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Leukemia Research 33 (2009) 321–325

Receptor mutation is not a common mechanism of naturally

occurring glucocorticoid resistance in leukaemia cell lines
Alex H. Beesley, Renae E. Weller, Saranga Senanayake,
Mathew Welch, Ursula R. Kees ∗
Division of Children’s Leukaemia and Cancer Research, Telethon Institute for Child Health Research,
University of Western Australia Centre for Child Health Research, Perth, Australia
Received 23 May 2008; received in revised form 23 May 2008; accepted 5 August 2008
Available online 11 September 2008

Glucocorticoids (GCs) are among the most important drugs for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Cell lines cultured
in high GC concentrations typically contain mutated glucocorticoid receptor (GR), something that is rarely found in primary ALL specimens.
We studied naturally occurring mechanisms of GC resistance and examined sensitivity to GC in 15 T-ALL cell lines grown without prior
exposure to drugs. Resistance could not be attributed to mutations in GR or variations in levels of its expression. We conclude that this panel
of cell lines provides a suitable in vitro model since it reflects GC resistance in primary ALL.
© 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia; Glucocorticoid receptor; Drug resistance; Relapse; Mutation

1. Introduction expression of GR subunits and the ability of the cell to induce

them following GC stimulation (auto-induction) may con-
In children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) tribute to GC sensitivity but the evidence for this is conflicting
cellular drug sensitivity is a major component of clinical [8–11]. Mutations in the GC receptor (GR) are commonly
outcome. Around 10 different drugs are currently used in found in cell lines that have been selected for GC resistance
paediatric ALL-treatment protocols but among the most by extended exposure to high drug concentrations, but are
important are the glucocorticoids (GCs). Early GC response rarely found in primary ALL specimens and are not thought to
is one of the most informative prognostic factors for infant, contribute significantly to GC resistance in patients [12,13].
childhood and adult ALL, with patients that respond well Because of this discrepancy it is important to develop and
showing significantly better outcome [1,2]. Moreover, GC characterize in vitro models of leukaemia that more closely
resistance is a well-documented feature of relapse [3,4]. reflect the naturally occurring mechanisms of GC resistance
Among the paediatric ALL subtypes, infants and those with that arise in vivo.
T-lineage ALL (T-ALL) are particularly resistant to GCs Over the past 20 years our laboratory has developed an
[5]. authenticated panel of paediatric ALL cell lines that have
Despite the clinical importance of this class of drug, the been grown in the absence of drug selection [14,15] and
exact mechanisms involved in GC cytotoxicity and the devel- were established from both diagnosis and relapse patient
opment of resistance remain uncertain [6–8]. The level of specimens [14]. We have previously demonstrated that these
cultures retain critical features of the primary disease, and that
their drug-resistance profile parallels the spectrum of resis-
∗ Corresponding author at: Division of Children’s Leukaemia and Cancer
tance that has been observed in primary patient specimens,
Research, Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, University of West-
ern Australia Centre for Child Health Research, PO Box 855, West Perth,
particularly in regards to dexamethasone (DEX) [14,15].
WA 6872, Australia. Tel.: +61 8 9489777; fax: +61 8 94897700. Here we have examined the relationship between GR status
E-mail address: (U.R. Kees). and GC sensitivity in T-ALL cell lines from within this panel

0145-2126/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
322 A.H. Beesley et al. / Leukemia Research 33 (2009) 321–325

to assess the strength of the model system for investigating Melt Program ( Sam-
naturally occurring mechanisms of resistance. ples were run using Varian Buffer B (100 mM triethylammonium
acetate, 0.1 mM EDTA, 25% (v/v) acetonitrile, 0.45 ml/min) with
the following gradients (%) and temperatures (Tm ): Exon 2A (46%,
2. Design and methods 60 ◦ C), Exon 2B (52%, 60 ◦ C), Exon 2C (52%, 58 ◦ C), Exon 3 (46%,
59 ◦ C), Exon 4 (46%, 56 ◦ C), Exon 5 (52%, 58 ◦ C), Exon 6 (46%,
2.1. Cell lines 58 ◦ C), Exon 7 (46%, 56 ◦ C), Exon 8 (46%, 53 ◦ C), Exon 9␣ (46%,
50 ◦ C). Hae III digested pUC18, and DYS271 dHPLC Standard
were included with each run as controls. Analysis was performed
The cell line panel has been previously described [14–17] and
using Star Reviewer Version 2.0 (Varian). Wild-type GR was ampli-
comprised nine T-ALL lines derived in our own laboratory (PER
fied from the genomic DNA of a healthy donor, sequenced in full,
cell lines), plus six additional T-ALL cell lines obtained from other
and run in parallel with cell line sequences. To control for false
sources. The culture conditions have been previously described [14].
negatives generated by homozygous mutation or loss of heterozy-
gosity, sequences showing apparently normal DHPLC profiles were
2.2. In vitro drug resistance
spiked with equal amounts of amplified wild-type GR DNA and re-
analyzed. Regions showing variation were directly sequenced from
The sensitivity of the T-ALL cell lines to methylprednisolone amplified products and compared to the consensus sequence for
(MPRED) and dexamethasone (DEX) has been previously pub- GR␣ (RefSeq NM000176.2). Novel mutations in coding regions not
lished [14] with drugs incubated over 4 days. As an arbitrary previously described were confirmed by independent DNA extrac-
measurement of drug resistance the IC50 (drug concentration that tions, amplification and sequencing. To confirm the relative allele
inhibits cell growth by 50%) was determined, and a dose range location of the L753F and A484V mutations in the CEM cell line,
from 30 pg/ml to 250 ␮g/ml was tested. Apoptotic responses of GR cDNA spanning this region was amplified by RT-PCR using the
cell lines to gamma irradiation (1 Gy) or DEX incubation (1 ␮M) forward primer for Exon 4 and the reverse primer for Exon 9, and
were measured by flow cytometry 24 h after stimulation using the products cloned into TOPO-TA (Invitrogen). Multiple indepen-
Annexin-V-FLUOS and propidium iodide staining (Roche Diag- dent clones were sequenced to determine the coincident presence or
nostics Australia Pty Ltd.). Cells were counted as viable (double absence of each mutation.
negative staining), apoptotic (Annexin V positive), or necrotic (dou-
ble positive), and data averaged from two to four experiments.

2.3. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR

3. Results

Real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) was performed 3.1. GC resistance profile of T-ALL cell lines and
on total RNA from cell lines in accordance with stan- relationship with GR expression
dard Applied Biosystems protocols (Foster City, CA) and in
accordance with our published methods [18]. The forward The sensitivity of T-ALL cell lines to the GCs DEX and
primers (5 -TGTTTTGCTCCTGATCTGA) and probe (5 FAM)- MPRED is shown in Fig. 1A, full details of IC50 values have
ACTCTACCCTGCATGTAC-(MGB)) for amplification of the been previously described [14]. Resistance varied by four
GR were common to both alpha and beta GR isoforms and to five orders of magnitude between cell lines and corre-
were adapted from published methods [19]. Reverse primers lated closely for the two GCs (Pearson’s correlation 0.862,
for GR␣ (5 -TCGGGGAATTCAATACTCA) and GR␤ (5 - p < 0.0001). The basal expression of the alpha subunit of
TGAGCGCCAAGATTGT) targeted Exons 9␣ and 9␤, respectively
the GR across the cell line panel as measured by qRT-PCR
[19]. All experiments were run in duplicates on an ABI 7700
sequence detector and data normalized to expression of beta-actin
is shown as a bar chart in Fig. 1A, there was no correla-
(ACTB). For GR autoinduction experiments, cell lines were incu- tion between resting levels of GR␣ and resistance to either
bated in the presence or absence of 0.1 ␮M DEX for 24 h before DEX (correlation −0.363, p = 0.18) or MPRED (correla-
RNA extraction [20]. tion −0.323, p = 0.24). Similarly, there was no correlation
between expression of GR␤ and resistance to DEX (corre-
2.4. GR sequence analysis lation −0.05) or MPRED (correlation −0.07). These data
indicate that GC sensitivity in the T-ALL panel is not primar-
Denaturing HPLC (DHPLC) was used to assess T-ALL cell ily determined by baseline expression of the GR. There are
lines for possible mutations in the coding region of GR␣ (Exons conflicting reports of the role of GR autoinduction on GC sig-
2–9), using published methods [12] with the following modifi- nalling in ALL [8–11]. In our cell lines, we found induction of
cations. Exons 2–9␣ were amplified from genomic DNA using GR␤, but not GR␣, mRNA expression following incubation
PlatinumTaq (Invitrogen) and touchdown PCR with primers as in DEX (0.1 ␮M for 24 h, Fig. 1B).
published [12] except for Exon 4 reverse which was redesigned (5 -
AGTAACATTATGCTAGTCAAG). Heteroduplex formation was
induced after amplification using a final denaturation and step- 3.2. GR sequencing
wise cooling program (−0.5 ◦ C steps). DHPLC was performed
in the Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Princess Margaret Hospital All cell lines were assessed for mutations in the coding
using a Helix dHPLC (Varian) with melting temperatures cal- region for GR␣ by DHPLC and sequencing. Four lines were
culated using the Stanford Genome Technology Center DHPLC found to carry the silent N766N polymorphism [21], whilst
A.H. Beesley et al. / Leukemia Research 33 (2009) 321–325 323

Fig. 1. Relationship between GR expression and GC sensitivity in T-ALL cell lines. (A) Normalized GR alpha mRNA expression as measured by qRT-PCR
(bars) and IC50 values for MPRED (open circles) and DEX (closed squares). (B) Induction of GR mRNA expression in response to incubation with 0.1 ␮M
DEX for 24 h (black bars) or vehicle control (grey bars) as measured by qRT-PCR (mean of three independent experiments ± S.E.M.).

intronic base changes, mostly known SNPs, were identified described, thus its effect of GR functionality is unknown.
in several others (Table 1). However, out of 15 cell lines, However, it lies in a region of the gene (Exon 2) that is
only four had sequence variations resulting in amino acid not involved with DNA or ligand-binding and is not nor-
changes. PER-604 carries the N363S mutation that has been mally implicated in functional mutations. This cell line is
shown to have either no effect on GC resistance [13,21], or to pseudotetraploid with only one copy of the A73V mutation
lead to an increased sensitivity to these agents [22–24]. The appearing to be present (Table 1). Only two cell lines carried
A73V mutation found in MOLT-4 has not previously been mutations that have been previously associated with strong

Table 1
Glucocorticoid receptor gene polymorphisms and mutations in T-ALL cell lines
Cell line Exon/intron Coding variation Nucleotide change Copy number Description [refs.]
ALL-SIL (Intron 4) – 1961 bp–16 G>T 50% Ref SNP rs6188 [2,3,8,10]
CEM 4 A484V 1943 bp C>T 50% Novel mutation (similar to GC resistant mutation A484D [2])
9␣ L753F 2741 bp A>T 50% GR unable to bind ligand [1,3–6,10,11]
9␣ – 2958 bp A>G 50% Novel 3 UTR sequence variation
JURKAT 4 R477H 1922 bp G>A 50% Reduced GR transactivation/transrepression [1,3,4,7,10]
(Intron 4) – 1961 bp–16 G>T 50% Ref SNP rs6188 [2,3,8,10]
9␣ N766N 2790 bp T>C 50% Synonymous Ref SNP rs6196 [2–4,8,10]
MOLT4 2 A73V 710 bp C>T 25% Novel mutation
(Intron 4) – 1961 bp–16 G>T 50% Ref SNP rs6188 [2,3,8,10]
PER-255 (Intron 4) – 1961 bp–16 G>T 50% Ref SNP rs6188 [2,3,8,10]
PER-278 (Intron 4) – 1961 bp–16 G>T 100% Ref SNP rs6188 [2,3,8,10]
9␣ N766N 2790 bp T>C 100% Synonymous Ref SNP rs6196 [2–4,8,10]
PER-377 2 N363S 1580 bp A>G 50% Increased GC sensitivity—Ref SNP rs6195 [2,4,8–10]
PER-427 9␣ N766N 2790 bp T>C 50% Synonymous Ref SNP rs6196 [2–4,8,10]
PER-487 9␣ N766N 2790 bp T>C 50% Synonymous Ref SNP rs6196 [2–4,8,10]
PER-490 9␣ N766N 2790 bp T>C 100% Synonymous Ref SNP rs6196 [2–4,8,10]
PER-537 (Intron 4) – 1961 bp–16 G>T 50% Ref SNP rs6188 [2,3,8,10]
9␣ N766N 2790 bp T>C 50% Synonymous Ref SNP rs6196 [2–4,8,10]
PER-550 (Intron 4) – 1961 bp–16 G>T 50% Ref SNP rs6188 [2,3,8,10]
PER-604 2 N363S 1580 bp A>G 50% Increased GC sensitivity—Ref SNP rs6195 [2,4,8–10]
PER-606 (Intron 4) – 1961 bp–16 G>T 50% Ref SNP rs6188 [2,3,8,10]
Nucleotide numbering based on RefSeq NM 000176 (for intronic regions the distance from the nearest Exon junction is indicated); copy number of variant
alleles estimated from DHPLC peak height ratio in comparison to wild-type sequence. References: (1) [20], (2) [12], (3) [13], (4) [24], (5) [28], (6) [27], (7)
[26], (8) [21], (9) [23], (10) [22], (11) [29].
324 A.H. Beesley et al. / Leukemia Research 33 (2009) 321–325

(and in the patient from whom this cell line was originally
derived [27]) is known to be present in both GC-sensitive
and resistant sub-clones [28,29]. Additional GR mutations
or other defects in downstream GR-signalling pathways
are thus required for GC resistant phenotypes in these cell
The parental CCRF-CEM cell line is known to represent
a mixed population of sensitive and resistant clones [30] and
we have previously reported that our CEM represents a highly
Fig. 2. Apoptotic responses in T-ALL cell lines. Sensitivity of four cell lines resistant sub-clone that has grown out during culture [14,16].
to DEX (DX, 1 ␮M) or gamma-irradiation (IR, 1 Gy) compared to untreated One possibility to explain this resistance would be the novel
controls. Data indicate percentage of cells viable (black), apoptotic (grey),
A484V mutation since this targets an amino acid known to
or necrotic (white) 24 h after stimulation (mean of two to four independent
experiments ± S.E.M.). be important for GC sensitivity [20] (Table 1). However, this
is unlikely since we have determined that the A484V muta-
resistance to GC-CEM (L753F) and JURKAT (R477H). Our tion resides on the same allele as L753F (see Section 2),
CEM cell line carried an additional, previously undescribed thus leaving the other allele unaffected. In addition, the pres-
mutation (A484V), which was confirmed by cDNA cloning ence of these mutations cannot explain the insensitivity of
and sequencing to reside on the same allele as the L753F CEM cells to irradiation, indicating the existence of other
mutation. factors that primarily contribute to GC resistance in this cell
3.3. Functional relevance of novel mutations In summary, in contrast to the contention that that GC
resistance in vitro almost always arises from mutations in the
To investigate the contribution of the identified GR muta- GR, resistance in our T-ALL panel could not be attributed to
tions in CEM and JURKAT cells to GC resistance we mutations in the GR or variations in its level of expression.
compared the apoptotic responses of these cell lines to DEX We conclude that in the absence of selection pressure applied
and gamma irradiation (Fig. 2). Whilst both cell lines showed in vitro by drug, GR mutation is not a common cause of GC
a minimal response to DEX after 24 h as expected, they resistance in ALL cell lines. We are currently measuring the
were equally resistant to the effects of irradiation. In con- gene expression profile in these cell lines in order to identify
trast PER-117, which is also relatively resistant to both resistance mechanisms to GCs.
DEX and MPRED (see Fig. 1A), showed sensitivity to
the effects of irradiation, whilst PER-255, a GC-sensitive
Conflict of interest
cell line demonstrated strong apoptotic responses to both
stimuli (Fig. 2). This data clearly indicates that defects
at the level of the GR are not the primary factors con-
tributing to GC resistance in the CEM and JURKAT cell

4. Discussion The authors would like to thank Dr. David Baker (Princess
Margaret Hospital) and the patients from whom cell lines
Since mutations in the GR are rarely observed in patients were derived. DHPLC analysis was conducted in collabo-
[12,13], and since our cell line panel has been maintained ration with Dr. Ted Edkins and Dr. Michael Abdo from the
in the absence of any selection pressure for GC resistance, Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Princess Margaret Hospital.
the resistance profile observed in the cell line panel was not This research was funded by the NHMRC and the Children’s
anticipated to be attributable to mutations in the receptor. Leukaemia and Cancer Research Foundation, Western Aus-
Accordingly, mutations known to be linked with GC resis- tralia.
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