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Socionic questionnaire V.

Talanov "FULL PERSONALITY CARD" (form 584-095)

Rate each statement in the questionnaire by a number from 1 to 5
1 - does not fit at all; 2 - rather not; 3 - I don't know; 4 - rather yes; 5 - quite suitable

At the very end of the questionnaire there are several questions for which. instead of
evaluating your agreement with the statement, it is suggested that you choose from
several suggested answers. For such questions, you need to indicate the NUMBER of the
appropriate answer in the box on the right.

All answers must be given in numbers (without additional spaces, dots or any other
symbols) in the yellow box on the right. If you inadvertently skip a cell or put there an
incomplete number (for example, by accidentally adding a space or a period after the
number), then the answer will be processed incorrectly (except for the column in the
header of the questionnaire, where you are specifically asked to indicate your intended
psychotype in letters).

When answering those questions of the questionnaire where you need to assess your
agreement with the statement, try to use estimates in the entire range from 1 to 5, try to
keep the undefined answers (triples) fewer - better, if not more than a fifth of all answers.

The questionnaire is the latest development of V.L. Talanov, relies on the statistics of 50
thousand people, uses scaling by 15 independent personality factors (due to which it
creates the most detailed psychological portrait among all the psychodiagnostic methods
currently existing in the world), and provides the maximum reliability of socionic
diagnostics. In its full resume, the questionnaire also provides the user with a
psychophysical type and a list of 130 most probable properties and traits. The same list of
130 character traits is deduced for the "ideal" dual. For members of a real pair of people
(upon receipt of the questionnaire in the letter from each of the members of this pair),
the resume also displays the real nature of intertype socionic relations between the
members of the pair and an assessment of their comfort.
By starting to fill out the questionnaire, you thereby automatically fully agree to the
following terms and conditions:

1) An integral part of these rules is the information on the second sheet of the file, which is
called "information". You can start filling out the questionnaire only by agreeing to these rules in
their entirety, including the information on the second sheet of the file. If you have not read this
information yet, be sure to read all of it in full before starting to work on your answers in the

2) The questionnaire is licensed and protected by copyright. Its unauthorized reproduction - in

whole or in parts - is prohibited (with the exception of one copy downloaded to a personal
computer from an official link for filling out, and then another copy with answers sent to the
official processor of the questionnaire, provided you comply with these rules).

3) This questionnaire must be downloaded from its official source - the official links of the VK
community, and not obtained from third parties. The
questionnaire with your answers must be sent for processing no later than the deadline for
accepting the questionnaires for processing indicated in the named VK community, and in any
case no later than a week after downloading the questionnaire from the official source (because
the questionnaires are changed from time to time to updated versions).
4) Typology based on the questionnaire is strictly anonymous. This not only protects your
privacy, but is also a mandatory requirement for the processor of your profiles, established by
the legislation on personal data. When communicating with the processor, you are obliged to
observe the rule of your anonymity. To send responses for processing and to receive the result,
you must, before sending the questionnaire, create yourself (at or on
Google) a temporary and purely anonymous electronic mailbox of the form or OPR2021xxxxxx @ gmail. com (where 6 conventional crosses
are an individual random set of six Latin letters - letters, not numbers!). In this case, your email
address must necessarily begin with OPR2021 ... (this is a guarantee that it was specially created
for anonymous correspondence with us). When creating an address, you must specify "Profile"
instead of a name, "Socionic" instead of a surname. Your phone number should not be attached
to the created address (unless required by the provider of the created address). For details on
creating this address, be sure to look at the "information" sheet. Last year's addresses starting
with OPR2019 or OPR2020 are also allowed.

5) It will take you 3-5 minutes to create this anonymous address for the Yandex provider, most
importantly, do not forget to save this address and its password later. You can then use this
anonymous address for correspondence already on all socionic profiles of our community. We
even recommend using the same once created anonymous address, without creating it anew for
each new profile. Please note that from addresses that do not meet all the conditions listed
above in paragraph 4 of the rules, the questionnaires may easily be NOT ACCEPTED for

6) The rules for drawing up and sending a letter with attached

questionnaires are detailed on the "Information" sheet.
7) You agree that your anonymous answers can subsequently be used for
scientific work and in order to further improve socio-diagnostic
8) You must be over 18 years old, only in this case you have the right to fill out the
questionnaire. By filling out the questionnaire, you thereby confirm that you have met this

9) When sending a questionnaire with your answers for processing, you must send the entire
questionnaire file for processing without any cuts, deletions or changes (however, of course,
with your answers in its yellow cells). It is strictly forbidden to separate individual sheets from
the file, delete or add lines in the file, erase or edit the contents of any of its cells in the file,
except for those yellow cells where you enter your answers.

10) None of the results given to you should be considered as medical, career guidance or
psychological diagnoses, consultations or recommendations. The accuracy of the obtained
socionic results depends on the reliability of your answers and their compliance with our
recommendations - see them above in the cells of light green color. The author of the
questionnaire and the processor do not bear any responsibility for the use and any
consequences of using the results obtained by you. The questionnaire processor is not
responsible to you for the issuance of results if, when sending your responses for processing,
you violated the requirements for registering your temporary email address, or the
requirements for anonymity, or the requirements of paragraphs 6, 8-9 and other paragraphs of
these rules.

11) You undertake, no later than two days after receiving a response (resume) to your profile, to
inform the processor (from the same anonymous address) how many character traits out of the
number of predictive 130 properties given out in the CV did NOT suit you.
If you have read all these rules and agree with them, including all the conditions and rules on a
separate sheet "Information", then you can start filling out the questionnaire:
Answer here

Indicate your gender as a number (1 - if male, 2 - if female)

Indicate your age group (1 = 18-20 years old; 2 = 21-25 years old; 3 = 26-30 years old; 4 = 31-40 years
old; 5 = 41 and older)

Indicate with a number the purpose of completing the questionnaire (sincere filling out to check your
type = 1; repeated clarification of the same questionnaire form = 2; just a game with imitation of the type
or other experimenting with the questionnaire = 3). Indicate this point truthfully, it is important for
statistics, we will give an answer with a full summary in any case.

Indicate with a number your level of acquaintance with socionics (completely unfamiliar = 1; familiar
recently and read something on the topic = 2; familiar for more than a year and successfully typing
acquaintances = 3; familiar for more than three years and consider yourself more experienced than most
participants in socionic forums = 4 )

Indicate your socionic type with a three-letter designation (only one most probable - if you know it) (ILE,

Your estimate of the likelihood of this sociotype declared by you (as a percentage, from 0 to 100, in
increments of 5, do not put the% sign)

Indicate with a four-letter designation in the cell on the right your type according to Afanasyev's
typology, "psychosophy" (if you know him) (FEVL, FELV, FVEL, FLEV, FLEV, FLVE, EFVL, EFLV, EVFL,

Your estimate of the probability of this declared type according to Afanasyev's typology (as a percentage,
from 0 to 100, do not put the% sign)
Indicate with a number your level of familiarity with Afanasyev's typology - psychosophy (completely
unfamiliar = 1; familiar recently and read something on the topic = 2; familiar for more than a year and
successfully typing acquaintances = 3; familiar for more than three years and consider yourself more
experienced than most participants in psychosophical forums = 4)

If you know - indicate your blood group in the number of the answer option, otherwise leave an empty
cell (This is for the sake of our scientific statistics. Rhesus does not need to be indicated): 1 - if O (I), 2 - if
A (II), 3 - if B ( III), 4 - if AB (IV)

1 For me, the rest, consisting in solving crosswords or playing solitaire, is not at all attractive.

2 It is true that, compared to other people, it is very difficult for me to change my behavior to accommodate
unjust bosses.

It is easier and more interesting for me to find defects in someone else's version of a proposal than to
create and present my own integral alternative version.

4 When I am ruthlessly reprimanded on business, I feel gratitude and even some satisfaction.

5 I even hear very faint sounds that other people do not hear or notice.
It is true that I would not mind trying in an exotic restaurant, especially if at someone else's expense, a
meat chop made from the hand of a chimpanzee.

I do not believe in marriage "for life", marriage and marriage are needed only insofar as for the period of
7 raising children.

eight I am able to "penetrate" another person simply by expressive silence (and I often practice this).

More than a year ago (or many years ago) I faced a very serious threat, I still cannot forget it, and now,
nine when life again throws me some real and relatively small danger, my inner alarm "breaks down on a
screech" ...

ten I catch weak tendencies in the political situation better than others.

eleven I have obedient senses: I always quickly look for the desired object in a pile of junk.

12 After the pain I have experienced, I almost always have a pleasantly blissful "aftertaste".

13 In the morning, I can always list exactly what I have planned for today.
fourteen He was often worried and worried about his health.

15 I have symptoms of excessive muscle tension (headaches, muscle aches, hand tremors)

16 I am conservative and inert in my speech and behavioral style, I don’t like and don’t know how to
diversify my several used patterns.

17 I have strong motivations and a strong desire for goals that promise joy.

eighteen I have always defended and will continue to defend freedom of speech - the more completely, the better.

19 I easily get confused when they interfere and distract from the case.

twenty Stressful conditions happen to me regularly, at least once a week.

21 My feelings are annoying and often bother me.

22 People who criticize their country are traitors.

23 I do not always understand what the interlocutor was offended at in a conversation.

24 I often feel thirsty.

25 Thinking about some object, I begin to see it almost clearly in my imagination.

26 I am almost always highly moral and almost infallible - at least in comparison to others.

27 I would really like this kind of work on the Internet or journalism, where it is necessary to bring liars to
the surface.

28 I miss the stairs on the stairs, if I don't see them, and I blindly hit the computer keys too badly.

29 I find it difficult to break away from some computer games - when I finish, I immediately start again,
sometimes because of this I am late somewhere or even throw other things out of my head.
thirty Sometimes my lack of restraint and poise brings me down.

It is easy for me to discern the most distant possibilities, which do not have any close and similar
31 examples in the present.

32 I have no special or harmful food addictions, like a sweet tooth.

33 If my friends are scared, I usually get it right away, although I don't share their fear.

34 I am more committed to common interests than others.

35 I have happened to effectively calm anger and extinguish aggression from strangers - I think that I do it
easily and well.

36 I am very picky about not being disturbed when I eat or sleep.

37 My daytime mood is dominated by a sense of calm and confident security.

38 I prefer literary works that do not raise pathos, but, on the contrary, ridicule pathos, play “for a fall”.

I know that without problems I can not drink for a day and do without water, without experiencing
39 strong thirst.

40 As soon as I imagine in my mental imagination some visual picture, and it quickly fades away, does not
last long.

41 I like to give advice on proper housekeeping.

In sex, I have some constant fetishes (probably incomprehensible to others, I try to tell you about it),
without which for me and sex is not a joy.

43 I love to "dig" and understand difficult problems.

44 I am weak in determining if another particular person might be causing me trouble.

45 It is true that I really do not like and hate to obey the team, if I have a different opinion.
46 I remember melodies badly.

47 Sometimes ordinary sounds seem very loud and somehow rich and juicy.

48 I understand complex mechanisms easily.

49 The great idea of ​Service is close to me (with a capital letter!).

50 At least once a year or more, I have (or worsen) itchy dermatitis.

51 People around me are always annoyed and angry when they hear in response from me fair comments
about their own unworthy behavior.

52 I prefer mild food, preferably without pepper at all.

53 I have high ethical standards of conduct that I live by.

54 While defending the ideas I believe in, I do not hesitate to remain misunderstood.

55 How I spend my time depends on the situation, not the plan.

56 I always feel short ups and downs in someone else's mood according to the nuances of the interlocutors'

57 I easily thread the needle - my finger movements are always precise.

58 My attitude towards people is more often evil than kind.

59 My brain works very fast, very fast.

60 I usually do not have enough internal excitement, often I want to somehow increase it.

61 I usually miss it when people around me talk about politics or science.

I am able to discern and find in them something extremely original and unusual, "the very-most" behind
the small features of some imaginary objects and phenomena.

63 It's usually easy for me to understand if the other person is telling the truth or lying.

64 I am always unnerved by the procedure of shaking hands with people who seem to me to be sick.

I believe that if a person moves across the direction of movement of his herd, then this is not at all
65 reasonable.

66 I know how to never quarrel with friends, as well as with influential and necessary people.

67 If the sound differs even slightly in its frequency (that is, the pitch tone) from the reference sound (for
example, a tuning fork), I will immediately notice it.

If someone's patriotic pride dooms the population to long material hardships, then this is shit, not

69 I drink little and rarely, my body does not need a lot of water.
70 I know that compared to other people at dusk, my visual acuity is especially reduced.

71 I overeat.

72 My mood is very much dependent on daily luck or troubles.

73 I like to buy books like "to help a home master" or "a housewife on a note."

74 I would rather rather live two hundred years after today than two hundred years ago.

75 Personal interests are always more important than any group interests.

76 I am very child-loving, sometimes I follow the lead of children, often even in spite of the needs of their
correct upbringing.

77 I find it difficult to manage my mood.

78 I'm usually more interested in theory than practice in everything.

79 In a stressful situation, I quickly throw all emotions out of my head and almost immediately act calmly,
clearly and logically.

80 Due to the increased acidity of the stomach, I have to take baking soda or antacids at least once a month
to eliminate heartburn and other unpleasant sensations in the stomach.

81 I willingly listen to other people's stories about all sorts of personal sorrows and troubles.

82 I like comics about Spider-Man or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles more than comics about Donald Duck
and Uncle Scrooge (from the adventures of ducklings).

83 I am absolutely indifferent to where a person comes from, what nationality or group he belongs to, etc. - I
am only interested in his personal qualities.

84 I'm not worried about the mess - it will resolve itself.

85 I usually follow a routine and schedule.

86 I always know who is my friend in the team and who is not.

87 Anxiety and aggressiveness are often combined in me.

88 I need to strain to think about the future and make some predictions.

89 I often find myself in inactive depression.

90 Sometimes I experience strong motor restlessness and impatience, I cannot sit still for a minute.

91 Unusual, strange thoughts and associations often occur to me.

92 I tend to be lean rather than fat.

93 I often feel that others are to blame for me.

94 The intonation of my voice is almost always firm, as if stating something known for a long time.

95 A wide variety of behavioral stereotypes and models of people's behavior should not be allowed - such a
variety harms social stability and the power of the state.

96 First of all, I divide all people into two main groups: smart and dumb.

97 My economic interest is always higher than the desire to punish someone.

98 I can adapt to any established state of affairs.

99 Every hour, in my thoughts "running ahead", scrolling through versions of events that have not yet taken

100 I'm not very attentive.

101 I am devoid of excessive sentimentality.

102 I am the first to notice new smells in the room.

103 My head is always full of ideas.

104 My body weight is unstable.

105 Sometimes I deliberately bring myself to the point of extreme fatigue in order to experience the "high"
that comes at a certain stage of exhaustion.

What is happening around me and, moreover, quite, in fact, ordinary, I sometimes (and, moreover,
106 without a reason and a reason) for some time begins to seem somehow very interesting and unusual, as if
giving birth to a revelation.

107 The mistakes and shortcomings of any business usually get my attention first.

108 I like philosophy and science

109 Supervising or constantly patronizing my neighbors is not an occupation for me.

110 Most of all, I want them not to creep into me with what may turn out to be disgusting to me, not to impose
on me a foreign and alien, unpleasant charter to me.

111 Tears appear in my eyes and completely without emotion, just like that - that's why I often have to wipe a
tear from the corners of my eyes.

112 I can be persuaded to work for the future without good material support today.

113 I always please my body, wanting first of all convenience for it, not money and not beauty.

114 I am picky about others and their statements, I am easily "turned on" and I am worse than other people at
smoothing out conflicts.

115 I am interested in the rules and schemas that underlie various systems.

116 I am undiplomatic and easily indignant.

117 I don't like and get annoyed when even a loved one puts his hand on my head during the day or touches
my hair, trying to caress me.
118 I like to expose and devalue other people's values ​- in any case, more than inventing and defending my
own. After all, any value is generally an illusion.

119 More often I am satisfied with the outer side of material objects, not really delving into their inner

120 You can say about me that I am an internally harmonious person, far from any neuroticism or insoluble

121 At night, under the covers, I often notice the temperature discomfort of my legs - and when they get too
cold or too warm, I deliberately change their position.

122 First of all, individual bright details catch my eye, I notice them well and remember them, but it is
sometimes difficult for me to immediately grasp and identify the whole with a cursory glance.

123 Recipes for some actions that are not encountered every day, I do not keep in my memory for a long time
- I throw them out of my head as unnecessary. If necessary, it is easier to solve the desired problem again.

124 I perceive the world rather as a set of separate frames that can be arbitrarily "snatched" in the
environment or in memory, than as a continuous continuous sequence of events.

125 As a rule, when I catch a glimpse of a yawning person, I automatically and involuntarily also yawn after
126 It is true that I do not approve of piercings and tattoos, I have a very negative attitude towards them, like
any artificial intervention in my body.

127 In communication, I prefer correspondence, not telephone conversations.

128 I am offended by someone else's optionalness (apparently more than many of my other acquaintances).

129 I have more logic and rationality than other people.

130 If there is no urgent need, I never make to-do lists, I prefer to do what I want at the moment, whatever
comes into my head.

131 I know how not to bother with all sorts of questions and problems.

132 My strong point is anticipation, foresight of impending changes.

133 I am able to solve problems without getting involved emotionally.

134 I almost constantly and a lot think about the people with whom I communicate, about each I have an

135 In my head there is always a crush of ideas, discoveries and discoveries.

136 I can easily tell the taste whether it is worth eating this food or not, so that later it will not be bad.

137 I do not recognize equality - there is an elite, and there is an infantry from the smerds.

138 Sometimes, when offended, I respond with an evil smile and literally "through my teeth" I squeeze back

139 If there are several pencils on the table, I cannot immediately estimate at a glance how many there are -
three or four. To find out, you will need to count them separately, moving them aside one by one.

140 It would be more interesting for me to be the operator of a printing and printing machine in a printing
house than to be an investigator.

141 Liquefied stool, although not reaching diarrhea, is for me a frequent and almost normal occurrence, even
when there was no food poisoning.
142 My motto could be: "Everything, now and immediately!"

143 If I had been a robber five hundred years ago, I would have preferred to rob with a gang of ten people,
and not together with a partner.

144 It is true that I generally have no need to criticize or dispute anyone.

145 As a child, I had difficulties in learning to read and write - it was worse for me than for others.

146 In my skeleton, I have thinner than thicker bone - at least my arms are thin compared to other members
of my gender.

147 It is pleasant to me to a slight languor or trembling if a soft xitya or a light touch of my fingers is slowly
passed over my neck or forearm.

148 For me, an absolute monarchy is better than a constitutional one.

149 I deal with intellectual questions and topics thoroughly and constantly.
150 Sometimes I miss my own needs, trying to educate others with dignity.

151 In the surrounding visual picture, I very rarely notice something that consciousness is not specifically
aimed at at the moment.

152 I am indifferent to comments and criticism addressed to me - they rarely touch me seriously, and in any
case they do not excite and stimulate little.

153 I easily connect different phenomena or events in my head, even those that are distant in meaning.

154 I do not see anything wrong with the fact that each person is highly dependent on society.

155 It is easier for me to express my thoughts immediately in language, and not write them down on paper.

156 It is typical for me that I see not society as a whole, but specific people, not a forest, but individual trees,
not a generalizing theory, but concrete facts.

157 Often I can think of a hundred different activities for myself, so that day after day I do not get down to
burdening thoughts and the most important thing that is not very pleasant.
158 I like to watch serious historical films.

159 Sometimes you have to wipe your eyes - tear moisture in them is formed too intensively without any
worries at all.

My eyelids get tired quickly, they usually seem to be tired or lazily lowered and sit low, so that the eyes
160 even seem to be narrowed - this becomes especially noticeable in the evening (in the morning, as a rule,

161 I like a few horror movies about dismemberment psychopaths.

162 If the threat to my interests is strong, then I can chicken out and betray another person, "going into the

163 I am more concerned with preserving what I have rather than acquiring new.

164 Knowledge of economics, science and politics can help make decisions in everyday life.

165 Sometimes I can refuse both options at once - and only so that I do not have to choose at all.
166 I can quickly find my plus, even in obvious minuses.

167 I like to understand the mechanisms of work of various gizmos.

168 I have an increased disgust for everything dirty.

169 In a large open space, where there is nowhere to hide (in a large open area, in the open-air steppe), I feel
uncomfortable, and I may even have a panic reaction.

170 I judge a person only by his abilities, his diplomas and titles are always an empty space for me.

171 I would have liked being a detective novelist better than being a confectionery manager.

172 A canoe trip on an endlessly long river is something that would give me great pleasure.

173 Almost every day, in the most unexpected places and at the most inopportune moments (when I have
already gone to bed, for example), I am struck by some regular original idea.
174 I would be sickened to swim in luxury at the expense of others, without creating anything on my own.

175 I am much more indifferent to money than most.

176 I love "hugs" with loved ones, or at least touch, hold hands.

177 Better than others, I am able to get maximum results with minimum energy consumption.

178 I get pleasure from the very process of the events taking place, without waiting for the result.

179 I'm afraid of death, I'm afraid of the dangerous situations associated with it.

180 I have a very good visual memory.

181 I usually have accelerated intestinal motility (eaten through the intestines quickly "skips")
Among the people I know (not necessarily personally acquaintances - you can just public figures), there
182 are more than ten people whom I would be ready to actively help completely disinterestedly and without
hopes of further benefits, and even sacrificing something of my own for the sake of this help.

183 I pay attention to the cold and drafts more often than to the increased air temperature.

184 I am always responsible for my mistakes.

185 It is true that I don’t eat hot peppers (neither red nor black) - I don’t like it in any form.

186 I am sensitive to the vision of very "subtle" and weak probabilities - often thanks to this I notice in the
environment those tendencies that other people do not notice.

187 I enjoy participating in debates, discussions and controversies.

188 I feel more comfortable if today I know exactly what I will do tomorrow.

189 Morality always depends on the point of view and the specific situation.
190 I have a tense relationship with sophisticated household appliances.

I have such partial seizures with preservation of consciousness, which always begin with unpleasant
191 sensations of constriction or suffocation in the throat, and then spread with a convulsive spasm to the
neck or arm.

192 I can sit back for a long time, waiting, and then make a quick breakthrough and achieve something
significant in a very short time.

193 I easily have a nervous reaction to anything.

194 For me to understand and feel the future is always a problem.

195 I love powerful, multi-watt amplifiers for listening to music.

196 He often fantasized and dreamed about the highest steps of his future career.

197 I will not be embarrassed by life in hotels or in rented apartments, I have flexible habits.
198 I prefer to walk in the same usual ways, dress in my usual clothes, and in general I prefer a measured,
predictable life in everyday life.

199 I often fixate in my thoughts on something potentially negative: possible dangers, unverified errors,
doubts, possible unreliability or falsity of someone's statements, etc.

200 I am usually quite effective in all kinds of emergencies.

201 Thoughts are constantly swarming in my head, giving rise to questions and unexpected finds.

202 I often express my dissatisfaction with my loved ones aloud, for one reason or another.

203 Sometimes I get caught up in the nitty-gritty details.

204 I will not listen to the opinions and advice of a person if it is presented to them in a disrespectful manner.

205 I love many products with a special bitter taste.

206 Sometimes I want my partner or partner to punish me.

207 Children should study in common schools together, and not so that some in schools for the smart, and
others in schools for everyone else.

208 If there are no masters and obedient subjects in a society, it is boring to live in such a society.

209 The priority in society should be not for the interests of the state, but for the interests of the people.

210 I love and respect snakes for their habits.

211 There are common foods that seem too bitter to me, so I don't like them.

212 The world is divided into plebeians and aristocrats, and rightly so.

213 Unexpected original ideas are born to me every day.

214 Usually I do not agree to modest proposals - I always want and demand something more.

215 I often think about some very topical events of the past, about turning points in history.

216 My views are more solid than flexible.

217 Apart from family affairs, my main tasks in life are material well-being and comfort.

218 Performing work, I do only what is necessary, without deviating and not getting "into the jungle."

219 I can stand the heat better than the cold.

220 I sympathize with the mental pain of other people less than their physical pain - I want to stop the
physical pain right away, stop it.

221 Changes in body position occur without jerking, very smoothly.

222 If they start tickling me under my arms or on my heels, I will immediately involuntarily start wriggling,
struggling and nervously laughing or screaming. Silently and without twitching, I simply cannot bear it.

223 Better than others I am able to find and see perfection and light plastic beauty in the movements of the
surrounding world and people.

224 I like it when my hair is gently sorted.

225 I am often "sticky" in conversation or thoughts - it is difficult for me to ignore the current thought and be
distracted, it is difficult to quickly switch to something else.

226 It happened that the punishments imposed on me helped me to correct my behavior.

227 Each person should be absolutely free in their political views.

228 Often in my thoughts I compare myself to someone else.

229 I can't stand the cold well.

230 I can easily add 121 and 314 in my head (check - did you manage to get the result accurately in 5 seconds,
then confirmed on the calculator?)

231 I sometimes experience injustice in relation to others even more than injustice in relation to myself.

232 I talk about myself much more often than listen to another (other).

233 It often happens that I reacted too quickly or too strongly to something, and this led to undesirable

234 I always feel sorry for any person, even a villain, if he is hungry and shivering from the cold.

235 In his youth, he often fantasized about passionate heroic deeds, such as the exploits of kamikaze pilots.

I'm afraid to be locked in a small room, from where a quick exit is not possible at my request - if I find
236 myself in such a situation, I immediately feel very bad (in a stopped elevator, in the basement, or even in
the cabin of the plane)

237 I have had so-called urticaria, with prolonged itching (for several days) and redness on the skin.
238 I am very pleased when I slowly and almost weightlessly run my hand over the scalp or neck.

239 I am always very interested in the ideas of increasing the efficiency of certain enterprises - for this I often
propose technical innovations, extraordinary ways, willingly take business risks.

240 I do not care about someone else's freedom, but I will not let anyone infringe on mine.

241 I have a vivid and colorful visual imagination, in which I can act out entire stories that develop over time,
as if I were sitting as a spectator in a theater.

242 I often sit alone with evil thoughts, from which I quickly get tired.

243 The principle for me is often more important than the result.

244 I am a big fan of Japanese anime cartoons, I often watch them.

245 It is true that I am a person who simply does not know how to hate someone or something.
246 I constantly need a positive assessment of my actions from the outside - without this I don't even want to
move forward.

247 Sometimes I lose control over the coordination and consistency of my movements.

248 I think I could hold out for 15 years as a criminal authority overseeing the city.

249 I keep my promises unswervingly.

250 I am satisfied with my social status

251 I often abuse something.

252 In children, I like to touch their hair with my hand in order to caress.

253 I live here and now.

254 I am against interracial marriages, even if people of the same high level of culture enter into marriage.

255 I am perceptive in relation to someone else's mediocrity, I immediately see it through any "mask".

256 I am scrupulous about the norms of human behavior and often differ in the harshness of my moral

257 In any team there must be a "senior in rank".

258 Penalties have often worked more effectively on me than praise.

259 I believe that a person cannot live normally and happily if he does not realize and feel himself as a
continuation and instrument of some higher will over himself.

260 I make my just demands, rarely in accordance with the strength of the person to whom I make them.

261 If I go to a cafe with friends, I always figure out who should have how much money with him.
262 It is true that never in my life, neither lying nor standing, did I hear the beats of my heart - this requires at
least putting a hand on it, and without that, nothing.

263 Use and common sense are more important than rules and laws.

264 I like TV jokes with practical jokes, when a person is misled and forced to believe in any situation that is
allegedly happening to him.

265 I scold others in my thoughts, but myself - almost never.

266 I know how to live in need and make ends meet, at ease using the help and opportunities of relatives,
lovers, mistresses, friends, friends or even just acquaintances.

267 I am a person of deep emotions and feelings.

268 I have a tendency to blame myself for failure.

269 In computer games, I like games of this kind more, where you don't know in advance what is hidden in
the drawer or under the deck's back.
270 I usually have loose stools.

271 Someone's fantasies about "what if?" most often cause me irritation and boredom.

272 I would make a good sniper - I think I have a talent for marksmanship.

273 It is difficult for me to move in my thoughts in time - either in the past or in the future.

274 I have a strong instinct for self-preservation.

275 For the sake of rewards, I am ready and at risk.

276 I spent less attention and energy on getting an education and building a career than many others.

277 If I serve food for the children who have come to the holiday, then I will try to give my child the best
278 I am very concerned about my inner balance.

279 Without any problems, I can stand or sit motionless for a long time, if required.

280 The sight of hungry and emaciated people immediately makes me sympathetic.

281 I experience a very pleasant sensation when a loved one slowly and easily runs his fingers along the hairs
on my skin.

282 I am often overcome with envy of someone.

283 It's hard for me to start a business if it is even a little unpleasant.

284 This is close to me: "Think about reality well, and it will become what you want to see it."

285 I always pay attention to any even slight deviation of my condition and well-being from the usual
286 In the role of a boss, I would be characterized by a democratic, but by no means command-and-control,
leadership style.

287 Truth is absolute, not relative, and does not depend on the point of view.

288 I always perceive mistakes and dark streaks in life as incomprehensible and undeserved injustice.

289 I like to sharply shuffle the options, giving advice to people: "Maybe this? Or else like this? Or this?"

290 Sometimes I experience heavy feelings of guilt with self-reproach and pangs of conscience for a long time.

291 I usually have slowed intestinal motility (eaten in the intestines is delayed for a long time)

292 I have a tendency towards self-directed aggression.

293 It is easier for me to give a general forecast of the development of events for 100 years than for one year.
294 Every day it dawns on me with some interesting mental findings.

295 In almost all teams and companies where I had to work or rest, I had authority and status higher than
most of the other participants.

296 Almost always pulls to go somewhere far away if someone imposes their experiences on me.

297 Sometimes on the street the eyes dry out quickly, pain from this appears in them.

298 If I accidentally put a large caterpillar in my mouth with the berries and find it, then I will instantly have a
nauseous reaction.

299 After being reprimanded, I start to work better.

300 I spend a lot of time on computer games (some even blame me for this).

301 I have a bad memory for names - when I look away, I no longer remember the person's name.
302 Any truth is always better than absolutely any lie.

303 I am the authority for many.

304 The core of my life is striving for comfort, getting pleasant and avoiding unpleasant sensations.

305 I enjoy the gentle, slow strokes of my skin on the back of my head. neck or forearm.

306 I speak quickly, often with almost no pauses between words.

307 Are you ready to easily share the money that fell into your hands with other people?

308 Often my gaze freezes on some object, but does not look at it, but rushes "through it" into the distance.

I believe that from an early age in children it is necessary to a much greater extent than now, to foster
309 respect for private property - that is, the skill to see boundaries, the habit of defending one's own and
respecting someone else's.
310 When I go to bed in the evening, I always spend a few minutes thinking about tomorrow.

311 A good person or a bad person is for a long time, and little depends on the situation of the day.

312 It happens that fools get angry because I was late somewhere or did not come at all.

313 I am often in a feverish impatience from hobby for something.

314 Hidden opportunity, mystery and novelty are more interesting to me than comfort.

315 Every day in my thoughts I compare many times, I compare my successes with others.

316 Being free and independent is a hundred times more important than being high-ranking.

317 I love watching knife wrestling.

It rarely happens to me that I find myself extremely and completely involved in the plot and action of
318 some even good book or film - I always feel a certain detachment, every second I know that this is all for

319 I worry or rage if I suddenly lose something familiar to myself every day.

320 I take as a model the ideals of the past, not the utopian ideals of the future.

321 In the barber chair, when he / she works on my hair, I usually have a pleasantly relaxing feeling.

322 There are often days (there are about half of them or more) when I often think about the common or
someone else's good than about my own.

323 I have some of the usual daily joys and rituals, without which, I would immediately lose my sense of inner

324 If I have to cheat, I will never admit to cheating.

325 I am a supporter of the demolition and scrapping of everything that has become obsolete.
326 In most collective situations, I am quite satisfied with my status and relationships with other members of
the group.

327 Each person is the only master of his own success.

328 Loud laughter and "throwing on the chest" with tears seem vulgar to me and never arouse sympathy.

329 I have a very high ambition and level of ambition.

330 As a child, I did not walk well, I got tired quickly.

331 I express my opinion, taking little into account what I will get for it.

332 If a person talks about his principles, then he, as a rule, simply fills his own worth.

333 I prefer hot pizza and many dishes in general, with pepper.
334 Sometimes I catch myself on the fact that in relationships with strong and aggressive people I
subconsciously like to play a dependent role, while being a little capricious and provoking.

335 Often I like the feeling of pain - for the sake of those seconds of bliss that follow.

336 The support of my actions from others is extremely important for my mood.

337 Are you willing to easily share the power that has fallen into your hands with others?

338 I believe in the enormous power of the techniques of suggestion and self-hypnosis - like, tell yourself that
you can, and you will succeed.

339 I would prefer to live with friends, family and music, not knowing any thoughts about work or any
intellectual problems of earthlings.

340 I usually feel like a carefree and cheerful person.

341 It is usually easier for me to express my idea in writing than orally.

342 By nature, I am more modest, honest and sincere than the average person in my circle.

343 I like grapefruits more than oranges.

344 I avoid sick and unhappy people - they seem to suppress me with their appearance and spoil the mood
with their bad aura.

I have such partial seizures with preservation of consciousness, which always begin with unpleasant
345 sensations of constriction or suffocation in the throat, and then spread with a cramp and / or sensation of
warmth to the right limb (EXACTLY RIGHT! - arm or leg).

346 I am not indifferent person, I do not differ in indifference.

347 Anything that deprives me of my usual daily small pleasures is very annoying to me.

348 The existing material world for me is just an unworthy burden.

349 I have "no" memory for faces — I don’t recognize the faces of the people I’ve met several times, but if I
turn away, I’ll never be able to either mentally imagine or describe the person with whom I just spoke.
350 At the plant, it would be more interesting for me to deal with the organization of production, rather than
personnel and staff motivation.

351 Everything is always not enough for me: it seems that I already got what I wanted, but no, again not

352 As a rule, I immediately have a pleasant sensation from simply stroking the back of my head or neck.

353 Participating in discussions (debates) is a great way to communicate intellectually with other people.

354 I am more careful than others, but not fearful.

355 I prefer to avoid hints and nuances and say exactly what I mean.

356 The supreme must be the servant of everyone else.

357 It is true that almost never in the course of a discussion do I call profane profane and ignorant
ignoramuses, even if they deserve it.
358 My movements seem a little harsh, "angular".

359 If the matter fascinates me, it is difficult for me to tear myself away from it, even for more urgent ones.

360 I know how and I love to establish relationships between people in a team.

361 In the unpleasant events taking place, I often see the finger of fate.

362 I control my body well and feel the surrounding space well, so bumping into some objects, stumbling,
bumping is absolutely not mine.

363 I make plans almost always ramified - they exist in my head in many different versions, depending on
how the situation will develop in the coming days

364 The promised remuneration plays a crucial role in my interest in the job.

365 I really need the stability of the environment around me (probably more than many others I need it).
366 I find it difficult to think quickly and move quickly.

367 It takes me at least three to four times more personal time and resources to move towards the desired
goals than it does to prevent possible dangers and insure against failure.

368 I react emotionally and painfully if they break my plans.

369 I like drinks with "bitterness", or those that "tingle" the tongue.

370 I am often restless - there is a need to get up, sit down, spin, move all the time.

371 I love the feeling of "sweet stunnedness" that comes with extreme fatigue.

372 I easily get distracted from the work I have begun, if I am called somewhere.

373 I constantly slide on the sled of my desires, irresistibly attracted to everything pleasant, and involuntarily
pushing away from everything unpleasant.
374 Sports and manual labor is a natural daily requirement of any healthy organism.

375 Sometimes I am "fascinated" by the frequent change of cardinal alternatives in my life, and because of
this I turn it into chaos.

376 Sometimes the obsessive images of my imagination haunt me.

377 I dislike people who violate the general harmony and agreement, disagreeing with something and
protesting against something.

378 Hearing a new thought, I’ll rather start thinking about how to refute it than about how to support it.

379 I notice even a very small bitterness in the taste - when others do not feel it at all.

380 Compared to others, I am more of a slow-witted than a person who is more rapidly quick-witted than

381 I love movies about the zombie apocalypse

382 With regard to educational work in schools, I am a supporter of the rule of collective responsibility.

383 I really do not like it when doubts are pouring in - I do not know how and I do not like to understand

384 Being a censor would be more interesting for me than being a veterinarian.

385 I am very sensitive to any unfair pressure on myself, so I isolate myself in advance, if possible, from such
people and situations.

386 When I need to, I can deceive, without saying anything at all - I just give false hints with just my facial
expressions, pauses, body movements, intonations.

387 Would prefer to work in a kennel rather than a power plant director.

388 Everything in the world has a price for me, expressed in money.

I have such partial seizures with preservation of consciousness, which always begin with unpleasant
389 sensations of constriction or suffocation in the throat, and then spread with a cramp and / or sensation of
warmth to the left limb (EXACTLY LEFT! - arm or leg).
390 More often in my head I build some kind of detailed plot, than I do "shuttle" (back and forth) comparisons
and comparisons around any one specific object.

391 I would love to prank someone by impersonating another person on the phone.

392 In order to be seriously interested in something, I definitely need it to be grandiose and socially

393 It is difficult for me to carry out chains of long thoughts in my head - already in the early first stages they
strive to break off, and calm down on this.

394 The threat to my money and material well-being is worse for me than the threat to my ideas and faith.

395 I could not live calmly and normally without periodically listening to my favorite music.

396 I remember what people told me even a few years ago.

397 When I buy a new car / mechanism / gadget (for example, a camera, computer or car), I definitely want
to know all their technical characteristics.
398 In business, I am more often guided by the expectation of winning, and not by the fear of losing.

399 I pay little attention to whether a person blushes from my words or not.

400 My hand movements are fast and swift.

401 I quickly find commonalities between various phenomena.

402 It happens that at first I quickly press, without thinking, on something "wrong".

403 If I deserve the punishment, I always take it for granted and try to correct myself.

404 I hate it when they dictate to me, or at least simply even advise me about the order of work.

405 The word "greatness" excites me pleasantly.

406 I prefer the language of strong and clear emotions, not semitones.

407 I like to watch movies about creepy alien creatures with poisonous saliva.

408 My self-esteem is always jumping, and it is often very low.

409 I feel hurt when my loved ones are better than me in some way.

410 The profession of a telephone technician or a repairman of household appliances would be very suitable
for me.

411 Often in my thoughts I think about the obstacles that I had to overcome before, and which now hinder

412 Security is usually more valuable than different freedoms.

413 I love the gentle caresses of my forearms with light, slow touches of another person's hand.
414 I have aggressive-impulsive traits.

415 It is always very important for me to insist on my own and prove that I was right - even if there were my
own doubts about the rightness of the time.

416 I am a truth-seeker, you can say that the search for truth and upholding the truth against lies is an
important part of my life.

417 Each person will try to usurp the power that has accidentally fallen into his hands.

418 I am more of an altruist than an egoist.

419 If you do not cheat, you will not sell - this is normal.

420 I love authority, pressure and strength in people.

421 I hate obscene, profanity.

422 I like listening to people and relieving their emotional stress.

423 It is always very difficult for me to break the usual cycle of daily pleasant little things and force myself to
take on something important, but much less familiar and less pleasant.

424 With a short second glance, I instantly assess the location and orientation of objects in the surrounding

425 I am constantly guided by the concepts of Good and Evil, they firmly sit in me - my personal concepts.

426 I am not very talkative.

427 I have no problem making a choice, even if several options seem equally good at first.

428 In conversation, I sometimes begin to gesticulate widely, waving my arms.

429 At the time of making a decision, I prefer to pay more attention to specific facts and not give in to
430 Due to my ideologically elevated character, I strongly need someone to take care of my food, health, and,
in general, about life's needs.

431 Friends listen to my opinion.

432 I constantly feel time as the most important resource, I specially rationalize and plan its use.

433 I quickly get tired of any job

434 In general, I am a "do not care" in life.

435 It seems very important to me to be straightforward.

436 Although I am an adult, I enjoy trying and mastering all sorts of new games.

437 Facts always speak about one thing and certain, their conclusions do not depend on what angle of view
they look at. Other is just deception and manipulation
438 It is true that I almost never get involved in other people's disputes.

439 All my conclusions are clearly based on logical rules, even if there is absolutely no "smell" of numbers.

440 Being a skeptic by nature, I am subject to frequent doubts and hesitations, I notice all the contradictions
and imperfections of the world around me.

441 Without any sex, I sometimes have pleasant sensations, something similar to sexual ones, "running" on
the skin of my hands and body.

442 Quite often I convince people of the usefulness of humility and all kinds of concessions.

443 Constantly in my head I compare something with something.

444 In the morning, as a rule, I have a background of a good, calm, light and problem-free mood
(corresponding to the rays of the morning sun), which lasts for several hours or longer.

445 Sometimes for several days in the most unpleasant way I am haunted by recurring obsessive memories
and thoughts.
446 Doing something for someone, forgetting about yourself - well, this is not about me.

447 Sometimes acquaintances say that some product tastes bitter, but I don't notice it.

448 I am a supporter of moderate rather than radical solutions.

449 My peace of mind will not be embarrassed by any suddenly intruding other business, or by suddenly
occurring changes in the circle of responsibilities.

I like (or would like) to amuse myself for a long time with shooting for accuracy in competition with
450 myself - shooting at a target from pneumatics, a bow, or simply throwing arrows at the target for a long

451 I can easily transfer the skill and algorithm for solving one problem to another problem, even if it looks
very different from the first one.

452 It is true that I really do not like dark, cloudy weather.

453 I can ignore problems without noticing them or not attaching importance to them.
454 Sometimes it is nice to feel subservient and humiliated.

455 Sometimes in my own words I offend a person quite accidentally and unintentionally, not wanting it at all
- some people are very sensitive.

456 I like to influence the psyche of a partner, improving it with my positive suggestions.

457 The word "interest" is key for me, I am constantly attracted to everything new and unexpected.

458 It is true that within a couple of minutes after a sexual orgasm I feel no better or happier than before.

459 It is very difficult to convince me of anything by changing my once expressed position on the issue.

460 I willingly tell my friends about my troubles and misfortunes.

461 I hate everything that tries to take me out of my usual life regime and rhythm.
462 I will always rush to help a person whose life is in danger.

463 I love bitter drinks - bitter tonic, black coffee without sugar and milk.

464 It is very difficult for me to tear myself away from the pleasure that has begun.

465 I like to make detailed predictions, forecasts of the development of events.

466 I have a feeling of heaviness in my chest, with such a feeling that it is difficult to breathe, at least not quite
simply - that is, without the usual lightness and imperceptibility of breathing for oneself.

467 I have "stale" breathing, when I have to breathe as if with effort and a feeling of heaviness in the bronchi
(and this is outside of pneumonia or any viral respiratory diseases).

468 In books and films, I prefer not emotional undertones, but strong and whole feelings.

469 In social media chats, I prefer to exchange audio messages rather than text messages.
470 I instantly feel any even minor logical inconsistency, any structural "dissonance".

471 The singing styles of Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov are somewhat similar.

472 I usually suffer more from heat than from cold.

473 I would have liked a job as a librarian more than a job as a stock gambler.

474 Frankly, I love to gossip about friends.

475 My eyes are too dry, they often lack tear moisture.

476 It is true that I am almost never afraid of anything.

If there are identical coins (or candies, buttons, etc.) on the table in two scattered piles - five in one, and
477 seven in the other, then I do not need to count them at all to say which pile contains more items. Just with
one glance I will immediately appreciate it and instantly tell you exactly where it is more. (Better test this
experimentally by asking someone to help you lay out the objects so you don't see)

478 Usually I forgive people everything.

479 My dream is to sit on stage in some important presidium.

480 I have a very sensitive imagination.

481 I quickly get tired of any activities where there are a lot of calculations.

482 In most situations, I am quite resourceful when trouble is threatening.

With my eyes closed, I can easily and quickly bend any named finger on any hand - even the index finger,
483 even the ring finger, even the first, even the third, even the fifth, at least some - without ever making a
mistake in which finger I bend (check).
484 I usually see when a person is in a cheerful mood.

485 The threat to my life always stopped me from acting immediately.

486 In sex, I am always much more excited by real visual and tactile stimuli of a representative of a sexually
interesting to me sex than by fantasies.

487 Norms punishing non-traditional sexual orientation should be returned to the law.

488 Normally, my movements are slower rather than fast.

489 I have some habits that I immediately become very attracted to the moment I think about them.

490 I like talking more than listening to someone.

491 Sometimes I get confused in pronouns, for example, I say "we" or "you" when you need to say "I".
492 I am sensitive to any unfinished business.

493 More often I am satisfied with the outer side of people, not really delving into their inner essence.

494 I usually managed to concentrate and sit down to prepare for the exam only the day before, or a day or
two before the exam, but not earlier.

495 I would like to stay away from the common people, the government should always keep them in check.

496 I have nothing to do with the names and life stories of those who ruled the country in the last century.

497 I would like to conduct meetings of some public organization, of which I would be a member, at least
once a month.

498 I like to mentally identify the sources of errors and delusions of people I know.

499 Of the chocolate varieties, I prefer dark chocolate - with a cocoa bean content of 85%.
500 Even if I want to, I find it difficult to speak in long, fluent sentences, and to understand someone else's
fluent speech - too.

501 I have a fear of flying an airplane.

502 I am usually willing to sacrifice my interests and views for the sake of general agreement.

503 Anything unexpected or paradoxical immediately arouses my strong interest.

504 I am a very measured, even, unhurried person.

505 My relationship with most of my acquaintances is colored by acceptance, friendliness and sympathy.

506 I very quickly get tired of people willingly demonstrating their "emotional brightness".

507 I can simulate ("pretend") a state of satisfaction and well-being for years without saying a word to my
friends about my problems.
508 A large-scale whole is always more interesting to me than its small and "fine" details.

509 The professions of a florist-flower arranger, florist, interior designer, clothing designer, beautician, pastry
chef would be very suitable for me.

510 I have a gentle and patient character, so I come across as a very accommodating person.

511 Quite often for several days I participate on the Internet in some protracted "scholastic" disputes on
abstract topics.

512 The motto "Science and Humanism" is closer to me than the motto "Unity and Cohesion".

513 I always get annoyed when they try to manipulate me emotionally, even if in a mild form.

514 I am very generous towards people close to me.

515 I lack self-respect.

516 In everyday life, I can be content with a minimum for a long time.

517 I prefer situations of rising passion, rather than those where enthusiasm and passion are ridiculed and

518 I feel vigorous and active only if life is also spinning and moving around, something happens, others are
busy - otherwise I start to feel inhibition and drowsiness.

519 In my work, interest is always more important to me, not payment.

520 It is better to undersalt than oversalt; it is better to under-squeeze than to squeeze.

521 I am always spontaneous in behavior, it is difficult to offend or hurt me.

522 In any situation, I instantly guess the possibilities that it provides, but I hardly use them myself.

523 There is no need to "educate" people, but it is necessary to repulse them and take harsh revenge for their
524 I always notice if someone is in a “dull” mood, and usually I can easily understand for what reasons and
how it will develop further.

525 I can instantly grab a falling or thrown object.

526 It is very difficult for me to make decisions and force myself to be active.

527 I often have a "hypomanic" mood, that is, such when self-confidence "rolls over" and absolutely
everything seems to be on the shoulder.

528 I am always outraged by any deviations from order and laws.

529 I rely on my ability to act "according to the situation", so I rarely prepare in advance.

530 I am indifferent to other people's successes and the secrets of these successes, I am usually not at all
interested in checking with them and finding out them - I live my life.

531 I always lack in the studied object its useful and good opportunities, here are the negative opportunities -
those are immediately visible.
532 I avoid talking in the company about my needs, needs and the degree of their satisfaction, and as a rule I
avoid assessing how satisfied or dissatisfied I am with my life situation.

In relationships with people I often use this method: pull the leash for no reason - let go of the leash for
533 no reason, pull the leash again - let go of the leash… And so many times. As a result - the necessary fear,
confusion and obedience.

534 I usually try to turn down the volume of the TV when others turn it up.

535 I always prefer even emotions in those around me, without "outbursts".

536 The profession of a sports judge would be more to my taste than the profession of a dog handler (dog

537 I am better able to recognize a close problem where others see only a smooth spot for a long time.

538 I often feel my involvement with the fate of all that exists.

539 It is strictly important for me that my wife has a high social status and publicly enjoys public respect.
540 There is a certain arrogance in my character.

541 I have a lot of energy and many plans for the future.

542 I can show weakness and mistakes in determining how and when people can cause trouble.

543 Many surrounding phenomena or people shock me and seem unpleasant and therefore intolerant.

544 I don't have a strong need to be respected by those around me.

545 I am more often dissatisfied with everything than very pleased with something.

546 In emotions, I am usually attracted by their strength and passion.

547 I usually have a fast heart rate (almost always my heart beats faster than 70 beats per minute)
548 I’m worse than others at recognizing people's moods by their faces.

549 I like to add something, sort through, sort - these activities calm me down and help me think.

550 Avoiding pain is usually more important to me than experiencing pleasure.

551 I'd rather die a hero than live a coward.

552 I try to spend only a minimum of energy on the material world in any of its manifestations - no more than
is necessary to create a positive emotional impact on others.

553 It is very characteristic for me that I respect almost everything unusual and new, but I hate chaos, as well
as any kind of scam or any instability.

554 I was often scolded for not following orders.

555 I would have liked working as the captain of a river tug more (in terms of content and nature of the work)
than working as a computer repairman.
556 My focus is more often on looking for flaws in the item I just bought, rather than virtues.

557 I really do not like strangers on my territory.

558 I know how and I love to lure another person into the trap of his easily predictable actions in the future.

559 Relatives sometimes say that I see a "speck" in someone else's eye, but he himself is allegedly always
fixated on his own and devoid of self-criticism.

560 It is easy for me to relax and relieve tension.

561 If I were offered: to know less, but to earn more, I would, of course, agree.

562 I am well versed in the feelings and mood of the people around me.

563 I like to listen to instrumental music on the radio rather than to songs.
564 For no reason at all (physical activity is sufficient, and I don't seem to overeat), excess fat is deposited in
the abdomen, waist or sides.

565 Everyone will try to establish their own personal dictatorship in society, if given the opportunity.

566 I always and at every single moment know very well what I need and what I want.

567 Sometimes I find myself experiencing paralysis of will and starting to curry favor when I come across
someone who is superior to me.

568 I do not tolerate stressful situations - I hardly mobilize and then I feel overwhelmed for a long time.

569 I am very sensitive to small facts or legal details that go unnoticed by many other colleagues.

570 I regularly daydream and fantasize about things that could happen to me.

571 I like working with other people's opinions - combining, improving or opposing them.
572 It often happens that it is very difficult for me to break away from the started game, although more
important things are waiting for me.

573 I love heroic romance books, where the heroes are challenged, and they seek out and open up
opportunities to help overcome obstacles.

574 In general, I am a "prickly" and wary person.

575 I like the atmosphere of tragic passions.

576 I can easily understand drawings and spatial diagrams.

577 I know how to see the good in the bad, I can calmly, flexibly and without regret change my expectations
or beliefs regarding this or that subject.

578 I like to joke and "pin up" familiar people.

579 Convenience considerations are far more important to me than considerations of external beauty.
580 It is extremely unpleasant for me to feel dependent on someone.

581 As a rule, I "breathe" noise, initiative, activity, energy.

582 My strong point is the early anticipation of the changes taking place in the surrounding life.

What was the first word that came to your mind as an association to the word "CUCUMBER"? Think
without reading any further! …………………………………………………………………………………… ... If an adjective
583 comes to mind first (for example, "green"), Put number 1 in your answer. If a verb or a pronoun came to
mind first (for example, "salt" or "mine"), put 3. If another noun ("barrel", "carrot", etc.) came to mind
first as an association .p.) - put 5 in your answer.

What first comes to your mind when you hear the word "crow"? WELL THOUGHT? How did the crow
584 make itself felt in your imagination? If you first heard in your imagination a crow's croaking or a flock of
crows somewhere in the height, without seeing the crow itself, put "1". If you first saw the crow itself, its
visual image, but not hearing its voice, then put "5".

Thanks for your work!

Don't forget to save the file with your answers. If you work in the modern EXCEL program (spreadsheets)
from the Microsoft Office package, then you must save the file in the .xlsx format. If you are working on a
questionnaire in the Excel equivalent of the free Calc program from the OpenOffice package, then save
the final file in .ods format. You will send the file saved in one of these two formats for processing by
attaching it to the letter (or the letter should contain two profiles of this form - one from you, and the
second from your friend / girlfriend, beloved / beloved or relative)

The complete Excel file of the questionnaire, but already with your answers (or two files at once -
one with your answers, and the other with the answers of your friend / girlfriend, beloved /
beloved or relative), must be directly attached to the letter as an attachment - none links to cloud
storage are neither accepted nor considered. Also "zipped" (archived) files are not considered.

The conditions and procedure for sending the questionnaires for processing, as well as the address to
which the completed questionnaire must be sent to receive a resume on it - all this is written in detail on
the sheet of the file with the name "Information" (to go to this sheet, click on the shortcut at the bottom of
the screen. the inscription "Information")
<- mandatory item

<- mandatory item

<- mandatory item

<- mandatory item

it is desirable to specify,
otherwise leave a space

it is desirable to specify,
otherwise leave a space

it is desirable to specify,
otherwise leave a space

it is desirable to specify,
otherwise leave a space
<- mandatory item

it is desirable to specify,
otherwise leave a space

from this yellow cell

onwards, no spaces
should be left in the
This application form is completely FREE. It can be typed both individually and as a couple - in this second case,
your letter must contain at least two completed questionnaires, namely, one questionnaire of this form from two
different persons connected by permanent relationships (close / romantic / marital, friendly or blood -related).
In the case of simultaneous sending of a PAIR of questionnaires, the letter MUST indicate what kind of
relationship binds the couple (for example, a romantic relationship, or friends / girlfriends, or a mother and
daughter, two brothers, etc.). For close or friendly relationships, you must also indicate their experience - how
many years of relationship. For paired questionnaires, in addition to a full resume for each, a separate analysis of
intertype relationships in this pair of people is also issued - with a socionic forecast of their comfort.

The volume of the issued resume:

Reliability indicators
Closest sociotype
Full typical socionic profile (closeness to each type relative to the average level, conventionally taken as zero)
Your socionic
profiles Your individual possible error (plus or minus) in the presented peak height of the normalized full typical profile
Your Feature Profile
Your functional (aspect) profile

Emphasizing the type - comparing the resulting typical profile with the standard typical profile of the sociotype closest to you

Highlighting accents to type - comparing your trait profile with the standard profile of the closest sociotype
Emphasis on type - comparing your functional profile with the standard profile of the closest sociotype
Your socionic temperament is the value of four characteristics
Your socionic Attitude to the type of activity (socionic clubs) - the magnitude of four characteristics
The type of sociability - the value of four characteristics
Stimulus to activity - the magnitude of the four characteristics
Style of argumentation - the magnitude of the four characteristics
Perception style - the magnitude of the four characteristics
Square values ​- the magnitude of four characteristics
Your closeness to each of the 24 psychosophical types
Your most likely psychosophical type
Complete typical socionic profile of your optimal socionic dual
Feature profile of your optimal socionic dual
Functional profile of your optimal socionic dual
Emphasizing the type of dual - comparing its typical profile with the standard typical profile of the sociotype closest to it
Emphasizing the type of dual - comparing its characteristic profile with the standard profile of the sociotype closest to it
Profiles and Emphasizing the type of dual - comparing its functional profile with the standard profile of the sociotype closest to it
temperament Socionic temperament of the optimal dual - the magnitude of the four characteristics
of your dual Attitude to the type of dual activity (socionic clubs) - the magnitude of four characteristics
The kind of communication skills of the dual - the magnitude of the four characteristics
Stimulus to the activity of the dual - the magnitude of the four characteristics
Dual's argumentation style - the magnitude of the four characteristics
Dual Perception Style - The Magnitude of the Four Characteristics
Quadral values ​of the dual - the magnitude of the four characteristics

Individual A list of the 130 most likely personality traits (based on your resulting complete Typical Profile)
traits of
character A list of the 130 most likely character traits of your optimal dual (based on your resulting complete typical

Intertype The socionic nature of the relationship in your pair (dual, conflict, identical, superego, etc. - a total of 16 types of
relationships in possible relationships). The attitude is diagnosed by the questionnaire most accurately - since this is done not
your pair (only according to the leading peaks, but according to the integral typical profiles of the members of the pair.
for a pair of
profiles of this
form from
people in one An approximate estimate of the comfort of the relationship.

The procedure for filling out the questionnaire and sending the questionnaire for
1) Read carefully the Rules on the first sheet of this file (before the text of the diagnostic questionnaire). If you agree with
them, fill out the questionnaire with your answers - also in accordance with the recommendations on the same sheet, and
without gaps.
2) Do not forget to save on your computer a file with your answers entered in the questionnaire. The saved file must be
either in the original .xlsx format (if you are working with the modern EXCEL program), or in the older .xls format (for the
EXCEL-97 program), or in the .ods format (for the OpenOffice Calc program). We can open all these formats. Others - we will
not be able to. You don't need to archive the file before sending it, you can't.

3) The file with the questionnaire and your answers should be sent for processing in its entirety, with all its two sheets and
without any cuts or changes in formulas and the author's text. However, we recommend changing the name of the
questionnaire file with the answers slightly in comparison with the downloaded original - this is so that the anti-spam
filters of the Internet do not "work" on sending to our address many identical letters with an attached file of the same name.
For senders outside Russia, we recommend changing the name of the attached questionnaire file with answers without fail -
Russian anti-spam filters are especially picky about senders from abroad, and send messages suspected of spam
immediately not to the working folder, but to the spam folder, from where we will extract them hardly on the same day, but
only when manually checking it.


4-a) To send completed questionnaires for processing (and then to obtain results on them), you should use only a strictly
anonymous email address created by you for this purpose (and used only for it) from a Yandex or Google provider, and
created strictly according to our rules (see below). This not only guarantees your confidentiality, but is also a requirement
of the legislation on personal data addressed to us as the processor of your questionnaires, therefore it is a prerequisite.

4-b) This special temporary anonymous address of yours (it is easier and better to make it from a Yandex provider - it will
take 3-5 minutes to create it, most importantly, do not forget to keep this address and its password with you) must be made
clearly according to the standard template and should look like - that is, it must begin with the
universal part of OPR2021, after which (instead of six crosses) a random set of six Latin letters already personally selected
by you (exactly letters, not numbers! ). When creating an address, instead of your name, be sure to indicate: Profile, and
instead of a surname - Socionic. It is allowed to use last year's anonymous addresses starting with OPR2019 or OPR2020
4-c) We recommend creating an anonymous address for sending the questionnaire on Yandex. When the provider offers to
bind your phone number to the address being created, it is better to refuse - if there is still such a possibility, and this is not
a mandatory requirement of the email provider. It is worth creating your anonymous address on Google ( only if
you do not have the opportunity to use Yandex (because everything is more complicated on Google).

4-d) You can use the created anonymous address for correspondence on all our questionnaires, including when you pass
retesting on our other questionnaire forms. Therefore, you only need to create an address once - for the period of all your
work with our profiles in 2021.

4-e) You must also observe your anonymity during correspondence - no names and surnames, etc. Questionnaires with
violation of anonymity or received from addresses that do not meet the above anonymous template are not processed by
us, since in this case they become personal data, and we can be punished for processing personal data under the current
law of the Russian Federation.

4-e) We do not climb into the hidden parameters of your files, which may contain data about the computer and its owner,
but we erase the files themselves, but to fully respect your privacy, we ask you to delete personal information in the
properties of the files you send using to do this, either with the "Document Inspector" tool, or with an option in the "file
For example, first select the name of the saved file with your answers in the folder, select "File properties" in the menu with
the right mouse button, then in the opened properties select the "Details" tab, then in this menu at the very bottom click on
the inscription "Delete properties and personal information ", then in the new menu select" Delete the following properties
for this file "and be sure to follow this by pressing the button" Select all "at the bottom of the menu, and then, finally, on OK
(OK, execute). After that, your file becomes guaranteed anonymous and by its properties, it can be attached to the letter and

After sending all the results to the respondents, your emails are erased by the processor.

5-a) In the "subject" column of the letter, indicate: "Typing", and if you are sending in a letter a couple of questionnaires at
once (from two people connected by relationships), then in the subject line write: "Typing-PAIR".

5-b) Files of questionnaires with your answers should be directly attached to the letter as an attachment. Any links to cloud
storage of questionnaires with answers are not accepted or considered by us. Files cannot be archived when sending - they
must be attached to the letter directly in one of the acceptable formats (xlsx, xls, ods).

5-c) If you are sending a couple of questionnaires from two different people at once who have a relationship, then the text
of the letter should indicate what kind of relationship binds the couple of people whose profiles are attached to the letter
(close or romantic relationship, friends / girlfriends, mother and daughter , two brothers, etc.). For close / romantic and
friendly relationships, you must also indicate their experience in the letter - how many years (or months) the relationship
is. The attached questionnaires should be distinguished by a digital index added to the file name (1, 2) - we will use it when
issuing a resume, so that your resume in a pair does not get mixed up. If a pair of questionnaires are of different sexes, then
for our convenience, mark the questionnaire from a man in the name of its file with an additional additional index "-1" (that
is, at the end of the file name, put the number 1 after the dash), and mark the woman's questionnaire with the index "-2".
A reply with a resume (or with two resumes, in the case of a couple of questionnaires) will come to your anonymous sender
address. Usually - within one and a half to three hours, but the fact that within a day is already all we promise. We send the
results twice, and sometimes three times a day (as we accumulate the questionnaires that have come for processing).

Now - the address to which from your created anonymous address you will need to send your letter WITH
ANNEXED QUESTIONS for their processing:
Each of our questionnaires has its own processing address! Don't be confused! Only send to this one above!

Everything. Now it will be possible to go to the sheet of the questionnaire itself (by clicking on the "Questionnaire" shortcut
below). Then read the rules also on the sheet of the questionnaire itself (in front of it), and if you agree with them, proceed.
Create an anonymous address in accordance with the rules and a prescribed template, fill out each one or two of your own
questionnaire (without peeping), send the questionnaires and additional required information in a letter to the correct
address of the processor, after a short time (after two to three hours) receive to your anonymous response address with a
pdf file of the result for each questionnaire you send.

The summary with the result in its full version is very detailed, and additional decryptions of the concepts used can be
found on socionic sites or from friends in socionic communities, including in our public "VK". Please do not contact the
processing address for additional comments.

We will be THANK YOU for your opinions and REVIEWS and welcome your questions about the typing results, if you
express them on the "wall" of our Vkontakte network community:
Always the most
complete resume
on two dozen
pages; FREE -free


← the address to which you will send your profile for processing

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