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German Unification
1. “Napoleon’s tragedy was that his ambitions surpassed his capacities; Bismarck’s
tragedy was that his capacities exceeded his society’s ability to absorb them.”

2. To what extend was Germany’s unification under Prussia due to the weakness of

3. Analyze how the inherent strength of Prussia combined with Bismarck’s political
skills helped achieve German unification.

4. Compare and contrast Bismarck’s policies towards Austria and France between
1862 and 1871.

5. Compare and contrast how Cavour and Bismarck unified their country.

6. Both Prussia and Austria desired German unification as a means to enhance the
position of the Habsburg and Hohenzollern ruling families. Discuss.

7. Evaluate the economic and political causes of the 1848 Revolutions in the
Austrian Empire and German Confederation.

8. Both Italian and German unification came about as a result of liberal political
developments that erupted in the Revolutions of 1848. Discuss.

9. In 1867, Bismarck said: “Anyone who has looked into the eyes of a soldier dying
on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war.” Analyse Bismarck’s
foreign policy in the light of these words.

10. Compare and contrast the practice of Realpolitik in France under Napoleon III
and Prussia (Germany) under Bismarck.

11. ‘Bismarck’s greatness lay not in mastering events but in going with events so as
to seem to master them.’ How far do you agree with this judgment?

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