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In my opinion, engaging in journal activity 2 has helped me gain a better understanding of

LinkedIn and how to optimize it to enhance my career path. Although I have been using
LinkedIn for the past two years, I initially considered it to be just another social media platform
and failed to find any interesting features on it. However, after finishing all the tasks, I realized
my mistake because the operation of LinkedIn is distinct from that of other social media
platforms such as Facebook. LinkedIn is a professional networking platform where individuals
showcase their experiences, build personal brands, and create networks to assist them in job
searches or advance their career paths.

In addition, I also learned how to optimize my LinkedIn profile, including adding a professional
headshot and crafting LinkedIn headlines that can catch the attention of potential employers.
Especially, I realize that being part of a digital marketing group on LinkedIn can provide access
to valuable resources such as articles, podcasts, webinars, and discussions, which can help me
stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and techniques. After completing all the tasks in
journal activity 2, I have seen a significant improvement in the professionalism of my LinkedIn
account, and I believe it will be beneficial to my career path.

As I complete the assigned tasks, I can sense a connection to my weekly readings. It has
become apparent that in order to create a personal brand on social media, it is imperative to
understand its role in marketing communication. I have come to realize that creating quality and
valuable content is essential in order for visitors, who in my case are the people in my network
or potential employers, to find what they are looking for. This is particularly important in terms of
establishing myself as a reliable and credible professional in their eyes and can help me to
showcase my skills and abilities to potential employers or collaborators.




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