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21 to 29 July 2012 Information kit 1 - August 2011 | Page 1

Get ready for Jamboree Denmark 2012

Are you ready to leave for Jamboree Denmark 2012? At least we hope that you have begun looking forward to it even though it still takes some months before the jamboree opens! It is now time to start considering your attendance and your preparations for the camp. One of the things to decide is which members of your group will go and for how long. Furthermore you need to inform the parents about Jamboree Denmark 2012. When you have registered for the event, you will get in contact with a Danish host group if you do not have a Danish friendship group already. This is the first information kit, which gives you the information needed for your preparations until the initial jamboree registration in November 2011. You will receive three information kits altogether. The next one will be published in December 2011 before the final registration for the jamboree. The last information kit will be emailed in the spring of 2012. It contains the information needed for the final preparations by the groups. Enjoy your reading! Jamboree Denmark 2012

Dear scouts and guides

You have just received the first information kit from Jamboree Denmark 2012. We are very proud to introduce you to the many possibilities at the jamboree; we can hardly wait to see you next summer. The jamboree is being organised by a large staff of skilled volunteers from the five Danish scout and guide associations. They have already worked for almost a year to give you what is probably your largest camp experience ever. They work with all kinds of tasks from the toilet facilities to the huge opening show where you will get the first opportunity to meet all the other 35,000 scouts and guides visiting Holstebro from 21 to 29 July 2012. We hope that you will follow the development of the jamboree preparations at our website at You can also add your own comments and share your personal preparations at our Facebook page. We are convinced that Jamboree Denmark 2012 will be a lifetime experience and also a huge boost for Scouting and Guiding in Denmark. That is the reason why we have agreed to be Jamboree Chiefs. We hope that you and your scouts or guides will feel the same way and have already booked the last weeks of July 2012 or intend to do so. See you at Jamboree Denmark 2012. Miriam Madsen and Erling Birkbak Jamboree Chiefs Information kit 1 - August 2011 | Page 2

When and where
Jamboree Denmark 2012 will be held from 21 to 29 July 2012 at Holstebro in the western part of Denmark. The jamboree site leaves enough space for 35,000 scouts and guides, and the area provides ample opportunity for lots of activities. The port of Struer, a nearby town at the strait Limfjorden, has been booked for sailing activities organised by the sea scouts, and in the port of Thorsminde between the North Sea and Nissum Fjord there will be water activities and sailing in dinghies.

Jamboree fee
The fee for participating in the full jamboree event is EUR 240 (DKK 1,775). The fee includes food during the camp, activities and transport from your host group to the jamboree site. Travel costs to and from Denmark and from the airport, port or border to your host family are not included. You also have to organise camping equipment and pioneering poles yourself, or together with your host group. In case you want to participate in the jamboree part of the time only, there is a special price Number of nights at the jamboree 1-2 nights 3 nights 4 nights 5 nights 6+ nights Fee DKK 815 DKK 1,065 DKK 1,315 DKK 1,565 DKK 1,775

Get more information at

The planning of Jamboree Denmark 2012 develops every day. The most important information is emailed to those who have registered as participants, but you can find much more information at The contents are updated regularly. At the site you will also find the forms for initial registration, final registration and activity booking when the registration periods open. Use the website to keep you informed. At the website there are various possibilities: There is an online symbol generator for camp symbols, and you can sign up for the newsletter. It will be published as an email to all subscribers.

Information kit 1 - August 2011 | Page 3

Ask the Call Centre
Whenever you have a question that is not answered at, you can contact the Jamboree Denmark 2012 Call Centre. Send an email to with your question and we will answer it as soon as possible. You can also send a text message with your question to +45 8111 2012. A bit closer to the camp it will also be possible to make telephone calls to the Call Centre. The phone number will be published at

Contact information for Jamboree Denmark 2012

The address is: Jamboree Denmark 2012 Arsenalvej 10 DK-1436 Copenhagen K Email: Web: Find Jamboree Denmark 2012 at Facebook: Denmark 2012

Information kit 1 - August 2011 | Page 4

Everybody lives in a housing estate


Each housing estate at the jamboree will accommodate all guides and scouts from a municipality in Denmark as well as their guide/scout friends from abroad. The smallest Danish municipalities with only few scouts and guides will be paired with a nearby municipality. And few of the largest municipalities may have to be divided because those housing estates at the jamboree would otherwise become too big. Several housing estates together will form a neighbourhood.

Meeting with jamboree neighbours

All Danish leaders who are to live in the same housing estate at the jamboree will meet in the autumn of 2011 in their hometowns. They will be given information about the jamboree and about the role of their own housing estate. It is also the intention that the groups are to plan themselves how they want to how to collaborate on various tasks before and during the jamboree.

The jamboree is also for 6 to 10-year-olds

Jamboree Denmark 2012 is open to participants of all ages. There will be activities for everyone, also for the youngest scouts and guides. All participants are to live with their own local group. It will create a familiar base for the young children that they stay together with older scouts/guides and leaders whom they know from home. Activities will be held all over the jamboree site. Some of the activities will be challenges adapted specifically to the youngest participants. There will also be special large events for all young participants at the jamboree.

Information kit 1 - August 2011 | Page 5

Flexi camp


All guide and scout groups and other groups of participants will live in five neighbourhoods at Jamboree Denmark 2012. The sixth neighbourhood is a flexi camp. It is open not just to jamboree staff, but also to Danish parents. In the flexi camp, participants can stay in both tents and caravans. But other types of accommodation will also be available. More information will be given at

Hosts of international participants

A lot of international participants are expected to join Jamboree Denmark 2012. It is the intention that all foreign scouts/guides are to be paired with a Danish host group. This arrangement will also give Danish scouts/guides the opportunity to experience the international aspects of Scouting/Guiding themselves. The host role begins a few days before the camp with home hospitality. The international scouts/guides and their leaders will visit the homes of their hosts or stay at a local scout/guide hall. It is intended that home hospitality will be offered from 18 to 21 July, which is just before the jamboree, but some international participants may have different preferences. The host group will plan the home hospitality programme. On Thursday, 19 July it will be possible for all international participants and their Danish host groups to attend a large event in a couple of Danish cities.

Information kit 1 - August 2011 | Page 6

Initial registration


The registration for Jamboree Denmark 2012 has two steps. For planning reasons, participants are asked to make an initial registration in the autumn of 2011. The registration procedure opens on or before 1 November 2011, and the form will be available at We hope you will stay informed by visiting the website. There you will also be able to find more information about the registration procedure. For initial registration you will be asked about the name of your group, your scout/guide organisation, the age of the scouts/guides that you intend to bring to the jamboree and the number of scouts/guides. You will also be asked whether you already have a Danish host group and whether you want to join the home hospitality programme. Furthermore we need contact information of the group leader (postal and email address). This will allow us to send information kits and other communications from the jamboree.

Transport to and from the jamboree

Shared transportation will be offered within Denmark to and from the jamboree, that is, transport by bus or train from the home town of your host group to the jamboree site on 21 July 2012 and back again on 29 July 2012. However, it is also possible to organise your own transport. During the jamboree, there will be a shuttle bus service between the jamboree site and central Holstebro (the host town), and efforts are being made to set up a circle bus line around the jamboree with a number of stops. There will be no bus transport inside the jamboree area.

Information kit 1 - August 2011 | Page 7

Dates to remember
Date 1 November 2011 15 December 2011 January 2012 1 March 2012 1 May 2012 Activity Initial jamboree registration opens Initial jamboree registration closes Registration for all-day activities and planned activities opens Final jamboree registration opens. Please register as early as possible Activity registration closes

Information kit 1 - August 2011 | Page 8


At the jamboree

All camps need to have a great programme. This will also be the case at Jamboree Denmark 2012. There will be activities all day long and sometimes also both day and night. The activity programme contains both planned and drop-in activities. To participate in a planned activity, you have to sign up before the jamboree, whereas drop-in activities are open to you at all times during the jamboree. The planned activities are organised in large theme-based activity bubbles with a capacity of 1,000 scouts/guides at the same time. This will really let you feel the thrill of being 35,000 scouts and guides at the same camp. 12 to 15 activity bubbles will run every day. There will also be offered whole-day activities for all scouts/guides aged 6 to 25 and planned activities for scouts/guides of specific age groups. Drop-in activities of all kinds will be placed all over the jamboree site. There will be activities specifically designed for the youngest scouts/guides, some for the oldest and some for those in between, but also activities in which everybody can participate. There will be activities for you no matter your interests. There will be a wide range of activities. We already know that there will be sailing and water activities in the ports of Struer and Thorsminde and in the large stream close to the camp. You can also help spreading the Guiding and Scouting atmosphere to the town of Holstebro, but there will, of course, also be many cool activities at the jamboree site. No matter your choice, it will be great, and you will feel how scouts/guides meet, develop themselves and change the world. Join us and feel the spirit of Jamboree Denmark 2012. We are a lot of people who want to make it a very fun event for you.

Symbol of drop-in activities

Symbol of planned activities

Information kit 1 - August 2011 | Page 9

Enough food and healthy food

At the jamboree

The food supply at Jamboree Denmark 2012 will be made as easy as possible for the groups. Each housing estate will have a food supply tent where participants can pick up all the food needed for their group while at camp. You can take exactly the food that you need. No payment is required; it is part of the jamboree fee. There will be a wide range of basic food stuff, the focus being on organic food whenever possible. There will also be special supplies for people with special dietary requirements for religious or cultural reasons or because they suffer from allergies or diabetes or are vegetarians. There will be enough for everyone so there is no need to stock food. Each day a certain type of meat will be offered; the other basic supplies will be available every day. Each group will receive a standard spice kit with salt, pepper and other spices. An online cooking book will uploaded at before the jamboree. The recipes can be used at camp if you dont bring your own recipes. Information about the types of meat offered will also be published at the website.

Lots of jobs
Many of the adults at Jamboree Denmark 2012 are voluntary leaders for at group of scouts, guides or other children. But volunteers are also needed for a lot of other jobs at the jamboree. Some jobs are short-term tasks that can easily be handled together with other jobs at camp. But there will also be jobs requiring many hours of work both day and night. Volunteer jobs at the jamboree will be posted at over the next few months. There will be both large and small jobs. But they will all contribute to running Jamboree Denmark 2012 as well as possible and at the same time you will be offered the greatest camping event ever.

Information kit 1 - August 2011 | Page 10

At the jamboree
Jamboree programme
Some of the main events at Jamboree Denmark 2012 are listed in the overall jamboree programme. More information about the programme will be published at the jamboree website. Day Saturday, 21 July Sunday, 22 July Monday, 23 July Tuesday, 24 July Wednesday, 25 July Thursday, 26 July Saturday, 28 July Sunday, 29 July Activity Arrival, setting up camp Official opening of jamboree Activity day for 6 to 10-year-olds Activity day for 16 to 23-year-olds, party for 6 to 12year-olds Activity day and night for 12 to 17-year-olds, party for participants aged 18+ Activity day for 10 to 12-year-olds, party for 12 to 17year-olds Official closing of jamboree Departures

Voluntary activities and activity bubbles (registration needed) will be open every day from Sunday, 22 July to Saturday, 28 July. There will be suitable activities for all age groups. Apart from the above activities, the jamboree programme also offers many other options. Some are planned for certain age groups, but the activities will be so flexible that guides and scouts can always go with their friends even though a few of the children are not included in the target group.

Information kit 1 - August 2011 | Page 11

Holstebro the town of experiences

Holstebro Municipality

In the municipality of Holstebro we really look forward to hosting Jamboree Denmark 2012. It will be a great experience for us to have you visit us. We look forward to introducing you to some of the qualities of our town and municipality. Culture You will meet culture everywhere in the streets and in our many cultural halls. There is something for everyone, no matter whether you prefer art, history, music, dancing, theatres, cafs or night life. Nature The wind, beaches and dunes at the North Sea. The unique moor. The widespread plantations. And the fertile and picturesque hills at Limfjorden, the strait across Northern Jutland, and along the Stor, the nearby stream. No matter whether you want to be active or to relax, there are lots of possibilities. Shopping Holstebro has more than once been awarded the prize for the best and most impressive shopping town. One of the reasons is the atmosphere in the pedestrian zones with hundreds of shops, cafs and restaurants, another the large department stores on the outskirts of the town. And at Bazar Holstebro you can have items, smells, tastes and visual impressions from all over the world. See and read more about the challenges that you may experience in Holstebro at:
First photo: Local scouts and guides with the most expensive lady in Holstebro the world famous sculpture made by Giacometti Woman at a cart. Second photo: Hjerl Hede, an open air museum in the eastern part of the municipality of Holstebro. Third photo: The beach of Thorsminde at the North Sea where floating lines increase the safety for those who go swimming. Fourth photo: Summer atmosphere in the pedestrian zone of Holstebro.

Information kit 1 - August 2011 | Page 12

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