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“Stereotype - 5.

(Sociology) a set of inaccurate,

simplistic generalizations about a group that
allows others to categorize them and treat them
• Expanding vocabulary: individual presentations on sports,
health, fitness and wellness.
• Listening exercise: “Englishman in New York”;
• Speaking skills practice – different kinds of
• Connectors of comparison and addition – chart;
• Listening and speaking : is prejudice a stereotype?
Video watching;
• The faces of multiculturalism: expanding vocabulary
• Give advice and follow it – chart of modal verbs
• Written exercise on the use of modal verbs
How many stereotypes can you name?
Is prejudice a stereotype?
Connectors of comparison and addition
Similarities Differences Addition
Similarly On the one hand…On the Both...and...
other hand
Likewise However Not only...but also...
Like, similar to In contrast Moreover
In the same Whereas Also
way Although
Even though In addition
In spite of
What about multiculturalism?
Give advice and follow it!
“It has been said that arguing against
globalization is like arguing against the
laws of gravity.”
Kofi Annan (former UN Secretary-General)
What is globalization?
Go global!
Compare and make it better!

With short adjectives you need to add

–er or –est to the end
positive comparative superlative

soft softer the softest

cheap cheaper the cheapest

sweet sweeter the sweetest

thin thinner the thinnest

And memorize these ones!
Irregular adjectives

good better the best

bad worse the worst

little less the least

much, many more the most

far farther, further the farthest

late later last, the least

old older, elder the oldest, the eldest

Follow the example...
•1. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world. (rich)
•2. Saturday is _____ day to go shopping. (good)
•3. Chinese is _____ language in the world. (difficult)
•4. Is New York _____ city in the world? (expensive)
•5. We offer _____ prices on the market. (low)
•6. The Nile is _____ river in the world. (long)
•7. It was _____ conference of the year. (interesting)
•8. Carlo is _____ person in the office. (funny)
•9. Writing a letter is _____ method of communication.
•10. Sunday is _____ day of my week. (relaxing)
The world in your hands
The main movement of population in today’s world is from
developing countries in the south to developed countries in the
north. People who choose to migrate usually move to richer
countries than where they were born. People move to places where
they think the quality of life will be better for them.

In a globalized world this movement of the population is inevitable.

These days many developed countries would not be able to operate
without a large population of foreign workers.
The world outside...
•Have you ever been abroad?

• Would you like to live and work in another

country? Why/why not?

•Do you know anyone who lives in another


• Why do people decide to live and work abroad?

• Where would you go if you decided to move to

another country?

Self study tips
➢Make a reasonable study schedule
• Making a study schedule will help you to avoid

• Keeping your schedule realistic (time for breaks, etc) will

help reduce stress.

➢ Set a time limit for each subject

• If you do it and then fully commit yourself to study during
that will avoid procrastination.

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