Photography Week - 19 Febrero 2015

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t he worl d’s bes t-sel l ing digi tal photo mag a z ine

19-25 februa ry i s s ue 126

inspir at ion ide a s in-dep th re v iews

sony a7 ii
video review
has this csc
got even better?

shoot like a pro

take pol ished, professional portr a i ts
Pale winter
by jovana rikalo
Jovana’s striking portrait is all about the eyes. She’s shown
technical prowess to get them so sharp and capture such fine
details, and her subject’s engagement with the camera grips the
viewer. This image perfectly illustrates the techniques in this
week’s main feature.
TAKEN WITH: Canon EOS 5D Mark III, 135mm f/2
Exposure: 1/500 sec at f/2, ISO100
w e l c o m e

t he worl d’s bes t-sel l ing digi tal photo mag a z ine
19-25 februa ry i s s ue 126

Olympus e-m5 mark ii bOmbsHell

de ee

t he worl d’s bes t-sel l ing digi tal photo mag a z ine
vi fr

13-19 februa ry i s s ue 125

5-11 februa ry i s s ue 124

inspir at ion ide a s in-dep th re v iews

t he worl d’s bes t-sel l ing digi tal photo mag a z ine

s !

29 ja nua ry - 4 februa ry i s s ue 123

t he worl d’s bes t-sel l ing digi tal photo mag a z ine

s !

22-28 ja nua ry i s s ue 122


inspir at ion ide a s in-dep t h re v iews

inspir at ion ide a s in-dep th re v iews
C A n O n 5 d S/5 d SR h A n d S O n R E v I E w
inspir at ion ide a s in-dep t h re v iews

10 health checks every photogr apher must do

O U R F I R S T L O O K A T C A n O n ’ S G A M E C h A n G Ewhat’s
RS new on nikon’s latest d-slr?

make your camera

sony a7 ii take better
Landscape pictures
Make perfect
photoshop seLections
custoMize the
LightrooM Library
video review full
has this csc HaNDs ON
got even better? viDeO
how to sort and rate make a light stencil the best large sensor
images in lightroom for your flashgun compacts on test


shoot like a pro

T 6S / 760d, R EBEL T 6I 750d A nd EOS M3

take pol ished, professional portr a i ts


Welcome to the world’s essential shooting and editing
No.1 weekly digital techniques, and in-depth video
photography magazine. reviews of the latest cameras.
If you’re already a But that’s not the whole story.
reader, thanks for your continued Photography Week is more than
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new to Photography Week, you’ve of like-minded people who are
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to expert advice, brilliant tips and To get involved, just follow any
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features interactive galleries of the shots and comments – your photo
best new photos, how-to videos on might even appear on our cover!

Join the Photogr aphy Week

communit y and s tar t shar ing!

We’re more than just a magazine – read on and discover the many
ways you can interact with and enjoy Photography Week
Find out what’s inside this issue

fe a tu r e F E AT U R E
perfect head shots
Set up a mini studio for
polished, professional portraits

The very best reader images
from around the world

It’s cool, that...
This amazing light-painting
animation took a year to make

gallery I N s p i r a tion With Olympus’s new sensor-
shift technology, do you need
a full-frame camera any more?

Crash Course
Discover how to play with fire
for dramatic portraits!

Learn how to geo-tag photos
and see them on a map

S K I LL S l i g ht r oo m ge t your
f ir s t f ive
issues free!
Sony A7 II Tap here to learn
We review Sony’s update
to its popular full-frame
more about our
compact system camera risk-free trial
E-M5 Mark II


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f e a t u R e

Shoot professional
he ad shots
Learn how to produce polished, professional head-and-
shoulders portraits for business or personal projects

ompared to most styles of

C portrait, the humble head shot
might seem a little conservative,
even dull. But there’s an art to getting it
right, and it’s an important element
of any portrait photographer’s
repertoire. Professional ‘head and
shoulders’ portraits are always in
demand, whether it’s for a company
website, a school photo album, or for
a passport or driving licence.
Creating images for a client brings
a lot of new rules into play that don’t
apply when you take pictures for
yourself. It’s your job to make the client
look good, so there’s no point going
for something edgy and experimental
unless that’s what they ask for.
The aim with a corporate portrait
is usually to produce a polished,
professional shot of a person’s head and
shoulders; for this you’ll need flattering
light, a simple, clean background and
a pose that’s both authoritative and
engaging, and we’ll show you how to
achieve all three in this tutorial. You’ll
learn an array of useful Photoshop skills
along the way, including how to batch
process a set of images to apply edits to
several shots in one go, how to produce
D ow nl oa d contact sheets, and how to perform
projec t f il e s a quick touch-up job (including some
h t t p : // t i n y. c c /p 0 4x t x impressive digital dentistry).
on a pc or mac So read on to discover a complete
workflow for professional head shots,
from lighting and capture to processing
and enhancing.
f e a t u R e
set up your camera for perfect head shots

1 2 3
Home studio kit Diffuse the light Show examples
If you’re asked to shoot a subject in Direct light from a small source is ‘hard’ Before you begin shooting, find out
his workplace, a home studio kit with and unflattering. To make the light exactly what the client is after. He might
a couple of flash heads fitted with softer we need to diffuse it and bounce want a traditional shot, or something
umbrellas or softboxes is ideal. For it so that the light source effectively more contemporary, and it’s often
a simple setup, position your main becomes larger. You can either bounce easier for people to articulate what
light in front of the sitter, above him flash off a wall, or use softboxes or they like if you show them examples
and slightly to one side, and position umbrellas. Attach one to the main light, of different styles. So before the shoot,
your secondary light angled towards and try feathering the light so that it’s print a sheet of different head shot
the background. Position a reflector pointed slightly in front of the subject, styles and discuss the options. Should
opposite the main light to fill in shadows rather than straight at him. This way, the he be smiling or serious? Open-collared
and reduce contrast. light ‘wraps around’ the face. or fully suited?


Show them
you me an
bus iness…
From lighting to posing your
sitter, here’s how to set up your
shoot for professional results 3

4 5 6
Clean background Camera settings Pose and expression
It’s important that the background is clean When using off-camera flash, set your As with any portrait, it’s vital to put your
and simple. Use a white wall, a roll of plain, D-SLR to manual mode. Keep the ISO at subject at ease, so chat to him as you
light-colored paper, or a large pop-up 100, and set the shutter speed to 1/200 or shoot, and perhaps put some music on to
reflector like the Lastolite one shown 1/250 sec, depending on your maximum help him relax, and offer encouragement.
here. Angle one of the lights towards flash sync speed. Set the aperture to Have him give you a few smiles, half-
the background, and adjust its power for f/11 and take a couple of test shots. If the smiles and some more serious or neutral
different looks; full power will blow the image is too bright, stop down the aperture expressions, and try out different angles
background out, while a lower power or turn down the lights by adjusting the and poses. Work swiftly, but make sure
will make it grey. If you’re shooting output or moving the light further from the you come away with several good shots
portraits outdoors, use a wide aperture subject. Longer focal lengths are more for him to choose from. Don’t forget to
to blur the background. flattering, so step back and zoom in. check them for sharpness on the LCD.
f e a t u R e
Step by step: Enhance your head shots

1 Pick the best shots

Navigate to the set of files in Bridge. If you want to add
2 Correct the white balance
Select the White Balance tool, and click a part of the
a star rating to the images, highlight each one in turn and press image that should be color-neutral, such as the edge of the
Cmd/Ctrl+1-5. Once done, use the Filter panel (Window>Filter) background reflector in this shot. If the colors don’t look quite
to see your choices. Press Cmd/Ctrl+A to highlight all the images, right on the first click, try clicking a different point, or fine-tune
then right click and choose Open in Camera Raw. Select one the white balance with the Temperature and Tint sliders. As a last
image to work on from the filmstrip. resort, use the As Shot setting.

3 Tweak the tones

Next, adjust the exposure and contrast to suit the style
4 Synchronize the edits In the filmstrip
Highlight all the images shot in the same lighting as
of image you’re looking for. Here we set Exposure +0.15 and the one you’ve just edited (such as all the ones with a white
Shadows +13 in the Basic panel, then moved to the Tone Curve background). Click the Synchronize button at the top left, choose
panel and plotted two points on the curve line to create a Synchronize: Settings and click OK. Repeat steps two to four for
shallow S-shaped curve, which adds instant punch. other groups of similar images in the set.

TOP TIP Stamped layer

If an image contains layers other than the Background layer, you need to create a new layer containing the information from
all these layers before applying global edits to the image. Make sure any unwanted layers are hidden, then target the top
layer and press Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E. This creates a ‘stamped layer’, without deleting the existing layers as merging would do.
Note that if you later want to edit a layer that’s below a merged layer in the stack, you’ll need to discard the merged layer
and create a new one afterwards.
f e a t u R e
Step by step: Enhance your head shots

5 Make individual tweaks

Click each shot in turn to make specific adjustments. You 6 Produce a contact sheet
Contact sheets enable the client to compare the selection
might want to use the Crop tool to crop in tighter, soften the of images and choose their favorites. Press Cmd/Ctrl+A to select
skin with the Adjustment Brush (set Clarity to a negative value), all the files, then go to Tools>Photoshop>Contact Sheet II. Use
or make tweaks to the exposure. When you’re happy, click Done. the options to set the number of rows and columns for the grid
Now it’s time to make the contact sheet. of images, choose to display the file names, then click OK.

7 Remove spots and blemishes

Download headshot_before.dng from, 8 Tone down lines and eye bags
Drag on lines and larger blemishes to remove these too.
and click Open Image to open it in Photoshop. Go to the Layers Next, take the Clone Stamp tool, and in the Options bar choose
panel and click the New layer button. Select the Spot Healing All Layers from the Sample menu and reduce Opacity to around
Brush tool, and check Sample All Layers in the Options bar. Zoom 20%. Alt-click to sample a source point on the cheek, then clone
in and scroll around the image, clicking spots to remove them. these pixels over the eye bags to tone them down.

TOP TIP avoid reflections in glasses

If your subject is wearing glasses, you need to be on the lookout for annoying reflections. There’s a simple way to prevent
reflections: try lighting the subject from one side, then have them angle the head so it’s facing the other way, slightly away
from the light; this way the reflected highlights are angled away from the camera rather than towards it. If you only notice
reflections at the editing stage, use the Clone Stamp and Healing tools, or, as a last resort, copy and flip the ‘clean’ eye.
f e a t u R e
Step by step: Enhance your head shots

9 Clean up the background

Add a new layer, take the Quick Selection tool and check
10 Brighten the eyes
Press Cmd/Ctrl+D to deselect. Click the Create adjustment
Sample All Layers. Paint over the messy background in the layer button and choose Curves. Drag a point up from the center
bottom-left corner to select it, then right click, choose Feather of the curve line to lighten the image, then press Cmd/Ctrl+I to
and set radius to 1px. Take the Brush tool, Alt-click the gray invert the layer mask to black and hide the effect. Take the Brush
background to sample the color, and paint over the selected area. tool, and paint white over the eyes to reveal the adjustment.

11 Shape the teeth

Press Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E to create a merged layer, then 12 Whiten the teeth
Use the Clone Stamp tool to remove any stains or marks on
go to Filter>Liquify. Zoom in on the teeth, and use the Forward the teeth. Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. Set Lightness
Warp tool to push and pull the pixels around, evening out the +5, then choose Yellows and set Saturation -40. Press Cmd/Ctrl+I
teeth into a neater row. Tap the ] and [ keys to resize the brush to invert the layer mask, then take the Brush tool and paint over
tip as you work. When you’re happy, click OK. the teeth to reveal the adjustment and whiten them.

TOP TIP batch processing

Batch processing a set of images isn’t just useful for unifying tonal enhancements. It can also save you lots of time if you have
a recurring sensor mark. Simply remove the mark in one of the images using Camera Raw’s Spot Removal tool, then highlight
the rest of the image set, click the Synchronize button and check Spot Removal in the options.
s u b s c r i b e

5 issues free! When you take out our risk-free trial

Olympus e-m5 mark ii bOmbsHell
13-19 februa ry i s s ue 125
when you

de ee
t he worl d’s bes t-sel l ing digi tal photo mag a z ine

de ee

t he worl d’s bes t-sel l ing digi tal photo mag a z ine

vi fr

5-11 februa ry i s s ue 124

29 ja nua ry - 4 februa ry i s s ue 123

de ee
t he worl d’s bes t-sel l ing digi tal photo mag a z ine

de ee

15-21 ja nua ry i s s ue 121

t he worl d’s bes t-sel l ing digi tal photo mag a z ine


22-28 ja nua ry i s s ue 122


inspir at ion ide a s in-dep th re v iews C A n O n 5 d S / 5 d S R h A n d S O ninspir

R E vatIion
E wide a s

in-dep th re v iewsinspir at ion ide a s in-dep th re v iews

inspir at ion ide a s in-dep t h re v iews
take a fresh look at
winter landscapes
what’s new on nikon’s latest d-slr?
OUR FIRST LOOK AT C AnOn’S GAME ChAnGERS 10 health checks every photogr apher must do

make your camera

the top pros share their best tips
for countryside, cities and coasts

take better Make perfect custoMize the

Landscape pictures photoshop seLections LightrooM Library

how to sort and rate
images in lightroom
make a light stencil
for your flashgun
the best large sensor
compacts on test


T 6S / 760d, R EBEL T 6I 750d A nd EOS M3

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* Subscription offer varies across platforms/devices – please refer to specific digital store for current offer
* * Photography Week is compatible with Kindle Fire HDX, Kindle Fire HD, and Kindle Fire (2nd Gen). It is not compatible with Kindle Fire (1st Gen).
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G A l L E R y

The week’s most inspiring reader photos


In the Valley of
Fire, Nevada
steve kidd
The American southwest is a
stunning, oft-photographed
landscape, and Steve’s clever
use of leading lines gives us
something unique
G A l L E R y
The week’s most inspiring reader photos

Ram Iyer
Stunning color and
an impressive amount
of detail make this an
unforgettable image

Matteo Marasco
The Louvre is a frequently
photographed icon in Paris,
but Matteo’s unusual use of
a reflection gives us a new
G A l L E R y
The week’s most inspiring reader photos

We love Laurent’s use
of black and white to
focus on the graphic
nature of the animals’
shape and patterns

Jilly Sidebottom
This is a wonderful
perspective that we
don’t often see of
these subjects. We also
love the soft tones
G A l L E R y
The week’s most inspiring reader photos

Eduardo Marques 
Stunning light and a skilful use
of motion blur give this
landscape added intensity

The ghosts
in the Fog
Who says you can’t
take pictures in dull
light? Andreas has
proved it can be
done, and done well!
G A l L E R y
The week’s most inspiring reader photos

Lisa Sadler
Shot with her iPhone
while waiting for the car
windows to defrost, Lisa
has found extraordinary
beauty in the ordinary

Photography Week wants your photos!

Taken a portrait you’re particularly proud of? Shot a sensational sunset you’d like to
show off? Then join the Photography Week Facebook community and share your best
photos today! You’ll get feedback from fellow readers and the Photography Week
team, plus the chance to appear in Xposure, or even on our cover!
i N s p i r a t i o N

I T ’ S C O O L , T H AT
The best thing we’ ve seen this week

1,139 points of l ight

Light-painting photographer Darren Pearson shot 1,139 light-painted frames
over one whole year to create this amazing stop-motion animation video
arren Pearson is no stranger to photograph. The images were captured
D hard work, having wowed the
internet in 2013 with his
in various locations around California,
including Mono Lake, Big Sur, Trona
stop-motion animation video, ‘Light Pinnacles, Death Valley, Sequoia, Joshua
Goes On’, which featured 720 individual Tree, Lake Tahoe, San Francisco and LA.
images edited together, and garnered In order to create ‘Lightspeed’,
half a million views on YouTube. Darren says that he filled up several TAP TO
Now, Darren has released a new hard drives, had some close encounters
stop-motion video entitled ‘Lightspeed’. with rattlesnakes and drove for tens of
At over two minutes long, the video thousands of miles. V IDEO
consists of 1,139 frames, each a To see more of Darren’s work, visit
separate long-exposure, light painted his website via the link opposite.
o p I n i o N

v i e w p oi n t
have your say on the issues that mat ter
Nicolas Schneider
WE ASKED @ This technology from

“with improvements in Olympus is a great innovation, but

at the moment it works only when

technology like the you’re using a tripod and your

subject is completely still. So, yes,

sensor shifting feature I believe you still need full frame.

in the Olympus OM-D Dan Perl

Yes, you still need it for

E-M5 Mark II, do you narrower depth of field.

really need a full-frame Claire Gillo

There will always be a place

camera anymore?” for full-frame cameras among

professional and enthusiast
photographers. However, it’s really
interesting to see the advances
Here are your replies from Facebook... camera technology is making
across the market as a whole,
and the potential impact this
António frame. Whether or not you need could have on future camera
Laranjeira one, though, comes down to an models to come.
Wait and see... this individual’s type of shooting.
technology may be a game
changer, but the APS-C Sri Mezeke
format is not dead at all. At least one, yes.
Full-frame SLRs are seeing
their prices being cut every
year. Nowadays, we finally
have mirrorless cameras that
offer great image quality and
clever features, but we will
need to wait and see if this is
the future.

Carla Brito
I think that a full-frame
camera gives us more
autonomy to shoot different
types of photography.

Jason Mulcahy
The shift sensor
thing doesn’t replicate full

crash course

D ow nl oa d
projec t f il e s
h t t p : // t i n y. c c /p 0 4x t x
on a pc or mac

Make a smokin’ portrait

Add fire and smoke to your images with our guide to using blending modes
With layers and blending on the layers below. This makes it easy To fine-tune the effect you’ll need to be

modes it’s surprisingly easy
to combine images and
to integrate images of smoke and fire
over a base image. As long as the smoke
able to position and mask the smoke
and fire so that it’s perfectly aligned
create amazing fire effects and fire are photographed against a with the image below, making it look as
like this. The key to success here is the black background, then by changing though your subject is on fire. We’ll show
Lighten blending mode, which works the blending mode to Lighten you can you how to do this using a combination
by only showing pixels on the selected completely hide the black tones, so only of the Transform command and simple
layer that are brighter than the pixels the lighter parts of the layer are visible. layer masks.

Step by step: Make a smokin’ portrait

Open the images
Download the starting images
and open fire_before.jpg in
Photoshop Elements, then
go to File>Place. Navigate to
fire.jpg and hit OK. Position
and resize the fire over
the hand, then hit Enter to
apply. Go to the Layers Panel
(Window>Layers), click the
blending mode menu at the
top and choose Lighten.

Copy the effect
Grab the Move tool from
the Tools panel and ensure
Auto-Select Layer and Show
Bounding Box are checked.
Press Cmd/Ctrl+J to copy
the fire layer, then click the
bounding box and resize the
layer. Position it over the
thumb, then hit Enter to apply
the transformation.

Build it up
Make more copies of the fire
layer. Use the Move tool to
position and shape the fire
layers. Hold down Cmd/Ctrl
while dragging the corners to
skew the fire. To hide areas,
click the Add layer mask icon
in the Layers panel, then use
the Brush to paint with black.

Step by step: Make a smokin’ portrait

Add the smoke
Go to File>Place again and
choose smoke1.jpg. Position
the smoke and hit Enter, then
change the blending mode to
Lighten. Add a layer mask and
paint with black to hide parts
of the smoke and blend it. Add
more smoke, adjusting the
opacity to soften the effect.

Saturate the colors
Highlight the background
layer. Click the Create
adjustment layer icon in the
Layers panel and pick Hue/
Saturation. Drag Saturation up
to +45, then hit Cmd/Ctrl+I to
invert the layer mask to black.
Use the Brush to paint with
white over the face, hand and
tattoo to reveal the colors.

Burn in the shadows
Hold Alt and click the Create
new layer icon. In the New
Layer options choose Mode:
Overlay and check Fill with
Overlay-neutral color. Grab
the Burn tool, set Range to
Midtones and Exposure to
20%, then paint to darken
the parts of the body that are
further from the fire.
E d I T i N g


D ow nl oa d
projec t f il e s
h t t p : // t i n y. c c /p 0 4x t x
on a pc or mac



Tag images by loc at ion

In this video tutorial we show you how to use the GPS data embedded in your
images to pinpoint the shooting location of a photo in Lightroom’s Map module
fter a holiday it used to be (the satellite-based global positioning iPhone photos in this issue’s downloads
A common to print your snaps
and store them in an album.
system). These coordinates are stored
in the image’s metadata, so when you
that contain location coordinates.
Make sure you import the supplied
Indeed, you can gather your holiday- import it into Lightroom the software iPhone-sourced images into the
sourced photos together in a Lightroom can read the map coordinates and Library module so you can follow our
Collection. Alternatively, you can use display its location in the Map module. walkthrough. If your camera doesn’t
the Map module to present your photos Here you can see a map and little flags automatically geo-tag your photos
according to where they were captured. that indicate a geo-tagged image. Click then we’ll demonstrate how you can
When you take a photo on your to see any photos that were taken there. manually add location data to a photo
smart phone, the software records To demonstrate how the Map panel by dragging and dropping it onto the
the location of the photo using GPS works, we’ve provided you with some appropriate part of a map.

WANT TO Learn Teach yourself Lightroom faster? Get the whole course now!
If you don’t want to wait a whole year to learn Teach yourself Lightroom you can download our whole course
from the Photography Week app for just $19.99/£11.99. We’ll be including one part of the course every week
until the end of the year in the magazine, so the choice is yours: wait and take the course for free, or buy it
now and learn faster, with all the videos in one place!
tap here for more
Photography Week promotion

Canon’s new ultra wide-angle

lens is the perfect partner
for your EF-S 18-55mm kit
lens, enabling you to capture
big scenes with your APS-C


Canon EF-S 10-18mm

f/4.5-5.6 IS STM
ometimes your Canon EF-S latest technology: a four-stop Image f/4.5 aperture at 10mm, thanks to a
S 18mm kit lens just isn’t wide
enough; whether you’re
Stabilizer (IS) to ensure you capture
the sharpest possible shots, even
seven-blade circular aperture, you can
take creative scenic shots or portraits
shooting a big family portrait indoors, or when shooting handheld in low-light by focusing closely on your subjects,
you’re capturing a really big, stunning conditions, such as sunrises and while transforming the background into
scenic shot outdoors. That’s when you sunsets, or building interiors; the lens a beautiful blur to help them stand out.
need an ultra wide-angle lens in your also has cutting-edge Stepping Motor When you’re using a tripod and Live
camera bag. The new Canon EF-S Technology (STM) for smooth and View, you can also take advantage of
10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM is a super steady autofocusing – a real benefit the dedicated manual focus ring that
lightweight and compact ultra when you’re recording HD videos. allows full-time manual focusing for the
wide-angle zoom lens that will capture This lens has been designed ultimate in control and creativity.
wider viewpoints with ease. Designed specifically for digital photography, The Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6
for APS-C Canon EOS D-SLRs, such as with aspherical and UD elements IS STM is also impressively compact.
the 100D, 700D, 70D and 7D Mark II, you that correct spherical and chromatic At only 75mm in diameter and 72mm
can use the 10mm extra-wide focal aberrations that could otherwise spoil in length, it’s almost the same size as
length for shooting expansive your shots, while a Super Spectra the EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM kit
landscape shots, then zoom in to 18mm Coating ensures accurate colors and lens, and weighs just 35 grams more
when you want focus in on faraway high contrast, as well as suppressing – making it a great lightweight lens for
elements or people in your scene. The flare and ghosting – which can be an when you’re on your travels and you
10-18mm zoom range is equivalent to issue with some wide-angle lenses. want your equipment as small and as
16-29mm on a full-frame digital SLR. The minimum focusing distance of light as possible. Expand your horizons
The Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 22cm enables you to focus on close-up today with this fantastic EF-S ultra wide-
IS STM comes equipped with the very objects in your frame. Using the wide angle zoom lens.


Search: Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM

Get to know t he T ip s for top

c anon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS S T M s cenic shot s
A 10mm ultra wide-angle focal
67mm filter 22cm minimum length on your APS-C Canon EOS
thread size focusing distance D-SLR will capture much bigger
scenes and skies compared with
Manual 18mm on your kit lens.
Weight 240g focusing ring
First and last light of the day will
cast a softer, more atmospheric
Zoom ring and colorful light across the land.
Seven diaphragm
blades Try shooting into the sun for a
75mm diameter x creative landscape shot. Turn the
72mm length sunlight into a starburst effect (as
AF/MF focus pictured) by selecting a narrow
mode switch
Lens construction: 14 aperture of f/22.
elements/11 groups
For the sharpest possible shots
Four-stop when shooting handheld, use
Image Minimum apertures:
f/22 at 10mm the IS setting to combat any
f/29 at 18mm camera shake.

Maximum apertures: Include interesting elements

Stepping Motor in your landscapes, such as trees,
f/4.5 at 10mm
Technology (STM) and use the rule of thirds in
f/5.6 at 18mm
autofocus your compositions.
the b i g re v iew
Expert opinion on the l atest kit

sony A7 II
Sony has updated its popular A7 full-frame CSC with five-axis TAP TO
image stabilization. But is there enough new here to upgrade? WATCH T HE
Body only: £1,500 / $1,698
What’s more, these two cameras sensor is the same full-frame (35.8 x
(subsequently joined by the 12Mp Sony 23.9mm) 24Mp Exmor CMOS device as
A7S) are incredibly small for full-frame used in the original A7.
ony caused a major stir in the cameras, not too dissimilar in size to the Find out what our head of testing
S photographic world when it
introduced the 24Mp Alpha 7
Micro Four Thirds Olympus OM-D E-M1,
and offer a similar level of control.
thinks, as she puts Sony’s latest full-
frame camera through its paces.
and 36Mp Alpha 7R because they were Now Sony has created new waves of
the first compact system or mirrorless excitement by introducing an update to “Sony has created new
cameras to have full-frame sensors – the A7 in the guise of the A7 II. However, waves of excitement
the same size as a 35mm film frame. some may feel the changes are rather
This is something that has still yet to be small because, like the vast majority by introducing an
done by any other manufacturer. of the new camera’s components, the update to the A7”

sensor 24-megapixel Exmor CMOS Viewfinder 0.5-in 2.4-million-dot EVF Video Full HD (60p,
60i, 30p, 24p) ISO range 50-25,600 AF 117 phase-detection and 25 contrast detection points
max shutter speed 1/8000 sec Burst rate 5fps Screen 3-in, 1,228,800-dot tiltable LCD exposure compensation +/- 5EV
in 0.3EV steps memory SDHC Weight 894g Dimensions 127mm (W) x 96mm (H) x 60mm (D)
A P p s
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The key is to love and respect How that little graph can
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Editor Jeff Meyer
Art Editor Justin Webb
Account Director Steven Raynes Head of Digital
Matt Bailey
 App Production TESTING TEAM Bessie Wedgwood
Head of Testing App Release Manager
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 Producer Emma Harvey
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Rodney Dive

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