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Double Join // Shadow Player Glitch

- Make a singleplayer world
- Open it to LAN
- Use ngrok to port-forward it (ngrok makes it consistent, but certain plugins work
too. Without ngrok or plugins, it’s SUPER hard)
- Use a 2nd minecraft account to spam-join
-> Double-join on a server. You can leave and the shadow player will stay


- Use Essentials Mod

- Invite yourself to join a specific server
- Join another server and then accept the invite mid-join
-> Join 2 servers at the same time. No doublejoin, but works on every server
(Essentials Setup found by srnyx)


- Try to join hypixel (Other servers might work too), immediately click cancel
- Quickly join another server or singleplayer world
-> Join 2 servers at the same time

- If there’s a chest at XYZ on the shadow player’s server AND on the real
player’s server, opening the shadow player’s server’s chest will client side
open the chest on the real player’s server. This works with: Chest, Trapped
Chest, Ender Chest, Note Block, Piston, Sticky Piston, Beacon (?), Mob
Spawner (?), End Gateway (?), Shulker Box. The blocks at XYZ don’t need to
be the same. For example, opening a CHEST at XYZ on server 1 will also
activate the piston at XYZ on server 2
- You hear everything the shadow player hears, even if you’re on the title
screen (Ingame sounds + /playsound)
- You see every particle the shadow player sees (Too many can crash the
- Change gamemodes (Spectatormode in survival, real adventure mode but
you can still place blocks by punching, creative mode with flight + ghost items
from the inventory. Can’t sneak clientside in spectator, but serverside. When
not sneaking clientside, you can fall off edges)
- Give Ghost Items (Ghost items turn real in creative mode though)
- Chat Messages incl. Tellraw
- Title / Subtitle / Actionbar
- Teleport (Max range roughly 10 blocks (Only in multiplayer servers)? Path
must be unobstructed, unless you’re in server side creative mode). You can
teleport through blocks vertically as long as the final position is not inside a
block. Maybe range depends on speed
- Set XP (Client Side)
- Damage him (Hurt animation + Update hearts by showing the shadow player’s
hearts until the real player’s hearts update) (Client Side)
- Make an explosion (Blocks will disappear client side, and it will give the
explosion momentum. But if you walk into the hole, you’ll snap back because
there’s actually blocks there still)
- Render a different server onto your screen (Including that server’s entities like
players. Also including scoreboards, teams, tablist (?). Probably more
consistent when you’re in creative mode. Use /execute as PLAYER at @s in
minecraft:DIMENSION run tp @s ~ ~ ~ (Once the server stops, you will stay
there, but the AI stops and once you leave, it softlocks, as it can’t save the
- Bossbar
- Force-teleport to another server (Example Hypixel and /p warp)
- Advancements + Recipes (Custom ones too)
- Carpet mod (on the server):
- Change Hotbar Slot
- Open GUIs (Chests, anvil, signs, BOOKS require a book item in the
mainhand, use lecterns instead). Book GUIs with clickevents are
possible, the commands will run on the server the real player is on
(With his perms. No Force-OP, unless the person performed the glitch
and you use a ghost-item book or a lectern)
- If the shadow player has a GUI open and you close it (For example by
breaking the block he’s opened), the real player’s menus will also
close. However, this is only client-side. Meaning if you open a chest on
the main server, then close the GUI client-side, the chest stays open
until you walk away. With this, you can put 5 items in your inventory’s
crafting grid + cursor without losing them If you open
a real chest GUI, then open a fake chest GUI WHILE having the other
one still open, closing the fake one will close the real one as well. While
having a GUI open server-side, closing any real GUIs like your
inventory will close that other GUI as well -> Remote shulker box
closing. While having a chest open server-side, new items that you
receive don’t update your inventory, so it will look empty // Opening
chests without animation or sound -> Avoid sculk sensor SERVER
SIDE!!! Other people can’t play the sound too, but if multiple people
open the chest at the same time, the sounds can return
- Make the shadow player mount entities (Will glitch out the Real
Player’s perspective)
- Force Sneak / Sprint (DOES IT WORK?)
- Enderpearl Cooldown animation
- Swap Offhand client side or in creative server side
- /player <Playername> look -> Make the real player look at specific
- Spectator Mode +
- Setup: Create a shadow player and make sure the real player is on the
same server. Kill the shadow player to give the real player a client side
death screen. Click that death screen away and put the real player into
spectator mode. Then use /spectate to make the real player spectate
an entity or player

NEW SETUP: Create a shadow player and make sure the real player
has the shadow player’s server rendered (Either by being on that
server, or by being “teleported” to it first). Now put the shadow player in
spectatormode, let it spectate something and put it back to
- Effects (When I say real player, I mean the person who has the glitch
- The real player will spectate the other player, even after
switching the gamemode
- Once the real player is no longer in spectator mode, he will still
be spectating that other player, but the “body” of the real player
will be stuck on one position and won’t be movable (The real
player can hold right click though to update rotation and punch.
This works whenever both are on the same server. If you’re
within 10 blocks, sometimes (?) the shadow player gets
teleported to you. If you’re not within 10 blocks, you get
teleported to the shadow player for a second)
- The “body” of the real player won’t be visible to him
- (Sometimes?) You can’t open the inventory for more than 1-2
- Your ingame name is visible in your inventory screen
- If the spectated player switches to spectator mode, it sometimes
kicks the real player out of the spectator mode+, and puts them
into a “locked camera” state which they were in after the shadow
player got killed initially as well
- Hitting the real player’s body will not cause that player to see a
heart change or even see the hurt animation
- Spectator Mode + will show the armor, health (+ absorbtion
hearts, but no other effects), and selecteditem, + the health of
the mount they’re sitting on. Meanwhile, the hunger bar will
always be full, and the xp bar will be the one from the real player
- Spectator Mode + shows FOV changes like Spyglass zoom,
bow zoom or speed effect
- When spectating mobs, the xp bar will be visible, nothing else
- You can’t exit the Spectator Mode +, unless the real player dies
or rejoins the server
- Works across servers
- Grab Coordinates across servers (Needs testing. Teleporting the shadow
player to ~ ~ ~ will cause it to grab the real player’s coordinates/rotation and
apply it to the shadow player. Sometimes it works 20 times a second,
sometimes only once every few ticks)
- Kill the shadow player to show the death screen (Can’t click the revive button,
you need to rejoin the server or actually die, or else you’re softlocked. Maybe
opening GUIs can get you out of this)
- Block Breaking animation is visible from the other server
- Everything starting from 7:30 (Like
controlling 2 players at once, but only 1 is visible server side) [Please don’t
watch what comes before, some stuff turned out to be wrong and it’s
super cringe. It’s also a bit overexaggerated]
- Controlling a dead player
- Controlling
a dead player (1.19.3) | Reference:
Leaving during this state sometimes (?) leaves as the fake player as
- (1.19.4) Interacting with and seeing the world while you’re dead.
Opening chests, breaking blocks. It seems as though non-localhost
servers will lock you in the death screen while trying that, so it might
not be possible on any server
- You can shoot arrows and kill players while you’re dead. The death
message will be glitched
- In the state where you’re dead and you see the right server, you move
primarily in the other server you’re not dead in, but rightclicking adjusts
your position like expected
- The command block seems to be the only block where destroying the
block itself won’t close your GUI of it.
- Interestingly, it doesn’t seem like I’m still on hypixel, judging from the
fact the sun doesn’t move for example
- I cannot write signs or put commands in command blocks
- I cannot ride any entities while I’m dead. Needs to be tested if it’s
because the entities are not visible for me, or if it’s because I’m dead
- Silent Chests in 1.19.4 (Different setup from 1.19.3 I think):

Side Info:
- As of May 23, 2023, this glitch has been marked as fixed on jira
- (1.20 Pre 5: You can still spamjoin to join with a different UUID and
inventory, or use 2 clients to join the same server on localhost. Idk if the
doublejoin glitch still works on 1 client)
- Works from 1.8 - 1.19.4 so far
- It behaves differently depending on the version. If you doublejoin in 1.8, the
camera can go crazy. But everything that happens after you leave the server
is the same.
- The client alternates between rendering the two servers’ daytimes (Incl. clock
- The shadow player’s UUID is different (No duping possible). Sometimes if you
try to doublejoin, it will only join once, but you’ll play as someone with a
different UUID. This means you can essentially have 2 inventories if the glitch
works on that server.
- The shadow player cannot be moved by punching or with water or collision
- You can sometimes still move the shadow player around by holding right click
while being on the same server
- If you put someone into fake spectator mode and force the shadow player to
spectate an entity on that server, the real player will get stuck in these
- If you are on server 1 and server 2 at the same time, with someone else being
on both servers too, and if the other person is in gamemode spectator in one
server, that person will appear invisible (except for the head) in the other
server. With specific setups, this can also happen all on 1 server, but it
requires the shadow and the real player on the same server, + some
spectatormode shenanigans
- Discovered on: Nov 16, 2020 (Happened to people before, some might have
found a somewhat reliable setup, but I found all of the effects + a consistent
setup. BananaRedPanda helped too and made the plugin)
- If you try to teleport the real player, it has no limits if the real player is in
Creative Mode.
- Teleporting while the real player is in a boat does not work. Only the rotation
can be changed
- Works best with ngrok, but BananaRedPanda made a plugin that makes it
100% consistent with 2 join attempts
- If you do /tp SilicatYT ~ ~ ~ on a server with 2 SilicatYT's, you and your
shadow player will tp to the shadow player's position, mirrored by your
position as a center
- You can force-join servers (Example: Hypixel with /p warp). The server on
which you were before you were force-joined will now have the shadow player
instead, it basically switches the roles. The same works by using portals in
vanilla worlds. /p
warp can make you join a server even from the title screen
- When you force-open a GUI. If it’s a container, you will get the inventory of the
shadow player (Ghost items). You can’t force-open some GUIs like writable
- [Thread] A LOT of
information about force-opening book GUIs, as well as signing ghost books
- If you’re stuck in
the loading screen when joining 2 servers at once, opening a GUI with carpet
mod or killing that player or teleporting the player to another dimension will
remove the loading screen. If you kill the player, he won’t be able to move on
the other server.
- If you send a chat
message in your private server while simultaneously being in another server
(If you use the “Join 2 servers directly instead of doublejoining” setup,
sometimes you can write in 1 server while moving in the other) that disables
chat reporting, the messages sent will not be reportable. Chat messages you
receive also can’t be reported.
- If you receive an
unreportable message from the private server, sending a message or running
a command will kick you from the other server while the shadow player stays
on the private server.
- The “Pick up item” animation is visible across servers
- Having a Turtle Helmet equipped as a ghost item gives you a client-side effect
- You can sometimes be sneaking and not sneaking
at the same time if the shadow player and real player are on the same server?
I used boats here.
- The tablist shows
the players on the server I'm moving in, but my name is using the format of
the server I'm seeing
- This can happen sometimes: You have a transparent
“Failed to connect” screen. You’re actually controlling a player. If you press
“Back to server list”, it leaves and, that player becomes a fake player.
- With 2 players having the same name, you might have some problems when
testing the things that require both players on the same server. Commands
always target the shadow player first, so /kill doesn’t work, and /kick always
kicks the shadow player first. If you want to test Spectator Mode +, use @a
selectors instead of the name.
- Water might be discolored sometimes
- (Found in a call with Spoke and Vitalasy) If you have the same player online
twice and you control one of them client-side, right-clicking will update the
state of the other one (Sneaking / Not sneaking, Rotation, Position?). If you’re
not close to the other player, you will temporarily teleport to that other player
client-side, and you will be able to control that player for a short time
- If you send a chat
message in your private server while simultaneously being in another server
that disables chat reporting, the messages sent will not be reportable. The
“victim” player also can’t report messages he receives from the private server.
(Only with this setup?:
- With a new setup, you can
move in both servers. Basically you directly join 2 servers at once instead of
doublejoining 1 server and then leaving and joining another. If you’re at the
same coordinates in both servers, holding rightclick lets you move in both at
once. Sometimes you can write in server 1, sometimes you write in server 2. If both players are
NOT at the same coordinates, you can only move a few milimeters every time
you rightclick. Sometimes, punches are registered on 1 server while
rightclicks are registered on the other. This doesn’t seem to happen all the
time though. In the link attached, you’ll see that it shows me the effects I have
on Hypixel, but they’re clientside. The tablist shows my name and the name of
the other person how they appear on Hypixel.
- If you have a fake
player in a singleplayer world, Singleplayer menu prompts appear. If you try to
leave, it gets stuck on saving world, just like when you render a different
server on your screen. You can leave this state though by opening GUIs on
the private server, or teleporting across dimensions or something like that +
On Hypixel you can’t type (Other servers too?)
- Related? It lead to
me finding the “Directly join 2 servers at once via hypixel” method
- If you teleport yourself to ^ ^ ^0.1 or something continuously and jump
upwards, eventually you’ll die clientside (idk why. Maybe the fake player has
to be dead for that to work. Needs to be in survival or adventure)
- If you’re dead (client-side or server-side), you can teleport your camera
ANYWHERE without restrictions. -> Freecam (Maybe you can abuse the lack
of a limit here to grab coords. But I can only teleport the camera to the fake
player instead of the other way around if the player’s dead client side. Would
need to change that) // New Information: As long as you can’t control your
player serverside, teleporting the fake player will teleport the real player
without restrictions. It just won’t be server-side
- If you teleport the shadow player to another dimension, so the real player
sees the private server, if he leaves the shadow player leaves. And the real
player becomes the new shadow player. (Didn’t this softlock the game
- If teleporting the shadow player does not render the private server onto the
real player’s screen (For example if the real player has rightclicked the
Minecraft window to freeze the game), it will still give the fog of that
dimension. -> End fog in the overworld
- If you’re dead server-side and you force the shadow player to open a GUI, the
game over screen will re-appear after 1 tick (You cannot make it disappear
- I kicked someone else once for chat signing stuff somehow, I did the glitch a
lot on that server. Can be done on any server. Could you kick
anyone from any server by exploiting this? -> No, it appears to only affect my
- I managed to join 2x on a server without using
the spamclick setup? It was a normal localhost. Does that work on any
- Since banners bug around, I’d assume interpolation of the 3 display entities
will bug out as well
- You can change flight speed with plugins, and /fly works too, even with client
side survival mode (Found by Spoke & Ashswag)
- From 1.19.4 onward, the dead player model will not re-appear when joining
while you’re dead. Meaning you can no longer see any entities and block
updates while you’re dead.
- The 1.19.3 “dead
player” behaviour is still possible, just less consistent. You can see I moved
here while I was dead
- (Tested in 1.19.4)
Using multiple clients, you can be on the same server twice (tried on
localhost) and control both players too. It requires basically no setup, you can
simply join
- Vertical teleportation through a block is apparently possible (Explained here:
- You can sprint if you’re in client-side creative mode, even with no hunger
- Punching while pulling a bow
- Proof that it can be
replicated by using plugins?

Here is a list of things that are clientbound (A lot is affected with this glitch,
but not everything. It’s a good reference):
Look up 6.1.X

Thanks to BananaRedPanda for helping with the research, and for

coding the plugin that allowed the glitch to be 100% consistently
performed on a plugin server.

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