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How To Make Your Bed Like A Pro: A Simple

Making your bed is a simple task and can help make your bedroom look neat and inviting.
Follow these steps to help you accomplish this goal:

Pull the sheet tight.

To make your bed the right way, you'll need to pull the sheet tight at each corner.

● Pull the sheet tight at the foot of the bed.

● Pull it tight at the top of your mattress.
● Then pull it tight in between those two points, so that there's no slack anywhere and also
nothing is pulling on any other part of your body while sleeping.

You don't want to give yourself a wedgie while lying down!

Tuck the sheet under the mattress.

Once you have pulled the sheet out of its cover, tuck it under the mattress, starting at one side
and working your way to the other. Make sure that you've tucked it tightly and all the way
underneath so that there's no bunching—this is crucial! If any part of the sheet is hanging out,
then take another strip of fabric (from inside another pillowcase) and use it to pull up any loose
pieces until everything looks good.

Tuck in corners next: Take one corner in each hand and fold them toward each other diagonally
until they meet at their midpoint, then tuck them into place. This may seem like an unnecessary
step, but trust us when we say this will be worth it when your bed is made later on tonight!

Place the pillowcases on the pillows.

After you have put on the pillowcases, make sure that they are clean and ironed. Make sure that
the pillowcases are the right size for your pillows! Pillowcases should be about twice as long as
a standard bed pillow and about an inch wider than the top of it. Pillowcases should also match
your bedding or at least be in line with it—you don't want to put pale pink sheets with red plaid
duvet covers and then give yourself a headache trying to pick out matching pillow cases!

Keep in mind that if you're going for a monochrome look, black or white pillowcases won't do;
instead go for neutral colors like cream or gray so they'll tie together well with everything else on
your bed.

Insert pillows into pillowcases.

Pillows. Once you’ve inserted your pillow into its case, it’s time to make sure the pillowcase is
centered on the pillow. You want the opening of your pillowcase to be perpendicular to your
mattress and centered over the middle of your bed. This helps ensure that your sheets will lie
flat when they are tucked in later, without bunching up at either end of the bed or twisted around

If you have one side of your bed higher than another (for example, if you have two twins pushed
together or a platform bed with no footboard), adjust for this difference by centering each side
differently: Place one side where there is more space between it and other furniture, while
placing the other side closer to shelves or nightstands so that both pillows are equidistant from
those surfaces

Gather and fold blanket lengthwise.

Fold the blanket in half lengthwise. Then fold it in half again. And once more, until the blanket is
a long rectangle.

Fold blanket across its width in thirds, then fold that

bundle in half again. Section: Lay folded blanket over foot
of bed.
Fold the blanket in thirds, then fold that bundle in half again. Lay the folded blanket over your
foot of the bed.

Arrange comforter edges evenly along top of bed.

● Arrange comforter edges evenly along top of bed.
● Comforters can be tricky to put on, so here's a trick: lay your sheets out on the bed, then
hold the comforter up against them and arrange the edges so they line up with each
other. This way you'll know that your comforter is in line with everything else (including
your pillowcases).
● There are two main styles of making beds—the hospital corners method and the ruffled
skirt method. If you prefer to use one over another, go for it! But for now let's assume
that you're going to stick with the traditional hospital corner style because it sounds like
what everyone else does too!

Making your bed is a very simple task that can help make
your bedroom look neat and inviting every day
Making your bed is a very simple task that can help make your bedroom look neat and inviting
every day.

To do this, you need to make sure that the sheets are tucked in tightly at the foot of the bed,
with no wrinkles showing. The pillowcases should also be smooth and flat on each pillow, so
there are no lumps or bumps where your head will rest when sleeping.

When you wake up in the morning, before getting out of bed or opening up any curtains or
blinds in order to let light flood into the room (which will create shadows), take a minute to
straighten out those covers again before making another round through all surfaces of the room
looking for dust bunnies under appliances and furniture legs - both things which need regular
vacuuming if you have pets who shed hair like ours do!

If you follow these simple steps, your bed will always be ready to go! The whole process
shouldn’t take more than five minutes.

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