Important Questions HoEA

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Unit – 1

1 Differentiate between Liwan-Iwan and Mimbar-mihrab.

2 Briefly explain the Dome of Rock with neat sketches.
3 Define madarsa, tomb, qanat, chadar with neat sketches.
1 What is the difference between a minaret and a dome? Explain
with neat sketches.
2 Elaborate on the materials used in Indo-Islamic architecture
with suitable examples.
(Essay Questions for 8 Marks)
Unit – 1
1 Briefly explain the components of the mosque with neat sketches.
2 Elaborate on different types of Islamic arches with suitable
examples and neat sketches.
3 Differentiate between Squinch and Pendentive domes with suitable
sketches and examples.
4 Elaborate on different types of Islamic architecture domes with
suitable examples and neat sketches.
1 Explain any example of Islamic architecture in India with Turkish
Influence/ Ottoman architecture.
2 Explain the rise of Islamic architecture in India and its influence
on the indigenous architecture.
3 Describe the evolution of the Islamic garden with neat sketches.
1 Elaborate on the differences between the Hindu Temple
Architecture and Islamic Religious Architecture.
2 With a suitable example and neat sketches, explain the concept of
Chahar Bagh and the elements incorporated.
3 Explain with neat sketches the garden of Alhambra or Garden of

Unit – 2
1 Name various Imperial sultanates in India.
2 Name some of the first examples of Islamic architecture in India
during the slave dynasty.
3 Briefly describe the characteristics of Alai Darwaza.
1 What are the different types of structures constructed during the
Tughlaq dynasty? Name a few.
2 What is the contribution of Sayyids and Lodis to the Islamic
architecture of India?
(Essay Questions for 8 Marks)

z Elaborate on the Qutub Complex with neat sketches.

2 Explain Tughalqabad fort with neat sketches with insights into
site planning.
3 Explain Khirki Mosque and Firoz Shah Tughlaqs tomb with neat
4 Elaborate on various types of tombs constructed during Sayyids
and Lodis.
1 Mohammed bin Tughlaq shifted his capital from Delhi to
Daulatabad. Explain the impact of capital shift on the architecture
of the coming times.
2 Explain the evolution of tombs from Iltutmish’s tomb of slave
dynasty to Khan-i- Jahan- Tilangani’s tomb of the Tughlaq
3 Compare and contrast the Tughlaqabad fort and Firoz Shah Kotla
citing the scoi-economic and political conditions. Draw sketches
wherever necessary.
1 Explain Firoz Shah Kotla with neat sketches.
2 Elaborate on Alai Darwaza and its contribution to Indo Islamic
architecture. Draw sketches wherever necessary.
3 Explain Skinader Lodi’s tomb with neat sketches of plan and

(Short Answer Questions for 2 marks)

Unit – 3
1 Draw Plan and section of Eklakhi Tomb.
2 Differentiate between Imperial style Architecture and the Provincial
style of the Sultanate Period
3 Draw Plan and elevation of Adina Masjid, Pandua.
1 Differentiate between the Provincial architecture of Malwa and
2 Draw plan and elevation of Tomb of Hazrat Shah Rukn-e-Alam.
(Essay Questions for 8 Marks)

1 Elaborate on the term 'PROVINCIAL ARCHITECTURE' concerning

geography, material, architecture and aesthetics with neat
2 Elaborate on the Provincial style architecture of Jaunpur with any
case example with neat sketches.
3 Explain Jahaz Mahal Mandu and Feroz Minar Bengal with neat
4 Explain the Provincial style of Bengal with any two case examples
with neat sketches.
1 In detail explain the Gujarati Sultanate Architecture with a case
example of 'Rani ka vav' or 'Champaner Fort' with neat sketches.
2 Elaborate on the architecture of Charminar and its significance.
3 Explain the architecture of Ibrahim Rouza at Bijapur with the plan,
elevation, sections and other details.
1 Differentiate between Jami Masjid of Khambat and Jami Masjid of
Pandua with neat sketches.
2 Elaborate on the architecture of Golconda fort with neat sketches.
3 Explain on the construction technique of Gol Gumbaz Bijapur with
neat sketches.

(Short Answer Questions for 2 marks)

Unit – 4
1 Name few buildings constructed during Babur’s reign.
2 What is the major architectural development from Akbar to
3 Why is Shahjahans period is known as golden era of Islamic
architecture in India?
1 Explain Diwan-i-Khas with neat sketch.
2 Explain the fall of Islamic architecture towards the end of Mughal
rule in India.
(Essay Questions for 8 Marks)

1 Explain the architectural characteristics of Agra Fort with neat

2 Describe Humayun’s tomb with neat sketches.

3 Explain Taj Mahal with neat sketches.

4 Elaborate on Bibi ka Maqbara with neat sketches.
1 a) How did the political conditions during Humayun influence
the Islamic architecture in the coming days?
b) Explain the similarities and dissimilarities between the
architecrual styles during Akbar and Shahjahan’s period.
2 a) Explain the influence of socio-economi, political and cultural
conditions in evolution of Islamic architecture during
b) How different were the conditions as compared to the Slave
3 “Rulers patronage was important for the arts and architecture to
flourish.” Explain the above statement with few examples from the
Mughals rule.
1 Explain Red fort with neat sketches.

2 Draw a neat sketch and explain the Buland Darwaza.

3 Explain various types of buildings in the Fatehpur Sikri. Explain
with some examples and neat sketches.

(Short Answer Questions for 2 marks)

Unit – 5
1 Define Indo-Saracenic Architecture with neat sketches and
2 Draw the Elevation of Rumi Darwaza and label it neatly.
3 Draw plan and elevation of Chowmalla Palace Hyderabad.
1 Differentiate between Pre-Mughal architecture and Post-Mughal
Architecture with a case example.
2 Draw the Elevation of Bom Jesus Church, Goa and specify the
material used for the construction.
(Essay Questions for 8 Marks)
Unit – 5
Q.No. Question
1 Elaborate on Post-Mughal Architecture and its salient features
with relevant sketches.
2 How did Lucknow's Nawabi Architecture differ from Hyderabad's
Nawabi Architecture? Explain with architectural differences and
neat sketches.
3 Explain the architecture of Central Vista, New Delhi, with neat
4 Explain the Influential architecture in the churches of Goa with
neat sketches.
1 How is Rajputana Architecture of Jaipur different from that of
Udaipur? Explain architecture features and materials.
2 Explain the morphology of Gwalior Fort and describe the salient
Islamic features seen in the Fort complex with neat sketches.
3 Differentiate between the architecture of Goa and Pondicherry
with neat sketches and examples. Elaborate on the materials and
color also.
1 Why is Victoria Memorial considered an impressive example of
Indo-Saracenic Architecture? Justify the statement with neat

2 Elaborate on Bombay's Art Deco Style and why it was nominated

for the UNESCO World heritage List?
3 What is meant by Fort Architecture? How is the Fort Architecture
of Coastal India different from the Fort Architecture of the Western
part of India? Explain with neat sketches.

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