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EE-361 Feedback Control Systems

EE 361- Feedback Control Systems

Assignment 1

Due: 31 Jan 2022 (Monday)

Question 1
a- What are Controlled Variables? What is their importance in making systems stable?
b- What are Plants and Processes? How can you identify them in the following feedback
system? Justify you answer

c- Draw a comparison between Closed-Loop and Open-Loop Control Systems.

d- Negative Feedback is often referred to as “self-correcting” system. Give justification to
this alternative term.

Question 2
In his recent email, interim Provost Dr. Tariq Jadoon announced that 11 students have tested
positive for Covid-19. Unfortunately, since cases are increasing at an unexpectedly high rate in
Lahore since the last week, chances are more students will get in contact with Covid in the
coming days. Your job is to lay out a feedback plan for the response of LUMS admin to the
worsening covid situation on campus. Draw a component block diagram and explain each block.

Question 3
Find Laplace transform of the following:

a- 𝑒 cos(3𝑡) + 5𝑒 sin(3𝑡)

b- 𝑒 (𝑡 + 4𝑡 + 2)

EE-361 Feedback Control Systems

Question 4
Find Laplace Inverse of the following:

( )
( )


Question 5
Solve the following using Laplace Transform:

a- 𝑦 − 2𝑦 + 𝑦 = 0, ; 𝑦(0) = 0; 𝑦 (0) = 0

b- 𝑦" + 4𝑦 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡(2𝑡); 𝑦(0) = 1; 𝑦′(0) = 1

Question 6
Consider the following network and find its transfer function 𝐻(𝑠) =

EE-361 Feedback Control Systems

Question 7

Your task is to draw a component block diagram for the complete system, labelling the
process, sensor, actuator, and controller clearly. State the possible disturbances in each
scenario too.

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