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PART 1: READING (40 x 0.2 = 8 points)

Questions 1-18: Choose the best answer.
1. My mum her things and then can’t find them!
a. puts/ down B. puts/ through C. puts/ off D. puts/ on
2. She got a very good _ for her essay: A+.
a. exam B. mark C. degree D. university
3. Does it annoy you when you have to in a shop?
a. describe B. deliver C. queue D. choose
4. People go to the to pay for a journey on a train, or a concert.
a. tickets office B. offices ticket C. office ticket D.
ticket office
5.Sara’s so She doesn‟t laugh much and she never makes jokes
a. serious B. careless C. anxious D. shy
6. I couldn‟t have shower this morning because the water wasn‟t
a. too warm B. enough warm C. warm enough D. too
much warm
7. If I ,I up smoking.
a. were/’d give B.am/’ll give C. were/ should give D.
am/shall give
8. He couldn‟t concentrate on his work
a. do B. doing C. to do D. not to do
9. Adam said, “My little sister isn‟t going to come to my b irthday party ”
a. Adam said to us that my little sister wasn‟t going to come to my
birthday party
b. Adam told that his little sister w sn‟t going to come to his irthd y p
c. Adam told me that his little sister wasn‟t going to come to his
birthday party
d. Adam said that his little sister isn‟t going to come to his birthday
10. This is the woman son is so clever.
a. that B. which C. whom D. whose
11. She was afraid because she before.
a. had never flown B.didn’t fly C. has never flown D.
don’t fly
12. That girl is the in her class.
a. smaller B. smallest C. most small D.
more small
13. Have you got more coffee, Mum?
a. some B. any C. many D. a
14. “ ____were you last night?” “ In Paris ”
a. Where B. Who C. Why D. When
15. They to have supper at 10 tonight.

a. went B. was going C. are going D. go.
16. Where is the medicine? It is the bottle.
a. into B. on C. at D. in
17. She hasn’t met her sister 2000
a. during B. since C. for D. still
18. If I were in your shoes, I meet him any more.
a. would not B. should not C. will not D. may not

Questions 19-20: For each questions, choose the correct answer

Customers may park outside the market for up to
three hours.
You may unload your vehicle here at any time.
Customers may park here at times when vehicles
are not unloading.

From 15 September museum visitors

will have to join a group

will be free to go round alone
will have to pay for a tour guide

Questions 21-25:
Reading the passage carefully and then choose the correct answers.
One day last November, Tom Baker stepped out of his house into the morning light and headed
across the rice fields toward the bank of Rapti River. Tom, a 32-year-old school teacher in the
farming village of Madanpur, was going.for his morning bath.
As he approached the river, the head of a tiger suddenly appeared over the edge of the river bank.
Before he could turn to run, the tiger was upon him to the ground. Its huge jaws attacked his head in
a killing bite..
Peter Smith was also on his way to the river and saw the attack. He screamed. The tiger lifted its
head and roared at him. Peter ran.
From the window of his house John Brown heard the tiger roaring and ran out to see it attacking a
man. He screamed, too, and all the villagers ran out shouting as the tiger dropped its victim and ran
off. When the villagers reached the river bank, Tom was already dead.
For the villagers, the horror of incident was intensified by the tales of man-eating tigers that had
once run around in the countryside, killing hundreds of people.
21. How many people saw the tiger attacking a man before it was driven off?
A. One person B. Two persons
C. Three persons D. Four persons

22. What was the victim’s professional job?
A. A hunter B. A teacher
C. A farmer D. A manager
23. The reason why the tiger attacked the man was that .
A. it was hungry B. it was angry
C. it was frightened by the man D. not mentioned in the passage
24. When did the attack happen?
A. Early in the morning B. At noon
C. Late in the afternoon D. At five before dark
25. According to the passage, the underlined word “screamed” in the third paragraph
probably means .
A. gave a sharp cry because of fear B. shouted out for help
C. made some loud noise D. cried out in pain

Questions 26-35 Choose the correct words to complete the passage.

Valentine‟s day is always on Feruary 14. It’s not (26) day. On weekdays, schools are
(27) . .Banks are open. People go to work. Life goes on (28)_____ , but there is one difference.
People give cards and gifts to friends (29) people they love. They say, ‘Be my
Valentine‟ There are many kinds of Valentine cards. Some people make cards. (30) people buy
them. Men and women often give each other romantic cards. These cards (31)___ ‘ I love you’.
The husbands give romantic cards to their (32)____.Children and friends usually give funny or
humorous cards. These cards do not say, ‘I love you‟ . They are not romantic. Children give cards
to their friends (33) school parties. Flowers and candies are popular (34) on Valentine‟s
Day. Many people give red roses to people they love. Stores sell chocolates and other candies in
heart (35) ____.

26. A. international B. festival C. national D. unimportant

27. A. open B. opening C. close D. closing
28. A. usually B. as usual C. normal D. different
29. A. because B. if C. unless D. and
30. A. Much B. A lot C. Most D. Most of
31. A. say B. tell C. talk D. report
32. A. people B. wife C. wifes D. wives
33. A. inside B. for C. on D. at
34. A. present B. gifts C. item D. thing
35. A. cards B. rings C. shapes D. flowers

Questions 36-40: For each question, write the correct answer.
Write one word for each gap.
Living on a boat
Fourteen-year-old Jon Adkins hasn't had a typical childhood. His parents had always intended
(36)__to buy a boat and sail round the world, and when Jon (37) was eight they did exactly
that. When they first told him of the plan, Jon felt sad about leaving his friends, (38) and____also
excited because of the adventures he would have. Since then, Jon has sailed over 8,000 km and
discovered that he loves living on a boat.
The boat (39) includes two sleeping cabins and Jon's cabin has just enough space to sit up in. In
the main cabin there's a desk where he studies every day, as he needs to continue his education.
Although he (40) _don’t___ have any teachers, he doesn't think his lifestyle will limit his
future choices. He plans to become a ship's captain, and is certain that life on a boat is excellent
preparation for this.

PART 2: WRITING (2 points)

Sentence transformation
1. The garden is too small to play football.
-> The garden isn’t big enough to play football .
2. “When did you arrive in England?” Maria asked Juan.
-> Maria asked Juan when she had arrived in England.
3. “I miss my family.”, said Maria.
-> Maria said she missed her family.
4. I couldn’t move this heavy table.
-> The table was too heavy for me to move.
5. Don’t cross the street outside the zebra crossing, Mary.
-> Peter told Mary not to cross the street outside the zebra
6. Your brother is too young to drive.
-> Your brother is not old enough to drive.
7. Mary said to me, “I saw you and your sister at the post office yesterday mornig.”
-> Mary told me that she had seen me and my sister at the post office the morning
8. He was too short to touch the picture on the wall.
-> He was not tall enough to touch the picture on the wall
9. “Where were you yesterday, John?” said Mary.
-> Mary asked John where he had been the day before.
10. They got up late, so they missed the train.
-> If they didn’t get up late, they wouldn’t miss train.

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