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A Lesson Plan in English Grade 3

Subject Matter: Sequencing Events in a Story Date: November 22, 2021

Teacher: Lyra Shane D. Siloy

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

After a series of activities, the students with 80% accuracy should be able to:
a. identify the meaning and importance of sequencing events;
b. sequence the events by using the correct time order words;
c. and organize the ideas in different scenarios.
II. Learning Content
a. Subject Matter: Sequencing Events in a Story
b. Sources
Web Sources:
c. Materials: laptop, printed pictures, projector, paper strips
III. Learning Experiences
Stimulating Activity
The teacher will show some pictures. Then, the teacher will ask some ideas from
the students about what they think about the pictures posted. Afterwards, the teacher
will let two students tell to the class about the things they usually do before going to
Actual Activity
After the activity, the teacher will ask the students the following questions:
 How important is it to arrange the tasks correctly?
 What will happen if the events are not arranged properly?
 Aside from the events in our life, is it also important to know on how to arrange
the events in a story properly?
 Why or why not?


Sequencing events in a story is the sequence of events from first to last. It helps
the readers to retell the most important parts of the story in order.

Time order words tell us the order in which events happen. They allow us to
understand the sequence of events in chronological order, from first to last. These are
words such as first, next, then, finally, and so on.

After the discussion, the teacher will let the students describe the events
presented in the pictures using the time order words.
Follow up Activity

The teacher will present a passage, and she will let the students read it. Afterwards, the
teacher will post some strips of paper on the board containing some events of the story. Then,
the teacher will randomly call students one by one to arrange the events.
Matt is a dog. He likes to dig holes. One day, Matt was digging a hole in his
back yard. Soon, he found a bone that he hid in the ground the day before. Matt was
so happy that he began running around with the bone in his mouth. When he got
tired of running, Matt started to chew on the bone. Later, he went to take a nap.

Next, he found a bone. First, Matt dug a hole. Then, he began running around.

Last, Matt went to take a nap. After that, he chewed on the bone.

Answer key:

1. First, Matt dug a hole.

2. Next, he found a bone.
3. Then, he began running around.
4. After that, he chewed on the bone.
5. Last, Matt went to take a nap.


The students will answer a paper pencil test for ten minutes.

I. Instructions: Read the passage in each number and arrange the events afterwards by writing
numbers 1-5 on the blanks provided.

It was early in the morning, Kate woke up hungry. She got dressed.
Then, she went in the kitchen. She got a small pan and cooked some bacon
and eggs. The bacon was so crispy and good! After that, Kate put a few
cookies on a plate and ate them with a glass of milk.

_____ She cooked bacon and eggs.

_____ She went in the kitchen.

_____ Kate wake up.

_____ She ate cookies with milk.

_____ She got dressed.

Answer key: 4-3-1-5-2

It was a hot, hot day. Sarah and Blake wanted to set up a stand to sell
lemonade. They made lemonade by mixing water, lemons, and sugar. Next,
they set up a table and put out cups. After that, they made a big sign. Sarah
and Blake sold it for fifty cents per cup. Lots of people came to buy their
drinks. At the end of the day, Sarah and Blake had twenty dollars!

_____ They made a sign.

_____ They made the lemonade.

_____ They set up a table and put out cups.

_____ They made twenty dollars.

_____ Lots of people bought the lemonade.

Answer key: 3-1-2-5-4

II. Instructions: Arrange the pictures according to their sequence by writing numbers on the

Answer key: 2-4-3-1


Answer key: 4-5-3-1-6-2


Answer key: 3-2-4-6-5-1

IV. Assignment

Write a paragraph about your day. Arrange the events properly using the time order
words given in the box.

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