation is used to lower costs while extending the duration of the project. A typical use of this method is when a project may be relaxed if its resources are need on higher priority projects. This method involves deliberately lengthening the duration of the project with the specific aim of lowering costs as much as possible. Resources: Time, money, people, equipment and other supplies are generally accepted as resources for planning and executing a project. Scope: A specific definition of what the project does and does not entail. A well researched and coordinated scope of work is critical to managing expectations of customers and workers alike. Slack Time: The amount of time a task can be delayed before the project finish date is delayed. Total slack can be positive or negative. If total slack is a positive it indicates the amount of time that the task can be delayed without delaying the project finish date. If negative, it indicates the amount of time that must be saved so that the project finish date is not delayed. (Slack time is also known as float time) + Total Slack = Latest Start - Barliest Start + By default and by definition, a task with 0 slack is considered a er task is delayed, the project finish date is also delayed. I task. Ifa critical Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a detailed, hierarchical (from general to specific) tree structure of deliverables and tasks that need to be performed to complete a project, + The purpose of a WBS is to identify the actual tasks to be done in a project. WBS serves as the basis for much of project planning. + Work breakdown structure is, perhaps, the most common proj created by the US military in the 1960s as an extension to PERT. management tool; it was nas a6 ~"Data Collection a22 ‘Sn Savoy hurts Yon at cancun tine Gongs reperies Sample WBS ‘Along with these terms, there are several key assumptions in PM (PERT/CPM). It is important to understand these assumptions when researching and designing a project: + All tasks must have distinct begin and end points + Allestimates can be mathematically derived + Tasks must be able to be arranged in a defined sequence that produces a pre-defined result (a critical path must be recognizable) + Resources may be shifted to meet need + Cost and time share a direct relationship (Cost of each activity is evenly spread over time) ‘Time, of itself, has no value

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