ABB Turbo Systems LTD - Activity Report 2010

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ABB Turbo Systems Ltd

Activity Report 2010


Highlights in 2010 4/5

What to expect in 2011 6/7
Key figures 8/9
Outlook 2011 10
Organization 11


Markets recovered The year 2010 looked set to be one of steady recovery. In the event, the speed of
the upturn exceeded expectations. Order intake increased rapidly at the beginning
faster and better of the year and then stayed at a consistent plateau. This brought the welcome
than expected. problem of rapidly increasing production of new turbochargers and the equally wel-
come effect that the realignment measures we had initiated were not all necessary.
In sales terms, on new turbochargers we exceeded our budget by 60 %, and
though the effect was not as marked on the service side, we still had our best year
to date.

Our markets contributed to the recovery to very different extents, but we know our
applications. We were prepared for turbochargers for high- and medium-speed
engines to lead the way, and this is how it happened. The marine sector remained
difficult, which affects sales of turbochargers for low-speed engines most, followed
by medium-speed engines. Nonetheless, business developed better than we had
assumed as ship owners began to break even and building increased, but pressure
on prices was strong.

In this situation, the advantages of being involved in all the markets for large engine
turbochargers came to the fore. On the medium-speed side, there was strong
demand for diesel power stations as financing became available again and these
are on a much shorter construction lead time than ships. The shortest end product
lead times in our markets are of course in the high-speed sector. Both the heavy
off-highway vehicles and the stationary engines which use our turbochargers
showed strong growth and had an impact on our order intake and revenues.

The service business continued its upward trend and set records for both order
intake and revenues in 2010. This was based on the reorganizations we carried out,
our unrivaled customer proximity via our extensive service network, the compe-
tence of our service technicians and the high quality and availability of our original
ABB Turbocharging spare parts.

Likewise, there is good news to report on the product developments which will secure At 80 GW, the
our future on all time frames – short, medium and long term. The high efficiency
and high pressure ratios of our A100 generation of single stage turbochargers are
lower limit of global
enabling engine builders to meet IMO Tier II emissions limits at minimized fuel production of
consumption. Crucially, we are just as confident of having the solutions the engine turbocharged
industry will need for IMO Tier III with our Power2 two stage turbocharging, VCM
variable valve timing system and compact SCR systems. Together, they are set to shift
engine power was
our role to a supplier of cohesive engine systems with a common target as well as reached.
stand-alone products.

We can already report a good start into 2011. We have picked up where we left off
last year, and as demand for turbocharged engine power continues to grow we will
further strengthen our market position. On the service side, the programs we started
have increased effectiveness and the turbochargers added to our world population
by the high deliveries of the past few years are “coming of age” and starting to need
after-sales care. This represents one of our strongest chances for expansion in
2011 and beyond.

In sum, as 2011 unfolds we can say with some satisfaction that our business is
doing well at present and is well positioned for the future. The foundations are
the new products we are developing and the moves we have made in our sales,
service and production networks.

In all this, of course, the dependable commitment of our employees, the support
of our suppliers and, most important, the goodwill of our customers all around the
world are the indispensable foundations on which we can build our future. My
thanks in advance.

Daniel Arnet

Highlights in 2010

Leveraging recovering markets. Turning the need for

improved environmental compatibility into innovations.
Moving large engine technology forward.

Developing capacity to suit the market A100 generation Ecology in focus

The restructuring we started in 2009 In a fine display of our technical expert- Further progress was made with two
was completed in 2010, a year in which ise, 2010 saw three planned additions stage turbocharging. Power2, as the
the highs and lows in turbocharger and to the A100 family of high pressure, high ABB Turbocharging solution is now
spares production were intensive and efficiency turbochargers – the A180-L, known, represents the next level in high
tightly packed. The start of the year was A185-L and A190-L – reach the market pressure turbocharging. It is an enabler
characterized by downturn measures right on schedule. An exciting aspect of the next generation of cleaner, more
like revising capacity, equipment inven- was the 75.8 % efficiency recorded dur- powerful and more efficient combustion
tories, and production space and build- ing final testing of the A190-L, the highest engines.
ings. Then, suddenly and surprisingly, ever achieved.
the new turbocharger business ramped In 2010 two gas engines featuring
up strongly, especially in the second half This critical turbocharger characteristic, Power2 were officially launched and a
of the year. It was of course pleasant together with the high pressure ratios of pilot application in the field is meeting
that we were able to reassess the con- the A100 generation, are the foundation expectations. The two stage turbo -
tingencies and see available capacity fill of the A100’s rapidly growing popularity. charged engines have higher efficiency,
up again. But both we and our suppliers During 2010 over 100 of our A100-L higher power density and more stable
had to make considerable – but highly turbochargers were contracted for slow performance under unfavorable ambient
worthwhile – fast track efforts to keep up speed engines. The total of over 200 now conditions. Together with lead customer
with the increase in demand. specified includes all sizes as well as GE Jenbacher, we are pioneering new
applications with VTG variable turbine engine technology which is already con-
Against this exacting background we geometry. firming its benefits economically, ecologi-
nevertheless delivered the first four cally and in terms of engine performance.
of our new, largest A100 turbocharger This immediate customer acceptance is
types on time to our customers. excellent in view of the slow market for Next steps
2-stroke engines. It reflects how eagerly Further qualification of Power2 technol-
customers had waited for turbochargers ogy is needed for diesel engine applica-
that deliver the combination of compli- tions and corresponding testing is
ance with the now enacted IMO Tier II underway. Designed to interact with
limits on engine exhaust emissions and Power2 to gain additional impacts on
minimized fuel consumption. engine fuel consumption and emissions

are VCM valve control management Service as an OEM competence Availability targets achieved
being developed with German partner In 2010 our service network was further Meeting delivery became a special focus
Schaeffler Technologies and compact optimized. Alexandria followed Suez as in 2010. The uneven ordering patterns
SCR, an on-engine selective catalytic our second station in Egypt while our for new turbochargers, the speed of the
NOx reduction system being developed Stations in Cagua / Venezuela, Baku / recovery and resulting adjustments
with Swiss partner Hug Engineering. Azerbaijan, Sydney /Australia and Auck- to the right sizing plan made reliable
land / New Zealand were closed. The scheduling challenging. Nevertheless,
Both VCM and compact SCR progressed sales.2010 program targeting improve- over the total production network
through their development stages. On a ments in efficiency and effectiveness the target of 95 % for availability was
test engine in Norway VCM demonstrated within the network bore fruit in many attained. The service network func-
its functionality and advantages com- areas. One was more effective feedback tioned smoothly and parts availability
pared with other variable valve train sys- from the market via the technical advi- above the established 98 % benchmark
tems. The NOx reduction potential of the sors appointed under the program, was comfortably achieved.
compact SCR system located between bringing considerably faster resolution
the high and low pressure turbine of a of product issues.
Power2 two stage turbocharging system
was demonstrated on a test engine in Record sales and revenues proved that
Switzerland. the quality of our service is appreciated,
but we perceived an increase in copy
Together, Power2, the compact SCR parts circulating in the market. Counter-
system and VCM form interacting NO x measures are being taken. Overall, we
reduction systems to assist our engine are stressing the customer benefits of
builder customers to attain compliance service carried out by our highly quali-
with the strict IMO Tier III NO x limits due fied technicians using our original parts.
in 2016. They are set to change our role Both the quality of our parts and the
and perspective to that of systems training of our technicians embody the
provider to the large engine industry. technology, knowledge and expertise
available only to the OEM. Our message
is that they result in more economic
turbocharger care, especially in the long

What to expect in 2011
The upturn is reaching the service business. Developments are
focused on IMO Tier III and beyond. Quality continues to
have highest priority. A new management team will take over
their duties.

Two years on and overhaul. We are thus planning and generation. This is both a promise to our
While sales of new turbochargers will preparing for a significant increase in customers and a declaration of intent to
continue to recover as the world economy service orders. The investments and fight those of our competitors trying to
improves, we can leverage the fuel projects of previous years like sales.2010 gain market share using inferior, unau-
saving and operating flexibility benefits will also continue to pay off. The target thorized copies of ABB Turbocharging
of the A100 generation to grow faster is to use after-sales offerings closely tai- parts.
than our competitors. In the service lored to customer needs to extend our
business, the turbochargers delivered in market share, especially in the servicing
the boom years will begin to “come of of TPL and TPS turbochargers and in
age” and require maintenance, repair the supply of spares for the VTR . . 4

New horizons Quality as our competitive edge senior management level. Overall
Our overall focus is driven by the need Quality is a constant challenge. As an responsibility for the Business Unit is
to improve the environmental compati- important element in the perceived assumed by Oliver Riemenschneider.
bility of combustion engines. As a long- quality of our products and services, His previous position as manager of
standing technology leader with plans to on-time delivery will of course remain a sales, marketing and service is taken
extend our portfolio, we will continue to major emphasis in 2011. The bench- over by Axel Kettmann. Rolf Schweizer
invest in products that lead to cleaner marks have been set high – attaining leaves his roles as senior manager of
engines. 95 % across the whole production net- new business and takes responsibility
work for new business and maintaining for the worldwide service network. He is
In 2011 this means finalizing the devel- the established 98 % minimum for spare replaced by Christoph Rofka, formerly
opment of the A100. This will be signi- parts. In addition, less noticeable manager of new business in the medium-
fied by the release of the largest two aspects are under the quality spotlight, speed engine segment.
turbochargers with radial turbines, the as for example small blemishes on
A150-M & A155-M, and the smallest paintwork, cosmetic damage to packag- The presidency of ABB Turbo Systems
size for low speed 2-stroke engines, ing and or other imperfections. These Ltd, the national organization in Switzer-
the A165-L. Looking at our products things must be taken seriously, because land, is taken over by Urs Gribi. He
focusing specifically on IMO Tier III as the number one in the market we hands over leadership of technology,
emissions legislation, an emphasis will wish to set the standard even in the research and development to Christian
be to win lead customers for our VCM small things that can affect our image. Roduner, who thereby also assumes
valve control management and compact responsibility for the Test Center.
SCR products while also expanding our Changes at the top Maurizio Boschetti will take over the
Power2 market coverage. This will In the course of the year 2011, respon- management of the Swiss producing
include agreeing testing of two stage sibilities change hands in the ABB works and the global production net-
turbocharging with additional customers Turbocharging business. Three manage- work.
on further engines, and the first devel- ment committee members, Daniel Arnet,
opment agreement with a customer for Willy Kuhn and Bernhard Schönung In this way solutions have been found
VCM. The compact SCR concept will be reach the age limit and retire from their which guarantee the necessary and
validated on-engine for use with both executive duties. These changes set in desirable elements of continuity and
distillate and heavy fuels. motion a number of further moves at smooth handover of responsibilities.

Key figures 2010

TPS, TPC population TPL . . -A, TPL . . -C, TPR population TPL . . -B population

[units] [units] [units]

50000 8500 3000
45000 7650 2700
40000 6800 2400
35000 5950 2100
30000 5100 1800
25000 4250 1500
20000 3400 1200
15000 2550 900
10000 1700 600
5000 850 300
0 0 0
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

Our recovery in 2010 marked a satisfactory departure into
a new business cycle where demand is expected to grow more
sustainably. Revenues and especially order intake exceeded
budgets by far. As well as absorbing all the costs associated
with matching production to the available market, we invested
in two new generations of products.

New business Potentials to projects Investments in new equipment for

After living from business booked at In 2010 the strategic product develop- production and service amounted to
the height of the last business cycle, in ment partnerships started in 2009 12.7 million CHF, likewise signaling our
2010 we were able to refill our order and 2010 began to make their mark on intention to maintain our status as
books, particularly with turbochargers our investments in R & D. Two distinct market and technology leader.
for high- and medium-speed engines. directions emerged: stand-alone turbo-
chargers for engine generations meeting
Demand for turbocharger service grew current emissions legislation and com-
less rapidly but still resulted in record plete systems of interacting technologies
levels of order intake and revenues. addressing much stricter future regula-
These again justified our strong invest- tions. Our R & D investment level of
ments in the service network while also 8.6 % from our revenues reflect this two-
validating our pragmatic, selective pronged commitment to giving customers
approach to Service Station siting based the products they need now and in the
on economic sustainability. longer term.

[units] 26 Marine (units)
10000 24 Stationary (units)
9000 22 Traction (units)
20 Turbocharged engine power (GW)
6000 14
5000 12
4000 10
3000 8
1000 2
0 0
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
(All data refer to ABB Turbo Systems Ltd only)

Outlook 2011

The skills and dedication of our man- Different customers have different needs. The integration of the Test Center into
agement and workforce have enabled Learning to understand this and using the Engineering Division and the simpli-
us to get the business back on course the knowledge to develop tailored ser- fied processes closely aligned to this
for growth after a period of recession vice solutions will be what shapes our new set up will allow us to qualify turbo -
and adjustments. Rapid progress with future success. chargers more efficiently and effectively.
our new technologies and the continu-
Axel Kettmann, Service Bernhard Schönung, Test Center
ing success of our established core
products and services reflect a business
in good shape and ready for an exciting Total commitment from the business We have experienced turbulent times.
future. unit’s production network is the firm Nonetheless we have continued to
foundation of the aspiration to be invest in product development and new
Daniel Arnet, President
number one in the production of turbo - equipment. Our customers will benefit
chargers and their spare parts. from simultaneous reductions in fuel
We are on the threshold of a paradigm consumption and emissions.
Willy Kuhn, Production
change, from a supplier of stand-alone
Darko Fux, Finance and Controlling
products to a supplier of interacting
systems. To maximize our opportunities The potentials for fuel saving, higher
we must offer tailored solutions while power and lower emissions inherent to We are taking advantage of the present
keeping feasibility in mind. the new products we are developing are momentum to develop our business
the essential ingredients for our cus- across all its disciplines while paying full
Oliver Riemenschneider,
tomers’ success. They allow them to attention to every colleague’s personal
Sales and Marketing
comply with legislation while at the needs and resources.
same time increasing their productivity
Beat Kunz, Human Resources
Many roads lead to Rome. This also and profitability.
applies to IMO Tier III compliance. ABB
Urs Gribi, Technology
has the technological building blocks
and the know-how to enable our cus-
tomers to achieve this strict emissions

Rolf Schweizer, New Turbochargers

as of December 31, 2010

Board of Directors
Veli-Matti Reinikkala Chairman of the Board, President ABB Process Automation
Daniel Arnet Delegate, ABB Turbo Systems Ltd
Jasmin Staiblin Board Member, President and Country Manager ABB Switzerland
Rajagopal Kannabiran Board Member, Country CFO, ABB Switzerland

Management Committee
Daniel Arnet President
Oliver Riemenschneider Sales and Marketing
Darko Fux Finance and Controlling
Urs Gribi Engineering
Willy Kuhn Production
Beat Kunz Human Resources
Bernhard Schönung Test Center

Ernst & Young AG, Basel

ABB Turbo Systems Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of ABB Switzerland Ltd, Baden / Switzerland


© 2011 ABB Turbo Systems Ltd, Baden / Switzerland

ABB Turbo Systems Ltd
Bruggerstrasse 71 a
CH-5401 Baden / Switzerland
Phone: +41 58 585 7777
Fax: +41 58 585 5144


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