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Copyright © 2016 by Suci Kreatif

Copyright © 2016 by Suci Kreatif
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3D Drawing Secrets
SECRETS 1 :Lighting
SECRETS 2 :Perspective
SECRETS 3 :Think Outside the Page
Drawing 3D Materials
Tip for the 3D Drawing
LEARN how to do 3D Anamorphic Basic Shape
Step 1: The GRID
Step 2: Draw object in the grid
Step 3: Add lighting and shadows
Step 4: Add perspective to object
Step 5: Think Outside the page.
Step 6: Objects appear in 3D
LEARN How to do 3D Cube with pencil
Step 1: Draw Cube
Step 2: Add lighting and shadows
Step 3: Think Outside the page.
LEARN How to do an Optical Illusion Triangle
Step 1: Draw the line of shape
Step 2: Add lighting and shadows
Step 3: Think Outside the page.
LEARN How to do a Floating Ball
Step 1: Draw the line of shape
Step 2: Add lighting and shadows
LEARN How to do 3D Ladderl
Step 1: First,Paper should  be folded in half
Step 2: Draw the line of ladder
Step 3: Add lighting and shadows
LEARN How to do basic optical illusion drawing
Step 1: Cut the paper in a circle shape and matching the palm of your
Step 2: Place the pen behind the palm of your hand
Step 3: Add lighting and shadows
Step 4: Add a effect
What is the difference in 2D and 3D?
2D is a shape or an object that is flat and you can not pick it up, and it has 2
faces. 3D is a shape or an object that is a shape and you can pick it up and
hold it, and it can have as many faces.
A 3D drawing is a three dimensional drawing. 3D stands for "in three
dimensions". In other words the object under discussion has width, height
and depth.
3D drawings can make any drawing come to life. It may seem difficult but
it is actually easier than it appears.
There are a number of ways an artist can convey dimension in a drawing.
Perspective is one of them. Shading and contouring are others.
3D objects have an extra dimension called depth which is how far back the
object goes.

3D Drawing Secrets
“3D Drawing Secrets  For Beginner “ is the creative process and make it
fun and easy for people to learn to draw 3D object. Teaching is truly
rewarding! I love being a guide that helps people discover their hidden
3-D drawing secrets can be viewed as a three-phase process of: Lighting,
perspective  and think outside the page.
SECRETS 1 :Lighting
To make something look three dimensional, you need the light to do the
work for you – rather than your pencil.
Light shows you where to draw shading so you can transform a circle into a


The points where the light falls on the object you’re sketching should be the
lightest, and the object should get progressively darker the further from the
light source you go.

Shading is also dependent on the lighting used. Usually, upon rendering a
scene a number of different lighting techniques will be used to make the
rendering look more realistic. Different types of light sources are used to
give different effects.
This will heighten the impression that the object in the drawing is actually
in the room. Also, don’t forget to consider how texture – stone, brick,
leaves, etc. – is influenced by lighting.


If your goal is to make the drawing look 3D, then shading is going to go the
furthest to make that happen.
Real life objects are seen in three dimensions - objects have height and
width and depth, and what most makes the object look 3-D is the third
dimension - depth.
But if what makes drawing look 3-D is the depth, how are you going to
create depth when you can't draw in the third dimension. The answer is

Look at these two cubes.
The one on the left looks like a cube all right, but it's very flat, and not very
realistic looking. If, for example, you looked at a six sided die, you wouldn't
see the image on the left - thick lines outlining the shape of the die, and the
light appears exactly the same from all angles of the die. It's more likely
that you'd see the image on the right.
This is the same drawing as the one on the left, but the one on the right has
shading added to it. And the result is the image on the right looks more
realistic, this is the way your eye might actually see a die (without the black
The difference between the two images is one has shading, the other

A cast shadow is a dark section on a surface, close to an object, that
receives little or no light.

The values of the cast shadow are darkest right next to the sphere’s lower
edge and become gradually lighter farther away from the sphere.
How you draw a cast shadow can create the illusion that objects are either
touching or separated from adjacent surfaces (or other objects).
These shadows create the illusion that the spheres are floating rather than
sitting on a surface.

A Bit More About Shading Elements That Create 3D Shapes
Before we do though, I would just like to introduce you to Highlights,
Shadows and Mid-tones.
These are essentially your building blocks for creating depth and texture
within a pencil drawing.
Highlight; This part of the subject will be the part which is directly facing
the light source.
Shadow; This part of the subject will be the part which is facing away from
the light source.
Mid-tone; This part of the subject will be the part which is neither directly
facing the light source, or the part facing away from the light source. It is
the bit in the middle.
With our shading guide, this is how the highlight, shadow and mid-tone
would look.


Now that you can determine light and shadows, your drawings will be even
more realistic 3D.


SECRETS 2 :Perspective
Perspective isn’t too difficult when you remember this simple rule:
Objects that are closer appear larger, and objects that are further away
appear smaller.


An understanding of perspective drawing is important no matter what
subject you choose


If you need a visual, find a long hallway or a a straight street, stand in the
middle, and look toward the opposite end. The path will appear to get
narrower the further away it gets.

SECRETS 3 :Think Outside the Page
The most important secret to make your drawings look 3D is "THINK

"THINK OUTSIDE THE PAGE" will make drawings look realistic and

Make sure you do not forget these elements to form your drawings look
realistic and 3D.
How to make your drawings "Think Outside the Page"  ?




Drawing 3D Materials
First of all lets talk about pencils. Pencils are woodcased writing utensils
containing pigment. The pigment could be colored, pastel, charcoal, or
graphite. I will be talking about graphite in this case. Graphite pencils are
available in many different grades ranging from 9B (softest) to 9H
(hardest). Soft graphites have less clay in them and they are darker than H
graphites. Hard graphites have more clay and are lighter than B graphites.
Below is a chart illustrating the different grades of graphite.

Tip for the 3D Drawing
1. Take a small object for the first few trials.
2.  Draw the line you will need to erase lighter than the line that will stay, so
you can tell them apart.
3. One trick to prevent drawing your assumptions is to get a picture from a
magazine, turn it upside down, and draw it. By using this technique your
brain will be triggered. It will tend to start thinking how it looks like from a
different angel and in that way, instead of the old known way you think
you’re familiar with. In this way you can draw what you actually see,
instead of drawing what you’ve always assumed the subject looks like.
4.Pay particular attention to the things like circle and curved lines. These
are things which we tend to generalize in our minds and ignore the details
5.Drawing a realistic drawing is not an easy task but with a little patience,
practice and skills it becomes less complex.
6. Copying an already drawn image is easy but copying a live object being
put in front of you and then drawing it is not that easy job.
7. If you want to draw something realistic, make sure you are drawing the
things which make it unique.
8. Draw what you see, not what you think you see
9. While drawing 3D object drawing is how to put highlights to your
drawing. For this, once you have put in all of your shadows, add  highlights
at the spots where the light hits the objects directly. You can do this by
erasing the area or using a white charcoal or a highlighter or leaving the
area untouched.
LEARN how to do 3D Anamorphic Basic Shape
Step 1: The GRID
The first thing I did was draw the grids as shown below.
I drew the blue grid first.
Then I added perspective to the blue grid and turned it into a black grid.

Step 2: Draw object in the grid


Step 3: Add lighting and shadows.


Step 4: Add perspective to object

Step 5: Think Outside the page.
Cut the paper so that the object appears to be 3D.

Step 6: Objects appear in 3D

LEARN How to do 3D Cube with pencil

Step 1: Draw Cube

Step 2: Add lighting and shadows




Step 3: Think Outside the page.

In this drawing, to create a 3D effect we place a real pencil on the cube

LEARN How to do an Optical Illusion Triangle

Step 1: Draw the line of shape




Shaped should be look like this before we add lighting and shadow.

Step 2: Add lighting and shadows

Step 3: Think Outside the page.

LEARN How to do a Floating Ball

Step 1: Draw the line of shape

Step 2: Add lighting and shadows






Add Shadow


Step 3: Think Outside the page









LEARN How to do 3D Ladderl

Step 1: First,Paper should  be folded in half

Step 2: Draw the line of ladder



Step 3: Add lighting and shadows






Use Marker pen to highlight the lines of ladder




Step 4: Think Outside the page

LEARN How to do basic optical illusion drawing

Step 1: Cut the paper in a circle shape and
matching the palm of your hand.

Step 2: Place the pen behind the palm of your





Step 3: Add lighting and shadows



Step 4: Add a effect




Since each 3D object is special for you the viewer, each type has its own
way to be looked at. The fun of anamorphic art is to LOOK rather than
When you were learning how to write, your teacher wanted you to repeat
lines from a template. You were spending a lot of time drawing (not
writing) every single letter as if it was a small masterpiece.
Then, with time and experience, you developed your own character of
writing, your own style. Your letters look different than mine or your
friends' - still, we can all read what you write. Your style changed because
you wanted to write fast - to write down your thoughts, not to draw perfect,
but meaningless letters.
Apply this rule to your 3D drawings. Think about what you want to
achieve, not about the lines. Draw fast and your personal, unique hand
movement will have a chance to shine.
How  to practice 3D drawing?
1.Try to draw things from your environment with shaky, careless lines,
without taking care about the effect;
2.Sketch a lot! Don't think about the result, just let your hand practice its
natural movement;
3.When following tutorials, stay creative - change lengths, shapes, distances
and see where it takes you.
If you followed the tutorial carefully, after some practice you should be able
to draw 3d objects.
While these exercises may seem boring, they're essential and need to be
learnt. If you tried them and they seemed trivial, that's great, you're ready!
3D drawing is really interesting as you have to imagine what the drawing
would look like from a particular perspective and you create an illusion.

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